module Algebra.Monoid.Category where
open Precategory open is-semigroup open is-monoid open is-magma open Monoid-hom open Monoid-on open Functor open _=>_ open _⊣_ private map : ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'} → (A → B) → List A → List B map =
Category of monoids🔗
The collection of all Monoid
s relative to some
universe level assembles into a precategory. This is because being a
monoid homomorphism is a proposition
, and so
does not raise the h-level of the
instance H-Level-Monoid-hom : ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {s : Type ℓ} {t : Type ℓ'} → ∀ {x : Monoid-on s} {y : Monoid-on t} {f} {n} → H-Level (Monoid-hom x y f) (suc n) H-Level-Monoid-hom {y = M} = prop-instance λ x y i → record { pres-id = M .has-is-set _ _ (x .pres-id) (y .pres-id) i ; pres-⋆ = λ a b → M .has-is-set _ _ (x .pres-⋆ a b) (y .pres-⋆ a b) i }
It’s routine to check that the identity is a monoid homomorphism and
that composites of homomorphisms are again homomorphisms; This means
that Monoid-on
assembles into a structure thinly displayed over the category of sets,
so that we may appeal to general results about displayed categories to reason
about the category of monoids.
Monoid-structure : ∀ ℓ → Thin-structure ℓ Monoid-on Monoid-structure ℓ .is-hom f A B = el! $ Monoid-hom A B f Monoid-structure ℓ .id-is-hom .pres-id = refl Monoid-structure ℓ .id-is-hom .pres-⋆ x y = refl Monoid-structure ℓ .∘-is-hom f g p1 p2 .pres-id = ap f (p2 .pres-id) ∙ p1 .pres-id Monoid-structure ℓ .∘-is-hom f g p1 p2 .pres-⋆ x y = ap f (p2 .pres-⋆ _ _) ∙ p1 .pres-⋆ _ _ Monoid-structure ℓ .id-hom-unique mh _ i .identity = mh .pres-id i Monoid-structure ℓ .id-hom-unique mh _ i ._⋆_ x y = mh .pres-⋆ x y i Monoid-structure ℓ .id-hom-unique {s = s} {t = t} mh _ i .has-is-monoid = is-prop→pathp (λ i → hlevel {T = is-monoid (mh .pres-id i) (λ x y → mh .pres-⋆ x y i)} 1) (s .has-is-monoid) (t .has-is-monoid) i Monoids : ∀ ℓ → Precategory (lsuc ℓ) ℓ Monoids ℓ = Structured-objects (Monoid-structure ℓ) Monoids-is-category : ∀ {ℓ} → is-category (Monoids ℓ) Monoids-is-category = Structured-objects-is-category (Monoid-structure _)
By standard nonsense, then, the category of monoids admits a faithful functor into the category of sets.
Mon↪Sets : ∀ {ℓ} → Functor (Monoids ℓ) (Sets ℓ) Mon↪Sets = Forget-structure (Monoid-structure _)
Free monoids🔗
We piece together some properties of lists
to show that, if
is a set, then
is an object of Monoids
; The operation is
list concatenation, and the identity element is the empty list.
List-is-monoid : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} → is-set A → Monoid-on (List A) List-is-monoid aset .identity = [] List-is-monoid aset ._⋆_ = _++_ List-is-monoid aset .has-is-monoid .idl = refl List-is-monoid aset .has-is-monoid .idr = ++-idr _ List-is-monoid aset .has-is-monoid .has-is-semigroup .has-is-magma .has-is-set =→List-is-set aset List-is-monoid aset .has-is-monoid .has-is-semigroup .associative {x} {y} {z} = sym (++-assoc x y z)
We prove that the assignment
is functorial; We call this functor Free
, since it is a left
adjoint to the Forget
defined above: it solves the problem of turning a set
into a monoid in the
most efficient way.
Free-monoid : ∀ {ℓ} → Functor (Sets ℓ) (Monoids ℓ) Free-monoid .F₀ A = el! (List ∣ A ∣) , List-is-monoid (A .is-tr)
The action on morphisms is given by map
, which preserves the
monoid identity definitionally; We must prove that it preserves
concatenation, identity and composition by induction on the list.
Free-monoid .F₁ f = total-hom (map f) record { pres-id = refl ; pres-⋆ = map-++ f } Free-monoid .F-id = ext map-id Free-monoid .F-∘ f g = ext map-∘ where map-∘ : ∀ xs → map (λ x → f (g x)) xs ≡ map f (map g xs) map-∘ [] = refl map-∘ (x ∷ xs) = ap (f (g x) ∷_) (map-∘ xs)
We refer to the adjunction counit as fold
, since it has the
effect of multiplying all the elements in the list together. It “folds”
it up into a single value.
fold : ∀ {ℓ} (X : Monoid ℓ) → List (X .fst) → X .fst fold (M , m) = go where module M = Monoid-on m go : List M → M go [] = M.identity go (x ∷ xs) = x M.⋆ go xs
We prove that fold
is a monoid homomorphism, and that it
is a natural transformation, hence worthy of being an adjunction
fold-++ : ∀ {ℓ} {X : Monoid ℓ} (xs ys : List (X .fst)) → fold X (xs ++ ys) ≡ Monoid-on._⋆_ (X .snd) (fold X xs) (fold X ys) fold-++ {X = X} = go where module M = Monoid-on (X .snd) go : ∀ xs ys → _ go [] ys = sym M.idl go (x ∷ xs) ys = fold X (x ∷ xs ++ ys) ≡⟨⟩ x M.⋆ fold X (xs ++ ys) ≡⟨ ap (_ M.⋆_) (go xs ys) ⟩≡ x M.⋆ (fold X xs M.⋆ fold X ys) ≡⟨ M.associative ⟩≡ fold X (x ∷ xs) M.⋆ fold X ys ∎ fold-natural : ∀ {ℓ} {X Y : Monoid ℓ} f → Monoid-hom (X .snd) (Y .snd) f → ∀ xs → fold Y (map f xs) ≡ f (fold X xs) fold-natural f mh [] = sym (mh .pres-id) fold-natural {X = X} {Y} f mh (x ∷ xs) = f x Y.⋆ fold Y (map f xs) ≡⟨ ap (_ Y.⋆_) (fold-natural f mh xs) ⟩≡ f x Y.⋆ f (fold X xs) ≡⟨ sym (mh .pres-⋆ _ _) ⟩≡ f (x X.⋆ fold X xs) ∎ where module X = Monoid-on (X .snd) module Y = Monoid-on (Y .snd)
Proving that it satisfies the zig
triangle identity is
the lemma fold-pure
fold-pure : ∀ {ℓ} {X : Set ℓ} (xs : List ∣ X ∣) → fold (List ∣ X ∣ , List-is-monoid (X .is-tr)) (map (λ x → x ∷ []) xs) ≡ xs fold-pure [] = refl fold-pure {X = X} (x ∷ xs) = ap (x ∷_) (fold-pure {X = X} xs) Free-monoid⊣Forget : ∀ {ℓ} → Free-monoid {ℓ} ⊣ Mon↪Sets Free-monoid⊣Forget .unit .η _ x = x ∷ [] Free-monoid⊣Forget .unit .is-natural x y f = refl Free-monoid⊣Forget .counit .η M = total-hom (fold _) record { pres-id = refl ; pres-⋆ = fold-++ } Free-monoid⊣Forget .counit .is-natural x y th = ext $ fold-natural (th .hom) (th .preserves) Free-monoid⊣Forget .zig {A = A} = ext $ fold-pure {X = A} Free-monoid⊣Forget .zag {B = B} i x = B .snd .idr {x = x} i
This concludes the proof that Monoids
has free objects.
We now prove that monoids are equivalently algebras for the List
monad, i.e. that the
adjunction is monadic.
More specifically, we show that the canonically-defined comparison
functor is fully faithful (list algebra
homomoprhisms are equivalent to monoid homomorphisms) and that it is split essentially surjective.
Monoid-is-monadic : ∀ {ℓ} → is-monadic (Free-monoid⊣Forget {ℓ}) Monoid-is-monadic {ℓ} = ff+split-eso→is-equivalence it's-ff it's-eso where open import Cat.Diagram.Monad comparison = Comparison-EM (Free-monoid⊣Forget {ℓ}) module comparison = Functor comparison it's-ff : is-fully-faithful comparison it's-ff {x} {y} = is-iso→is-equiv (iso from from∘to to∘from) where module x = Monoid-on (x .snd) module y = Monoid-on (y .snd)
First, for full-faithfulness, it suffices to prove that the morphism
part of comparison
is an isomorphism
. Hence, define
an inverse; It suffices to show that the underlying map of the algebra
homomorphism is a monoid homomorphism, which follows from the properties
of monoids:
from : Algebra-hom _ (comparison.₀ x) (comparison.₀ y) → Monoids ℓ .Hom x y from alg .hom = alg .hom from alg .preserves .pres-id = happly (alg .preserves) [] from alg .preserves .pres-⋆ a b = f (a x.⋆ b) ≡˘⟨ ap f (ap (a x.⋆_) x.idr) ⟩≡˘ f (a x.⋆ (b x.⋆ x.identity)) ≡⟨ (λ i → alg .preserves i (a ∷ b ∷ [])) ⟩≡ f a y.⋆ (f b y.⋆ y.identity) ≡⟨ ap (f a y.⋆_) y.idr ⟩≡ f a y.⋆ f b ∎ where f = alg .hom
The proofs that this is a quasi-inverse is immediate, since both “being an algebra homomorphism” and “being a monoid homomorphism” are properties of the underlying map.
from∘to : is-right-inverse from comparison.₁ from∘to x = trivial! to∘from : is-left-inverse from comparison.₁ to∘from x = trivial!
Showing that the functor is essentially surjective is significantly more complicated. We must show that we can recover a monoid from a List algebra (a “fold”): We take the unit element to be the fold of the empty list, and the binary operation to be the fold of the list
it's-eso : is-split-eso comparison it's-eso (A , alg) = monoid , the-iso where open Algebra-on import Cat.Reasoning (Eilenberg-Moore (L∘R (Free-monoid⊣Forget {ℓ}))) as R monoid : Monoids ℓ .Ob monoid .fst = A monoid .snd .identity = alg .ν [] monoid .snd ._⋆_ a b = alg .ν (a ∷ b ∷ [])
It suffices, through incredibly tedious calculations, to show that these data assembles into a monoid:
monoid .snd .has-is-monoid = has-is-m where abstract has-is-m : is-monoid (alg .ν []) (monoid .snd ._⋆_) has-is-m .has-is-semigroup = record { has-is-magma = record { has-is-set = A .is-tr } ; associative = λ {x} {y} {z} → alg .ν (⌜ x ⌝ ∷ alg .ν (y ∷ z ∷ []) ∷ []) ≡˘⟨ ap¡ (happly (alg .ν-unit) x) ⟩≡˘ alg .ν (alg .ν (x ∷ []) ∷ alg .ν (y ∷ z ∷ []) ∷ []) ≡⟨ happly (alg .ν-mult) _ ⟩≡ alg .ν (x ∷ y ∷ z ∷ []) ≡˘⟨ happly (alg .ν-mult) _ ⟩≡˘ alg .ν (alg .ν (x ∷ y ∷ []) ∷ ⌜ alg .ν (z ∷ []) ⌝ ∷ []) ≡⟨ ap! (happly (alg .ν-unit) z) ⟩≡ alg .ν (alg .ν (x ∷ y ∷ []) ∷ z ∷ []) ∎ } has-is-m .idl {x} = alg .ν (alg .ν [] ∷ ⌜ x ⌝ ∷ []) ≡˘⟨ ap¡ (happly (alg .ν-unit) x) ⟩≡˘ alg .ν (alg .ν [] ∷ alg .ν (x ∷ []) ∷ []) ≡⟨ happly (alg .ν-mult) _ ⟩≡ alg .ν (x ∷ []) ≡⟨ happly (alg .ν-unit) x ⟩≡ x ∎ has-is-m .idr {x} = alg .ν (⌜ x ⌝ ∷ alg .ν [] ∷ []) ≡˘⟨ ap¡ (happly (alg .ν-unit) x) ⟩≡˘ alg .ν (alg .ν (x ∷ []) ∷ alg .ν [] ∷ []) ≡⟨ happly (alg .ν-mult) _ ⟩≡ alg .ν (x ∷ []) ≡⟨ happly (alg .ν-unit) x ⟩≡ x ∎
The most important lemma is that folding
a list using this
monoid recovers the original algebra multiplication, which we can show
by induction on the list:
recover : ∀ x → fold _ x ≡ alg .ν x recover [] = refl recover (x ∷ xs) = alg .ν (x ∷ fold _ xs ∷ []) ≡⟨ ap₂ (λ e f → alg .ν (e ∷ f ∷ [])) (sym (happly (alg .ν-unit) x)) (recover xs) ⟩≡ alg .ν (alg .ν (x ∷ []) ∷ alg .ν xs ∷ []) ≡⟨ happly (alg .ν-mult) _ ⟩≡ alg .ν (x ∷ xs ++ []) ≡⟨ ap (alg .ν) (++-idr _) ⟩≡ alg .ν (x ∷ xs) ∎
We must then show that the image of this monoid under Comparison
is isomorphic to the original
algebra. Fortunately, this follows from the recover
lemma above; The
isomorphism itself is given by the identity function in both directions,
since the recovered monoid has the same underlying type as the
into : Algebra-hom _ (comparison.₀ monoid) (A , alg) into .hom = λ x → x into .preserves = funext (λ x → recover x ∙ ap (alg .ν) (sym (map-id x))) from : Algebra-hom _ (A , alg) (comparison.₀ monoid) from .hom = λ x → x from .preserves = funext (λ x → sym (recover x) ∙ ap (fold _) (sym (map-id x))) the-iso : comparison.₀ monoid R.≅ (A , alg) the-iso = R.make-iso into from trivial! trivial!