module Data.Int.HIT where
The integers as a HIT🔗
One of the possible characterisations of the integers is as the group freely generated by the monoid of natural numbers under addition. This module constructs this as a higher inductive type:
data Int : Type where diff : (x y : Nat) → Int quot : (m n : Nat) → diff m n ≡ diff (suc m) (suc n)
While this higher-inductive type is a perfectly workable definition of the integers from a mathematical point of view, the ergonomics of higher inductive types are still an area of active research. Therefore, we prefer a “boring” inductive representation of the integers.
This is an alternative representation of the construction of the group integers as consisting of pairs where is set identical to when The single generating path can be stretched to obtain this more familiar quotient, but it has the benefit of provably resulting in a set (without truncation). Intuitively, this is because we only identify points that “used to be distinct”.
We can start by proving that all representations of zero are the same:
zeroes : (n : Nat) → diff 0 0 ≡ diff n n zeroes zero = refl zeroes (suc n) = zeroes n ∙ quot _ _
Additionally, offsetting a difference by a fixed natural, as long as it’s done on both sides of the difference, does not change which integer is being represented: That is, considering all three naturals as integers,
cancel : (a b n : Nat) → diff a b ≡ diff (n + a) (n + b) cancel a b zero = refl cancel a b (suc n) = cancel a b n ∙ quot _ _
As a final pair of helper lemmas, we find that if and differ by an absolute value of then the values and are the same (as long as we fix the sign — hence the two lemmas). The generic situation of “differing by ” is captured by fixing a natural number and adding because we have and
offset-negative : (a b : Nat) → diff a (a + b) ≡ diff 0 b offset-negative zero b = refl offset-negative (suc a) b = diff (suc a) (suc (a + b)) ≡⟨ sym (quot _ _) ⟩≡ diff a (a + b) ≡⟨ offset-negative a b ⟩≡ diff 0 b ∎ offset-positive : (a b : Nat) → diff (a + b) a ≡ diff b 0 offset-positive zero b = refl offset-positive (suc a) b = diff (suc (a + b)) (suc a) ≡⟨ sym (quot _ _) ⟩≡ diff (a + b) a ≡⟨ offset-positive a b ⟩≡ diff b 0 ∎
Those two are the last two lemmas we need to prove the “if” direction
of “naturals are identified in the quotient iff they represent the same
difference”: the construction same-difference
packages everything together with a bow on the top.
opaque same-difference : {a b c d : Nat} → a + d ≡ b + c → diff a b ≡ diff c d same-difference {zero} {b} {c} {d} path = sym $ diff c ⌜ d ⌝ ≡⟨ ap! path ⟩≡ diff c ⌜ b + c ⌝ ≡⟨ ap! (+-commutative b c) ⟩≡ diff c (c + b) ≡⟨ offset-negative _ _ ⟩≡ diff 0 b ∎ same-difference {suc a} {zero} {c} {d} path = sym $ diff ⌜ c ⌝ d ≡⟨ ap! (sym path) ⟩≡ diff ⌜ suc a + d ⌝ d ≡⟨ ap! (+-commutative (suc a) d) ⟩≡ diff (d + suc a) d ≡⟨ offset-positive _ _ ⟩≡ diff (suc a) 0 ∎ same-difference {suc a} {suc b} {c} {d} path = diff (suc a) (suc b) ≡˘⟨ quot _ _ ⟩≡˘ diff a b ≡⟨ same-difference (suc-inj path) ⟩≡ diff c d ∎
quot-diamond : (a b : Nat) → Square (quot a b) (quot a b) (quot (suc a) (suc b)) (quot (suc a) (suc b)) quot-diamond a b i j = hcomp (∂ i ∨ ∂ j) λ where k (i = i0) → quot a b j k (i = i1) → quot (suc a) (suc b) (j ∧ k) k (j = i0) → quot a b i k (j = i1) → quot (suc a) (suc b) (i ∧ k) k (k = i0) → quot a b (i ∨ j) quot-triangle : (a b : Nat) (i : I) → diff a b ≡ quot a b i quot-triangle a b i j = hcomp (∂ j ∨ ~ i) λ where k (i = i0) → diff a b k (j = i0) → diff a b k (k = i0) → diff a b k (j = i1) → quot a b (i ∧ k)
In the other direction, we must be clever: we use path induction,
defining a type family
such that the fibre of
We can then use path induction to construct the map inverse to same-difference
. On the
way, the first thing we establish is a pair of observations about
equalities on the natural numbers:
are equivalent conditions. This can be seen by commutativity and
injectivity of the successor function, but below we prove it using
equational reasoning, without appealing to commutativity.
module ℤ-Path where private variable a b m n c d : Nat encode-p-from : (a + n ≡ b + m) → (a + suc n ≡ b + suc m) encode-p-from {a = a} {n} {b} {m} p = a + suc n ≡⟨ +-sucr a n ⟩≡ suc (a + n) ≡⟨ ap suc p ⟩≡ suc (b + m) ≡˘⟨ +-sucr b m ⟩≡˘ b + suc m ∎ encode-p-to : (a + suc n ≡ b + suc m) → (a + n ≡ b + m) encode-p-to {a} {n} {b} {m} p = suc-inj (sym (+-sucr a n) ∙ p ∙ +-sucr b m)
We then define, fixing two natural numbers
the family
by recursion on the integer
Recall that we want the fibre over
to be
so that’s our pick. Now, the quot
path constructor
mandates that the fibre over
be the same as that over
— but this follows by propositional extensionality and the pair of
observations above.
Code : ∀ (a b : Nat) (x : Int) → Type Code a b (diff c d) = a + d ≡ b + c Code a b (quot m n i) = path i where path : (a + n ≡ b + m) ≡ (a + suc n ≡ b + suc m) path = ua (prop-ext (Nat-is-set _ _) (Nat-is-set _ _) encode-p-from encode-p-to)
Hence, if we have a path
we can apply path induction, whence it suffices to consider the case
is literally_ the difference of
To lift this into our Code
fibration, we must
show that
but this is exactly commutativity of addition on
encode : ∀ (a b : Nat) (x : Int) → diff a b ≡ x → Code a b x encode a b x = J (λ x p → Code a b x) (+-commutative a b)
As a finishing touch, we give Int
instances for Number
and Negative
, meaning that we
can use positive and negative integer literals to denote values of Int
instance Number-Int : Number Int Number-Int .Number.Constraint _ = ⊤ Number-Int .Number.fromNat n = diff n 0 Negative-Int : Negative Int Negative-Int .Negative.Constraint _ = ⊤ Negative-Int .Negative.fromNeg n = diff 0 n
Canonical representatives🔗
Initially, we note that the type of integers admits a surjection from
the type
given by sending each pair of naturals to their difference
private difference-surjection : ∀ x → ∃ (Nat × Nat) (λ (a , b) → (diff a b ≡ x)) difference-surjection (diff x y) = inc ((x , y) , refl) difference-surjection (quot m n i) = is-prop→pathp (λ i → ∥_∥.squash {A = Σ[ (a , b) ∈ Nat × Nat ] (diff a b ≡ quot m n i)}) (inc ((m , n) , refl)) (inc ((suc m , suc n) , refl)) i
What we’ll show is that this surjection actually splits: Given an integer, we can find out what natural numbers it came from. Well, not quite: We can find a reduced representation of that difference. Namely, suppose we’re given the integer We split by cases:
- If then this is the same integer as
- If then this is the same integer as
- If then this is the same integer as
A “canonical form” for an integer is a pair of natural numbers that
represent (under diff
) the same integer we
started with. The canonicalisation procedure does the split we described
above, appealing to a battery of three lemmas to prove the equality.
Canonical : Int → Type Canonical n = Σ[ x ∈ Nat ] Σ[ y ∈ Nat ] (diff x y ≡ n) canonicalise : (n : Int) → Canonical n canonicalise = go where lemma₁ : ∀ x y → .(x < y) → diff 0 (y - x) ≡ diff x y lemma₂ : ∀ x y → .(y < x) → diff (x - y) 0 ≡ diff x y lemma₃ : ∀ x y → .(x ≡ y) → diff 0 0 ≡ diff x y work : ∀ x y → Canonical (diff x y) work x y with ≤-split x y ... | inl p = 0 , y - x , lemma₁ x y p ... | inr (inl p) = x - y , 0 , lemma₂ x y p ... | inr (inr p) = 0 , 0 , lemma₃ x y p
It remains to show that the procedure work
respects the
quotient. This is a truly gargantuan amount of work, and so it’s omitted
from this page. You can unfold it below if you dare:
No, really, it’s quite ugly.
-- I commend your bravery in unfolding this <details>! These three -- lemmas are inductively defined on the natural numbers in a way that -- lets us prove that the paths they return respect the Int quotient -- without using that Int is a set (because we don't know that yet!) lemma₁ zero (suc y) p = refl lemma₁ (suc x) (suc y) p = lemma₁ x y (≤-peel p) ∙ Int.quot x y lemma₂ (suc x) zero p = refl lemma₂ (suc x) (suc y) p = lemma₂ x y (≤-peel p) ∙ Int.quot x y lemma₃ zero zero p = refl lemma₃ zero (suc y) p = absurd (zero≠suc p) lemma₃ (suc x) zero p = absurd (suc≠zero p) lemma₃ (suc x) (suc y) p = lemma₃ x y (suc-inj p) ∙ Int.quot x y abstract work-respects-quot : ∀ x y → PathP (λ i → Canonical (Int.quot x y i)) (work x y) (work (suc x) (suc y)) -- We split on (x, y) but also (1+x,1+y). This is obviously -- redundant to a human, but to Agda, we must do this: there is no -- link between these two splits. work-respects-quot x y with ≤-split x y | ≤-split (suc x) (suc y) ... | inl x<y | inl (s≤s x<y') = Σ-pathp refl $ Σ-pathp refl $ commutes→square (∙-idl _) ... | inr (inl x>y) | inr (inl (s≤s x>y')) = Σ-pathp refl $ Σ-pathp refl $ commutes→square (∙-idl _) ... | inr (inr x≡y) | inr (inr x≡y') = Σ-pathp refl $ Σ-pathp refl $ commutes→square (∙-idl _) -- This *barrage* of cases is to handle the cases where e.g. (x < y) -- but (1 + x > 1 + y), which is "obviously" impossible. But Agda -- doesn't care about what humans think is obvious. ... | inl x<y | inr (inl (s≤s x>y)) = absurd (<-asym x<y x>y) ... | inl x<y | inr (inr x≡y) = absurd (<-not-equal x<y (suc-inj x≡y)) ... | inr (inl x>y) | inl (s≤s x<y) = absurd (<-asym x>y x<y) ... | inr (inr x≡y) | inl (s≤s x<y) = absurd (<-not-equal x<y x≡y) ... | inr (inl x>y) | inr (inr x≡y) = absurd (<-not-equal x>y (sym (suc-inj x≡y))) ... | inr (inr x≡y) | inr (inl (s≤s x>y)) = absurd (<-irrefl (sym x≡y) x>y) go : ∀ n → Canonical n go (diff x y) = work x y go (Int.quot x y i) = work-respects-quot x y i
This immediately implies that the type of integers is a set, because it’s a retract of a set — namely
instance abstract H-Level-Int : ∀ {n} → H-Level Int (2 + n) H-Level-Int = basic-instance 2 (retract→is-hlevel 2 into from linv (hlevel 2)) where into : (Nat × Nat) → Int into (x , y) = diff x y from : Int → Nat × Nat from x with canonicalise x ... | a , b , p = a , b linv : ∀ x → into (from x) ≡ x linv x with canonicalise x ... | a , b , p = p
If we want to define a map it suffices to give a function which respects the quotient, in the following sense:
Int-rec : ∀ {ℓ} {X : Type ℓ} → (f : Nat → Nat → X) → (q : (a b : _) → f a b ≡ f (suc a) (suc b)) → Int → X Int-rec f q (diff x y) = f x y Int-rec f q (quot m n i) = q m n i
However, since can be a more general space, not necessarily a set, defining a binary operation can be quite involved! It doesn’t suffice to exhibit a function from which respects the quotient separately in each argument:
Int-rec₂ : ∀ {ℓ} {B : Type ℓ} → (f : Nat × Nat → Nat × Nat → B) → (pl : (a b x y : _) → f (a , b) (x , y) ≡ f (suc a , suc b) (x , y)) → (pr : (a b x y : _) → f (a , b) (x , y) ≡ f (a , b) (suc x , suc y))
In addition, we must have that these two paths
and pr
are coherent. There are two
ways of obtaining an equality
after pr
and pr
, respectively) and these must be homotopic:
→ (square : (a b x y : _) → Square (pl a b x y) (pr a b x y) (pr (suc a) (suc b) x y) (pl a b (suc x) (suc y))) → Int → Int → B
The type of square
says that we need the following
square of paths to commute, which says exactly that pl ∙ pr
and pr ∙ pl
are homotopic and imposes no further structure
Int-rec₂ f p-l p-r sq (diff a b) (diff x y) = f (a , b) (x , y) Int-rec₂ f p-l p-r sq (diff a b) (quot x y i) = p-r a b x y i Int-rec₂ f p-l p-r sq (quot a b i) (diff x y) = p-l a b x y i Int-rec₂ f p-l p-r sq (quot a b i) (quot x y j) = sq a b x y i j
However, when the type
we are mapping into is a set
as is the case for the integers themselves, the square is automatically
satisfied, so we can give a simplified recursion principle:
Int-rec₂-set : ∀ {ℓ} {B : Type ℓ} ⦃ iss-b : H-Level B 2 ⦄ → (f : Nat × Nat → Nat × Nat → B) → (pl : (a b x y : _) → f (a , b) (x , y) ≡ f (suc a , suc b) (x , y)) → (pr : (a b x y : _) → f (a , b) (x , y) ≡ f (a , b) (suc x , suc y)) → Int → Int → B Int-rec₂-set ⦃ iss-b ⦄ f pl pr = Int-rec₂ f pl pr square where abstract square : (a b x y : Nat) → PathP (λ i → pl a b x y i ≡ pl a b (suc x) (suc y) i) (pr a b x y) (pr (suc a) (suc b) x y) square a b x y = is-set→squarep (λ i j → hlevel 2) _ _ _ _
Furthermore, when proving propositions
of the
integers, the quotient is automatically respected, so it suffices to
give the case for diff
Int-elim-prop : ∀ {ℓ} {P : Int → Type ℓ} → ((x : Int) → is-prop (P x)) → (f : (a b : Nat) → P (diff a b)) → (x : Int) → P x Int-elim-prop pprop f (diff a b) = f a b Int-elim-prop pprop f (quot m n i) = is-prop→pathp (λ i → pprop (quot m n i)) (f m n) (f (suc m) (suc n)) i
There are also variants for binary and ternary predicates.
Int-elim₂-prop : ∀ {ℓ} {P : Int → Int → Type ℓ} → ((x y : Int) → is-prop (P x y)) → (f : (a b x y : Nat) → P (diff a b) (diff x y)) → (x : Int) (y : Int) → P x y Int-elim₂-prop pprop f = Int-elim-prop (λ x → Π-is-hlevel 1 (pprop x)) λ a b int → Int-elim-prop (λ x → pprop (diff a b) x) (f a b) int Int-elim₃-prop : ∀ {ℓ} {P : Int → Int → Int → Type ℓ} → ((x y z : Int) → is-prop (P x y z)) → (f : (a b c d e f : Nat) → P (diff a b) (diff c d) (diff e f)) → (x : Int) (y : Int) (z : Int) → P x y z Int-elim₃-prop pprop f = Int-elim₂-prop (λ x y → Π-is-hlevel 1 (pprop x y)) λ a b c d int → Int-elim-prop (λ x → pprop (diff a b) (diff c d) x) (f a b c d) int
A third possibility for elimination is granted to us by the canonicalisation procedure: By canonicalising and looking at the resulting minuend and subtrahend2, we can split on an integer based on its sign:
abstract canonicalise-not-both-suc : ∀ x {k n} → canonicalise x .fst ≡ suc k → ¬ canonicalise x .snd .fst ≡ suc n canonicalise-not-both-suc = Int-elim-prop {P = λ x → ∀ {k n} → canonicalise x .fst ≡ suc k → ¬ canonicalise x .snd .fst ≡ suc n } (λ p → hlevel 1) go where go : ∀ a b {k n} → canonicalise (diff a b) .fst ≡ suc k → ¬ canonicalise (diff a b) .snd .fst ≡ suc n go a b p q with ≤-split a b ... | inl x = absurd (zero≠suc p) ... | inr (inl x) = absurd (zero≠suc q) ... | inr (inr x) = absurd (zero≠suc q)
Int-elim-by-sign : ∀ {ℓ} (P : Int → Type ℓ) → (pos : ∀ x → P (diff x 0)) → (neg : ∀ x → P (diff 0 x)) → P (diff 0 0) → ∀ x → P x Int-elim-by-sign P pos neg zer x with inspect (canonicalise x) ... | (zero , zero , p) , q = subst P p zer ... | (zero , suc b , p) , q = subst P p (neg (suc b)) ... | (suc a , zero , p) , q = subst P p (pos (suc a)) ... | (suc a , suc b , p) , q = absurd (canonicalise-not-both-suc x (ap fst q) (ap (fst ∘ snd) q))
data By-sign-view : Int → Type where posv : ∀ z → By-sign-view (diff z 0) negv : ∀ z → By-sign-view (diff 0 (suc z)) by-sign : ∀ x → By-sign-view x by-sign = Int-elim-by-sign (λ z → By-sign-view z) posv (λ { zero → posv 0 ; (suc x) → negv x }) (posv 0)
This procedure is useful, for instance, for computing absolute values:
abs : Int → Nat abs x with by-sign x ... | posv z = z ... | negv z = suc z _ : abs -10 ≡ 10 _ = refl
With these recursion and elimination helpers, it becomes routine to lift the algebraic operations from naturals to integers:
The simplest “algebraic operation” on an integer is taking its successor. In fact, the integers are characterised by being the free type with an equivalence - that equivalence being “successor”.
sucℤ : Int → Int sucℤ (diff x y) = diff (suc x) y sucℤ (quot m n i) = quot (suc m) n i predℤ : Int → Int predℤ (diff x y) = diff x (suc y) predℤ (quot m n i) = quot m (suc n) i
The successor of
Similarly, the predecessor of
By the generating equality quot
, we have that
predecessor and successor are inverses, since applying both (in either
order) takes
pred-sucℤ : (x : Int) → predℤ (sucℤ x) ≡ x pred-sucℤ (diff x y) = sym (quot x y) pred-sucℤ (quot m n i) j = quot-diamond m n i (~ j) suc-predℤ : (x : Int) → sucℤ (predℤ x) ≡ x suc-predℤ (diff x y) = sym (quot x y) suc-predℤ (quot m n i) j = quot-diamond m n i (~ j) sucℤ-is-equiv : is-equiv sucℤ sucℤ-is-equiv = is-iso→is-equiv (iso predℤ suc-predℤ pred-sucℤ) predℤ-is-equiv : is-equiv predℤ predℤ-is-equiv = is-iso→is-equiv (iso sucℤ pred-sucℤ suc-predℤ)
_+ℤ_ : Int → Int → Int diff a b +ℤ diff c d = diff (a + c) (b + d) diff x y +ℤ quot m n i = (quot (x + m) (y + n) ∙ sym (ap₂ diff (+-sucr x m) (+-sucr y n))) i quot m n i +ℤ diff x y = quot (m + x) (n + y) i quot m n i +ℤ quot m' n' j = is-set→squarep (λ i j → hlevel 2) (λ j → quot (m + m') (n + n') j) (quot (m + m') (n + n') ∙ sym (ap₂ diff (+-sucr m m') (+-sucr n n'))) ( quot (suc (m + m')) (suc (n + n')) ∙ sym (ap₂ diff (ap suc (+-sucr m m')) (ap suc (+-sucr n n')))) (λ j → quot (m + suc m') (n + suc n') j) i j
Since addition of integers is (essentially!) addition of pairs of
naturals, the algebraic properties of +
on the natural numbers
automatically lift to properties about _+ℤ_
, using the recursion
helpers for props (Int-elim-prop
) and the
fact that equality of integers is a proposition.
+ℤ-associative : (x y z : Int) → x +ℤ (y +ℤ z) ≡ (x +ℤ y) +ℤ z +ℤ-zerol : (x : Int) → 0 +ℤ x ≡ x +ℤ-zeror : (x : Int) → x +ℤ 0 ≡ x +ℤ-commutative : (x y : Int) → x +ℤ y ≡ y +ℤ x
See the proofs here
abstract +ℤ-associative = Int-elim₃-prop (λ x y z → hlevel 1) (λ a b c d e f → ap₂ diff (+-associative a c e) (+-associative b d f)) +ℤ-zerol = Int-elim-prop (λ x → hlevel 1) (λ a b → refl) +ℤ-zeror = Int-elim-prop (λ x → hlevel 1) (λ a b → ap₂ diff (+-zeror a) (+-zeror b)) +ℤ-commutative = Int-elim₂-prop (λ x y → hlevel 1) (λ a b c d → ap₂ diff (+-commutative a c) (+-commutative b d))
Every integer
has an additive inverse, denoted
which is obtained by swapping the components of the pair. Since the
definition of negate
is very simple, it can be written conveniently without using Int-rec
negate : Int → Int negate (diff x y) = diff y x negate (quot m n i) = quot n m i
The proof that
is an additive inverse to
follows, essentially, from commutativity of addition on natural numbers,
and the fact that all zeroes are identified
abstract +ℤ-inverser : (x : Int) → x +ℤ negate x ≡ 0 +ℤ-inverser = Int-elim-prop (λ _ → hlevel 1) λ where a b → diff (a + b) ⌜ b + a ⌝ ≡⟨ ap! (+-commutative b a) ⟩≡ diff (a + b) (a + b) ≡⟨ sym (zeroes (a + b)) ⟩≡ diff 0 0 ∎ +ℤ-inversel : (x : Int) → negate x +ℤ x ≡ 0 +ℤ-inversel = Int-elim-prop (λ _ → hlevel 1) λ where a b → diff ⌜ b + a ⌝ (a + b) ≡⟨ ap! (+-commutative b a) ⟩≡ diff (a + b) (a + b) ≡⟨ sym (zeroes (a + b)) ⟩≡ diff 0 0 ∎
Since negate
is precisely what’s missing for Nat
to be a group, we
can turn the integers into a group. Subtraction is defined as
addition with the inverse, rather than directly on diff
_-ℤ_ : Int → Int → Int x -ℤ y = x +ℤ negate y
We now prove that the integers are a ring, i.e. that there is a multiplication operation with 1 as a left/right identity, which is associative, and additionally distributes over addition on both the left and the right. It’s also commutative — so is a commutative ring.
The definition of multiplication is slightly tricky: We use the
binomial theorem. Pretend that
is really
and expand that to
that’s our product. It remains to show that this respects the defining
equation quot
, which involves some
nasty equations (you can see them in the types of l₁
and l₂
below) — but this can
be done with the semiring solver.
module _ where private abstract l₁ : ∀ a b x y → a * x + b * y + (suc a * y + suc b * x) ≡ a * y + b * x + (suc a * x + suc b * y) l₁ a b x y = nat! l₂ : ∀ a b x y → a * x + b * y + (a * suc y + b * suc x) ≡ a * y + b * x + (a * suc x + b * suc y) l₂ a b x y = nat! rhs₁ : ∀ x y m n → diff (x * m + y * n) (x * n + y * m) ≡ diff (x * suc m + y * suc n) (x * suc n + y * suc m) rhs₁ x y m n = same-difference (l₂ x y m n) rhs₂ : ∀ x y m n → diff (m * x + n * y) (m * y + n * x) ≡ diff (x + m * x + (y + n * y)) (y + m * y + (x + n * x)) rhs₂ x y m n = same-difference (l₁ m n x y)
_*ℤ_ : Int → Int → Int diff a b *ℤ diff c d = diff (a * c + b * d) (a * d + b * c) diff x y *ℤ quot m n i = rhs₁ x y m n i quot m n i *ℤ diff x y = rhs₂ x y m n i quot m n i *ℤ quot x y j = is-set→squarep (λ i j → hlevel 2) (rhs₂ x y m n) (rhs₁ m n x y) (rhs₁ (suc m) (suc n) x y) (rhs₂ (suc x) (suc y) m n) i j
We omit the proofs of the arithmetic identities below since they are essentially induction + calling the semiring solver.
abstract *ℤ-associative : ∀ x y z → x *ℤ (y *ℤ z) ≡ (x *ℤ y) *ℤ z *ℤ-commutative : ∀ x y → x *ℤ y ≡ y *ℤ x *ℤ-idl : ∀ x → 1 *ℤ x ≡ x *ℤ-idr : ∀ x → x *ℤ 1 ≡ x *ℤ-distrib-+ℤ-l : ∀ x y z → x *ℤ (y +ℤ z) ≡ (x *ℤ y) +ℤ (x *ℤ z) *ℤ-distrib-+ℤ-r : ∀ x y z → (y +ℤ z) *ℤ x ≡ (y *ℤ x) +ℤ (z *ℤ x)
*ℤ-associative = Int-elim₃-prop (λ _ _ _ → hlevel 1) λ a b c d e f → sym (same-difference (lemma a b c d e f)) where abstract lemma : ∀ a b c d e f → (a * c + b * d) * e + (a * d + b * c) * f + (a * (c * f + d * e) + b * (c * e + d * f)) ≡ (a * c + b * d) * f + (a * d + b * c) * e + (a * (c * e + d * f) + b * (c * f + d * e)) lemma a b c d e f = nat! *ℤ-commutative = Int-elim₂-prop (λ _ _ → hlevel 1) λ a b x y → same-difference (lemma a b x y) where abstract lemma : ∀ a b x y → a * x + b * y + (x * b + y * a) ≡ a * y + b * x + (x * a + y * b) lemma a b x y = nat! *ℤ-idl = Int-elim-prop (λ _ → hlevel 1) (λ a b → same-difference (lemma a b)) where abstract lemma : ∀ a b → (a + 0 + 0 + b) ≡ (b + 0 + 0 + a) lemma a b = nat! *ℤ-idr = Int-elim-prop (λ _ → hlevel 1) (λ a b → same-difference (lemma a b)) where abstract lemma : ∀ a b → a * 1 + b * 0 + b ≡ a * 0 + b * 1 + a lemma a b = nat! *ℤ-distrib-+ℤ-l = Int-elim₃-prop (λ _ _ _ → hlevel 1) λ a b c d e f → same-difference (lemma a b c d e f) where abstract lemma : ∀ a b c d e f → a * (c + e) + b * (d + f) + (a * d + b * c + (a * f + b * e)) ≡ a * (d + f) + b * (c + e) + (a * c + b * d + (a * e + b * f)) lemma a b c d e f = nat! *ℤ-distrib-+ℤ-r = Int-elim₃-prop (λ _ _ _ → hlevel 1) λ a b c d e f → same-difference (lemma a b c d e f) where lemma : ∀ a b c d e f → (c + e) * a + (d + f) * b + (c * b + d * a + (e * b + f * a)) ≡ (c + e) * b + (d + f) * a + (c * a + d * b + (e * a + f * b)) lemma a b c d e f = nat! canonicalise-injective : ∀ x y → canonicalise x .fst ≡ canonicalise y .fst → canonicalise x .snd .fst ≡ canonicalise y .snd .fst → x ≡ y canonicalise-injective = Int-elim₂-prop (λ _ _ → hlevel 1) λ a b x y p q → sym (canonicalise (diff a b) .snd .snd) ·· ap₂ diff p q ·· canonicalise (diff x y) .snd .snd instance Discrete-Int : Discrete Int Discrete-Int = go _ _ where go₀ : (a b x y : Nat) → Dec (diff a b ≡ diff x y) go₀ a b x y with a + y ≡? b + x ... | yes p = yes (same-difference p) ... | no ¬p = no λ ab → ¬p (ℤ-Path.encode a b (diff x y) ab) go₁ : (a b : Nat) (y : Int) → Dec (diff a b ≡ y) go₁ a b (diff x y) = go₀ a b x y go₁ a b (quot m n i) = is-prop→pathp (λ i → Dec-is-hlevel 1 (hlevel {T = diff a b ≡ quot m n i} 1)) (go₀ a b m n) (go₀ a b (suc m) (suc n)) i go : ∀ x y → Dec (x ≡ y) go (diff a b) y = go₁ a b y go (quot m n i) y = is-prop→pathp (λ i → Dec-is-hlevel 1 (hlevel {T = quot m n i ≡ y} 1)) (go₁ m n y) (go₁ (suc m) (suc n) y) i
In the diagram, we write for
suc x
.↩︎keeping in mind that the image of
is restricted to pairs of the form or ↩︎