module Cat.Morphism {o h} (C : Precategory o h) where
This module defines the three most important classes of morphisms that can be found in a category: monomorphisms, epimorphisms, and isomorphisms.
A morphism is said to be monic when it is left-cancellable. A monomorphism from to written is a monic morphism.
is-monic : Hom a b → Type _ is-monic {a = a} f = ∀ {c} → (g h : Hom c a) → f ∘ g ≡ f ∘ h → g ≡ h is-monic-is-prop : ∀ {a b} (f : Hom a b) → is-prop (is-monic f) is-monic-is-prop f x y i {c} g h p = Hom-set _ _ _ _ (x g h p) (y g h p) i record _↪_ (a b : Ob) : Type (o ⊔ h) where constructor make-mono field mor : Hom a b monic : is-monic mor open _↪_ public
Conversely, a morphism is said to be epic when it is right-cancellable. An epimorphism from to written is an epic morphism.
is-epic : Hom a b → Type _ is-epic {b = b} f = ∀ {c} → (g h : Hom b c) → g ∘ f ≡ h ∘ f → g ≡ h is-epic-is-prop : ∀ {a b} (f : Hom a b) → is-prop (is-epic f) is-epic-is-prop f x y i {c} g h p = Hom-set _ _ _ _ (x g h p) (y g h p) i record _↠_ (a b : Ob) : Type (o ⊔ h) where constructor make-epi field mor : Hom a b epic : is-epic mor open _↠_ public
The identity morphism is monic and epic.
id-monic : ∀ {a} → is-monic (id {a}) id-monic g h p = sym (idl _) ·· p ·· idl _ id-epic : ∀ {a} → is-epic (id {a}) id-epic g h p = sym (idr _) ·· p ·· idr _
Both monos and epis are closed under composition.
monic-∘ : ∀ {a b c} {f : Hom b c} {g : Hom a b} → is-monic f → is-monic g → is-monic (f ∘ g) monic-∘ fm gm a b α = gm _ _ (fm _ _ (assoc _ _ _ ·· α ·· sym (assoc _ _ _))) epic-∘ : ∀ {a b c} {f : Hom b c} {g : Hom a b} → is-epic f → is-epic g → is-epic (f ∘ g) epic-∘ fe ge a b α = fe _ _ (ge _ _ (sym (assoc _ _ _) ·· α ·· (assoc _ _ _))) _∘Mono_ : ∀ {a b c} → b ↪ c → a ↪ b → a ↪ c (f ∘Mono g) .mor = f .mor ∘ g .mor (f ∘Mono g) .monic = monic-∘ (f .monic) (g .monic) _∘Epi_ : ∀ {a b c} → b ↠ c → a ↠ b → a ↠ c (f ∘Epi g) .mor = f .mor ∘ g .mor (f ∘Epi g) .epic = epic-∘ (f .epic) (g .epic)
If is monic, then must also be monic.
monic-cancell : ∀ {a b c} {f : Hom b c} {g : Hom a b} → is-monic (f ∘ g) → is-monic g monic-cancell {f = f} fg-monic h h' p = fg-monic h h' $ sym (assoc _ _ _) ·· ap (f ∘_) p ·· assoc _ _ _
Dually, if is epic, then must also be epic.
epic-cancelr : ∀ {a b c} {f : Hom b c} {g : Hom a b} → is-epic (f ∘ g) → is-epic f epic-cancelr {g = g} fg-epic h h' p = fg-epic h h' $ assoc _ _ _ ·· ap (_∘ g) p ·· sym (assoc _ _ _)
Postcomposition with a mono is an embedding.
monic-postcomp-embedding : ∀ {a b c} {f : Hom b c} → is-monic f → is-embedding {A = Hom a b} (f ∘_) monic-postcomp-embedding monic = injective→is-embedding (Hom-set _ _) _ (monic _ _)
Likewise, precomposition with an epi is an embedding.
epic-precomp-embedding : ∀ {a b c} {f : Hom a b} → is-epic f → is-embedding {A = Hom b c} (_∘ f) epic-precomp-embedding epic = injective→is-embedding (Hom-set _ _) _ (epic _ _)
subst-is-monic : ∀ {a b} {f g : Hom a b} → f ≡ g → is-monic f → is-monic g subst-is-monic f=g f-monic h i p = f-monic h i (ap (_∘ h) f=g ·· p ·· ap (_∘ i) (sym f=g)) subst-is-epic : ∀ {a b} {f g : Hom a b} → f ≡ g → is-epic f → is-epic g subst-is-epic f=g f-epic h i p = f-epic h i (ap (h ∘_) f=g ·· p ·· ap (i ∘_) (sym f=g))
A morphism is a section of another morphism when The intuition for this name is that picks out a cross-section of from For instance, could map animals to their species; a section of this map would have to pick out a canonical representative of each species from the set of all animals.
_section-of_ : (s : Hom b a) (r : Hom a b) → Type _ s section-of r = r ∘ s ≡ id section-of-is-prop : ∀ {s : Hom b a} {r : Hom a b} → is-prop (s section-of r) section-of-is-prop = Hom-set _ _ _ _ record has-section (r : Hom a b) : Type h where constructor make-section field section : Hom b a is-section : section section-of r open has-section public
The identity map has a section (namely, itself), and the composite of maps with sections also has a section.
id-has-section : ∀ {a} → has-section (id {a}) id-has-section .section = id id-has-section .is-section = idl _ section-of-∘ : ∀ {a b c} {f : Hom c b} {g : Hom b c} {h : Hom b a} {i : Hom a b} → f section-of g → h section-of i → (h ∘ f) section-of (g ∘ i) section-of-∘ {f = f} {g = g} {h = h} {i = i} fg-sect hi-sect = (g ∘ i) ∘ h ∘ f ≡⟨ cat! C ⟩≡ g ∘ (i ∘ h) ∘ f ≡⟨ ap (λ ϕ → g ∘ ϕ ∘ f) hi-sect ⟩≡ g ∘ id ∘ f ≡⟨ ap (g ∘_) (idl _) ⟩≡ g ∘ f ≡⟨ fg-sect ⟩≡ id ∎ section-∘ : ∀ {a b c} {f : Hom b c} {g : Hom a b} → has-section f → has-section g → has-section (f ∘ g) section-∘ f-sect g-sect .section = g-sect .section ∘ f-sect .section section-∘ {f = f} {g = g} f-sect g-sect .is-section = section-of-∘ (f-sect .is-section) (g-sect .is-section)
Moreover, if has a section, then so does
section-cancell : ∀ {a b c} {f : Hom b c} {g : Hom a b} → has-section (f ∘ g) → has-section f section-cancell {g = g} s .section = g ∘ s .section section-cancell {g = g} s .is-section = assoc _ _ _ ∙ s .is-section
If has a section, then is epic.
has-section→epic : ∀ {a b} {f : Hom a b} → has-section f → is-epic f has-section→epic {f = f} f-sect g h p = g ≡˘⟨ idr _ ⟩≡˘ g ∘ id ≡˘⟨ ap (g ∘_) (f-sect .is-section) ⟩≡˘ g ∘ f ∘ f-sect .section ≡⟨ assoc _ _ _ ⟩≡ (g ∘ f) ∘ f-sect .section ≡⟨ ap (_∘ f-sect .section) p ⟩≡ (h ∘ f) ∘ f-sect .section ≡˘⟨ assoc _ _ _ ⟩≡˘ h ∘ f ∘ f-sect .section ≡⟨ ap (h ∘_) (f-sect .is-section) ⟩≡ h ∘ id ≡⟨ idr _ ⟩≡ h ∎
subst-section : ∀ {a b} {f g : Hom a b} → f ≡ g → has-section f → has-section g subst-section p s .section = s .section subst-section p s .is-section = ap₂ _∘_ (sym p) refl ∙ s .is-section
A morphism is a retract of another morphism when Note that this is the same equation involved in the definition of a section; retracts and sections always come in pairs. If sections solve a sort of “curation problem” where we are asked to pick out canonical representatives, then retracts solve a sort of “classification problem”.
_retract-of_ : (r : Hom a b) (s : Hom b a) → Type _ r retract-of s = r ∘ s ≡ id retract-of-is-prop : ∀ {s : Hom b a} {r : Hom a b} → is-prop (r retract-of s) retract-of-is-prop = Hom-set _ _ _ _ record has-retract (s : Hom b a) : Type h where constructor make-retract field retract : Hom a b is-retract : retract retract-of s open has-retract public
The identity map has a retract (namely, itself), and the composite of maps with retracts also has a retract.
id-has-retract : ∀ {a} → has-retract (id {a}) id-has-retract .retract = id id-has-retract .is-retract = idl _ retract-of-∘ : ∀ {a b c} {f : Hom c b} {g : Hom b c} {h : Hom b a} {i : Hom a b} → f retract-of g → h retract-of i → (h ∘ f) retract-of (g ∘ i) retract-of-∘ fg-ret hi-ret = section-of-∘ hi-ret fg-ret retract-∘ : ∀ {a b c} {f : Hom b c} {g : Hom a b} → has-retract f → has-retract g → has-retract (f ∘ g) retract-∘ f-ret g-ret .retract = g-ret .retract ∘ f-ret .retract retract-∘ f-ret g-ret .is-retract = retract-of-∘ (f-ret .is-retract) (g-ret .is-retract)
If has a retract, then so does
retract-cancelr : ∀ {a b c} {f : Hom b c} {g : Hom a b} → has-retract (f ∘ g) → has-retract g retract-cancelr {f = f} r .retract = r .retract ∘ f retract-cancelr {f = f} r .is-retract = sym (assoc _ _ _) ∙ r .is-retract
If has a retract, then is monic.
has-retract→monic : ∀ {a b} {f : Hom a b} → has-retract f → is-monic f has-retract→monic {f = f} f-ret g h p = g ≡˘⟨ idl _ ⟩≡˘ id ∘ g ≡˘⟨ ap (_∘ g) (f-ret .is-retract) ⟩≡˘ (f-ret .retract ∘ f) ∘ g ≡˘⟨ assoc _ _ _ ⟩≡˘ f-ret .retract ∘ (f ∘ g) ≡⟨ ap (f-ret .retract ∘_) p ⟩≡ f-ret .retract ∘ f ∘ h ≡⟨ assoc _ _ _ ⟩≡ (f-ret .retract ∘ f) ∘ h ≡⟨ ap (_∘ h) (f-ret .is-retract) ⟩≡ id ∘ h ≡⟨ idl _ ⟩≡ h ∎
A section that is also epic is a retract.
section-of+epic→retract-of : ∀ {a b} {s : Hom b a} {r : Hom a b} → s section-of r → is-epic s → s retract-of r section-of+epic→retract-of {s = s} {r = r} sect epic = epic (s ∘ r) id $ (s ∘ r) ∘ s ≡˘⟨ assoc s r s ⟩≡˘ s ∘ (r ∘ s) ≡⟨ ap (s ∘_) sect ⟩≡ s ∘ id ≡⟨ idr _ ⟩≡ s ≡˘⟨ idl _ ⟩≡˘ id ∘ s ∎
Dually, a retract that is also monic is a section.
retract-of+monic→section-of : ∀ {a b} {s : Hom b a} {r : Hom a b} → r retract-of s → is-monic r → r section-of s retract-of+monic→section-of {s = s} {r = r} ret monic = monic (s ∘ r) id $ r ∘ s ∘ r ≡⟨ assoc r s r ⟩≡ (r ∘ s) ∘ r ≡⟨ ap (_∘ r) ret ⟩≡ id ∘ r ≡⟨ idl _ ⟩≡ r ≡˘⟨ idr _ ⟩≡˘ r ∘ id ∎
has-retract+epic→has-section : ∀ {a b} {f : Hom a b} → has-retract f → is-epic f → has-section f has-retract+epic→has-section ret epic .section = ret .retract has-retract+epic→has-section ret epic .is-section = section-of+epic→retract-of (ret .is-retract) epic has-section+monic→has-retract : ∀ {a b} {f : Hom a b} → has-section f → is-monic f → has-retract f has-section+monic→has-retract sect monic .retract = sect .section has-section+monic→has-retract sect monic .is-retract = retract-of+monic→section-of (sect .is-section) monic
Split monomorphisms🔗
A morphism is a split monomorphism if it merely has a retract.
is-split-monic : Hom a b → Type _ is-split-monic f = ∥ has-retract f ∥
Every split mono is a mono, as being monic is a proposition.
split-monic→mono : is-split-monic f → is-monic f split-monic→mono = rec! has-retract→monic
Split epimorphisms🔗
Dually, a morphism is a split epimorphism if it merely has a section.
is-split-epic : Hom a b → Type _ is-split-epic f = ∥ has-section f ∥
Like split monos, every split epimorphism is an epimorphism.
split-epic→epic : is-split-epic f → is-epic f split-epic→epic = rec! has-section→epic
Maps and are inverses when we have and both equal to the identity. A map is invertible (or is an isomorphism) when there exists a for which and are inverses. An isomorphism is a choice of map together with a specified inverse.
record Inverses (f : Hom a b) (g : Hom b a) : Type h where field invl : f ∘ g ≡ id invr : g ∘ f ≡ id open Inverses record is-invertible (f : Hom a b) : Type h where field inv : Hom b a inverses : Inverses f inv open Inverses inverses public op : is-invertible inv op .inv = f op .inverses .Inverses.invl = invr inverses op .inverses .Inverses.invr = invl inverses record _≅_ (a b : Ob) : Type h where field to : Hom a b from : Hom b a inverses : Inverses to from open Inverses inverses public open _≅_ public
A given map is invertible in at most one way: If you have with two inverses and then not only are equal, but the witnesses of these equalities are irrelevant.
Inverses-are-prop : ∀ {f : Hom a b} {g : Hom b a} → is-prop (Inverses f g) Inverses-are-prop x y i .Inverses.invl = Hom-set _ _ _ _ (x .invl) (y .invl) i Inverses-are-prop x y i .Inverses.invr = Hom-set _ _ _ _ (x .invr) (y .invr) i is-invertible-is-prop : ∀ {f : Hom a b} → is-prop (is-invertible f) is-invertible-is-prop {a = a} {b = b} {f = f} g h = p where module g = is-invertible g module h = is-invertible h g≡h : g.inv ≡ h.inv g≡h = g.inv ≡⟨ sym (idr _) ∙ ap₂ _∘_ refl (sym h.invl) ⟩≡ g.inv ∘ f ∘ h.inv ≡⟨ assoc _ _ _ ·· ap₂ _∘_ g.invr refl ·· idl _ ⟩≡ h.inv ∎ p : g ≡ h p i .is-invertible.inv = g≡h i p i .is-invertible.inverses = is-prop→pathp (λ i → Inverses-are-prop {g = g≡h i}) g.inverses h.inverses i
We note that the identity morphism is always iso, and that isos compose:
id-invertible : ∀ {a} → is-invertible (id {a}) id-invertible .is-invertible.inv = id id-invertible .is-invertible.inverses .invl = idl id id-invertible .is-invertible.inverses .invr = idl id id-iso : a ≅ a id-iso .to = id id-iso .from = id id-iso .inverses .invl = idl id id-iso .inverses .invr = idl id Isomorphism = _≅_ Inverses-∘ : {a b c : Ob} {f : Hom b c} {f⁻¹ : Hom c b} {g : Hom a b} {g⁻¹ : Hom b a} → Inverses f f⁻¹ → Inverses g g⁻¹ → Inverses (f ∘ g) (g⁻¹ ∘ f⁻¹) Inverses-∘ {f = f} {f⁻¹} {g} {g⁻¹} finv ginv = record { invl = l ; invr = r } where module finv = Inverses finv module ginv = Inverses ginv abstract l : (f ∘ g) ∘ g⁻¹ ∘ f⁻¹ ≡ id l = (f ∘ g) ∘ g⁻¹ ∘ f⁻¹ ≡⟨ cat! C ⟩≡ f ∘ (g ∘ g⁻¹) ∘ f⁻¹ ≡⟨ (λ i → f ∘ ginv.invl i ∘ f⁻¹) ⟩≡ f ∘ id ∘ f⁻¹ ≡⟨ cat! C ⟩≡ f ∘ f⁻¹ ≡⟨ finv.invl ⟩≡ id ∎ r : (g⁻¹ ∘ f⁻¹) ∘ f ∘ g ≡ id r = (g⁻¹ ∘ f⁻¹) ∘ f ∘ g ≡⟨ cat! C ⟩≡ g⁻¹ ∘ (f⁻¹ ∘ f) ∘ g ≡⟨ (λ i → g⁻¹ ∘ finv.invr i ∘ g) ⟩≡ g⁻¹ ∘ id ∘ g ≡⟨ cat! C ⟩≡ g⁻¹ ∘ g ≡⟨ ginv.invr ⟩≡ id ∎ _∘Iso_ : ∀ {a b c : Ob} → b ≅ c → a ≅ b → a ≅ c (f ∘Iso g) .to = f .to ∘ g .to (f ∘Iso g) .from = g .from ∘ f .from (f ∘Iso g) .inverses = Inverses-∘ (f .inverses) (g .inverses) _∙Iso_ : ∀ {a b c : Ob} → a ≅ b → b ≅ c → a ≅ c f ∙Iso g = g ∘Iso f infixr 40 _∘Iso_ _∙Iso_ infixr 41 _Iso⁻¹ invertible-∘ : ∀ {f : Hom b c} {g : Hom a b} → is-invertible f → is-invertible g → is-invertible (f ∘ g) invertible-∘ f-inv g-inv = record { inv = g-inv.inv ∘ f-inv.inv ; inverses = Inverses-∘ f-inv.inverses g-inv.inverses } where module f-inv = is-invertible f-inv module g-inv = is-invertible g-inv _invertible⁻¹ : ∀ {f : Hom a b} → (f-inv : is-invertible f) → is-invertible (is-invertible.inv f-inv) _invertible⁻¹ {f = f} f-inv .is-invertible.inv = f _invertible⁻¹ f-inv .is-invertible.inverses .invl = is-invertible.invr f-inv _invertible⁻¹ f-inv .is-invertible.inverses .invr = is-invertible.invl f-inv _Iso⁻¹ : a ≅ b → b ≅ a (f Iso⁻¹) .to = f .from (f Iso⁻¹) .from = f .to (f Iso⁻¹) .inverses .invl = f .inverses .invr (f Iso⁻¹) .inverses .invr = f .inverses .invl
make-inverses : {f : Hom a b} {g : Hom b a} → f ∘ g ≡ id → g ∘ f ≡ id → Inverses f g make-inverses p q .invl = p make-inverses p q .invr = q make-invertible : {f : Hom a b} → (g : Hom b a) → f ∘ g ≡ id → g ∘ f ≡ id → is-invertible f make-invertible g p q .is-invertible.inv = g make-invertible g p q .is-invertible.inverses .invl = p make-invertible g p q .is-invertible.inverses .invr = q make-iso : (f : Hom a b) (g : Hom b a) → f ∘ g ≡ id → g ∘ f ≡ id → a ≅ b make-iso f g p q ._≅ = f make-iso f g p q ._≅_.from = g make-iso f g p q ._≅_.inverses .Inverses.invl = p make-iso f g p q ._≅_.inverses .Inverses.invr = q inverses→invertible : ∀ {f : Hom a b} {g : Hom b a} → Inverses f g → is-invertible f inverses→invertible x .is-invertible.inv = _ inverses→invertible x .is-invertible.inverses = x invertible→iso : (f : Hom a b) → is-invertible f → a ≅ b invertible→iso f x = record { to = f ; from = x .is-invertible.inv ; inverses = x .is-invertible.inverses } is-invertible-inverse : {f : Hom a b} (g : is-invertible f) → is-invertible (g .is-invertible.inv) is-invertible-inverse g = record { inv = _ ; inverses = record { invl = invr g ; invr = invl g } } where open Inverses (g .is-invertible.inverses) iso→invertible : (i : a ≅ b) → is-invertible (i ._≅ iso→invertible i = record { inv = i ._≅_.from ; inverses = i ._≅_.inverses } private ≅-pathp-internal : (p : a ≡ c) (q : b ≡ d) → {f : a ≅ b} {g : c ≅ d} → PathP (λ i → Hom (p i) (q i)) (f ._≅ (g ._≅ → PathP (λ i → Hom (q i) (p i)) (f ._≅_.from) (g ._≅_.from) → PathP (λ i → p i ≅ q i) f g ≅-pathp-internal p q r s i .to = r i ≅-pathp-internal p q r s i .from = s i ≅-pathp-internal p q {f} {g} r s i .inverses = is-prop→pathp (λ j → Inverses-are-prop {f = r j} {g = s j}) (f .inverses) (g .inverses) i abstract inverse-unique : {x y : Ob} (p : x ≡ y) {b d : Ob} (q : b ≡ d) (f : x ≅ b) (g : y ≅ d) → PathP (λ i → Hom (p i) (q i)) (f .to) (g .to) → PathP (λ i → Hom (q i) (p i)) (f .from) (g .from) inverse-unique = J' (λ a c p → ∀ {b d} (q : b ≡ d) (f : a ≅ b) (g : c ≅ d) → PathP (λ i → Hom (p i) (q i)) (f .to) (g .to) → PathP (λ i → Hom (q i) (p i)) (f .from) (g .from)) λ x → J' (λ b d q → (f : x ≅ b) (g : x ≅ d) → PathP (λ i → Hom x (q i)) (f .to) (g .to) → PathP (λ i → Hom (q i) x) (f .from) (g .from)) λ y f g p → f .from ≡˘⟨ ap (f .from ∘_) (g .invl) ∙ idr _ ⟩≡˘ f .from ∘ g .to ∘ g .from ≡⟨ assoc _ _ _ ⟩≡ (f .from ∘ g .to) ∘ g .from ≡⟨ ap (_∘ g .from) (ap (f .from ∘_) (sym p) ∙ f .invr) ∙ idl _ ⟩≡ g .from ∎ ≅-pathp : (p : a ≡ c) (q : b ≡ d) {f : a ≅ b} {g : c ≅ d} → PathP (λ i → Hom (p i) (q i)) (f ._≅ (g ._≅ → PathP (λ i → p i ≅ q i) f g ≅-pathp p q {f = f} {g = g} r = ≅-pathp-internal p q r (inverse-unique p q f g r) ≅-pathp-from : (p : a ≡ c) (q : b ≡ d) {f : a ≅ b} {g : c ≅ d} → PathP (λ i → Hom (q i) (p i)) (f ._≅_.from) (g ._≅_.from) → PathP (λ i → p i ≅ q i) f g ≅-pathp-from p q {f = f} {g = g} r = ≅-pathp-internal p q (inverse-unique q p (f Iso⁻¹) (g Iso⁻¹) r) r ≅-path : {f g : a ≅ b} → f ._≅ ≡ g ._≅ → f ≡ g ≅-path = ≅-pathp refl refl ≅-path-from : {f g : a ≅ b} → f ._≅_.from ≡ g ._≅_.from → f ≡ g ≅-path-from = ≅-pathp-from refl refl ≅-is-contr : (∀ {a b} → is-contr (Hom a b)) → is-contr (a ≅ b) ≅-is-contr hom-contr .centre = make-iso (hom-contr .centre) (hom-contr .centre) (is-contr→is-prop hom-contr _ _) (is-contr→is-prop hom-contr _ _) ≅-is-contr hom-contr .paths f = ≅-path (hom-contr .paths (f .to)) ≅-is-prop : (∀ {a b} → is-prop (Hom a b)) → is-prop (a ≅ b) ≅-is-prop hom-prop f g = ≅-path (hom-prop (f .to) (g .to)) ↪-pathp : {a : I → Ob} {b : I → Ob} {f : a i0 ↪ b i0} {g : a i1 ↪ b i1} → PathP (λ i → Hom (a i) (b i)) (f .mor) (g .mor) → PathP (λ i → a i ↪ b i) f g ↪-pathp {a = a} {b} {f} {g} pa = go where go : PathP (λ i → a i ↪ b i) f g go i .mor = pa i go i .monic {c = c} = is-prop→pathp (λ i → Π-is-hlevel {A = Hom c (a i)} 1 λ g → Π-is-hlevel {A = Hom c (a i)} 1 λ h → fun-is-hlevel {A = pa i ∘ g ≡ pa i ∘ h} 1 (Hom-set c (a i) g h)) (f .monic) (g .monic) i ↠-pathp : {a : I → Ob} {b : I → Ob} {f : a i0 ↠ b i0} {g : a i1 ↠ b i1} → PathP (λ i → Hom (a i) (b i)) (f .mor) (g .mor) → PathP (λ i → a i ↠ b i) f g ↠-pathp {a = a} {b} {f} {g} pa = go where go : PathP (λ i → a i ↠ b i) f g go i .mor = pa i go i .epic {c = c} = is-prop→pathp (λ i → Π-is-hlevel {A = Hom (b i) c} 1 λ g → Π-is-hlevel {A = Hom (b i) c} 1 λ h → fun-is-hlevel {A = g ∘ pa i ≡ h ∘ pa i} 1 (Hom-set (b i) c g h)) (f .epic) (g .epic) i subst-is-invertible : ∀ {x y} {f g : Hom x y} → f ≡ g → is-invertible f → is-invertible g subst-is-invertible f=g f-inv = make-invertible f.inv (ap (_∘ f.inv) (sym f=g) ∙ f.invl) (ap (f.inv ∘_) (sym f=g) ∙ f.invr) where module f = is-invertible f-inv
Isomorphisms enjoy a 2-out-of-3 property: if any 2 of and are isomorphisms, then so is the third.
inverses-cancell : ∀ {f : Hom b c} {g : Hom a b} {g⁻¹ : Hom b a} {fg⁻¹ : Hom c a} → Inverses g g⁻¹ → Inverses (f ∘ g) fg⁻¹ → Inverses f (g ∘ fg⁻¹) inverses-cancelr : ∀ {f : Hom b c} {f⁻¹ : Hom c b} {g : Hom a b} {fg⁻¹ : Hom c a} → Inverses f f⁻¹ → Inverses (f ∘ g) fg⁻¹ → Inverses g (fg⁻¹ ∘ f) invertible-cancell : ∀ {f : Hom b c} {g : Hom a b} → is-invertible g → is-invertible (f ∘ g) → is-invertible f invertible-cancelr : ∀ {f : Hom b c} {g : Hom a b} → is-invertible f → is-invertible (f ∘ g) → is-invertible g
We are early into our bootstrapping process for category theory, so the proofs of these lemmas are quite low-level, and thus omitted.
inverses-cancell g-inv fg-inv .invl = assoc _ _ _ ∙ fg-inv .invl inverses-cancell g-inv fg-inv .invr = sym (idr _) ∙ ap₂ _∘_ refl (sym (g-inv .invl)) ∙ assoc _ _ _ ∙ ap₂ _∘_ (sym (assoc _ _ _) ∙ sym (assoc _ _ _) ∙ ap₂ _∘_ refl (fg-inv .invr) ∙ idr _) refl ∙ g-inv .invl inverses-cancelr f-inv fg-inv .invl = sym (idl _) ∙ ap₂ _∘_ (sym (f-inv .invr)) refl ∙ sym (assoc _ _ _) ∙ ap₂ _∘_ refl (assoc _ _ _ ∙ assoc _ _ _ ∙ ap₂ _∘_ (fg-inv .invl) refl ∙ idl _) ∙ f-inv .invr inverses-cancelr f-inv fg-inv .invr = sym (assoc _ _ _) ∙ fg-inv .invr invertible-cancell g-inv fg-inv = inverses→invertible $ inverses-cancell (g-inv .is-invertible.inverses) (fg-inv .is-invertible.inverses) invertible-cancelr f-inv fg-inv = inverses→invertible $ inverses-cancelr (f-inv .is-invertible.inverses) (fg-inv .is-invertible.inverses)
We also note that invertible morphisms are both epic and monic.
invertible→monic : is-invertible f → is-monic f invertible→monic {f = f} invert g h p = g ≡˘⟨ idl g ⟩≡˘ id ∘ g ≡˘⟨ ap (_∘ g) (is-invertible.invr invert) ⟩≡˘ (inv ∘ f) ∘ g ≡˘⟨ assoc inv f g ⟩≡˘ inv ∘ (f ∘ g) ≡⟨ ap (inv ∘_) p ⟩≡ inv ∘ (f ∘ h) ≡⟨ assoc inv f h ⟩≡ (inv ∘ f) ∘ h ≡⟨ ap (_∘ h) (is-invertible.invr invert) ⟩≡ id ∘ h ≡⟨ idl h ⟩≡ h ∎ where open is-invertible invert invertible→epic : is-invertible f → is-epic f invertible→epic {f = f} invert g h p = g ≡˘⟨ idr g ⟩≡˘ g ∘ id ≡˘⟨ ap (g ∘_) (is-invertible.invl invert) ⟩≡˘ g ∘ (f ∘ inv) ≡⟨ assoc g f inv ⟩≡ (g ∘ f) ∘ inv ≡⟨ ap (_∘ inv) p ⟩≡ (h ∘ f) ∘ inv ≡˘⟨ assoc h f inv ⟩≡˘ h ∘ (f ∘ inv) ≡⟨ ap (h ∘_) (is-invertible.invl invert) ⟩≡ h ∘ id ≡⟨ idr h ⟩≡ h ∎ where open is-invertible invert iso→monic : (f : a ≅ b) → is-monic (f .to) iso→monic f = invertible→monic (iso→invertible f) iso→epic : (f : a ≅ b) → is-epic (f .to) iso→epic f = invertible→epic (iso→invertible f)
Furthermore, isomorphisms also yield section/retraction pairs.
inverses→to-has-section : ∀ {f : Hom a b} {g : Hom b a} → Inverses f g → has-section f inverses→to-has-section {g = g} inv .section = g inverses→to-has-section inv .is-section = Inverses.invl inv inverses→from-has-section : ∀ {f : Hom a b} {g : Hom b a} → Inverses f g → has-section g inverses→from-has-section {f = f} inv .section = f inverses→from-has-section inv .is-section = Inverses.invr inv inverses→to-has-retract : ∀ {f : Hom a b} {g : Hom b a} → Inverses f g → has-retract f inverses→to-has-retract {g = g} inv .retract = g inverses→to-has-retract inv .is-retract = Inverses.invr inv inverses→from-has-retract : ∀ {f : Hom a b} {g : Hom b a} → Inverses f g → has-retract g inverses→from-has-retract {f = f} inv .retract = f inverses→from-has-retract inv .is-retract = Inverses.invl inv
invertible→to-has-section : is-invertible f → has-section f invertible→to-has-section f-inv .section = is-invertible.inv f-inv invertible→to-has-section f-inv .is-section = is-invertible.invl f-inv invertible→to-has-retract : is-invertible f → has-retract f invertible→to-has-retract f-inv .retract = is-invertible.inv f-inv invertible→to-has-retract f-inv .is-retract = is-invertible.invr f-inv invertible→to-split-monic : is-invertible f → is-split-monic f invertible→to-split-monic f-inv = pure (invertible→to-has-retract f-inv) invertible→to-split-epic : is-invertible f → is-split-epic f invertible→to-split-epic f-inv = pure (invertible→to-has-section f-inv) iso→to-has-section : (f : a ≅ b) → has-section (f .to) iso→to-has-section f .section = f .from iso→to-has-section f .is-section = f .invl iso→from-has-section : (f : a ≅ b) → has-section (f .from) iso→from-has-section f .section = f .to iso→from-has-section f .is-section = f .invr iso→to-has-retract : (f : a ≅ b) → has-retract (f .to) iso→to-has-retract f .retract = f .from iso→to-has-retract f .is-retract = f .invr iso→from-has-retract : (f : a ≅ b) → has-retract (f .from) iso→from-has-retract f .retract = f .to iso→from-has-retract f .is-retract = f .invl
Using our lemmas about section/retraction pairs from before, we can show that if is a monic retract, then is an iso.
retract-of+monic→inverses : ∀ {a b} {s : Hom b a} {r : Hom a b} → r retract-of s → is-monic r → Inverses r s retract-of+monic→inverses ret monic .invl = ret retract-of+monic→inverses ret monic .invr = retract-of+monic→section-of ret monic
We also have a dual result for sections and epis.
section-of+epic→inverses : ∀ {a b} {s : Hom b a} {r : Hom a b} → s retract-of r → is-epic r → Inverses r s section-of+epic→inverses sect epic .invl = section-of+epic→retract-of sect epic section-of+epic→inverses sect epic .invr = sect
has-retract+epic→invertible : ∀ {a b} {f : Hom a b} → has-retract f → is-epic f → is-invertible f has-retract+epic→invertible f-ret epic .is-invertible.inv = f-ret .retract has-retract+epic→invertible f-ret epic .is-invertible.inverses = section-of+epic→inverses (f-ret .is-retract) epic has-section+monic→invertible : ∀ {a b} {f : Hom a b} → has-section f → is-monic f → is-invertible f has-section+monic→invertible f-sect monic .is-invertible.inv = f-sect .section has-section+monic→invertible f-sect monic .is-invertible.inverses = retract-of+monic→inverses (f-sect .is-section) monic
In fact, the mere existence of a retract of an epimorphism suffices to show that is invertible, as invertibility itself is a proposition. Put another way, every morphism that is both a split mono and an epi is invertible.
split-monic+epic→invertible : is-split-monic f → is-epic f → is-invertible f split-monic+epic→invertible f-split-monic f-epic = ∥-∥-rec is-invertible-is-prop (λ r → has-retract+epic→invertible r f-epic) f-split-monic
A dual result holds for morphisms that are simultaneously split epic and monic.
split-epic+monic→invertible : is-split-epic f → is-monic f → is-invertible f
split-epic+monic→invertible f-split-epic f-monic = ∥-∥-rec is-invertible-is-prop (λ s → has-section+monic→invertible s f-monic) f-split-epic
Hom-sets between isomorphic objects are equivalent. Crucially, this allows us to use univalence to transport properties between hom-sets.
iso→hom-equiv : ∀ {a a' b b'} → a ≅ a' → b ≅ b' → Hom a b ≃ Hom a' b' iso→hom-equiv f g = Iso→Equiv $ (λ h → g .to ∘ h ∘ f .from) , iso (λ h → g .from ∘ h ∘ f .to ) (λ h → g .to ∘ (g .from ∘ h ∘ f .to) ∘ f .from ≡⟨ cat! C ⟩≡ (g .to ∘ g .from) ∘ h ∘ (f .to ∘ f .from) ≡⟨ ap₂ (λ l r → l ∘ h ∘ r) (g .invl) (f .invl) ⟩≡ id ∘ h ∘ id ≡⟨ cat! C ⟩≡ h ∎) (λ h → g .from ∘ (g .to ∘ h ∘ f .from) ∘ f .to ≡⟨ cat! C ⟩≡ (g .from ∘ g .to) ∘ h ∘ (f .from ∘ f .to) ≡⟨ ap₂ (λ l r → l ∘ h ∘ r) (g .invr) (f .invr) ⟩≡ id ∘ h ∘ id ≡⟨ cat! C ⟩≡ h ∎)
-- Optimized versions of Iso→Hom-equiv which yield nicer results -- if only one isomorphism is needed. dom-iso→hom-equiv : ∀ {a a' b} → a ≅ a' → Hom a b ≃ Hom a' b dom-iso→hom-equiv f = Iso→Equiv $ (λ h → h ∘ f .from) , iso (λ h → h ∘ f .to ) (λ h → (h ∘ f .to) ∘ f .from ≡⟨ sym (assoc _ _ _) ⟩≡ h ∘ (f .to ∘ f .from) ≡⟨ ap (h ∘_) (f .invl) ⟩≡ h ∘ id ≡⟨ idr _ ⟩≡ h ∎) (λ h → (h ∘ f .from) ∘ f .to ≡⟨ sym (assoc _ _ _) ⟩≡ h ∘ (f .from ∘ f .to) ≡⟨ ap (h ∘_) (f .invr) ⟩≡ h ∘ id ≡⟨ idr _ ⟩≡ h ∎) cod-iso→Hom-equiv : ∀ {a b b'} → b ≅ b' → Hom a b ≃ Hom a b' cod-iso→Hom-equiv f = Iso→Equiv $ (λ h → f .to ∘ h) , iso (λ h → f .from ∘ h) (λ h → f .to ∘ f .from ∘ h ≡⟨ assoc _ _ _ ⟩≡ (f .to ∘ f .from) ∘ h ≡⟨ ap (_∘ h) (f .invl) ⟩≡ id ∘ h ≡⟨ idl _ ⟩≡ h ∎) (λ h → f .from ∘ f .to ∘ h ≡⟨ assoc _ _ _ ⟩≡ (f .from ∘ f .to) ∘ h ≡⟨ ap (_∘ h) (f .invr) ⟩≡ id ∘ h ≡⟨ idl _ ⟩≡ h ∎)
If is invertible, then both pre and post-composition with are equivalences.
invertible-precomp-equiv : ∀ {a b c} {f : Hom a b} → is-invertible f → is-equiv {A = Hom b c} (_∘ f) invertible-precomp-equiv {f = f} f-inv = is-iso→is-equiv $ iso (λ h → h ∘ f-inv.inv) (λ h → sym (assoc _ _ _) ·· ap (h ∘_) f-inv.invr ·· idr h) (λ h → sym (assoc _ _ _) ·· ap (h ∘_) f-inv.invl ·· idr h) where module f-inv = is-invertible f-inv invertible-postcomp-equiv : ∀ {a b c} {f : Hom b c} → is-invertible f → is-equiv {A = Hom a b} (f ∘_) invertible-postcomp-equiv {f = f} f-inv = is-iso→is-equiv $ iso (λ h → f-inv.inv ∘ h) (λ h → assoc _ _ _ ·· ap (_∘ h) f-inv.invl ·· idl h) (λ h → assoc _ _ _ ·· ap (_∘ h) f-inv.invr ·· idl h) where module f-inv = is-invertible f-inv