module Cat.Diagram.Sieve where
Given a category a sieve on an object Is a subset of the maps closed under composition: If then The data of a sieve on corresponds to the data of a subobject of considered as an object of
Here, the subset is represented as the function arrows
, which, given an arrow
(and its domain), yields a proposition representing inclusion in the
record Sieve : Type (o β ΞΊ) where no-eta-equality field arrows : β {y} β β (C.Hom y c) closed : β {y z f} (hf : f β arrows) (g : C.Hom y z) β (f C.β g) β arrows open Sieve public
The maximal
sieve on an object
is the collection of all maps
It represents the identity map
as a subfunctor. A
family of sieves can be intersected (the underlying predicate is the
β the universal quantifier), and this represents a wide pullback of
module _ {o β : _} {C : Precategory o β} where private module C = Cat.Reasoning C module PSh = Cat.Reasoning (PSh β C) open Precategory C Sieve-path : β {c} {x y : Sieve C c} β Path (β {y} β β (C.Hom y c)) (x .arrows) (y .arrows) β x β‘ y Sieve-path {x = x} {y} p i .arrows = p i Sieve-path {x = x} {y} p i .closed {f = f} hf g = is-propβpathp (Ξ» i β fun-is-hlevel {A = β p i f β} 1 (p i (f β g) .is-tr)) (Ξ» w β x .closed w g) (Ξ» w β y .closed w g) i hf instance homβSieve : β {c d} β Membership (C.Hom d c) (Sieve C c) _ homβSieve = record { _β_ = Ξ» x S β x β S .Sieve.arrows } sliceβSieve : β {c} β Membership (/-Obj {C = C} c) (Sieve C c) _ sliceβSieve = record { _β_ = Ξ» x S β x .map β S } Inclusion-sieve : β {U} β Inclusion (Sieve C U) _ Inclusion-sieve {U} = record { _β_ = Ξ» S T β β {V} (h : Hom V U) β h β S β h β T } Extensional-sieve : β {βr c} β¦ _ : Extensional (β {y} β C.Hom y c β Ξ©) βr β¦ β Extensional (Sieve C c) βr Extensional-sieve β¦ e β¦ = injectionβextensional! Sieve-path e H-Level-Sieve : β {c n} β H-Level (Sieve C c) (2 + n) H-Level-Sieve = basic-instance 2 $ embeddingβis-hlevel 1 (injectiveβis-embedding! Sieve-path) (hlevel 2) open PSh._βͺ_ open _=>_ open Functor
maximal' : β {c} β Sieve C c maximal' .arrows x = β€Ξ© maximal' .closed g x = tt intersect : β {c} {I : Type β} (F : I β Sieve C c) β Sieve C c intersect {I = I} F .arrows h = elΞ© ((x : I) β h β F x) intersect {I = I} F .closed x g = inc Ξ» i β F i .closed (β‘-out! x i) g
_β©S_ : β {U} β Sieve C U β Sieve C U β Sieve C U (S β©S T) .arrows f = S .arrows f β§Ξ© T .arrows f (S β©S T) .closed (Sf , Tf) g = S .closed Sf g , T .closed Tf g
Representing subfunctorsπ
Let be a sieve on We show that it determines a presheaf and that this presheaf admits a monic natural transformation The functor determined by a sieve sends each object to the set of arrows s.t. The functorial action is given by composition, as with the functor.
to-presheaf : β {c} β Sieve C c β PSh.Ob to-presheaf {c} sieve .Fβ d = el! (Ξ£[ f β C.Hom d c ] (f β sieve)) to-presheaf sieve .Fβ f (g , s) = g C.β f , sieve .closed s _
to-presheaf sieve .F-id = funext Ξ» _ β Ξ£-prop-path! (C.idr _) to-presheaf sieve .F-β f g = funext Ξ» _ β Ξ£-prop-path! (C.assoc _ _ _)
That this functor is a subobject of follows straightforwardly: The injection map is given by projecting out the first component, which is an embedding (since βbeing in a sieveβ is a proposition). Since natural transformations are monic if they are componentwise monic, and embeddings are monic, the result follows.
to-presheafβͺγ : β {c} {S : Sieve C c} β to-presheaf S PSh.βͺ γβ C c to-presheafβͺγ {S} .mor .Ξ· x (f , _) = f to-presheafβͺγ {S} .mor .is-natural x y f = refl to-presheafβͺγ {S} .monic g h path = ext Ξ» i x β Ξ£-prop-path! (unext path i x)
Pullback of sievesπ
If we have a sieve on and any morphism then there is a natural way to restrict the to a sieve on a morphism belongs to the restriction if the composite belongs to We refer to the resulting sieve as the pullback of along , and write it
pullback : β {u v} β C.Hom v u β Sieve C u β Sieve C v pullback f s .arrows h = el (f C.β h β s) (hlevel 1) pullback f s .closed hf g = subst (_β s) (sym (C.assoc f _ g)) (s .closed hf g)
If we consider the collection of βsieves on β as varying along as a parameter, the pullback operation becomes functorial. Since it is contravariant, this means that the assignment is itself a presheaf on
abstract pullback-id : β {c} {s : Sieve C c} β pullback s β‘ s pullback-id {s = s} = ext Ξ» h β biimp (subst (_β s) (C.idl h)) (subst (_β s) (sym (C.idl h))) pullback-β : β {u v w} {f : C.Hom w v} {g : C.Hom v u} {R : Sieve C u} β pullback (g C.β f) R β‘ pullback f (pullback g R) pullback-β {f = f} {g} {R = R} = ext Ξ» h β biimp (subst (_β R) (sym (C.assoc g f h))) (subst (_β R) (C.assoc g f h))
This presheaf has an important universal property: the natural transformations correspond naturally to the subobjects of Categorically, we say that is a subobject classifier in the category
Sieves : Functor (C ^op) (Sets (o β β)) Sieves .Fβ U .β£_β£ = Sieve C U Sieves .Fβ U .is-tr = hlevel 2 Sieves .Fβ = pullback Sieves .F-id = funext Ξ» x β pullback-id Sieves .F-β f g = funext Ξ» x β pullback-β
Generated sievesπ
Often, itβs more practical to define a family of maps, and
to obtain a sieve from this family after the fact. To this end, we
define a type Cover
for families of maps into a
common codomain, paired with their indexing type.
record Cover (U : β C β) β' : Type (o β β β lsuc β') where field {index} : Type β' {domain} : index β β C β map : β i β Hom (domain i) U
open Cover module _ {o β} {C : Precategory o β} where private module C = Cat.Reasoning C instance Underlying-Cover : β {β' U} β Underlying (Cover C U β') Underlying-Cover = record { β_β = index }
The sieve generated by a cover is the collection of maps that factor through at least one of the i.e., for a map it is the proposition
coverβsieve : β {β' U} β Cover C U β' β Sieve C U coverβsieve {U = U} f .arrows {W} g = elΞ© do Ξ£[ i β f ] Ξ£[ h β C.Hom W (f .domain i) ] (f .map i C.β h β‘ g) coverβsieve f .closed = rec! Ξ» i h p g β inc (i , h C.β g , C.pulll p)
Since the primary purpose of Cover
is to present sieves, we
register an instance of the β¦β§-notation
class, so that we can
write β¦ cov β§
instead of coverβsieve cov
mapβsieve : β {V U} β C.Hom V U β Sieve C U mapβsieve f .arrows g = elΞ© (Ξ£[ h β C.Hom _ _ ] (f C.β h β‘ g)) mapβsieve f .closed = rec! Ξ» g p h β inc (g C.β h , C.pulll p) instance β¦β§-Cover : β {β' U} β β¦β§-notation (Cover C U β') β¦β§-Cover = brackets _ coverβsieve