module Cat.Instances.Sets.Cocomplete where
Sets is cocomplete🔗
Before proving that the category of sets is cocomplete, as a warm-up exercise, we prove that the category of sets admits indexed coproducts, and furthermore, that these are disjoint: all of the coproduct inclusions are monomorphisms, and distinct inclusions have initial images. This will be illustrative of a minor sticking point that will come up in the construction of arbitrary colimits.
Sets-has-coproducts : ∀ {κ ℓ} → has-indexed-coproducts (Sets (κ ⊔ ℓ)) κ Sets-has-coproducts {κ} {ℓ} {I = I} F = coprod where
The coproduct of the family is given by the type However, this type is in general not a set! Consider a family of sets indexed by the circle. Its total space will, by necessity, be a groupoid rather than a set.
However, we can always truncate the sum down to a set, and it turns out that this truncation does serve as a coproduct of the family in the category of sets. The point here is that, since the objects of are.. well, sets, they can’t have any interesting paths, by definition. A grim slogan: In the category of Sets, nobody can hear your paths scream.
sum : Type (κ ⊔ ℓ) sum = Σ[ i ∈ I ] ∣ F i ∣ open Indexed-coproduct open is-indexed-coproduct coprod : Indexed-coproduct (Sets _) F coprod .ΣF = el ∥ sum ∥₀ squash coprod .ι i x = inc (i , x) coprod .has-is-ic .match {Y = Y} f = ∥-∥₀-elim (λ _ → Y .is-tr) λ { (i , x) → f i x } {- 1 -} coprod .has-is-ic .commute = refl coprod .has-is-ic .unique {Y = Y} f p = funext (∥-∥₀-elim (λ _ → is-prop→is-set (Y .is-tr _ _)) λ x → happly (p _) _)
Note that, in the construction of match
above, we used the
fact that
(the common codomain of all the
is a set to eliminate from the truncation
— by definition,
can’t tell that
might have had some extra paths we squashed away.
Perfectly dually to the construction of limits in , rather than taking the equaliser of a product, we take the coequaliser of a sum. The same considerations about truncation level that apply for arbitrary coproducts apply to arbitrary colimits: fortunately, the construction of set-coequalisers already includes a truncation.
Sets-is-cocomplete : ∀ {ι κ o} → is-cocomplete ι κ (Sets (ι ⊔ κ ⊔ o)) Sets-is-cocomplete {ι} {κ} {o} {J = D} F = to-colimit (to-is-colimit colim) where module D = Precategory D module F = Functor F open _=>_ open make-is-colimit sum : Type _ sum = Σ[ d ∈ D ] F ʻ d rel : sum → sum → Type _ rel (X , x) (Y , y) = Σ[ f ∈ D.Hom X Y ] (F.₁ f x ≡ y)
The precise coequaliser we take is the quotient of by the relation (generated by) identifying together all those points and whenever there exists a map such that
By the same truncation nonsense as above, we can apply Coeq-rec
to eliminate from
our quotient to the coapex of any other cocone over
The family of maps
respects the quotient essentially by definition.
univ : ∀ {A : Set (ι ⊔ κ ⊔ o)} → (eta : ∀ j → F ʻ j → ∣ A ∣) → (∀ {x y} (f : D.Hom x y) → ∀ Fx → eta y (F.F₁ f Fx) ≡ eta x Fx) → sum / rel → ∣ A ∣ univ {A} eta p = Coeq-rec (λ { (x , p) → eta x p }) (λ { ((X , x) , (Y , y) , f , q) → sym (p f x) ∙ ap (eta _) q}) colim : make-is-colimit F (el! (sum / rel)) colim .ψ x p = inc (x , p) colim .commutes f = funext λ _ → sym (quot (f , refl)) colim .universal {A} eta p x = univ {A} eta (λ f → happly (p f)) x colim .factors eta p = refl colim .unique {A} eta p other q = funext λ x → Coeq-elim-prop (λ x → A .is-tr (other x) (univ {A} eta (λ f → happly (p f)) x)) (λ x → happly (q (x .fst)) (x .snd)) x
Finite set-colimits🔗
module _ {ℓ} where open Precategory (Sets ℓ) private variable A B : Set ℓ f g : ⌞ A ⌟ → ⌞ B ⌟ open Initial open is-coproduct open Coproduct open is-pushout open Pushout open is-coequaliser open Coequaliser
For expository reasons, we present the computation of the most famous shapes of finite colimit (initial objects, coproducts, pushouts, and coequalisers) in the category of sets. All the definitions below are redundant, since finite colimits are always small, and thus the category of sets of any level admits them.
Sets-initial : Initial (Sets ℓ) Sets-initial .bot = el! (Lift _ ⊥) Sets-initial .has⊥ _ .centre () Sets-initial .has⊥ _ .paths _ = ext λ ()
Coproducts are given by disjoint sums:
Sets-coproducts : (A B : Set ℓ) → Coproduct (Sets ℓ) A B Sets-coproducts A B .coapex = el! (∣ A ∣ ⊎ ∣ B ∣) Sets-coproducts A B .ι₁ = inl Sets-coproducts A B .ι₂ = inr Sets-coproducts A B .has-is-coproduct .is-coproduct.[_,_] f g = Data.Sum.[ f , g ] Sets-coproducts A B .has-is-coproduct .[]∘ι₁ = refl Sets-coproducts A B .has-is-coproduct .[]∘ι₂ = refl Sets-coproducts A B .has-is-coproduct .unique p q = sym ([]-unique (sym p) (sym q))
Set coequalisers are described in their own module.
Sets-coequalisers : (f g : Hom A B) → Coequaliser (Sets ℓ) {A = A} {B = B} f g Sets-coequalisers f g .coapex .∣_∣ = Coeq f g Sets-coequalisers f g .coapex .is-tr = hlevel 2 Sets-coequalisers f g .coeq = inc Sets-coequalisers f g .has-is-coeq .coequal = ext λ x → glue _ Sets-coequalisers f g .has-is-coeq .universal {e' = e'} p = Coeq-rec e' (unext p) Sets-coequalisers f g .has-is-coeq .factors = refl Sets-coequalisers f g .has-is-coeq .unique q = reext! q
Pushouts are similar to coequalisers, but gluing together points of
Sets-pushouts : ∀ {A B C} (f : Hom C A) (g : Hom C B) → Pushout (Sets ℓ) {X = C} {Y = A} {Z = B} f g Sets-pushouts f g .coapex .∣_∣ = Coeq (inl ⊙ f) (inr ⊙ g) Sets-pushouts f g .coapex .is-tr = hlevel 2 Sets-pushouts f g .i₁ a = inc (inl a) Sets-pushouts f g .i₂ b = inc (inr b) Sets-pushouts f g .has-is-po .square = ext λ x → glue _ Sets-pushouts f g .has-is-po .universal {i₁' = i₁'} {i₂'} p = Coeq-rec Data.Sum.[ i₁' , i₂' ] (unext p) Sets-pushouts f g .has-is-po .universal∘i₁ = refl Sets-pushouts f g .has-is-po .universal∘i₂ = refl Sets-pushouts f g .has-is-po .unique q r = ext (Equiv.from ⊎-universal (unext q , unext r))
Hence, Sets
finitely cocomplete:
open Finitely-cocomplete Sets-finitely-cocomplete : Finitely-cocomplete (Sets ℓ) Sets-finitely-cocomplete .initial = Sets-initial Sets-finitely-cocomplete .coproducts = Sets-coproducts Sets-finitely-cocomplete .coequalisers = Sets-coequalisers Sets-finitely-cocomplete .pushouts = Sets-pushouts
Coproducts are disjoint🔗
As a final lemma, we prove that coproducts in as constructed above, are disjoint. However, this does not apply to arbitrary coproducts; To prove that the injections are monomorphisms, we require that the indexing type be a set.
module _ {κ} {I : Set κ} {F : ∣ I ∣ → Set κ} where private module coprod = Indexed-coproduct (Sets-has-coproducts {ℓ = κ} F) Set-disjoint-coprods : is-disjoint-coproduct (Sets κ) {S = coprod.ΣF} F coprod.ι Set-disjoint-coprods = coprod where open is-disjoint-coproduct open is-indexed-coproduct
We already know that the coproduct is a coproduct (who would have
guessed, honestly) — so it remains to show that the injections are monic
, the
summands intersect
, and
the intersections of different summands are empty. The intersections are
cheap: Sets is finitely complete, so all
pullbacks exist, in particular the pullback of
coprod : is-disjoint-coproduct _ _ _ coprod .has-is-ic = coprod.has-is-ic coprod .summands-intersect i j = Sets-pullbacks _ _
To prove that the injections are monic, we use our assumption that the family was indexed by a set: The sum then is also a set, so we can get it out from under the truncation in the definition of coproduct.
coprod .injections-are-monic ix g h path = funext go where abstract path' : Path (∀ c → Σ[ i ∈ I ] (F ʻ i)) (λ c → _ , g c) (λ c → _ , h c) path' i c = ∥-∥₀-elim {B = λ _ → Σ _ (∣_∣ ⊙ F)} (λ x → hlevel 2) (λ x → x) (path i c) q : ∀ {c} → ap fst (happly path' c) ≡ refl q = I .is-tr _ _ _ _ go : ∀ c → g c ≡ h c go c = subst (λ e → PathP (λ i → F ʻ e i) (g c) (h c)) q (ap snd (happly path' c))
The same thing happens in proving that different injections have disjoint images: We must project out a path from a path — using that they are in a set to eliminate from the truncation — to prove using the assumption that
coprod .different-images-are-disjoint i j i≠j os = contr map uniq where map : Σ[ x ∈ F i ] Σ[ y ∈ F j ] (coprod.ι i x ≡ coprod.ι j y) → ∣ os ∣ map (i , j , p) = absurd (i≠j (ap (∥-∥₀-elim (λ _ → I .is-tr) fst) p)) uniq : ∀ x → map ≡ x uniq _ = funext λ where (_ , _ , p) → absurd (i≠j (ap (∥-∥₀-elim (λ _ → I .is-tr) fst) p))