module Cat.Functor.Hom {o h} (C : Precategory o h) where
The Hom functorπ
We prove that the assignment of
in a Precategory
is a functor
, specifically a
bifunctor from
The action of
on a morphism
is given by
is acting by precomposition, the first coordinate is contravariant
Hom[-,-] : Functor ((C ^op) ΓαΆ C) (Sets h) Hom[-,-] .Fβ (a , b) = el (Hom a b) (Hom-set a b) Hom[-,-] .Fβ (f , h) g = h β g β f Hom[-,-] .F-id = funext Ξ» x β ap (_ β_) (idr _) β idl _ Hom[-,-] .F-β (f , h) (f' , h') = funext Ξ» where g β (h β h') β g β f' β f β‘β¨ cat! C β©β‘ h β (h' β g β f') β f βWe also can define βpartially appliedβ versions of the hom functor:
Hom[_,-] : Ob β Functor C (Sets h) Hom[ x ,-] .Fβ y = el (Hom x y) (Hom-set x y) Hom[ x ,-] .Fβ f g = f β g Hom[ x ,-] .F-id = funext (Ξ» f β idl f) Hom[ x ,-] .F-β f g = funext Ξ» h β sym (assoc f g h)
The Yoneda embeddingπ
Abstractly and nonsensically, one could say that the Yoneda embedding
is the exponential transpose of flipping
the Hom[-,-]
bifunctor. However, this
construction generates awful terms, so in the interest of
computational efficiency we build up the functor explicitly.
module _ where private γ : Functor C (Cat[ C ^op , Sets h ]) γ = Curry Flip where open import Cat.Functor.Bifunctor {C = C ^op} {D = C} {E = Sets h} Hom[-,-]
We can describe the object part of this functor as taking an object to the functor of map into with the transformation given by precomposition.
γβ : Ob β Functor (C ^op) (Sets h) γβ c .Fβ x = el (Hom x c) (Hom-set _ _) γβ c .Fβ f = _β f γβ c .F-id = funext idr γβ c .F-β f g = funext Ξ» h β assoc _ _ _
We also define a synonym for γβ to better line up with the covariant direction.
Hom[-,_] : Ob β Functor (C ^op) (Sets h) Hom[-,_] x = γβ x
Hom-from : Ob β Functor C (Sets h) Hom-from = Hom[_,-] Hom-into : Ob β Functor (C ^op) (Sets h) Hom-into = γβ
The morphism part takes a map to the transformation given by postcomposition; This is natural because we must show which is given by associativity in
γβ : Hom a b β γβ a => γβ b γβ f .Ξ· _ g = f β g γβ f .is-natural x y g = funext Ξ» x β assoc f x g
The other category laws from ensure that this assignment of natural transformations is indeed functorial:
γ : Functor C Cat[ C ^op , Sets h ] γ .Fβ = γβ γ .Fβ = γβ γ .F-id = ext Ξ» _ g β idl g γ .F-β f g = ext Ξ» _ h β sym (assoc f g h)
The morphism mapping γβ
has an inverse, given
by evaluating the natural transformation with the identity map; Hence,
the Yoneda embedding functor is fully faithful.
γ-is-fully-faithful : is-fully-faithful γ γ-is-fully-faithful = is-isoβis-equiv isom where open is-iso isom : is-iso γβ isom .inv nt = nt .Ξ· _ id isom .rinv nt = ext Ξ» c g β happly (sym (nt .is-natural _ _ _)) _ β ap (nt .Ξ· c) (idl g) isom .linv _ = idr _
The covariant yoneda embeddingπ
One common point of confusion is why category theorists prefer presheaves over covariant functors into One key reason is that the yoneda embedding into presheaves is covariant, whereas the embedding into functors is contravariant. This makes the covariant yoneda embedding much less pleasant to work with, though we define it anyways for posterity.
γcovβ : Hom a b β Hom-from b => Hom-from a γcovβ f .Ξ· _ g = g β f γcovβ f .is-natural x y g = funext Ξ» x β sym (assoc g x f) γcov : Functor (C ^op) Cat[ C , Sets h ] γcov .Fβ = Hom-from γcov .Fβ = γcovβ γcov .F-id = ext Ξ» _ g β idr g γcov .F-β f g = ext Ξ» _ h β (assoc h g f)
As expected, the covariant yoneda embedding is also fully faithful.
γcov-is-fully-faithful : is-fully-faithful γcov γcov-is-fully-faithful = is-isoβis-equiv isom where open is-iso isom : is-iso γcovβ isom .inv nt = nt .Ξ· _ id isom .rinv nt = ext Ξ» c g β sym (nt .is-natural _ _ _) $β _ β ap (nt .Ξ· c) (idr g) isom .linv _ = idl _