module 1Lab.Inductive where

open import 1Lab.Reflection
open import 1Lab.Univalence
open import 1Lab.Equiv
open import 1Lab.Type hiding (case_of_ ; case_return_of_)
open import 1Lab.Path

Automation for applying induction principles

When working with mixed truncations/products/quotients, the relevant
induction principles are often repeatedly applied in close succession,
like in the snippet below.

  □-rec! λ { (a , b , w) → □-rec! (λ { (c , d , x) →
      inc (c , d , inc (a , x , w)) }) b }

Applying these induction principles is entirely mechanical: like other
mechanical processes, it's annoying to do by hand, generates ugly code,
and causes a deep sense of existential uselessness. This module
implements automation for automatically applying these eliminators "as
far as possible", using overlapping instances.

The Inductive class

The core of the implementation for rec!/elim! is the Inductive class,
which is a slight misnomer. To support *nested* types with a single
constructor, the Inductive class is applied to a section of the motive,
not just base type. That is, if we want to simplify

  □ (□ A × □ (□ A)) → B
  ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ domain

we don't look for an instance of `Inductive domain`, we look for an
instance of `Inductive (domain → B)`. The relevant instances then
manipulate the entire function type at once, much like Extensional.

Writing rules

Like Extensional, instances of 'Inductive' should be maximally lazy, so
that the structural rules can fire as often as possible. That is,
instead of writing

  ⦃ _ : ∀ {x} → Inductive (P (inc x)) ⦄ → Inductive (∀ x → P x)

we write

  ⦃ _ : Inductive (∀ x → P (inc x)) ⦄ → Inductive (∀ x → P x)

record Inductive {} (A : Type ) ℓm : Type (  lsuc ℓm) where
    methods : Type ℓm
    from    : methods  A

open Inductive

private variable
   ℓ' ℓ'' ℓm : Level
  A B C : Type 
  P Q R : A  Type 

  -- The basic structural rules allow us to stop recurring (we can
  -- produce an A given an A) and to skip an argument, introducing a
  -- function type into the methods:

  Inductive-default : Inductive A (level-of A)
  Inductive-default .methods = _
  Inductive-default .from x  = x

    :  _ : {x : A}  Inductive (P x) ℓm 
     Inductive (∀ x  P x) (level-of A  ℓm)
  Inductive-Π  r  .methods  =  x  r {x} .methods
  Inductive-Π  r  .from f x = r .from (f x)

  {-# INCOHERENT Inductive-default #-}
  {-# OVERLAPPABLE Inductive-Π #-}

  -- Next, we have a rule for uncurrying pairs. This lets us handle types like
  --   □ (□ A × □ B) → C
  -- by factoring through
  --   □ (□ A × □ B) → C
  --   □ A × □ B → C
  --   □ A → □ B → C
  --   □ B → C

    :  {A : Type } {B : A  Type ℓ'} {C : (x : A)  B x  Type ℓ''}
      _ : Inductive ((x : A) (y : B x)  C x y) ℓm 
     Inductive ((x : Σ A B)  C (x .fst) (x .snd)) ℓm
  Inductive-Σ  r  .methods        = r .methods
  Inductive-Σ  r  .from f (x , y) = r .from f x y

    : {B : Lift  A  Type ℓ'}
      _ : Inductive (∀ x  B (lift x)) ℓm 
     Inductive (∀ x  B x) ℓm
  Inductive-Lift  i  = record { from = λ f (lift x)  i .from f x }

  -- However, we don't uncurry equivalences.

  Inductive-≃ : {C : A  B  Type ℓ''}  Inductive (∀ x  C x) _
  Inductive-≃ = Inductive-default

  {-# OVERLAPPING Inductive-≃ #-}

-- For constructing (dependent) functions, there are two distinct prefix
-- entry points: rec! and elim!. The difference is just in name, to
-- provide a modicum of documentation. In addition, they have an
-- explicit function type, so that the refine command will always
-- introduce a question mark.

rec! :  r : Inductive (A  B) ℓm   r .methods  A  B
rec!  r  = r .from

elim! :  r : Inductive (∀ x  P x) ℓm   r .methods   x  P x
elim!  r  = r .from

-- We also define versions of case_of_ and case_return_of_, shadowing
-- those from 1Lab.Type, which insert a rec!/elim!.

case_of_ :  { ℓ'} {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'}  r : Inductive (A  B) ℓm   A  r .methods  B
case x of f = rec! f x

case_return_of_ :  { ℓ'} {A : Type } (x : A) (B : A  Type ℓ')  r : Inductive (∀ x  B x) ℓm  (f : r .methods)  B x
case x return P of f = elim! f x

{-# INLINE case_of_        #-}
{-# INLINE case_return_of_ #-}

-- For path!, we insist on returning a PathP type. This helps infer the
-- line.

path! :  {B : I  Type } {f g}  r : Inductive (PathP B f g) ℓm   r .methods  PathP B f g
path!  r  = r .from

    :  {e : A  B} {C :  i  ua e i  Type } {f :  a  C i0 a} {g :  a  C i1 a}
      _ : Inductive ((x : A)  PathP  i  C i (ua-inc e x i)) (f x) (g (e .fst x))) ℓm 
     Inductive (PathP  i  (x : ua e i)  C i x) f g) ℓm
  Inductive-ua→  r  .methods = r .methods
  Inductive-ua→  r  .from f  = ua→  a  r .from f a)

    :  {e : A  B} {C :  i  ua e i  Type } {f :  {a}  C i0 a} {g :  {a}  C i1 a}
      _ : Inductive ((x : A)  PathP  i  C i (ua-inc e x i)) (f {x}) (g {e .fst x})) ℓm 
     Inductive (PathP  i  {x : ua e i}  C i x) f g) ℓm
  Inductive-ua→'  r  .methods = r .methods
  Inductive-ua→'  r  .from f  = ua→'  a  r .from f a)

    :  {e : A  B} {x : A} {y : B}
     Inductive (PathP  i  ua e i) x y) (level-of B)
  Inductive-ua-path {e = e} {x} {y} .methods = e .fst x  y
  Inductive-ua-path .from = path→ua-pathp _