module Order.Semilattice.Join where
Join semilattices🔗
A join semilattice is a partially ordered set which has all finite joins. This means, in particular, that it has a bottom element, since that is the join of the empty family. Note that, even though join-semilattices are presented as being equipped with a binary operation this is not actual structure on the partially-ordered set: joins are uniquely determined, so “being a join-semilattice” is always a proposition.
record is-join-semilattice {o ℓ} (P : Poset o ℓ) : Type (o ⊔ ℓ) where field _∪_ : ⌞ P ⌟ → ⌞ P ⌟ → ⌞ P ⌟ ∪-joins : ∀ x y → is-join P x y (x ∪ y) has-bottom : Bottom P
infixr 24 _∪_ open Joins ∪-joins public open Bottom has-bottom using (bot; ¡) public abstract is-join-semilattice-is-prop : ∀ {o ℓ} {P : Poset o ℓ} → is-prop (is-join-semilattice P) is-join-semilattice-is-prop {P = P} p q = path where open Order.Diagram.Bottom P using (H-Level-Bottom) open is-join-semilattice module p = is-join-semilattice p module q = is-join-semilattice q joinp : ∀ x y → x p.∪ y ≡ x q.∪ y joinp x y = join-unique (p.∪-joins x y) (q.∪-joins x y) path : p ≡ q path i ._∪_ x y = joinp x y i path i .∪-joins x y = is-prop→pathp (λ i → hlevel {T = is-join P x y (joinp x y i)} 1) (p.∪-joins x y) (q.∪-joins x y) i path i .has-bottom = hlevel {T = Bottom P} 1 p.has-bottom q.has-bottom i private variable o ℓ o' ℓ' : Level P Q R : Poset o ℓ instance H-Level-is-join-semilattice : ∀ {n} → H-Level (is-join-semilattice P) (suc n) H-Level-is-join-semilattice = prop-instance is-join-semilattice-is-prop
Morphisms of join semilattices are monotone functions which additionally send joins to joins: we have and Note that, since was already assumed to be order-preserving, it suffices to have less than with an inequality. This is because we always have the reverse direction by the universal property.
record is-join-slat-hom {P : Poset o ℓ} {Q : Poset o' ℓ'} (f : Monotone P Q) (P-slat : is-join-semilattice P) (Q-slat : is-join-semilattice Q) : Type (o ⊔ ℓ') where
no-eta-equality private module P = Poset P module Pₗ = is-join-semilattice P-slat module Q = Order.Reasoning Q module Qₗ = is-join-semilattice Q-slat open is-join
field ∪-≤ : ∀ x y → f # (x Pₗ.∪ y) Q.≤ (f # x) Qₗ.∪ (f # y) bot-≤ : f # Pₗ.bot Q.≤ Qₗ.bot
pres-∪ : ∀ x y → f # (x Pₗ.∪ y) ≡ (f # x) Qₗ.∪ (f # y) pres-∪ x y = Q.≤-antisym (∪-≤ x y) $ Qₗ.∪-universal (f # (x Pₗ.∪ y)) (f .pres-≤ Pₗ.l≤∪) (f .pres-≤ Pₗ.r≤∪) pres-bot : f # Pₗ.bot ≡ Qₗ.bot pres-bot = Q.≤-antisym bot-≤ Qₗ.¡ pres-joins : ∀ {x y m} → is-join P x y m → is-join Q (f # x) (f # y) (f # m) pres-joins join .is-join.l≤join = f .pres-≤ (join .l≤join) pres-joins join .is-join.r≤join = f .pres-≤ (join .r≤join) pres-joins {x = x} {y = y} {m = m} join .is-join.least lb fx≤lb fy≤lb = f # m Q.≤⟨ f .pres-≤ (join .least (x Pₗ.∪ y) Pₗ.l≤∪ Pₗ.r≤∪) ⟩Q.≤ f # (x Pₗ.∪ y) Q.≤⟨ ∪-≤ x y ⟩Q.≤ f # x Qₗ.∪ f # y Q.≤⟨ Qₗ.∪-universal lb fx≤lb fy≤lb ⟩Q.≤ lb Q.≤∎ pres-bottoms : ∀ {b} → is-bottom P b → is-bottom Q (f # b) pres-bottoms {b = b} b-bot x = f # b Q.≤⟨ f .pres-≤ (b-bot Pₗ.bot) ⟩Q.≤ f # Pₗ.bot Q.≤⟨ bot-≤ ⟩Q.≤ Qₗ.bot Q.≤⟨ Qₗ.¡ ⟩Q.≤ x Q.≤∎ open is-join-slat-hom unquoteDecl H-Level-is-join-slat-hom = declare-record-hlevel 1 H-Level-is-join-slat-hom (quote is-join-slat-hom) open Poset
The category of join-semilattices🔗
It is clear from the definition that join semilatice homomorphisms are closed under identity and composition: therefore, we can define the category of join-semilattices as a subcategory of that of posets. However, this subcategory is not full: there are monotone functions between semilattices that do not preserve joins.
id-join-slat-hom : (Pₗ : is-join-semilattice P) → is-join-slat-hom idₘ Pₗ Pₗ ∘-join-slat-hom : ∀ {Pₗ Qₗ Rₗ} {f : Monotone Q R} {g : Monotone P Q} → is-join-slat-hom f Qₗ Rₗ → is-join-slat-hom g Pₗ Qₗ → is-join-slat-hom (f ∘ₘ g) Pₗ Rₗ
id-join-slat-hom {P = P} _ .∪-≤ _ _ = P .≤-refl id-join-slat-hom {P = P} _ .bot-≤ = P .≤-refl ∘-join-slat-hom {R = R} {f = f} {g = g} f-pres g-pres .∪-≤ x y = R .≤-trans (f .pres-≤ (g-pres .∪-≤ x y)) (f-pres .∪-≤ (g # x) (g # y)) ∘-join-slat-hom {R = R} {f = f} {g = g} f-pres g-pres .bot-≤ = R .≤-trans (f .pres-≤ (g-pres .bot-≤)) (f-pres .bot-≤) Join-slats-subcat : ∀ o ℓ → Subcat (Posets o ℓ) (o ⊔ ℓ) (o ⊔ ℓ) Join-slats-subcat o ℓ = is-join-semilattice Join-slats-subcat o ℓ = is-join-slat-hom Join-slats-subcat o ℓ _ _ _ = hlevel 1 Join-slats-subcat o ℓ = id-join-slat-hom Join-slats-subcat o ℓ∘ = ∘-join-slat-hom Join-slats : ∀ o ℓ → Precategory (lsuc o ⊔ lsuc ℓ) (o ⊔ ℓ) Join-slats o ℓ = Subcategory (Join-slats-subcat o ℓ) module Join-slats {o} {ℓ} = Cat.Reasoning (Join-slats o ℓ) Join-slats→Posets : ∀ {o ℓ} → Functor (Join-slats o ℓ) (Posets o ℓ) Join-slats→Posets = Forget-subcat Join-slats↪Sets : ∀ {o ℓ} → Functor (Join-slats o ℓ) (Sets o) Join-slats↪Sets = Posets↪Sets F∘ Join-slats→Posets Join-semilattice : ∀ o ℓ → Type _ Join-semilattice o ℓ = Join-slats.Ob {o} {ℓ}