module Order.DCPO.Pointed where
Pointed DCPOs🔗
A DCPO is pointed if it has a least element This is a property of a DCPO, as bottom elements are unique.
is-pointed-dcpo : DCPO o ℓ → Type _ is-pointed-dcpo D = Bottom (DCPO.poset D) is-pointed-dcpo-is-prop : ∀ (D : DCPO o ℓ) → is-prop (is-pointed-dcpo D) is-pointed-dcpo-is-prop D = Bottom-is-prop (DCPO.poset D)
A DCPO is pointed if and only if it has least upper bounds of all semidirected families.
The forward direction is straightforward: bottom elements are equivalent to least upper bounds of the empty family and this family is trivially semidirected.
semidirected-lub→pointed : (∀ {Ix : Type o} (s : Ix → Ob) → is-semidirected-family poset s → Lub poset s) → is-pointed-dcpo D semidirected-lub→pointed lub = Lub→Bottom poset (lower-lub (lub (λ ()) (λ ())))
Conversely, if
has a bottom element
then we can extend any semidirected family
to a directed family
by sending nothing
to the bottom element.
module _ {o ℓ} (D : DCPO o ℓ) (pointed : is-pointed-dcpo D) where open DCPO D open Bottom pointed open is-directed-family open is-lub
extend-bottom : (Ix → Ob) → Maybe Ix → Ob extend-bottom s nothing = bot extend-bottom s (just i) = s i extend-bottom-directed : (s : Ix → Ob) → is-semidirected-family poset s → is-directed-family poset (extend-bottom s) extend-bottom-directed s semidir .elt = inc nothing extend-bottom-directed s semidir .semidirected (just i) (just j) = do (k , i≤k , j≤k) ← semidir i j pure (just k , i≤k , j≤k) extend-bottom-directed s semidir .semidirected (just x) nothing = pure (just x , ≤-refl , ¡) extend-bottom-directed s semidir .semidirected nothing (just y) = pure (just y , ¡ , ≤-refl) extend-bottom-directed s semidir .semidirected nothing nothing = pure (nothing , ≤-refl , ≤-refl)
Furthermore, has a least upper bound only if the extended family does.
lub→extend-bottom-lub : ∀ {s : Ix → Ob} {x : Ob} → is-lub poset s x → is-lub poset (extend-bottom s) x lub→extend-bottom-lub {s = s} {x = x} x-lub .fam≤lub (just i) = x-lub .fam≤lub i lub→extend-bottom-lub {s = s} {x = x} x-lub .fam≤lub nothing = ¡ lub→extend-bottom-lub {s = s} {x = x} x-lub .least y le = x-lub .least y (le ⊙ just) extend-bottom-lub→lub : ∀ {s : Ix → Ob} {x : Ob} → is-lub poset (extend-bottom s) x → is-lub poset s x extend-bottom-lub→lub x-lub .fam≤lub i = x-lub .fam≤lub (just i) extend-bottom-lub→lub x-lub .least y le = x-lub .least y λ where nothing → ¡ (just i) → le i
If we put this all together, we see that any semidirected family has a least upper bound in a pointed DCPO.
pointed→semidirected-lub : is-pointed-dcpo D → ∀ {Ix : Type o} (s : Ix → Ob) → is-semidirected-family poset s → Lub poset s pointed→semidirected-lub pointed {Ix = Ix} s semidir .Lub.lub = ⋃ (extend-bottom s) (extend-bottom-directed s semidir) pointed→semidirected-lub pointed {Ix = Ix} s semidir .Lub.has-lub = extend-bottom-lub→lub (⋃.has-lub _ _)
Let be a pointed DCPO. Every Scott continuous function has a least fixed point.
module _ {o ℓ} {D : DCPO o ℓ} where open DCPO D pointed→least-fixpoint : is-pointed-dcpo D → (f : DCPOs.Hom D D) → Least-fixpoint poset (Scott.mono f) pointed→least-fixpoint pointed f = f-fix where open Bottom pointed module f = Scott f
We begin by constructing a directed family that maps to
fⁿ : Nat → Ob → Ob fⁿ zero x = x fⁿ (suc n) x = f · (fⁿ n x) fⁿ-mono : ∀ {i j} → i Nat.≤ j → fⁿ i bot ≤ fⁿ j bot fⁿ-mono Nat.0≤x = ¡ fⁿ-mono (Nat.s≤s p) = f.monotone (fⁿ-mono p) fⁿ⊥ : Lift o Nat → Ob fⁿ⊥ (lift n) = fⁿ n bot fⁿ⊥-dir : is-directed-family poset fⁿ⊥ fⁿ⊥-dir .is-directed-family.elt = inc (lift zero) fⁿ⊥-dir .is-directed-family.semidirected (lift i) (lift j) = inc (lift (Nat.max i j) , fⁿ-mono (Nat.max-≤l i j) , fⁿ-mono (Nat.max-≤r i j))
The least upper bound of this sequence shall be our least fixpoint. We begin by proving a slightly stronger variation of the universal property; namely for any such that This follows from som quick induction.
fⁿ⊥≤fix : ∀ (y : Ob) → f · y ≤ y → ∀ n → fⁿ⊥ n ≤ y fⁿ⊥≤fix y p (lift zero) = ¡ fⁿ⊥≤fix y p (lift (suc n)) = f · (fⁿ n bot) ≤⟨ f.monotone (fⁿ⊥≤fix y p (lift n)) ⟩≤ f · y ≤⟨ p ⟩≤ y ≤∎ least-fix : ∀ (y : Ob) → f · y ≤ y → ⋃ fⁿ⊥ fⁿ⊥-dir ≤ y least-fix y p = ⋃.least _ _ _ (fⁿ⊥≤fix y p)
Now, let’s show that is actually a fixpoint. First, the forward direction: This follows directly from Scott-continuity of
roll : f · (⋃ fⁿ⊥ fⁿ⊥-dir) ≤ ⋃ fⁿ⊥ fⁿ⊥-dir roll = f · (⋃ fⁿ⊥ _) =⟨ f.pres-⋃ fⁿ⊥ fⁿ⊥-dir ⟩= ⋃ (apply f ⊙ fⁿ⊥) _ ≤⟨ ⋃.least _ _ _ (λ (lift n) → ⋃.fam≤lub _ _ (lift (suc n))) ⟩≤ ⋃ fⁿ⊥ _ ≤∎
To show the converse, we use universal property we proved earlier to re-arrange the goal to We can then apply monotonicity of and then use the forward direction to finish off the proof.
unroll : ⋃ fⁿ⊥ fⁿ⊥-dir ≤ f · (⋃ fⁿ⊥ fⁿ⊥-dir) unroll = least-fix (f · (⋃ fⁿ⊥ fⁿ⊥-dir)) $ f.monotone roll
All that remains is to package up the data.
f-fix : Least-fixpoint poset f.mono f-fix .Least-fixpoint.fixpoint = ⋃ fⁿ⊥ fⁿ⊥-dir f-fix .Least-fixpoint.has-least-fixpoint .is-least-fixpoint.fixed = ≤-antisym roll unroll f-fix .Least-fixpoint.has-least-fixpoint .is-least-fixpoint.least y y-fix = least-fix y (≤-refl' y-fix)
Strictly Scott-continuous maps🔗
A Scott-continuous map is strictly continuous if it preserves bottoms.
is-strictly-scott-continuous : (f : DCPOs.Hom D E) → Type _ is-strictly-scott-continuous f = ∀ (x : D.Ob) → is-bottom D.poset x → is-bottom E.poset (f · x)
is-strictly-scott-is-prop : (f : DCPOs.Hom D E) → is-prop (is-strictly-scott-continuous f) is-strictly-scott-is-prop f = Π-is-hlevel² 1 λ x _ → is-bottom-is-prop E.poset (f · x)
Strictly Scott-continuous functions are closed under identities and composites.
strict-scott-id : ∀ {D : DCPO o ℓ} → is-strictly-scott-continuous ( {x = D}) strict-scott-id x x-bot = x-bot strict-scott-∘ : ∀ {D E F : DCPO o ℓ} → (f : DCPOs.Hom E F) (g : DCPOs.Hom D E) → is-strictly-scott-continuous f → is-strictly-scott-continuous g → is-strictly-scott-continuous (f DCPOs.∘ g) strict-scott-∘ f g f-strict g-strict x x-bot = f-strict (g · x) (g-strict x x-bot)
Pointed DCPOs and strictly Scott-continuous functions form a subcategory of the category of DCPOs.
Pointed-DCPOs-subcat : ∀ o ℓ → Subcat (DCPOs o ℓ) (o ⊔ ℓ) (o ⊔ ℓ) Pointed-DCPOs-subcat o ℓ = is-pointed-dcpo Pointed-DCPOs-subcat o ℓ f _ _ = is-strictly-scott-continuous f Pointed-DCPOs-subcat o ℓ f _ _ = is-strictly-scott-is-prop f Pointed-DCPOs-subcat o ℓ {D} _ = strict-scott-id {D = D} Pointed-DCPOs-subcat o ℓ∘ {f = f} {g = g} f-strict g-strict = strict-scott-∘ f g f-strict g-strict Pointed-DCPOs : ∀ o ℓ → Precategory (lsuc (o ⊔ ℓ)) (lsuc o ⊔ ℓ) Pointed-DCPOs o ℓ = Subcategory (Pointed-DCPOs-subcat o ℓ) Pointed-DCPOs-is-category : is-category (Pointed-DCPOs o ℓ) Pointed-DCPOs-is-category = subcat-is-category DCPOs-is-category is-pointed-dcpo-is-prop
Reasoning with pointed DCPOs🔗
The following module re-exports facts about pointed DCPOs, and also proves a bunch of useful lemma.s
module Pointed-DCPOs {o ℓ : Level} = Cat.Reasoning (Pointed-DCPOs o ℓ) Pointed-dcpo : ∀ o ℓ → Type _ Pointed-dcpo o ℓ = Pointed-DCPOs.Ob {o} {ℓ} Pointed-DCPOs↪DCPOs : Functor (Pointed-DCPOs o ℓ) (DCPOs o ℓ) Pointed-DCPOs↪DCPOs = Forget-subcat Pointed-DCPOs↪Sets : Functor (Pointed-DCPOs o ℓ) (Sets o) Pointed-DCPOs↪Sets = DCPOs↪Sets F∘ Pointed-DCPOs↪DCPOs
module Pointed-dcpo {o ℓ} (D : Pointed-dcpo o ℓ) where
These proofs are all quite straightforward, so we omit them.
open is-directed-family dcpo : DCPO o ℓ dcpo = D .fst has-pointed : is-pointed-dcpo dcpo has-pointed = D .snd open DCPO dcpo public bottom : Ob bottom = (D .snd) bottom≤x : ∀ x → bottom ≤ x bottom≤x = Bottom.has-bottom (D .snd) adjoin : ∀ {Ix : Type o} → (Ix → Ob) → Maybe Ix → Ob adjoin = extend-bottom dcpo has-pointed adjoin-directed : ∀ (s : Ix → Ob) → is-semidirected-family poset s → is-directed-family poset (adjoin s) adjoin-directed = extend-bottom-directed dcpo has-pointed lub→adjoin-lub : ∀ {s : Ix → Ob} {x : Ob} → is-lub poset s x → is-lub poset (adjoin s) x lub→adjoin-lub = lub→extend-bottom-lub dcpo has-pointed adjoin-lub→lub : ∀ {s : Ix → Ob} {x : Ob} → is-lub poset (adjoin s) x → is-lub poset s x adjoin-lub→lub = extend-bottom-lub→lub dcpo has-pointed -- We put these behind 'opaque' to prevent blow ups in goals. opaque ⋃-semi : (s : Ix → Ob) → is-semidirected-family poset s → Ob ⋃-semi s semidir = ⋃ (adjoin s) (adjoin-directed s semidir) ⋃-semi-lub : ∀ (s : Ix → Ob) (dir : is-semidirected-family poset s) → is-lub poset s (⋃-semi s dir) ⋃-semi-lub s dir = adjoin-lub→lub (⋃.has-lub (adjoin s) (adjoin-directed s dir)) ⋃-semi-le : ∀ (s : Ix → Ob) (dir : is-semidirected-family poset s) → ∀ i → s i ≤ ⋃-semi s dir ⋃-semi-le s dir = is-lub.fam≤lub (⋃-semi-lub s dir) ⋃-semi-least : ∀ (s : Ix → Ob) (dir : is-semidirected-family poset s) → ∀ x → (∀ i → s i ≤ x) → ⋃-semi s dir ≤ x ⋃-semi-least s dir x le = is-lub.least (⋃-semi-lub s dir) x le ⋃-semi-pointwise : ∀ {Ix} {s s' : Ix → Ob} → {fam : is-semidirected-family poset s} {fam' : is-semidirected-family poset s'} → (∀ ix → s ix ≤ s' ix) → ⋃-semi s fam ≤ ⋃-semi s' fam' ⋃-semi-pointwise le = ⋃-pointwise λ where (just i) → le i nothing → bottom≤x _
However, we do call attention to one extremely useful fact: if is a pointed DCPO, then it has least upper bounds of families indexed by propositions.
opaque ⋃-prop : ∀ {Ix : Type o} → (Ix → Ob) → is-prop Ix → Ob ⋃-prop s ix-prop = ⋃-semi s (prop-indexed→semidirected poset s ix-prop) ⋃-prop-le : ∀ (s : Ix → Ob) (p : is-prop Ix) → ∀ i → s i ≤ ⋃-prop s p ⋃-prop-le s p i = ⋃-semi-le _ _ i ⋃-prop-least : ∀ (s : Ix → Ob) (p : is-prop Ix) → ∀ x → (∀ i → s i ≤ x) → ⋃-prop s p ≤ x ⋃-prop-least s p = ⋃-semi-least _ _ ⋃-prop-lub : ∀ (s : Ix → Ob) (p : is-prop Ix) → is-lub poset s (⋃-prop s p) ⋃-prop-lub s p = ⋃-semi-lub _ _
This allows us to reflect the truth value of a proposition into
opaque ⋃-prop-false : ∀ (s : Ix → Ob) (p : is-prop Ix) → ¬ Ix → ⋃-prop s p ≡ bottom ⋃-prop-false s p ¬i = ≤-antisym (⋃-prop-least s p bottom (λ x → absurd (¬i x))) (bottom≤x _) ⋃-prop-true : ∀ (s : Ix → Ob) (p : is-prop Ix) → (i : Ix) → ⋃-prop s p ≡ s i ⋃-prop-true s p i = sym $ lub-of-const-fam (λ i j → ap s (p i j)) (⋃-prop-lub s p) i
We define a similar module for strictly Scott-continuous maps.
module Strict-scott {D E : Pointed-dcpo o ℓ} (f : Pointed-DCPOs.Hom D E) where
These proofs are all quite straightforward, so we omit them.
private module D = Pointed-dcpo D module E = Pointed-dcpo E scott : DCPOs.Hom D.dcpo E.dcpo scott = Subcat-hom.hom f open Scott scott public opaque pres-bottoms : ∀ x → is-bottom D.poset x → is-bottom E.poset (f · x) pres-bottoms = Subcat-hom.witness f pres-⊥ : f · D.bottom ≡ E.bottom pres-⊥ = bottom-unique E.poset (pres-bottoms D.bottom D.bottom≤x) E.bottom≤x pres-adjoin-lub : ∀ {s : Ix → D.Ob} {x : D.Ob} → is-semidirected-family D.poset s → is-lub D.poset (D.adjoin s) x → is-lub E.poset (E.adjoin (apply f ⊙ s)) (f · x) pres-adjoin-lub {s = s} {x = x} sdir x-lub .is-lub.fam≤lub (just i) = monotone (is-lub.fam≤lub x-lub (just i)) pres-adjoin-lub {s = s} {x = x} sdir x-lub .is-lub.fam≤lub nothing = E.bottom≤x (f · x) pres-adjoin-lub {s = s} {x = x} sdir x-lub .is-lub.least y le = is-lub.least (pres-directed-lub (D.adjoin s) (D.adjoin-directed s sdir) x x-lub) y λ where (just i) → le (just i) nothing → pres-bottoms _ D.bottom≤x y pres-semidirected-lub : ∀ {Ix} (s : Ix → D.Ob) → is-semidirected-family D.poset s → ∀ x → is-lub D.poset s x → is-lub E.poset (apply f ⊙ s) (f · x) pres-semidirected-lub s sdir x x-lub = E.adjoin-lub→lub (pres-adjoin-lub sdir (D.lub→adjoin-lub x-lub)) pres-⋃-prop : ∀ {Ix} (s : Ix → D.Ob) (p q : is-prop Ix) → f · (D.⋃-prop s p) ≡ E.⋃-prop (apply f ⊙ s) q pres-⋃-prop s p q = lub-unique (pres-semidirected-lub _ (prop-indexed→semidirected D.poset s p) (D.⋃-prop s p) (D.⋃-prop-lub s p)) (E.⋃-prop-lub _ _) bottom-bounded : ∀ {x y} → x D.≤ y → f · y ≡ E.bottom → f · x ≡ E.bottom bottom-bounded {x = x} {y = y} p y-bot = E.≤-antisym (f · x E.≤⟨ monotone p ⟩E.≤ f · y E.=⟨ y-bot ⟩E.= E.bottom E.≤∎) (E.bottom≤x _)
module _ {o ℓ} {D E : Pointed-dcpo o ℓ} where private module D = Pointed-dcpo D module E = Pointed-dcpo E open Total-hom open is-directed-family
We also provide a handful of ways of constructing strictly Scott-continuous maps. First, we note that if is monotonic and preserves the chosen least upper bound of semidirected families, then is strictly Scott-continuous.
to-strict-scott-⋃-semi : (f : D.Ob → E.Ob) → (∀ {x y} → x D.≤ y → f x E.≤ f y) → (∀ {Ix} (s : Ix → D.Ob) → (dir : is-semidirected-family D.poset s) → is-lub E.poset (f ⊙ s) (f (D.⋃-semi s dir))) → Pointed-DCPOs.Hom D E to-strict-scott-⋃-semi f monotone pres-⋃-semi = sub-hom (to-scott f monotone pres-⋃) pres-bot where pres-⋃ : ∀ {Ix} (s : Ix → D.Ob) → (dir : is-directed-family D.poset s) → is-lub E.poset (f ⊙ s) (f (D.⋃ s dir)) pres-⋃ s dir .is-lub.fam≤lub i = monotone $ D.⋃.fam≤lub _ _ i pres-⋃ s dir .is-lub.least y le = f (D.⋃ s dir) E.=⟨ ap f (lub-unique (D.⋃.has-lub _ _) (D.⋃-semi-lub s (dir .semidirected))) ⟩E.= f (D.⋃-semi s (dir .semidirected)) E.≤⟨ pres-⋃-semi _ _ .is-lub.least y le ⟩E.≤ y E.≤∎ pres-bot : ∀ x → is-bottom D.poset x → is-bottom E.poset (f x) pres-bot x x-bot y = f x E.≤⟨ monotone (x-bot _) ⟩E.≤ f (D.⋃-semi _ _) E.≤⟨ is-lub.least (pres-⋃-semi (λ x → absurd (x .lower)) (λ ())) y (λ ()) ⟩E.≤ y E.≤∎
Next, if is monotonic, preserves chosen least upper bounds of directed families, and preserves chosen bottoms, then is strictly Scott-continuous.
to-strict-scott-bottom : (f : D.Ob → E.Ob) → (∀ {x y} → x D.≤ y → f x E.≤ f y) → (∀ {Ix} (s : Ix → D.Ob) → (dir : is-directed-family D.poset s) → is-lub E.poset (f ⊙ s) (f (D.⋃ s dir))) → is-bottom E.poset (f D.bottom) → Pointed-DCPOs.Hom D E to-strict-scott-bottom f monotone pres-⋃ pres-bot = sub-hom (to-scott f monotone pres-⋃) λ x x-bot y → f x E.≤⟨ monotone (x-bot _) ⟩E.≤ f D.bottom E.≤⟨ pres-bot y ⟩E.≤ y E.≤∎
Finally, if preserves arbitrary least upper bounds of semidirected families, then must be monotonic, and thus strictly Scott-continuous.
to-strict-scott-semidirected : (f : D.Ob → E.Ob) → (∀ {Ix} (s : Ix → D.Ob) → (dir : is-semidirected-family D.poset s) → ∀ x → is-lub D.poset s x → is-lub E.poset (f ⊙ s) (f x)) → Pointed-DCPOs.Hom D E to-strict-scott-semidirected f pres = sub-hom (to-scott-directed f (λ s dir x lub → pres s (is-directed-family.semidirected dir) x lub)) (λ x x-bot y → is-lub.least (pres _ (λ x → absurd (x .lower)) x (lift-is-lub (is-bottom→is-lub D.poset {f = λ ()} x-bot))) y (λ ()))