module Cat.Instances.Presheaf.Omega {ℓ} (C : Precategory ℓ ℓ) where
The subobject classifier presheaf🔗
The purpose of this module is to prove that the category over a small precategory has a subobject classifier: the object is the presheaf of sieves and the generic subobject sends each to the maximal sieve on
tru : PSh-terminal => Sieves {C = C} tru .η x _ = maximal' tru .is-natural x y f = ext λ a {V} f → Ω-ua _ _
We must now show that each subobject of a presheaf is naturally associated to a map and that is the unique pullback of along Being a natural transformation of presheaves, we must construct, naturally in a function of sets sending each to a sieve on
To this end, at a map we produce the fibre of the subobject inclusion over the restriction of along The proof that this is closed under precomposition boils down to applications of functoriality and naturality, while the proof of naturality for the overall construction is just functoriality of
psh-name : {A : ⌞ PSh ℓ C ⌟} → Subobject A → A => Sieves {C = C} psh-name {A} P .η x e .arrows {y} h = elΩ (fibre (P .map .η y) (A ⟪ h ⟫ e)) psh-name {A} P .η x e .closed {f = f} = elim! λ x p g → let q = P .map .η _ (P .domain ⟪ g ⟫ x) ≡⟨ P .map .is-natural _ _ _ $ₚ _ ⟩≡ A ⟪ g ⟫ (P .map .η _ x) ≡⟨ ap₂ (A .F₁) refl p ⟩≡ A ⟪ g ⟫ (A ⟪ f ⟫ e) ≡⟨ PSh.collapse A refl ⟩≡ A ⟪ f ∘ g ⟫ e ∎ in inc (_ , q) psh-name {P} so .is-natural x y f = ext λ x {V} f → Ω-ua (□-map λ (e , p) → e , p ∙ PSh.collapse P refl) (□-map λ (e , p) → e , p ∙ PSh.expand P refl)
PSh-omega : Subobject-classifier (PSh ℓ C) PSh-omega .Subobject-classifier.Ω = Sieves {C = C} PSh-omega .Subobject-classifier.true .Sub.domain = _ PSh-omega .Subobject-classifier.true = tru PSh-omega .Subobject-classifier.true .Sub.monic _ _ _ = trivial! PSh-omega .generic .name = psh-name
We must now show that is the pullback of along To start with, we show that given any making the outer (deformed) square in the diagram
commute, we can turn sections into points in the fibre of over This will be used to define the desired “universal” map which appears dotted in the diagram.
PSh-omega .generic .classifies {A} P = record { has-is-pb = pb } where emb = is-monic→is-embedding-at (P .monic) square→pt : ∀ {P'} {p₁' : P' => A} {p₂' : P' => ⊤PSh} → psh-name P ∘nt p₁' ≡ tru ∘nt p₂' → ∀ {a} (b : P' ʻ a) → fibre (P .map .η a) (p₁' .η a b) square→pt {p₁' = p₁'} p {a} b = let prf : maximal' ≡ psh-name P .η _ (p₁' .η _ b) prf = sym (p ηₚ _ $ₚ b) memb : Σ[ e ∈ P .domain ʻ a ] P .map .η _ e ≡ (A ⟪ id ⟫ p₁' .η a b) memb = □-out (emb _) (subst (id ∈_) prf tt) in memb .fst , memb .snd ∙ PSh.F-id A
The construction works because commutativity of the diagram means that, over the value of the composition is the maximal presheaf, so it contains the identity morphism, which, following the type annotation above, means that we have some section sent by the inclusion to And since a monomorphism of presheaves is, componentwise, an embedding, there can be at most one such so we’re free to use it as the result of a function.
Some more boring naturality + functoriality computations show that this assignment is natural; And setting up so that the natural transformation is projecting from a fibre of means that, by construction, it satisfies the universal property of a pullback.
pb : is-pullback (PSh ℓ C) _ _ (NT (λ _ _ → _) (λ x y f → refl)) _ pb .square = ext λ i x {V} f → to-is-true (inc (_ , P .map .is-natural _ _ _ $ₚ _)) pb .universal path .η i e = square→pt path e .fst pb .universal {P' = P'} {p₁'} p .is-natural x y f = ext λ a → ap fst $ let (pt , q) = square→pt p a r = P .map .η y (P .domain ⟪ f ⟫ pt) ≡⟨ P .map .is-natural _ _ _ $ₚ _ ⟩≡ A ⟪ f ⟫ P .map .η x pt ≡⟨ ap₂ (A .F₁) refl q ⟩≡ A ⟪ f ⟫ (p₁' .η x a) ≡˘⟨ p₁' .is-natural _ _ _ $ₚ _ ⟩≡˘ p₁' .η y (P' ⟪ f ⟫ a) ∎ in emb _ (square→pt p _) (_ , r) pb .p₁∘universal {p = p} = ext λ a b → square→pt p b .snd pb .p₂∘universal = trivial! pb .unique {p = p} q r = ext λ a b → ap fst $ emb _ (_ , q ηₚ a $ₚ b) (square→pt p _)
We must now show that is the unique natural transformation that can make the square above a pullback. The gist of the proof is to assume that we have some other pullback diagram (with, say, name function and to use its universal property to “replay” the correspondence between fibres of and fibres of the universal natural transformation.
PSh-omega .generic .unique {A} {m = P} {nm} pb = ext λ i x {U} f → let emb = is-monic→is-embedding-at (P .monic)
First, we start with a fibre of over and turn this into a proof that is in the sieve Because the pullback diagram commutes, we know that is the maximal sieve; but our fibre is exactly an element satisfying so is also the maximal sieve. By naturality, this is the pullback of along and for a sieve to contain is precisely the statement that is maximal.
from : □ (fibre (P .map .η U) (A ⟪ f ⟫ x)) → f ∈ nm .η i x from fib = let (a , prf) = □-out (emb _) fib proof = maximal' ≡˘⟨ pb .square ηₚ U $ₚ a ⟩≡˘ nm .η U (P .map .η U a) ≡⟨ ap (nm .η U) prf ⟩≡ nm .η U (A ⟪ f ⟫ x) ≡⟨ nm .is-natural _ _ _ $ₚ _ ⟩≡ pullback f (nm .η i x) ∎ in subst (_∈ nm .η i x) (idr f) (subst (id ∈_) proof tt)
In the other direction, first note that we a natural transformation
below) from
and this transformation makes the diagram
commute. By the assumed universality of we have a natural transformation which composes with the inclusion to give back — in particular, it sends arrows to fibres of over
to : f ∈ nm .η i x → □ (fibre (P .map .η U) (A ⟪ f ⟫ x)) to wit = let fold-memb : to-presheaf (nm .η i x) => A fold-memb = λ where .η i (h , p) → A ⟪ h ⟫ x .is-natural x y f → ext λ g e → PSh.expand A refl includes : nm ∘nt fold-memb ≡ tru ∘nt Terminal.! PSh-terminal includes = ext λ j g hg {U} h → nm .η j (A ⟪ g ⟫ x) .arrows h ≡⟨ ap (λ e → e .arrows h) (nm .is-natural _ _ _ $ₚ _) ⟩≡ nm .η i x .arrows (g ∘ h) ≡⟨ to-is-true (nm .η i x .closed hg h) ⟩≡ ⊤Ω ∎ members→names : to-presheaf (nm .η i x) => P .domain members→names = pb .universal includes it = members→names .η U (f , wit) prf = P .map .η U it ≡⟨ pb .p₁∘universal ηₚ _ $ₚ _ ⟩≡ A ⟪ f ⟫ x ∎ in inc (it , prf) in Ω-ua to from