module Cat.Monoidal.Base where
Monoidal categoriesπ
record Monoidal-category {o β} (C : Precategory o β) : Type (o β β) where no-eta-equality open Cr C
A monoidal category is a vertical categorification of the concept of monoid: We replace the identities in a monoid by isomorphisms. For this to make sense, a monoidal category must have an underlying precategory, rather than an underlying set; Similarly, the multiplication operation must be a multiplication functor, and we have to throw on some coherence data on top, to make sure everything works out.
We start with a category together with a chosen functor, the tensor product, and a distinguished object the tensor unit. These take the place of the multiplication operation and identity element, respectively.
field -β- : Functor (C ΓαΆ C) C Unit : Ob
private module -β- = Bifunctor -β- _β_ : Ob β Ob β Ob A β B = -β- .Functor.Fβ (A , B) _ββ_ : β {w x y z} β Hom w x β Hom y z β Hom (w β y) (x β z) f ββ g = -β- .Functor.Fβ (f , g) infixr 25 _β_
We replace the associativity and unit laws by associativity and unitor morphisms, which are natural isomorphisms (in components)
The morphism is called the associator, and (resp. are the right unitor (resp. left unitor).
field unitor-l : Cr._β _ Cat[ C , C ] Id (-β-.Right Unit) unitor-r : Cr._β _ Cat[ C , C ] Id (-β-.Left Unit) associator : Cr._β _ Cat[ C ΓαΆ C ΓαΆ C , C ] (compose-assocΛ‘ {O = β€} {H = Ξ» _ _ β C} -β-) (compose-assocΚ³ {O = β€} {H = Ξ» _ _ β C} -β-)
Ξ»β : β {X} β X β Unit β X Ξ»β = isoβΏβiso unitor-l _ Ξ»β : β {X} β Hom (Unit β X) X Ξ»β = unitor-l .Cr._β _.from .Ξ· _ Ξ»β : β {X} β Hom X (Unit β X) Ξ»β = unitor-l .Cr._β .Ξ· _ Οβ : β {X} β X β X β Unit Οβ = isoβΏβiso unitor-r _ Οβ : β {X} β Hom (X β Unit) X Οβ = unitor-r .Cr._β _.from .Ξ· _ Οβ : β {X} β Hom X (X β Unit) Οβ = unitor-r .Cr._β .Ξ· _ Ξ±β : β {A B C} β (A β B) β C β A β (B β C) Ξ±β = isoβΏβiso associator _ Ξ±β : β A B C β Hom ((A β B) β C) (A β (B β C)) Ξ±β _ _ _ = associator .Cr._β .Ξ· _ Ξ±β : β A B C β Hom (A β (B β C)) ((A β B) β C) Ξ±β _ _ _ = associator .Cr._β _.from .Ξ· _ module β = Fr -β- module βΆ {A} = Fr (-β-.Right A) module β {A} = Fr (-β-.Left A) -- whiskering on the right _βΆ_ : β A {B C} (g : Hom B C) β Hom (A β B) (A β C) _βΆ_ A f = id ββ f -- whiskering on the left _β_ : β {A B} (g : Hom A B) C β Hom (A β C) (B β C) _β_ f A = f ββ id
The final data we need are coherences relating the left and right
unitors (the triangle identity; despite the name,
nothing to do with adjunctions), and one for reducing sequences of
associators, the pentagon identity. As for where the
name βpentagonβ comes from, the path pentagon
commutativity of the diagram
which we have drawn less like a regular pentagon and more like a childrenβs drawing of a house, so that it fits on the page horizontally.
field triangle : β {A B} β (Οβ β B) β Ξ±β A Unit B β‘ A βΆ Ξ»β pentagon : β {A B C D} β (Ξ±β A B C β D) β Ξ±β A (B β C) D β (A βΆ Ξ±β B C D) β‘ Ξ±β (A β B) C D β Ξ±β A B (C β D)
triangle-Ξ±β : β {A B} β (A βΆ Ξ»β) β Ξ±β _ _ _ β‘ Οβ β B triangle-Ξ±β = rswizzle (sym triangle) (Ξ±β .invr) pentagon-Ξ±β : β {A B C D} β (A βΆ Ξ±β B C D) β Ξ±β A (B β C) D β (Ξ±β A B C β D) β‘ Ξ±β A B (C β D) β Ξ±β (A β B) C D pentagon-Ξ±β = inverse-unique refl refl (βΆ.F-map-iso (Ξ±β Isoβ»ΒΉ) βIso Ξ±β Isoβ»ΒΉ βIso β.F-map-iso (Ξ±β Isoβ»ΒΉ)) (Ξ±β Isoβ»ΒΉ βIso Ξ±β Isoβ»ΒΉ) (sym (assoc _ _ _) β pentagon)
Just as a monoid can be promoted to a 1-object category, with the underlying set of the monoid becoming the single we can deloop a monoidal category into a bicategory with a single object, where the sole category is given by the monoidal category.
Deloop : β {o β} {C : Precategory o β} β Monoidal-category C β Prebicategory lzero o β Deloop {C = C} mon = bi where open Prebicategory module M = Monoidal-category mon bi : Prebicategory _ _ _ bi .Ob = β€ bi .Hom _ _ = C bi .id = M.Unit bi .compose = M.-β- bi .unitor-l = M.unitor-l bi .unitor-r = M.unitor-r bi .associator = M.associator bi .triangle _ _ = M.triangle bi .pentagon _ _ _ _ = M.pentagon
This makes the idea that a monoidal category is βjustβ the categorified version of a monoid precisely, and itβs generally called the delooping hypothesis: A monoidal is the same as an with a single object.
Endomorphism categoriesπ
In the same way that, if you have a category making a choice of object canonically gives you a monoid of endomorphisms having a bicategory and choosing an object canonically gives you a choice of monoidal category,
Endomorphisms : β {o β β'} (B : Prebicategory o β β') β (a : Prebicategory.Ob B) β Monoidal-category (Prebicategory.Hom B a a) Endomorphisms B a = mon where open Monoidal-category module B = Prebicategory B mon : Monoidal-category (B.Hom a a) mon .-β- = B.compose mon .Unit = mon .unitor-l = B.unitor-l mon .unitor-r = B.unitor-r mon .associator = to-natural-iso $ ni where open make-natural-iso open Cr ni : make-natural-iso _ _ ni .eta _ = B.Ξ±β _ _ _ ni .inv _ = B.Ξ±β _ _ _ ni .etaβinv _ = Cr.invl _ B.associator Ξ·β _ ni .invβeta _ = Cr.invr _ B.associator Ξ·β _ ni .natural x y f = sym $ B.associator .is-natural _ _ _ mon .triangle = B.triangle _ _ mon .pentagon = B.pentagon _ _ _ _
module Monoidal {o β} {C : Precategory o β} (M : Monoidal-category C) where open Cr C open Monoidal-category M public
While the triangle
identities turn
out to be sufficient to derive all the desired coherence in a monoidal
category, this is not exactly trivial. We prove a few basic identities
that follow from the axioms.
The proofs in this section are from Kelly (1964),
but the visualisation as a triangular prism takes inspiration from the
previous formalisation in agda-categories
First, we will show that the two ways of going (using the unitor on or on are coherent. We do this by pasting isomorphisms together to form a triangular prism with given sides and lid, as in the following diagram:
We obtain the commutativity of the bottom triangle, which yields the desired equation since is an equivalence.
triangle-Ξ»β : β {A B} β Ξ»β β Ξ±β Unit A B β‘ Ξ»β ββ id triangle-Ξ»β {A} {B} = push-eqβΏ (unitor-l niβ»ΒΉ) $ βΆ.F-β _ _ β ap to (Iso-prism base sq1 sq2 sq3) where base : β.F-map-iso (Ξ±β Isoβ»ΒΉ) βIso β.F-map-iso (β.F-map-iso (Οβ Isoβ»ΒΉ)) β‘ β.F-map-iso (βΆ.F-map-iso (Ξ»β Isoβ»ΒΉ)) base = β -path (β.collapse triangle) sq1 : β.F-map-iso (Ξ±β Isoβ»ΒΉ) βIso Ξ±β βIso Ξ±β β‘ Ξ±β βIso βΆ.F-map-iso Ξ±β sq1 = β -path (rswizzle (sym pentagon-Ξ±β β assoc _ _ _) (β.annihilate (Ξ±β .invl))) sq2 : β.F-map-iso (β.F-map-iso (Οβ Isoβ»ΒΉ)) βIso Ξ±β β‘ (Ξ±β βIso Ξ±β ) βIso βΆ.F-map-iso (Ξ»β Isoβ»ΒΉ) sq2 = β -path $ Ξ±β _ _ _ β ((Οβ ββ id) ββ id) β‘β¨ associator .IsoβΏ.to .is-natural _ _ _ β©β‘ (Οβ ββ β id ββ id β) β Ξ±β _ _ _ β‘β¨ ap! β.F-id β©β‘ (Οβ ββ id) β Ξ±β _ _ _ β‘Λβ¨ pulll triangle-Ξ±β β©β‘Λ (id ββ Ξ»β) β Ξ±β _ _ _ β Ξ±β _ _ _ β sq3 : β.F-map-iso (βΆ.F-map-iso (Ξ»β Isoβ»ΒΉ)) βIso Ξ±β β‘ Ξ±β βIso βΆ.F-map-iso (β.F-map-iso (Ξ»β Isoβ»ΒΉ)) sq3 = β -path (associator .IsoβΏ.to .is-natural _ _ _)
As a consequence, we get that the two unitors agree:
Ξ»β‘Ο : Ξ»β {Unit} β‘ Οβ {Unit} Ξ»β‘Ο = push-eqβΏ (unitor-r niβ»ΒΉ) $ (Ξ»β ββ id) β‘Λβ¨ triangle-Ξ»β β©β‘Λ Ξ»β β Ξ±β _ _ _ β‘β¨ (insertl (Ξ»β .invl) ββ reflβ©ββ¨ sym (unitor-l .IsoβΏ.from .is-natural _ _ _) ββ cancell (Ξ»β .invl)) β©ββ¨refl β©β‘ (id ββ Ξ»β) β Ξ±β _ _ _ β‘β¨ triangle-Ξ±β β©β‘ (Οβ ββ id) β
- Kelly, G. M. 1964. βOn MacLaneβs Conditions for Coherence of Natural Associativities, Commutativities, Etc.β Journal of Algebra 1 (4): 397β402.