module Algebra.Group.Ab.Tensor where

Bilinear maps🔗

A function where all types involved are equipped with abelian group structures, is called bilinear when it satisfies and it is a group homomorphism in each of its arguments.

record Bilinear (A : Abelian-group ) (B : Abelian-group ℓ') (C : Abelian-group ℓ'') : Type (  ℓ'  ℓ'') where
    module A = Abelian-group-on (A .snd)
    module B = Abelian-group-on (B .snd)
    module C = Abelian-group-on (C .snd)

    map     :  A    B    C 
    pres-*l :  x y z  map (x A.* y) z  map x z C.* map y z
    pres-*r :  x y z  map x (y B.* z)  map x y C.* map x z
  fixl-is-group-hom :  a 
    is-group-hom B.Abelian→Group-on C.Abelian→Group-on (map a)
  fixl-is-group-hom a .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ x y = pres-*r a x y

  fixr-is-group-hom :  b 
    is-group-hom A.Abelian→Group-on C.Abelian→Group-on  a  map a b)
  fixr-is-group-hom b .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ x y = pres-*l x y b

  module fixl {a} = is-group-hom (fixl-is-group-hom a)
  module fixr {a} = is-group-hom (fixr-is-group-hom a)

  open fixl
    renaming ( pres-id   to pres-idr
             ; pres-inv  to pres-invr
             ; pres-diff to pres-diffr
    hiding ( pres-⋆ )
  open fixr
    renaming ( pres-id   to pres-idl
             ; pres-inv  to pres-invl
             ; pres-diff to pres-diffl
    hiding ( pres-⋆ )

module _ {A : Abelian-group } {B : Abelian-group ℓ'} {C : Abelian-group ℓ''} where
    module A = Abelian-group-on (A .snd)
    module B = Abelian-group-on (B .snd)
    module C = Abelian-group-on (C .snd)

      : {ba bb : Bilinear A B C}
       (∀ x y ba x y bb x y)
       ba  bb
    Bilinear-path {ba = ba} {bb} p = q where
      open Bilinear

      q : ba  bb
      q i .map x y = p x y i
      q i .pres-*l x y z = is-prop→pathp  i  C.has-is-set (p (x A.* y) z i) (p x z i C.* p y z i))
        (ba .pres-*l x y z) (bb .pres-*l x y z) i
      q i .pres-*r x y z = is-prop→pathp  i  C.has-is-set (p x (y B.* z) i) (p x y i C.* p x z i))
        (ba .pres-*r x y z) (bb .pres-*r x y z) i

      :  {ℓr}  ef : Extensional ( A    B    C ) ℓr   Extensional (Bilinear A B C) ℓr
    Extensional-bilinear  ef  = injection→extensional!  h  Bilinear-path  x y  h · x · y)) ef

module _ {} (A B C : Abelian-group ) where

We have already noted that the set of group homomorphisms between a pair of abelian groups is an abelian group, under pointwise multiplication. The type of bilinear maps is equivalent to the type of group homomorphisms

  curry-bilinear : Bilinear A B C  Ab.Hom A Ab[ B , C ]
  curry-bilinear f .hom a .hom       = f a
  curry-bilinear f .hom a .preserves = Bilinear.fixl-is-group-hom f a
  curry-bilinear f .preserves .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ x y = ext λ z 
    f .Bilinear.pres-*l _ _ _

  curry-bilinear-is-equiv : is-equiv curry-bilinear
  curry-bilinear-is-equiv = is-iso→is-equiv morp where
    morp : is-iso curry-bilinear
    morp .is-iso.inv uc x y = uc · x · y
    morp .is-iso.inv uc .Bilinear.pres-*l x y z = ap ( _) (uc .preserves .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ _ _)
    morp .is-iso.inv uc .Bilinear.pres-*r x y z = (uc · _) .preserves .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ _ _
    morp .is-iso.rinv uc = trivial!
    morp .is-iso.linv uc = trivial!

The tensor product🔗

Thinking about the currying isomorphism we set out to search for an abelian group which lets us “associate” Bilinear in the other direction: Bilinear maps are equivalent to group homomorphisms but is there a construction “”, playing the role of product type, such that is also the type of bilinear maps

The answer is yes: rather than we write this infix as and refer to it as the tensor product of abelian groups. Since is determined by the maps out of it, we can construct it directly as a higher inductive type. We add a constructor for every operation we want, and for the equations these should satisfy: should be an Abelian group, and it should admit a bilinear map

  data Tensor : Type (  ℓ') where
    :1       : Tensor
    _:*_     : Tensor  Tensor  Tensor
    :inv     : Tensor  Tensor
    squash   : is-set Tensor
    t-invl   :  {x}  :inv x :* x  :1
    t-idl    :  {x}  :1 :* x  x
    t-assoc  :  {x y z}  x :* (y :* z)  (x :* y) :* z
    t-comm   :  {x y}  x :* y  y :* x

    _,_       :  A    B   Tensor
    t-pres-*r :  {x y z}  (x , y B.* z)  (x , y) :* (x , z)
    t-pres-*l :  {x y z}  (x A.* y , z)  (x , z) :* (y , z)

The first 8 constructors are, by definition, exactly what we need to make Tensor into an abelian group. The latter three are the bilinear map Since this is an inductive type, it’s the initial object equipped with these data.

  open make-abelian-group
  make-abelian-tensor : make-abelian-group Tensor
  make-abelian-tensor .ab-is-set   = squash
  make-abelian-tensor .mul         = _:*_
  make-abelian-tensor .inv         = :inv
  make-abelian-tensor .1g          = :1
  make-abelian-tensor .idl x       = t-idl
  make-abelian-tensor .assoc x y z = t-assoc
  make-abelian-tensor .invl x      = t-invl
  make-abelian-tensor .comm x y    = t-comm

  _⊗_ : Abelian-group (  ℓ')
  _⊗_ = to-ab make-abelian-tensor

  to-tensor : Bilinear A B _⊗_
  to-tensor           = _,_
  to-tensor .Bilinear.pres-*l x y z = t-pres-*l
  to-tensor .Bilinear.pres-*r x y z = t-pres-*r

If we have any bilinear map we can first extend it to a function of sets by recursion, then prove that this is a group homomorphism. It turns out that this extension is definitionally a group homomorphism.

  bilinear-map→function : Bilinear A B C  Tensor A B   C 
  bilinear-map→function bilin = go module bilinear-map→function where
    go : Tensor A B   C 
    go :1       = C.1g
    go (x :* y) = go x C.* go y
    go (:inv x) = go x C.⁻¹
    go (x , y)  = bilin x y

    go (squash x y p q i j)      = C.has-is-set (go x) (go y)  i  go (p i))  i  go (q i)) i j
    go (t-invl {x} i)            = C.inversel {x = go x} i
    go (t-idl {x} i)             = C.idl {x = go x} i
    go (t-assoc {x} {y} {z} i)   = C.associative {x = go x} {go y} {go z} i
    go (t-comm {x} {y} i)        = C.commutes {x = go x} {y = go y} i
    go (t-pres-*r {a} {b} {c} i) = Bilinear.pres-*r bilin a b c i
    go (t-pres-*l {a} {b} {c} i) = Bilinear.pres-*l bilin a b c i

  {-# DISPLAY bilinear-map→function.go b = bilinear-map→function b #-}
  from-bilinear-map : Bilinear A B C  Ab.Hom (A  B) C
  from-bilinear-map bilin .hom = bilinear-map→function A B C bilin
  from-bilinear-map bilin .preserves .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ x y = refl

It’s also easy to construct a function in the opposite direction, turning group homomorphisms into bilinear maps, but proving that this is an equivalence requires appealing to an induction principle of Tensor which handles the equational fields: Tensor-elim-prop.

  to-bilinear-map : Ab.Hom (A  B) C  Bilinear A B C
  to-bilinear-map gh x y = gh · (x , y)
  to-bilinear-map gh .Bilinear.pres-*l x y z =
    ap (apply gh) t-pres-*l  gh .preserves .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ _ _
  to-bilinear-map gh .Bilinear.pres-*r x y z =
    ap (apply gh) t-pres-*r  gh .preserves .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ _ _

  from-bilinear-map-is-equiv : is-equiv from-bilinear-map
  from-bilinear-map-is-equiv = is-iso→is-equiv morp where
    morp : is-iso from-bilinear-map
    morp .is-iso.inv = to-bilinear-map
    morp .is-iso.rinv hom = ext $ Tensor-elim-prop A B  x  C.has-is-set _ _)
       x y  refl)
       x y  ap₂ C._*_ x y  sym (hom .preserves .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ _ _))
       x  ap C._⁻¹ x  sym (is-group-hom.pres-inv (hom .preserves)))
      (sym (is-group-hom.pres-id (hom .preserves)))
    morp .is-iso.linv x = trivial!

The tensor-hom adjunction🔗

Since we have a construction satisfying we’re driven, being category theorists, to question its naturality: Is the tensor product a functor, and is this equivalence of Hom-sets an adjunction?

The answer is yes, and the proofs are essentially plugging together existing definitions, other than the construction of the functorial action of

Ab-tensor-functor : Functor (Ab  ×ᶜ Ab ) (Ab )
Ab-tensor-functor .F₀ (A , B) = A  B
Ab-tensor-functor .F₁ (f , g) = from-bilinear-map _ _ _ bilin where
  bilin : Bilinear _ _ _
  bilin x y       = f · x , g · y
  bilin .Bilinear.pres-*l x y z = ap (_, g · z) (f .preserves .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ _ _)  t-pres-*l
  bilin .Bilinear.pres-*r x y z = ap (f · x ,_) (g .preserves .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ _ _)  t-pres-*r
Ab-tensor-functor .F-id    = trivial!
Ab-tensor-functor .F-∘ f g = trivial!

Tensor⊣Hom : (A : Abelian-group )  Bifunctor.Left Ab-tensor-functor A  Bifunctor.Right Ab-hom-functor A
Tensor⊣Hom A = hom-iso→adjoints to to-eqv nat where
  to :  {x y}  Ab.Hom (x  A) y  Ab.Hom x Ab[ A , y ]
  to f = curry-bilinear _ _ _ (to-bilinear-map _ _ _ f)

  to-eqv :  {x y}  is-equiv (to {x} {y})
  to-eqv = ∙-is-equiv
    (Hom≃Bilinear _ _ _ .snd)
    (curry-bilinear-is-equiv _ _ _)

  nat : hom-iso-natural {L = Bifunctor.Left Ab-tensor-functor A} {R = Bifunctor.Right Ab-hom-functor A} to
  nat f g h = trivial!