module Data.Bool.Base where
true≠false : ¬ true  false
true≠false p = subst P p tt where
  P : Bool  Type
  P false = 
  P true = 
not : Bool  Bool
not true = false
not false = true

and or : Bool  Bool  Bool
and false y = false
and true y = y

or false y = y
or true y = true
  Discrete-Bool : Discrete Bool
  Discrete-Bool {false} {false} = yes refl
  Discrete-Bool {false} {true}  = no false≠true
  Discrete-Bool {true}  {false} = no true≠false
  Discrete-Bool {true}  {true}  = yes refl
x≠true→x≡false : (x : Bool)  x  true  x  false
x≠true→x≡false false p = refl
x≠true→x≡false true p = absurd (p refl)

x≠false→x≡true : (x : Bool)  x  false  x  true
x≠false→x≡true false p = absurd (p refl)
x≠false→x≡true true p = refl
is-true : Bool  Type
is-true true  = 
is-true false = 

record So (b : Bool) : Type where
    is-so : is-true b

pattern oh = record { is-so = tt }