module Order.Instances.Props where


In the posetal world, what plays the role of the category of sets is the poset of propositions — our relations take values in propositions, much like the category of sets is where the functor takes values.

Unlike “the” category of sets, which is actually a bunch of categories (depending on the universe level of the types we’re considering), there is a single poset of propositions — this is the principle of propositional resizing, which we assume throughout.

Props : Poset lzero lzero
Props .Poset.Ob = Ω
Props .Poset._≤_ P Q =  P    Q 
Props .Poset.≤-thin = hlevel 1
Props .Poset.≤-refl x = x
Props .Poset.≤-trans g f x = f (g x)
Props .Poset.≤-antisym p q = ext (Ω-ua p q)

The poset of propositions a top and bottom element, as well as all meets and joins.

Props-has-top : Top Props
Props-has-top = ⊤Ω
Props-has-top .Top.has-top _ _ = tt

Props-has-bot : Bottom Props
Props-has-bot = ⊥Ω
Props-has-bot .Bottom.has-bottom _ ()

Props-has-joins :  P Q  is-join Props P Q (P ∨Ω Q)
Props-has-joins P Q .is-join.l≤join = pure  inl
Props-has-joins P Q .is-join.r≤join = pure  inr
Props-has-joins P Q .is-join.least R l r = rec! [ l , r ]

Props-has-meets :  P Q  is-meet Props P Q (P ∧Ω Q)
Props-has-meets P Q≤l = fst
Props-has-meets P Q≤r = snd
Props-has-meets P Q .is-meet.greatest R l r x = l x , r x

module _ {} {I : Type } (Ps : I  Ω) where
  Props-has-glbs : is-glb Props Ps (∀Ω I Ps)
  Props-has-glbs .is-glb.glb≤fam i = rec! (_$ i)
  Props-has-glbs .is-glb.greatest R k x = inc  i  k i x)

  Props-has-lubs : is-lub Props Ps (∃Ω I Ps)
  Props-has-lubs .is-lub.fam≤lub i pi = inc (i , pi)
  Props-has-lubs .is-lub.least R k = rec! k