module Data.Set.Pushout where

Pushouts of sets🔗

The pushout of two sets can be, as usual, constructed as a coequaliser of maps into a coproduct. However, pushouts in the category have a nice property: they preserve embeddings. This module is dedicated to proving this.

  :  { ℓ' ℓ''} {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'} {C : Type ℓ''}
   (f : C  A) (g : C  B)
   Type (  ℓ'  ℓ'')
Pushout {A = A} {B} {C} f g = Coeq {B = A  B}  z  inl (f z))  z  inr (g z))

Pushouts of injections🔗

Let us now get to the proof of our key result. Suppose is an embedding and is some other map. Our objective is to prove that, in the square

the constructor is an embedding.1. As usual when working with higher inductive types, we’ll employ encode-decode, characterising the path spaces based at some by means of a family over We know already we want to be since this is exactly injectivity of But what should the fibre over be?

A possibility comes from generalising the generating equality from identifying to identifying any provided we can cough up with and While this is a trivial rephrasing, it does inspire confidence: can we expect to be given by fibres of over

Well, if this were the case, these fibres would necessarily need to be propositions, so we can start by showing that. The proof turns out very simple: the type is equivalent to and since is an embedding, this is a subtype of a proposition.

    rem₁ :  a  is-prop (Σ[ c  C ] (f c  a) × (g c  b))
    rem₁ a (c , α , β) (c' , α' , β') = ap fst it ,ₚ ap snd it ,ₚ prop! where
      it = f-emb a (c , α) (c' , α')

We can then turn back to defining our family Both of the point cases are handled, and since we’re mapping into that also handles the truncation.

    code : Pushout f g  Prop (  ℓ'  ℓ'')
    code (incr b') = el! (Lift (  ℓ'') (b  b'))
    code (incl a)  = el! (Σ[ c  C ] (f c  a) × (g c  b))

It remains to handle the paths. Since we’re mapping into a universe, it will suffice to show that the types and are equivalent, and, since we’re mapping into propositions, it will suffice to provide functions in either direction. Going backwards, this is trivial; In the other direction, we show since implies by injectivity of and we have by assumption.

    code (glue x i) =
        from : Lift _ (b  g x)  Σ[ c  C ] (f c  f x) × (g c  b)
        from (lift p) = x , refl , sym p

        to : Σ[ c  C ] (f c  f x) × (g c  b)  Lift _ (b  g x)
        to (x , α , β) = lift (sym β  ap g (ap fst (f-emb _ (_ , α) (_ , refl))))

We then have the two encoding functions. In the case with matched endpoints, we have exactly our original goal: injectivity of incr.

  encodeᵣ : injective incr
  encodeᵣ {a} p = transport  i   code a (p i) ) (lift refl) .lower

In the mismatched case, we have a function turning paths into a fibre of over It’s easy to show that projecting the point is the inverse to considered as a function

    :  {a b} (p : incr b  incl a)
     Σ[ c  C ] (f c  a × g c  b)
  encodeₗ {b = b} p = transport  i   code b (p i) ) (lift refl)

  pushout-is-pullback' :  x  fibre f x  fibre {B = Pushout f g} incr (incl x)
  pushout-is-pullback' x .fst (y , p) = g y , sym (glue y)  ap incl p
  pushout-is-pullback' x .snd = is-iso→is-equiv $ iso from ri λ f  f-emb x _ _ where
    from : fibre {B = Pushout f g} incr (incl x)  fibre f x
    from (y , p) with (c , α , β)encodeₗ p = c , α

    ri : is-right-inverse from (pushout-is-pullback' x .fst)
    ri (y , p) with (c , α , β)encodeₗ p = Σ-prop-path! β

Finally, we can extend this to an equivalence between and the pullback of along by general family-fibration considerations.

  _ : C  (Σ[ a  A ] Σ[ b  B ] incl a  incr b)
  _ = C                                       ≃⟨ Total-equiv f 
      Σ[ a  A ] fibre f a                    ≃⟨ Σ-ap-snd pushout-is-pullback' 
      Σ[ a  A ] fibre incr (incl a)          ≃⟨⟩
      Σ[ a  A ] Σ[ b  B ] (incr b  incl a) ≃⟨ Σ-ap-snd  a  Σ-ap-snd λ b  sym-equiv) 
      Σ[ a  A ] Σ[ b  B ] (incl a  incr b) ≃∎

  1. In this situation, the map is often referred to as the cobase change of along ↩︎