AmΓ©lia Liao
Open source, combination wiki (Γ la nLab) + Agda library.
open import 1Lab.Path
contains basic results about identity.
Very basic results in algebra + synthetic homotopy theory (e.g.Β HoTT ch.Β 8)
This talk is a module in the 1Lab!
Constructive but impredicative (propositional resizing); homotopical features used freely
Type classes for automation, but only of properties; equipping a type with structure (e.g.Β algebraic) is always explicit.
Playground for new Agda features, e.g.Β opaque
HoTT simplifies Martin-LΓΆf type theory by giving universes a nice universal property (univalence)
Cubical type theory complicates type theory to make this
compute (uaΞ²
Lots of work has gone into usability of traditional proof assistants; but what about higher dimensional proof assistants?
When are functions f,g:AβB identical?
Expected answer: whenever f(x)β‘g(x) for all x;
Actual answer: π€·ββοΈ!
Extensionality is independent of MLTT. E.g. antifunext.
But itβs for doing maths. Our solution: the interval, paths.
A type I
, with
endpoints i0
, i1
, which (co)represents
An identification p:xβ‘Aβy is an element i:I,p(i):A that satisfies p(i0)=x and p(i1)=y.
In Agda: path lambdas and path application.
_ : {A : Type} (x : A) β x β‘ x _ = Ξ» x β Ξ» i β x
cong : (f : A β B) (x y : A) β x β‘ y β f x β‘ f y cong f x y p = Ξ» i β f (p i)
_ : {f : A β B} β funext {f = f} (Ξ» x β refl) β‘ refl _ = refl _ : {f g : A β B} {h : β x β f x β‘ g x} β funext (Ξ» x β sym (h x)) β‘ sym (funext h) _ = refl _ : {f g h : A β B} {Ξ± : β x β f x β‘ g x} {Ξ² : β x β g x β‘ h x} β funext (Ξ» x β Ξ± x β Ξ² x) β‘ funext Ξ± β funext Ξ² _ = refl
We can even explain things like pattern matching on HITs:
example : (p : SΒΉ) β SΒΉ example base = base example (loop i) = {! !} -- Goal: SΒΉ -- i = i0 β’ base -- i = i1 β’ base
Introducing path abstractions does a number on inference:
what : ((x y : A) β x β‘ y) β (x y : A) β x β‘ y what h x y i = h _ _ i
Agda generates constraints:
_x h x y (i = i0) = x _y h x y (i = i1) = y
Neither of these is fully determined!
Both metas go
Need a nice interface for extensional equality.
Ideally: the identity type xβ‘Aβy computes to something simpler, based on the structure of A.
Observational type theory with strict propositionsβ¦
Higher observational type theoryβ¦
Key example: group homomorphisms
These are pairs, so
computes to a pair type.
But the second component β the proof that
is a homomorphism β is irrelevant!
Without a sort of strict propositions, the system canβt βseeβ this.
So βprimitive higher-OTTβ will still need a helper, to fill in the
trivial second component.
Surprisingly, we can use type classes!
record Extensional (A : Type) : Type (lsuc lzero) where field _β_ : A β A β Type to-path : β {x y : A} β x β y β x β‘ y
We can test that this works by asking Agda to check ext
at various types:
_ : {A B : Type} {f g : A β B} β (β x β f x β‘ g x) β f β‘ g _ = ext _ : {A B C : Type} {f g : A β B β C} β (β x y β f x y β‘ g x y) β f β‘ g _ = ext _ : {A : Type} {x y : A} β x β‘ y β x β‘ y _ = ext
A benefit: type class solving isnβt a real function. Can be unstable under substitution!
instance ext-uncurry : β¦ Extensional (A β B β C) β¦ β Extensional (A Γ B β C) ext-uncurry β¦ e β¦ = record { _β_ = Ξ» f g β e ._β_ (curry f) (curry g) ; to-path = Ξ» h i (x , y) β e .to-path h i x y } {-# OVERLAPPING ext-uncurry #-}
The resulting relation has three arguments, rather than two:
_ : {A B C D : Type} {f g : A Γ B β C β D} β (β a b c β f (a , b) c β‘ g (a , b) c) β f β‘ g _ = ext
The real implementation handles maps of algebraic structures, e.g. groups,
_ : {G H : Group lzero} {f g : Groups.Hom G H} β ((x : β G β) β f # x β‘ g # x) β f β‘ g _ = ext
maps from certain higher inductive types, e.g.Β generic set-quotients, or abelian group homomorphisms from a tensor product,
_ : {A B C : Abelian-group lzero} {f g : Ab.Hom (A β B) C} β ((x : β A β) (y : β B β) β f # (x , y) β‘ g # (x , y)) β f β‘ g _ = ext
and also: natural transformations, maps in slice categories, in comma categories, in categories of elements, in wide and full subcategories, in categories of monad algebras, type-theoretic equivalences and embeddings, monotone maps, &c., &c.
Same setup: when are types
Ideal answer: when they are indistinguishable.
What distinguishes types?
Take e.g.Β NΓString vs.Β StringΓN:
In base MLTT (or even e.g.Β Lean): no proof that theyβre distinct
β¦ because if you give me any property that holds of one, I can modify your proof to show it holds of the other (by hand)
β¦ so these types should be identical!
The actual answer: π€·ββοΈ
Univalence (and equality reflection!) says
theyβre the same; (set-level) OTT says theyβre different; everyone else
is undecided
Univalence says (Aβ‘B) is equivalent to (AβB):
Just as much control over p:Aβ‘B as we would have over f:AβB;
Funny looking consequences: e.g.Β ZβN, and βZ is a groupβ, so transport lets us conclude βN is a group.β
Implications for library design?
The traditional approach for doing algebra in a proof assistant is by letting the elaborator fill in the structure
Technically different approaches, but, in effect, you can say x,y:Z and write βx+yβ to mean βthe addition on Zβ
From a userβs POV, great! Can write maths βas on paperβ and the system does βthe right thingβ.
But itβs actually pretty funny if you think about it:
βAdditiveβ monoid vs βmultiplicativeβ monoid; the same algebraic structure, but the entire hierarchy is duplicated
Type synonyms like OrderDual
is definitionally
but type class search doesnβt respect that
Requires careful setup to avoid diamonds
Mostly sensible for concrete types, but βtheβ order on XΓY is a choice!
In effect, mathematical vernacular makes explicit the stuff, leaves the structure implicit, and hardly ever mentions the properties.
Our approach is to always bundle types with the structure under consideration. Three-layered approach:
record is-ring {A : Type} (1r : A) (_*_ _+_ : A β A β A) : Type where -- _*_ is a monoid, _+_ is an abelian group, distributivity record Ring-on (A : Type) : Type where field 1r : A _*_ _+_ : A β A β A has-is-ring : is-ring 1r _*_ _+_ Ring : Typeβ Ring = Ξ£[ T β Type ] Ring-on T -- almost
Similarly is-group
, is-monoid
, etc.
This layered approach still requires a bit of choosing. Categorically, the guidelines are:
Type-theoretically, we can say:
These sometimes conflict: once we fix the multiplication, a monoid hasβ¦
Simplifying a bit, a monoid M is a tuple (M0β,β,1,Ξ»,Ο,Ξ±) consisting of
When are two monoids the same?
Letβs make it a bit more formal: we define the property, parametrised over the stuff and the structure;
is-monoid : (M : Type) β (M β M β M) β M β Type is-monoid M m u = is-set M -- required so is-monoid is a property Γ (β x β m u x β‘ x) -- left identity Γ (β x β m x u β‘ x) -- right identity Γ (β x y z β m x (m y z) β‘ m (m x y) z) -- associativity
Weβll need that itβs an actual property:
is-monoid-is-prop : β M m u β is-prop (is-monoid M m u)
is-monoid-is-prop _ _ _ = Ξ£-is-hlevel 1 (is-hlevel-is-prop 2) Ξ» mset β let instance _ = hlevel-instance {n = 2} mset in hlevel 1
Then we sum it all:
Monoid : Typeβ Monoid = Ξ£[ M β Type ] -- stuff Ξ£[ m β (M β M β M) ] Ξ£[ u β M ] -- structure (is-monoid M m u) -- property
Completely formally, a Monoid
has 7 fields, but
weβve shown that 4 donβt matter.
Then we can compute the identity type: If we have monoids M=(M0β,m,u,Ξ±) and N=(N0β,n,v,Ξ²), what is Mβ‘N?
module _ (M@(Mβ , m , u , Ξ±) N@(Nβ , n , v , Ξ²) : Monoid) where
Step 1: an identity of tuples is a tuple of identities, and identity
in is-monoid
is trivial;
Stepβ : Typeβ Stepβ = Ξ£[ p β Mβ β‘ Nβ ] ( PathP (Ξ» i β p i β p i β p i) m n Γ PathP (Ξ» i β p i) u v ) stepβ : Stepβ β M β‘ N stepβ (p , q , r) i = p i , q i , r i , is-propβpathp (Ξ» i β is-monoid-is-prop (p i) (q i) (r i)) Ξ± Ξ² i
Step 2: we can simplify the PathP
s to talk about
transport instead:
Stepβ : Typeβ Stepβ = Ξ£[ p β Mβ β‘ Nβ ] ( (β x y β transport p (m x y) β‘ n (transport p x) (transport p y)) Γ transport p u β‘ v ) stepβ : Stepβ β Stepβ stepβ (p , q , r) = p , q' , to-pathp r where -- q' actually pretty complicated... q' = funext-dep Ξ» Ξ± β funext-dep Ξ» Ξ² β to-pathp (q _ _ β apβ n (from-pathp Ξ±) (from-pathp Ξ²))
Step 3: we know what identity of types is!
Stepβ : Type Stepβ = Ξ£[ p β Mβ β Nβ ] -- equivalence! ( (β x y β p .fst (m x y) β‘ n (p .fst x) (p .fst y)) Γ p .fst u β‘ v )
Takes a bit of massagingβ¦
stepβ : Stepβ β Stepβ stepβ (p , q , r) = ua p , q' , r' where r' = transport (ua p) u β‘β¨ uaΞ² p u β©β‘ p .fst u β‘β¨ r β©β‘ v β q' : β x y β _ q' x y = transport (ua p) (m x y) β‘β¨ uaΞ² p (m x y) β©β‘ p .fst (m x y) β‘β¨ q x y β©β‘ n (p .fst x) (p .fst y) β‘β¨ apβ n (sym (uaΞ² p x)) (sym (uaΞ² p y)) β©β‘ n (transport (ua p) x) (transport (ua p) y) β
The conclusion: identity in the type Monoid
exactlyΒΉ monoid isomorphism!
While itβs great that the theory works, the proofs are pretty
But theyβre very mechanical β incremental!
Our solution: we can make the three-layer approach from before into an actual theorem, using displayed categories.
An alternative presentation of the data of a category D equipped with a βprojectionβ functor Ο:DβC; just more βnativeβ to type theory.
The idea: turn fibers into families.
record Displayed o' β' : Type (o β β β lsuc (o' β β')) where field Ob[_] : β C β β Type o' Hom[_] : (f : Hom x y) β Ob[ x ] β Ob[ y ] β Type β'
Stuff over stuff, structure over structure:
id' : {x' : Ob[ x ]} β Hom[ id ] x' x' _β'_ : {x' : Ob[ x ]} {y' : Ob[ y ]} {z' : Ob[ z ]} β {f : Hom y z} (f' : Hom[ f ] y' z') β {g : Hom x y} (g' : Hom[ g ] x' y') β Hom[ f β g ] x' z'
β¦ also need property over property; check the formalisation.
If we start with a displayed category EC, we can put together a category with objects βx:CβOb[x] β the total category β«E.
Similarly, each x:C gives a category Eβ(x) with objects Ob[x] and maps Hom[id](β,β) β the fibre over x.
Properties of the functor Ο:β«EβC map very nicely to properties of E!
Ο isβ¦ | E satisfiesβ¦ |
faithful | each Hom[β](β,β) is a proposition |
full | each
is inhabited |
fully faithful | each Hom[β](β,β) is contractible |
amnestic | each Eβ(x) univalent, and so is C |
That last row is important!
If we start with a functor, then Ob[x] is the type βy:DβΟ(y)β x; the βfibreβ of Ο over x.
private module _ {o β o' β' : Level} {C : Precategory o β} {D : Precategory o' β'} (Ο : Functor D C) where private private module C = Cat C module D = Cat D module Ο = Functor Ο open C using (_β_ ; id ; _β _) open C._β _ open Displayed
Street : Displayed C _ _ Street .Ob[_] x = Ξ£[ y β D ] (Ο.β y β x)
The maps over are more complicated:
Street .Hom[_] f (x' , i) (y' , j) = Ξ£[ g β D.Hom x' y' ] (Ο.β g β‘ j .from β f β i .to)
Accordingly, the structure is pretty annoying:
Street .id' {x} {x' , i} = record { snd = Ο.β β‘β¨ Ο.F-id β©β‘ id β‘Λβ¨ i .invr β©β‘Λ i .from β i .to β‘Λβ¨ apβ _β_ refl (C.idl _) β©β‘Λ i .from β id C.β i .to β } Street ._β'_ = _ -- even worse!
We can present a concrete, univalent category as a displayed category.
These data amount to:
A type family of structures F:TypeβType;
A proposition Hom[f](S,T), given f:AβB, S:F(A), T:F(B).
This type defines what it means for f to be a βF-structure-preserving map from S to Tβ
Proofs that (2) contains the identities and is closed under composition;
For univalence: a proof that if id is a structure preserving map SβT (and also TβS), then S=T.
We start by defining the property, parametrised by the structure:
record is-semigroup {A : Type β} (_β_ : A β A β A) : Type β where field has-is-set : is-set A assoc : β {x y z} β x β (y β z) β‘ (x β y) β z
We can derive that this is a property pretty mechanically:
module _ where private unquoteDecl eqv = declare-record-iso eqv (quote is-semigroup) is-semigroup-is-prop : {A : Type β} {s : A β A β A} β is-prop (is-semigroup s) is-semigroup-is-prop = Isoβis-hlevel 1 eqv $ Ξ£-is-hlevel 1 (hlevel 1) Ξ» x β let instance _ = hlevel-instance {n = 2} x in hlevel 1
Then we define the structure:
record Semigroup-on (A : Type β) : Type β where field _β_ : A β A β A has-is-semigroup : is-semigroup _β_ open is-semigroup has-is-semigroup public
β¦ and what it means for functions to preserve it:
record is-semigroup-hom (f : A β B) (S : Semigroup-on A) (T : Semigroup-on B) : Type (level-of A β level-of B) where private module S = Semigroup-on S module T = Semigroup-on T field pres-β : β x y β f (x S.β y) β‘ f x T.β f y
private unquoteDecl eqv = declare-record-iso eqv (quote Semigroup-on) unquoteDecl eqv' = declare-record-iso eqv' (quote is-semigroup-hom) instance H-Level-is-semigroup : β {n} {s : A β A β A} β H-Level (is-semigroup s) (suc n) H-Level-is-semigroup = prop-instance is-semigroup-is-prop H-Level-is-semigroup-hom : β {n} {f : A β B} {S : Semigroup-on A} {T : Semigroup-on B} β H-Level (is-semigroup-hom f S T) (suc n) H-Level-is-semigroup-hom {T = T} = prop-instance (Isoβis-hlevel 1 eqv' (hlevel 1)) where instance _ = hlevel-instance {n = 2} (T .Semigroup-on.has-is-set) open is-semigroup-hom
We can then fill in the four bullet points.
is Semigroup-on
is is-semigroup-hom
Semigroup-structure : β {β} β Thin-structure β Semigroup-on Semigroup-structure .is-hom f S T = el! (is-semigroup-hom f S T)
β¦ identities and composites are respected β¦
Semigroup-structure .id-is-hom .pres-β x y = refl Semigroup-structure .β-is-hom f g Ξ± Ξ² .pres-β x y = ap f (Ξ² .pres-β x y) β Ξ± .pres-β _ _
and, finally, the univalence condition:
Semigroup-structure .id-hom-unique p q = Iso.injective eqv $ Ξ£-prop-path! $ ext Ξ» a b β p .pres-β a b
Cubical type theory works in practice, but handling the raw primitives bites
Univalence challenges us to reconsider the notion of structure