module Data.List.Properties where
Path spaceπ
Using these lemmas, we can characterise the path space of
List A
in terms of the path space of A
. For
this, we define by induction a type family Code
, which represents paths
in List A
by iterated products of paths in
module ListPath {A : Type β} where Code : List A β List A β Type (level-of A) Code [] [] = Lift (level-of A) β€ Code [] (x β· xβ) = Lift (level-of A) β₯ Code (h β· t) [] = Lift (level-of A) β₯ Code (h β· t) (h' β· t') = (h β‘ h') Γ Code t t'
We have a map encode
which turns a path
into a Code
, and a
function decode
which does the opposite.
encode : {xs ys : List A} β xs β‘ ys β Code xs ys encode {xs = []} {ys = []} path = lift tt encode {xs = []} {ys = x β· ys} path = lift (β·β [] (sym path)) encode {xs = x β· xs} {ys = []} path = lift (β·β [] path) encode {xs = x β· xs} {ys = xβ β· ys} path = β·-head-inj path , encode {xs = xs} {ys = ys} (ap tail path) decode : {xs ys : List A} β Code xs ys β xs β‘ ys decode {[]} {[]} code = refl decode {x β· xs} {xβ β· ys} (p , q) i = p i β· decode q i
These maps are inverses by construction:
encode-decode : {xs ys : List A} (p : Code xs ys) β encode (decode p) β‘ p encode-decode {[]} {[]} (lift tt) = refl encode-decode {x β· xs} {xβ β· ys} (p , q) i = p , encode-decode q i decode-encode : {xs ys : List A} (p : xs β‘ ys) β decode (encode p) β‘ p decode-encode = J (Ξ» y p β decode (encode p) β‘ p) de-refl where de-refl : {xs : List A} β decode (encode (Ξ» i β xs)) β‘ (Ξ» i β xs) de-refl {[]} = refl de-refl {x β· xs} i j = x β· de-refl {xs = xs} i j CodeβPath : {xs ys : List A} β (xs β‘ ys) β Code xs ys CodeβPath = IsoβEquiv (encode , iso decode encode-decode decode-encode)
Thus we have a characterisation of Path (List A)
terms of Path A
. We use this to prove that lists preserve
h-levels for
i.e.Β if A
is a set (or more) then List A
is a
type of the same h-level.
List-is-hlevel : (n : Nat) β is-hlevel A (2 + n) β is-hlevel (List A) (2 + n) List-is-hlevel n ahl x y = Equivβis-hlevel (suc n) CodeβPath Code-is-hlevel where Code-is-hlevel : {x y : List A} β is-hlevel (Code x y) (suc n) Code-is-hlevel {[]} {[]} = is-propβis-hlevel-suc Ξ» x y β refl Code-is-hlevel {[]} {x β· y} = is-propβis-hlevel-suc Ξ» x β absurd (lower x) Code-is-hlevel {x β· xβ} {[]} = is-propβis-hlevel-suc Ξ» x β absurd (lower x) Code-is-hlevel {x β· xβ} {xβ β· y} = Γ-is-hlevel (suc n) (ahl _ _) Code-is-hlevel instance H-Level-List : β {n} β¦ p : 2 β€ n β¦ β¦ _ : H-Level A n β¦ β H-Level (List A) n H-Level-List {n = suc (suc n)} β¦ sβ€s (sβ€s p) β¦ β¦ x β¦ = record { has-hlevel = List-is-hlevel n (H-Level.has-hlevel x) } is-setβList-is-set : is-set A β is-set (List A) is-setβList-is-set = List-is-hlevel zero
Then we can prove that this operation is associative and has
as both left and right units:
++-assoc : β {β} {A : Type β} (xs ys zs : List A) β (xs ++ ys) ++ zs β‘ xs ++ (ys ++ zs) ++-assoc [] ys zs = refl ++-assoc (x β· xs) ys zs i = x β· ++-assoc xs ys zs i ++-idl : β {β} {A : Type β} (xs : List A) β [] ++ xs β‘ xs ++-idl xs i = xs ++-idr : β {β} {A : Type β} (xs : List A) β xs ++ [] β‘ xs ++-idr [] i = [] ++-idr (x β· xs) i = x β· ++-idr xs i
Continuing with the useful lemmas, if the heads and tails of two lists are identified, then the lists themselves are identified:
ap-β· : β {x y : A} {xs ys : List A} β x β‘ y β xs β‘ ys β Path (List A) (x β· xs) (y β· ys) ap-β· xβ‘y xsβ‘ys i = xβ‘y i β· xsβ‘ys i
map-id : β {β} {A : Type β} β (xs : List A) β map id xs β‘ xs map-id [] = refl map-id (x β· xs) = ap (x β·_) (map-id xs) map-++ : β {β β'} {A : Type β} {B : Type β'} β (f : A β B) β (xs ys : List A) β map f (xs ++ ys) β‘ map f xs ++ map f ys map-++ f [] ys = refl map-++ f (x β· xs) ys = ap (f x β·_) (map-++ f xs ys) take-length : β {β} {A : Type β} (xs : List A) β take (length xs) xs β‘ xs take-length [] = refl take-length (x β· xs) = ap (x β·_) (take-length xs) take-length-more : β {β} {A : Type β} (xs : List A) (n : Nat) β length xs β€ n β take n xs β‘ xs take-length-more [] zero wit = refl take-length-more [] (suc n) wit = refl take-length-more (x β· xs) (suc n) (sβ€s wit) = ap (x β·_) (take-length-more xs n wit)
all-of-++ : β {β} {A : Type β} β (f : A β Bool) β (xs ys : List A) β all-of f (xs ++ ys) β‘ and (all-of f xs) (all-of f ys) all-of-++ f [] ys = refl all-of-++ f (x β· xs) ys = ap (and (f x)) (all-of-++ f xs ys) β and-associative (f x) (all-of f xs) (all-of f ys) all-of-map : β {β β'} {A : Type β} {B : Type β'} β (f : B β Bool) β (g : A β B) β (xs : List A) β all-of f (map g xs) β‘ all-of (f β g) xs all-of-map f g [] = refl all-of-map f g (x β· xs) = ap (and (f (g x))) (all-of-map f g xs) any-of-++ : β {β} {A : Type β} β (f : A β Bool) β (xs ys : List A) β any-of f (xs ++ ys) β‘ or (any-of f xs) (any-of f ys) any-of-++ f [] ys = refl any-of-++ f (x β· xs) ys = ap (or (f x)) (any-of-++ f xs ys) β or-associative (f x) (any-of f xs) (any-of f ys) any-of-map : β {β β'} {A : Type β} {B : Type β'} β (f : B β Bool) β (g : A β B) β (xs : List A) β any-of f (map g xs) β‘ any-of (f β g) xs any-of-map f g [] = refl any-of-map f g (x β· xs) = ap (or (f (g x))) (any-of-map f g xs) all-of-or : β {β} {A : Type β} β (f : A β Bool) β (b : Bool) (xs : List A) β all-of (Ξ» x β or b (f x)) xs β‘ or b (all-of f xs) all-of-or f b [] = sym (or-truer b) all-of-or f b (x β· xs) = ap (and (or b (f x))) (all-of-or f b xs) β sym (or-distrib-andl b (f x) (all-of f xs)) not-all-of : β {β} {A : Type β} β (f : A β Bool) β (xs : List A) β not (all-of f xs) β‘ any-of (not β f) xs not-all-of f [] = refl not-all-of f (x β· xs) = not-andβ‘or-not (f x) (all-of f xs) β ap (or (not (f x))) (not-all-of f xs) not-any-of : β {β} {A : Type β} β (f : A β Bool) β (xs : List A) β not (any-of f xs) β‘ all-of (not β f) xs not-any-of f [] = refl not-any-of f (x β· xs) = not-orβ‘and-not (f x) (any-of f xs) β ap (and (not (f x))) (not-any-of f xs)
is-empty : List A β Type is-empty [] = β€ is-empty (_ β· _) = β₯ is-empty? : β (xs : List A) β Dec (is-empty xs) is-empty? [] = yes tt is-empty? (x β· xs) = no id