module Data.Nat.Order where
Properties of ordering on ℕ🔗
We establish the basic properties of ordering on the natural numbers.
These are properties of the order itself, and not how it interacts with
the semiring structure. For that, see Data.Nat.Properties
The first thing we establish is that
is a partial order, so it deserves
the name
It is reflexive, transitive, antisymmetric, and takes values in
propositions. In all cases, save for reflexivity, the induction happens
on the witnesses of ordering, and Agda handles inducting on the naturals
≤-refl : ∀ {x : Nat} → x ≤ x ≤-refl {zero} = 0≤x ≤-refl {suc x} = s≤s ≤-refl
≤-refl' : ∀ {x y} → x ≡ y → x ≤ y ≤-refl' {zero} {zero} p = 0≤x ≤-refl' {zero} {suc y} p = absurd (zero≠suc p) ≤-refl' {suc x} {zero} p = absurd (suc≠zero p) ≤-refl' {suc x} {suc y} p = s≤s (≤-refl' (suc-inj p))
≤-antisym : ∀ {x y : Nat} → x ≤ y → y ≤ x → x ≡ y ≤-antisym 0≤x 0≤x = refl ≤-antisym (s≤s p) (s≤s q) = ap suc (≤-antisym p q) ≤-is-prop : {x y : Nat} → is-prop (x ≤ y) ≤-is-prop 0≤x 0≤x = refl ≤-is-prop (s≤s p) (s≤s q) = ap s≤s (≤-is-prop p q)
As a minor convenience, we prove that the constructor s≤s
is an equivalence
≤-ascend : ∀ {x} → x ≤ suc x ≤-ascend = ≤-sucr ≤-refl
private from-prim-< : ∀ x y → ⌞ x Prim.< y ⌟ → x < y from-prim-< zero (suc y) o = s≤s 0≤x from-prim-< (suc x) (suc y) o = s≤s (from-prim-< x y o) to-prim-< : ∀ x y → x < y → ⌞ x Prim.< y ⌟ to-prim-< zero (suc y) o = oh to-prim-< (suc x) (suc y) o = to-prim-< x y (≤-peel o) instance H-Level-≤ : ∀ {n x y} → H-Level (x ≤ y) (suc n) H-Level-≤ = prop-instance ≤-is-prop
Properties of the strict order🔗
<-≤-asym : ∀ {x y} → x < y → ¬ (y ≤ x) <-≤-asym {.(suc _)} {.(suc _)} (s≤s p) (s≤s q) = <-≤-asym p q <-asym : ∀ {x y} → x < y → ¬ (y < x) <-asym {.(suc _)} {.(suc _)} (s≤s p) (s≤s q) = <-asym p q <-not-equal : ∀ {x y} → x < y → x ≠ y <-not-equal {zero} (s≤s p) q = absurd (zero≠suc q) <-not-equal {suc x} (s≤s p) q = <-not-equal p (suc-inj q) <-irrefl : ∀ {x y} → x ≡ y → ¬ (x < y) <-irrefl {suc x} {zero} p q = absurd (suc≠zero p) <-irrefl {zero} {suc y} p _ = absurd (zero≠suc p) <-irrefl {suc x} {suc y} p (s≤s q) = <-irrefl (suc-inj p) q ≤-strengthen : ∀ {x y} → x ≤ y → (x ≡ y) ⊎ (x < y) ≤-strengthen {zero} {zero} 0≤x = inl refl ≤-strengthen {zero} {suc y} 0≤x = inr (s≤s 0≤x) ≤-strengthen {suc x} {suc y} (s≤s p) with ≤-strengthen p ... | inl eq = inl (ap suc eq) ... | inr le = inr (s≤s le) <-from-≤ : ∀ {x y} → x ≠ y → x ≤ y → x < y <-from-≤ x≠y x≤y with ≤-strengthen x≤y ... | inl x=y = absurd (x≠y x=y) ... | inr x<y = x<y
Furthermore, _≤_
is decidable, and weakly total:
≤-dec : (x y : Nat) → Dec (x ≤ y) ≤-dec zero zero = yes 0≤x ≤-dec zero (suc y) = yes 0≤x ≤-dec (suc x) zero = no λ { () } ≤-dec (suc x) (suc y) with ≤-dec x y ... | yes x≤y = yes (s≤s x≤y) ... | no ¬x≤y = no (λ { (s≤s x≤y) → ¬x≤y x≤y }) ≤-is-weakly-total : ∀ x y → ¬ (x ≤ y) → y ≤ x ≤-is-weakly-total zero zero _ = 0≤x ≤-is-weakly-total zero (suc y) ¬0≤s = absurd (¬0≤s 0≤x) ≤-is-weakly-total (suc x) zero _ = 0≤x ≤-is-weakly-total (suc x) (suc y) ¬s≤s = s≤s $ ≤-is-weakly-total x y λ z → ¬s≤s (s≤s z)
<-from-not-≤ : ∀ x y → ¬ (x ≤ y) → y < x <-from-not-≤ zero zero x = absurd (x 0≤x) <-from-not-≤ zero (suc y) ¬0≤s = absurd (¬0≤s 0≤x) <-from-not-≤ (suc x) zero _ = s≤s 0≤x <-from-not-≤ (suc x) (suc y) ¬s≤s = s≤s $ <-from-not-≤ x y λ z → ¬s≤s (s≤s z) ≤-from-not-< : ∀ x y → ¬ (x < y) → y ≤ x ≤-from-not-< zero zero p = 0≤x ≤-from-not-< zero (suc y) p = absurd (p (s≤s 0≤x)) ≤-from-not-< (suc x) zero p = 0≤x ≤-from-not-< (suc x) (suc y) p = s≤s (≤-from-not-< x y (p ∘ s≤s)) <-trans : ∀ x y z → x < y → y < z → x < z <-trans x (suc y) (suc z) (s≤s p) (s≤s q) = ≤-trans (s≤s p) (≤-trans q ≤-ascend) ≤-uncap : ∀ m n → m ≠ suc n → m ≤ suc n → m ≤ n ≤-uncap m n p 0≤x = 0≤x ≤-uncap (suc x) zero p (s≤s 0≤x) = absurd (p refl) ≤-uncap (suc x) (suc n) p (s≤s q) = s≤s (≤-uncap x n (p ∘ ap suc) q)
≤-dec : (x y : Nat) → Dec (x ≤ y) ≤-dec x y with x ≡? y ... | yes x=y = yes (≤-refl' x=y) ... | no ¬x=y with oh? (x Prim.< y) ... | yes x<y = yes (<-weaken (from-prim-< x y x<y)) ... | no ¬x<y = no not-both where not-both : ¬ (x ≤ y) not-both p with ≤-strengthen p ... | inl x=y = ¬x=y x=y ... | inr x<y = ¬x<y (to-prim-< x y x<y) instance Dec-≤ : ∀ {x y} → Dec (x ≤ y) Dec-≤ = ≤-dec _ _
We also have that a successor is never smaller than the number it succeeds:
¬sucx≤x : (x : Nat) → ¬ (suc x ≤ x) ¬sucx≤x (suc x) (s≤s ord) = ¬sucx≤x x ord
We can do proofs on pairs of natural numbers by splitting into cases of their strict ordering:
≤-split : ∀ (x y : Nat) → (x < y) ⊎ (y < x) ⊎ (x ≡ y) ≤-split x y with ≤-dec (suc x) y ≤-split x y | yes x<y = inl x<y ≤-split x y | no x≥y with ≤-dec (suc y) x ≤-split x y | no x≥y | yes y<x = inr (inl y<x) ≤-split x y | no x≥y | no y≥x = inr (inr (go x y x≥y y≥x)) where go : ∀ x y → ¬ (suc x ≤ y) → ¬ (suc y ≤ x) → x ≡ y go zero zero p q = refl go zero (suc zero) p q = absurd (p (s≤s 0≤x)) go zero (suc (suc y)) p q = absurd (p (s≤s 0≤x)) go (suc zero) zero p q = absurd (q (s≤s 0≤x)) go (suc (suc x)) zero p q = absurd (q (s≤s 0≤x)) go (suc x) (suc y) p q = ap suc (go x y (λ { a → p (s≤s a) }) λ { a → q (s≤s a) })
Nat is a lattice🔗
An interesting tidbit about the ordering on is that it is, in some sense, generated by the max operator: We have iff It can also be generated by the min operator, but we don’t establish that here (it is a more general fact about lattices).
≤-iff-max : ∀ {x y} → (x ≤ y) ≃ (y ≡ max x y) ≤-iff-max = prop-ext! to from where to : ∀ {x y} → x ≤ y → y ≡ max x y to {.0} {zero} 0≤x = refl to {.0} {suc y} 0≤x = refl to {x} {y} (s≤s p) = ap suc (to p) from : ∀ {x y} → y ≡ max x y → x ≤ y from {zero} p = 0≤x from {suc x} {zero} p = absurd (zero≠suc p) from {suc x} {suc y} p = s≤s (from (suc-inj p))
In classical mathematics, the well-ordering principle states that every nonempty subset of the natural numbers has a minimal element. In constructive mathematics, there are subsets of which only have a minimal elements if excluded middle holds. The LEM-agnostic statement is that every inhabited complemented subset of the natural numbers has a minimal element. Note that for a complemented subset, inhabitation is the same as nonemptiness, but we prefer the stronger phrasing since it makes the proof one step shorter.
The “subset” part only comes in at the start: To get out from under the truncation, we need the fact that minimal solutions are unique. Given a minimal solution and one we have that since both are minimal (so and but we do not1 automatically have that
minimal-solution : ∀ {ℓ} (P : Nat → Type ℓ) → Type _ minimal-solution P = Σ[ n ∈ Nat ] (P n × (∀ k → P k → n ≤ k)) minimal-solution-unique : ∀ {ℓ} {P : Nat → Prop ℓ} → is-prop (minimal-solution λ x → ∣ P x ∣) minimal-solution-unique (n , pn , n-min) (k , pk , k-min) = Σ-prop-path! (≤-antisym (n-min _ pk) (k-min _ pn))
The step of the code that actually finds a minimal solution does not need to be a predicate: we only need that for actually searching for an inhabited subset.
min-suc : ∀ {ℓ} {P : Nat → Type ℓ} → ∀ n → ¬ P 0 → (∀ k → P (suc k) → n ≤ k) → ∀ k → P k → suc n ≤ k min-suc n ¬p0 nmins zero pk = absurd (¬p0 pk) min-suc zero ¬p0 nmins (suc k) psk = s≤s 0≤x min-suc (suc n) ¬p0 nmins (suc k) psk = s≤s (nmins k psk) ℕ-minimal-solution : ∀ {ℓ} (P : Nat → Type ℓ) → (∀ n → Dec (P n)) → (n : Nat) → P n → minimal-solution P ℕ-minimal-solution P decp zero p = 0 , p , λ k _ → 0≤x ℕ-minimal-solution P decp (suc n) p = case decp zero of λ where (yes p0) → 0 , p0 , λ k _ → 0≤x (no ¬p0) → let (a , pa , x) = ℕ-minimal-solution (P ∘ suc) (decp ∘ suc) n p in suc a , pa , min-suc {P = P} a ¬p0 x ℕ-well-ordered : ∀ {ℓ} {P : Nat → Prop ℓ} → (∀ n → Dec ∣ P n ∣) → ∃[ n ∈ Nat ] ∣ P n ∣ → Σ[ n ∈ Nat ] (∣ P n ∣ × (∀ k → ∣ P k ∣ → n ≤ k)) ℕ-well-ordered {P = P} P-dec wit = ∥-∥-rec (minimal-solution-unique {P = P}) (λ { (n , p) → ℕ-minimal-solution _ P-dec n p }) wit
We’re implicitly appealing to path induction to reduce this to the case where ↩︎