module Cat.Functor.Base where
Functor precategoriesπ
Fix a pair of (completely arbitrary!) precategories and Weβll show how to make the type of functors into a precategory on its own right, with the natural transformations as the morphisms. First, given we construct the identity natural transformation by having every component be the identity:
private variable o oβ oβ β ββ ββ : Level B C D E : Precategory o β F G : Functor C D private module Pc = Precategory open Functor open _=>_ module _ {C : Precategory o β} {D : Precategory oβ ββ} where private module C = Cat.Reasoning C module D = Cat.Reasoning D
idnt : {F : Functor C D} β F => F idnt .Ξ· _ = idnt .is-natural _ _ _ =
Moreover, if we have a pair of composable-looking natural transformations and then we can indeed make their pointwise composite into a natural transformation:
_βnt_ : β {F G H : Functor C D} β G => H β F => G β F => H (f βnt g) .Ξ· x = f .Ξ· x D.β g .Ξ· x _βnt_ {F} {G} {H} f g .is-natural x y h = (f .Ξ· y D.β g .Ξ· y) D.β F .Fβ h β‘β¨ D.pullr (g .is-natural x y h) β©β‘ f .Ξ· y D.β G .Fβ h D.β g .Ξ· x β‘β¨ D.extendl (f .is-natural x y h) β©β‘ H .Fβ h D.β f .Ξ· x D.β g .Ξ· x β infixr 40 _βnt_
Since we already know that identity of natural transformations is determined by identity of the underlying family of morphisms, and the identities and composition weβve just defined are componentwise just identity and composition in then the category laws we have to prove are, once again, those of
Cat[_,_] : Precategory o β β Precategory oβ ββ β Precategory (o β β β oβ β ββ) (o β β β ββ) Cat[ C , D ] .Pc.Ob = Functor C D Cat[ C , D ] .Pc.Hom = _=>_ Cat[ C , D ] .Pc.Hom-set F G = hlevel 2 Cat[ C , D ] = idnt Cat[ C , D ] .Pc._β_ = _βnt_ Cat[ C , D ] .Pc.idr f = ext Ξ» x β D .Pc.idr _ Cat[ C , D ] .Pc.idl f = ext Ξ» x β D .Pc.idl _ Cat[ C , D ] .Pc.assoc f g h = ext Ξ» x β D .Pc.assoc _ _ _
Weβll also need the following foundational tool, characterising paths between functors. It says that, given a homotopy between the object-parts of functors and, over this, an identification between the actions of and on morphisms, we can construct a path
Paths between functorsπ
Functor-path : {F G : Functor C D} β (p0 : β x β F .Fβ x β‘ G .Fβ x) β (p1 : β {x y} (f : C .Pc.Hom x y) β PathP (Ξ» i β D .Pc.Hom (p0 x i) (p0 y i)) (F .Fβ f) (G .Fβ f)) β F β‘ G
Note that this lemma is a bit unusual: weβre characterising the identity type of the objects of a precategory, rather than, as is more common, the morphisms of a precategory. However, this characterisation will let us swiftly establish necessary conditions for univalence of functor categories.
Functor-pathp : {C : I β Precategory o β} {D : I β Precategory oβ ββ} {F : Functor (C i0) (D i0)} {G : Functor (C i1) (D i1)} β (p0 : β (p : β i β C i .Pc.Ob) β PathP (Ξ» i β D i .Pc.Ob) (F .Fβ (p i0)) (G .Fβ (p i1))) β (p1 : β {x y : β i β _} β (r : β i β C i .Pc.Hom (x i) (y i)) β PathP (Ξ» i β D i .Pc.Hom (p0 x i) (p0 y i)) (F .Fβ (r i0)) (G .Fβ (r i1))) β PathP (Ξ» i β Functor (C i) (D i)) F G Functor-pathp {C = C} {D} {F} {G} p0 p1 = fn where open Pc cob : I β Type _ cob = Ξ» i β C i .Ob exth : β i j (x y : C i .Ob) (f : C i .Hom x y) β C i .Hom (coe cob i i x) (coe cob i i y) exth i j x y f = comp (Ξ» j β C i .Hom (coeiβi cob i x (~ j β¨ i)) (coeiβi cob i y (~ j β¨ i))) ((~ i β§ ~ j) β¨ (i β§ j)) Ξ» where k (k = i0) β f k (i = i0) (j = i0) β f k (i = i1) (j = i1) β f actm : β i (x y : C i .Ob) f β D i .Hom (p0 (Ξ» j β coe cob i j x) i) (p0 (Ξ» j β coe cob i j y) i) actm i x y f = p1 {Ξ» j β coe cob i j x} {Ξ» j β coe cob i j y} (Ξ» j β coe (Ξ» j β C j .Hom (coe cob i j x) (coe cob i j y)) i j (exth i j x y f)) i fn : PathP (Ξ» i β Functor (C i) (D i)) F G fn i .Fβ x = p0 (Ξ» j β coe cob i j x) i fn i .Fβ {x} {y} f = actm i x y f fn i .F-id {x} = hcomp (β i) Ξ» where j (i = i0) β D i .Hom-set (F .Fβ x) (F .Fβ x) (F .Fβ (C i .id)) (D i .id) base (F .F-id) j j (i = i1) β D i .Hom-set (G .Fβ x) (G .Fβ x) (G .Fβ (C i .id)) (D i .id) base (G .F-id) j j (j = i0) β base where base = coe0βi (Ξ» i β (x : C i .Ob) β actm i x x (C i .id) β‘ D i .id) i (Ξ» _ β F .F-id) x fn i .F-β {x} {y} {z} f g = hcomp (β i) Ξ» where j (i = i0) β D i .Hom-set (F .Fβ x) (F .Fβ z) _ _ base (F .F-β f g) j j (i = i1) β D i .Hom-set (G .Fβ x) (G .Fβ z) _ _ base (G .F-β f g) j j (j = i0) β base where base = coe0βi (Ξ» i β (x y z : C i .Ob) (f : C i .Hom y z) (g : C i .Hom x y) β actm i x z (C i ._β_ f g) β‘ D i ._β_ (actm i y z f) (actm i x y g)) i (Ξ» _ _ _ β F .F-β) x y z f g Functor-path p0 p1 i .Fβ x = p0 x i Functor-path p0 p1 i .Fβ f = p1 f i Functor-path {C = C} {D = D} {F = F} {G = G} p0 p1 i .F-id = is-propβpathp (Ξ» j β D .Pc.Hom-set _ _ (p1 (C j) (D (F .F-id) (G .F-id) i Functor-path {C = C} {D = D} {F = F} {G = G} p0 p1 i .F-β f g = is-propβpathp (Ξ» i β D .Pc.Hom-set _ _ (p1 (C .Pc._β_ f g) i) (D .Pc._β_ (p1 f i) (p1 g i))) (F .F-β f g) (G .F-β f g) i
Action on isomorphismsπ
module F-iso {C : Precategory o β} {D : Precategory oβ ββ} (F : Functor C D) where private module _ where module C = Cat.Reasoning C module D = Cat.Reasoning D open Cat.Reasoning using (_β _ ; Inverses) open _β _ public open Inverses public
We have also to make note of the following fact: absolutely all functors preserve isomorphisms, and, more generally, preserve invertibility.
F-map-iso : β {x y} β x C.β y β F # x D.β F # y F-map-iso x .to = F .Fβ (x .to) F-map-iso x .from = F .Fβ (x .from) F-map-iso x .inverses = record { invl = sym (F .F-β _ _) β ap (F .Fβ) (x .invl) β F .F-id ; invr = sym (F .F-β _ _) β ap (F .Fβ) (x .invr) β F .F-id } where module x = C._β _ x F-map-invertible : β {x y} {f : C.Hom x y} β f β (F .Fβ f) F-map-invertible inv = D.make-invertible (F .Fβ _) (sym (F .F-β _ _) Β·Β· ap (F .Fβ) x.invl Β·Β· F .F-id) (sym (F .F-β _ _) Β·Β· ap (F .Fβ) x.invr Β·Β· F .F-id) where module x = inv
If the categories the functor maps between are univalent, there is a competing notion of preserving isomorphisms: the action on paths of the object-part of the functor. We first turn the isomorphism into a path (using univalence of the domain), run it through the functor, then turn the resulting path back into an isomorphism. Fortunately, functors are already coherent enough to ensure that these actions agree:
F-map-path : (ccat : is-category C) (dcat : is-category D) β β {x y} (i : x C.β y) β ap# F (Univalent.isoβpath ccat i) β‘ Univalent.isoβpath dcat (F-map-iso i) F-map-path ccat dcat {x} = Univalent.J-iso ccat P pr where P : (b : C.Ob) β C.Isomorphism x b β Type _ P b im = ap# F (Univalent.isoβpath ccat im) β‘ Univalent.isoβpath dcat (F-map-iso im) pr : P x pr = ap# F (Univalent.isoβpath ccat β‘β¨ ap (ap# F) (Univalent.isoβpath-id ccat) β©β‘ ap# F refl β‘Λβ¨ Univalent.isoβpath-id dcat β©β‘Λ dcat .to-path β‘β¨ ap (dcat .to-path) (ext (sym (F .F-id))) β©β‘ dcat .to-path (F-map-iso β
ap-Fβ-to-iso : β {y z} β (p : y β‘ z) β pathβiso (ap# F p) β‘ F-map-iso (pathβiso p) ap-Fβ-to-iso {y} = J (Ξ» _ p β pathβiso (ap# F p) β‘ F-map-iso (pathβiso p)) (D.β -pathp (Ξ» _ β F .Fβ y) (Ξ» _ β F .Fβ y) (! (sym (F .F-id)))) ap-Fβ-iso : β (cc : is-category C) {y z : C.Ob} β (p : y C.β z) β pathβiso (ap# F (cc .to-path p)) β‘ F-map-iso p ap-Fβ-iso cc p = ap-Fβ-to-iso (cc .to-path p) β ap F-map-iso (Univalent.isoβpathβiso cc p) open F-iso public
Presheaf precategoriesπ
Of principal importance among the functor categories are those to the category these are the presheaf categories.
PSh : β ΞΊ {o β} β Precategory o β β Precategory _ _ PSh ΞΊ C = Cat[ C ^op , Sets ΞΊ ]