module Data.Maybe.Base where

The Maybe type🔗

data Maybe {â„“} (A : Type â„“) : Type â„“ where
  nothing : Maybe A
  just    : A → Maybe A

{-# BUILTIN MAYBE Maybe #-}
  Map-Maybe : Map (eff Maybe)
  Map-Maybe .map f (just x) = just (f x)
  Map-Maybe .map f nothing  = nothing

  Idiom-Maybe : Idiom (eff Maybe)
  Idiom-Maybe .Idiom.Map-idiom = Map-Maybe

  Idiom-Maybe .Idiom.pure  = just

  Idiom-Maybe .Idiom._<*>_ (just f) (just x) = just (f x)
  Idiom-Maybe .Idiom._<*>_ (just f) nothing  = nothing
  Idiom-Maybe .Idiom._<*>_ nothing  _        = nothing

  Bind-Maybe : Bind (eff Maybe)
  Bind-Maybe .Bind.Idiom-bind = Idiom-Maybe

  Bind-Maybe ._>>=_ (just x) f = f x
  Bind-Maybe ._>>=_ nothing  f = nothing

  Alt-Maybe : Alt (eff Maybe)
  Alt-Maybe = nothing
  Alt-Maybe .Alt._<|>_ (just x) y = just x
  Alt-Maybe .Alt._<|>_ nothing y = y

  Traversable-Maybe : Traversable (eff Maybe)
  Traversable-Maybe .Traversable.traverse f nothing  = pure nothing
  Traversable-Maybe .Traversable.traverse f (just x) = just <$> f x

Maybe-rec : (A → B) → B → Maybe A → B
Maybe-rec f b (just x) = f x
Maybe-rec f b nothing = b
from-just : A → Maybe A → A
from-just def (just x) = x
from-just def nothing = def

Pointed types as Maybe-algebras🔗

maybe→alt : ∀ {M : Effect} {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ}
          → ⦃ _ : Alt M ⦄ ⦃ _ : Idiom M ⦄ → Maybe A → M .Effect.₀ A
maybe→alt (just x) = pure x
maybe→alt nothing  = fail
maybe-injective : Maybe A ≃ Maybe B → A → B
maybe-injective e x with inspect (e .fst (just x))
... | just y , _ = y
... | nothing , p with inspect (e .fst nothing)
... | just y  , _ = y
... | nothing , q = absurd (just≠nothing (Equiv.injective₂ e p q))