open import 1Lab.Reflection
open import 1Lab.Path
open import 1Lab.Type

open import Data.Maybe.Base

open import Prim.Data.Nat

module 1Lab.Reflection.Marker where

-- The marker. The marker is literally just the identity function, but
-- written surrounding rather than prefix. Unlike literally the identity
-- function, however, the marker is marked NOINLINE, so it will not
-- disappear without reduction.
⌜_⌝ :  {} {A : Type }  A  A
 x  = x
{-# NOINLINE ⌜_⌝ #-}

-- Abstract over the marked term(s). All marked terms refer to the same
-- variable, so e.g.
--  abstract-marker (quoteTerm (f ⌜ x ⌝ (λ _ → ⌜ x ⌝)))
-- is (λ e → f e (λ _ → e)). The resulting term is open in precisely one
-- variable: that variable is what substitutes the marked terms.
abstract-marker : Term  Maybe Term
abstract-marker = go 0 where
  go  : Nat  Term  Maybe Term
  go* : Nat  List (Arg Term)  Maybe (List (Arg Term))

  go k (var j args) = var j' <$> go* k args
      j' : Nat
      j' with j < k
      ... | false = suc j
      ... | true = j
  go k (con c args) = con c <$> go* k args
  go k (def f args) with f
  ... | quote ⌜_⌝ = pure (var k [])
  -- ^ This is the one interesting case. Any application of the marker
  -- gets replaced with the 'k'th variable. Initially k = 0, so this is
  -- the variable bound by the lambda. But as we encounter further
  -- binders, we must increment this, since the marked term gets farther
  -- and farther away in the context.
  ... | x = def f <$> go* k args
  go k (lam v (abs x t)) = lam v  abs x <$> go (suc k) t
  go k (pat-lam cs args) = nothing
  go k (pi (arg i a) (abs x t)) = do
    t  go (suc k) t
    a  go k a
    pure (pi (arg i a) (abs x t))
  go k (agda-sort s) with s
  ... | set t = agda-sort  set <$> go k t
  ... | lit n = pure (agda-sort (lit n))
  ... | prop t = agda-sort  prop <$> go k t
  ... | propLit n = pure (agda-sort (propLit n))
  ... | inf n = pure (agda-sort (inf n))
  ... | unknown = pure (agda-sort unknown)
  go k (lit l) = pure (lit l)
  go k (meta m args) = meta m <$> go* k args
  go k unknown = pure unknown

  go* k [] = pure []
  go* k (arg i x  xs) = do
    x  go k x
    xs  go* k xs
    pure (arg i x  xs)

  -- We need this weird record (instead of a Σ-type) for two reasons.
  -- One is universe levels. The second is that, if we're elaborating a
  -- pre-existing
  --   ap! p
  -- (and supposing ap! had type {it : Σ Type _} → it .fst → x ≡ y), we
  -- will elaborate p against it .fst *before* running the ap-worker
  -- tactic, which very helpfully solves it := ? , [type of p] and
  -- prevents the tactic from firing. So we also need it to be
  -- no-eta-equality.
  record ap-data {} {A : Type } (x y : A) : Typeω where
    no-eta-equality ; pattern ; constructor mkapdata
      ℓ-mark : Level
      mark   : Type ℓ-mark
      from   : mark  x  y

  ap-worker :  {} {A : Type } (x : A)  Term  TC 
  ap-worker x goal = withNormalisation false do
    `x  wait-for-type =<< quoteTC x
    case abstract-marker `x of λ where
      (just l)  do
        debugPrint "1lab.marked-ap" 10
          [ "original  " , termErr `x , "\n"
          , "abstracted" , termErr (lam visible (abs "x" l))
        unify goal (con (quote mkapdata) (unknown v∷ unknown v∷ def (quote ap) (lam visible (abs "x" l) v∷ []) v∷ []))
      nothing  typeError [ "Failed to abstract over marker in term" , termErr `x ]

  open ap-data

  ap!-wrapper :  {} {A : Type } {x y : A} {@(tactic ap-worker x) it : ap-data x y}  it .mark  x  y
  ap!-wrapper {it = mkapdata _ _ f} = f

  ap¡-wrapper :  {} {A : Type } {x y : A} {@(tactic ap-worker y) it : ap-data x y}  it .mark  x  y
  ap¡-wrapper {it = mkapdata _ _ f} = f

  -- Generalised ap. Automatically generates the function to apply to by
  -- abstracting over any markers in the LEFT ENDPOINT of the path. Use
  -- with _≡⟨_⟩_.
  ap! : Term  TC 
  ap! g = unify g (def (quote ap!-wrapper) [])

  -- Generalised ap. Automatically generates the function to apply to by
  -- abstracting over any markers in the RIGHT ENDPOINT of the path. Use
  -- with _≡˘⟨_⟩_.
  ap¡ : Term  TC 
  ap¡ g = unify g (def (quote ap¡-wrapper) [])

module _ {} {A : Type } {x y : A} {p : x  y} {f : A  (A  A)  A} where
    q : f x  y  x)  f y  z  y)
    q =
      f  x   _   x ) ≡⟨ ap! p 
      f y  _  y)         

    r : f y  _  y)  f x  _  x)
    r =
      f  y   _   y ) ≡˘⟨ ap¡ p 
      f x  _  x)