module Cat.Diagram.Colimit.Finite where
Finitely cocomplete categories🔗
Finitely cocomplete categories are dual to finitely complete categories in that they admit colimits for all diagrams of finite shape.
is-finitely-cocomplete : Typeω is-finitely-cocomplete = ∀ {o ℓ} {D : Precategory o ℓ} → is-finite-precategory D → (F : Functor D C) → Colimit F
Equivalently, a finitely cocomplete category has:
- An initial object (colimit over the empty diagram)
- All binary coproducts (colimits over any diagrams of shape
- All binary coequalisers (colimits over any diagrams of shape
- All binary pushouts (colimits over any diagrams of shape
record Finitely-cocomplete : Type (ℓ ⊔ ℓ') where field initial : Initial C coproducts : ∀ A B → Coproduct C A B coequalisers : ∀ {A B} (f g : Hom A B) → Coequaliser C f g pushouts : ∀ {A B X} (f : Hom X A) (g : Hom X B) → Pushout C f g Coequ : ∀ {A B} (f g : Hom A B) → Ob Coequ f g = coequalisers f g .Coequaliser.coapex Po : ∀ {A B C} (f : Hom C A) (g : Hom C B) → Ob Po f g = pushouts f g .Pushout.coapex open Finitely-cocomplete
As seen on the page for finitely complete categories, this definition equivalently states that a finitely cocomplete category has either of the following:
- An initial object, all binary coproducts, and all binary coequalisers
- An initial object and all binary pushouts
This follows from the fact that we can build coproducts and coequalisers from pushouts, and that conversely, we can build pushouts from coproducts and coequalisers. We begin by proving the latter.
With coequalisers🔗
We construct a pushout under a span as a quotient object of a coproduct i.e. the coequaliser of and where and are injections into the coproduct.
Where is some object which admits injections and from X and Y respectively. This coequaliser represents a pushout
where is the pushout’s coapex, or equivalently, the coequaliser of and
coproduct-coequaliser→pushout : ∀ {E P X Y Z} {in1 : Hom X P} {in2 : Hom Y P} {f : Hom Z X} {g : Hom Z Y} {e : Hom P E} → is-coproduct C in1 in2 → is-coequaliser C (in1 ∘ f) (in2 ∘ g) e → is-pushout C f (e ∘ in1) g (e ∘ in2) coproduct-coequaliser→pushout {in1 = in1} {in2} {f} {g} {e} cp cq = po where open is-pushout module cq = is-coequaliser cq module cp = is-coproduct cp po : is-pushout C _ _ _ _ po .square = sym (assoc _ _ _) ∙ cq.coequal ∙ assoc _ _ _ po .universal {i₁' = i₁'} {i₂'} p = cq.universal {e' = cp.[ i₁' , i₂' ]} ( cp.[ i₁' , i₂' ] ∘ (in1 ∘ f) ≡⟨ pulll cp.[]∘ι₁ ⟩≡ i₁' ∘ f ≡⟨ p ⟩≡ i₂' ∘ g ≡˘⟨ pulll cp.[]∘ι₂ ⟩≡˘ cp.[ i₁' , i₂' ] ∘ (in2 ∘ g) ∎ ) po .universal∘i₁ = pulll cq.factors ∙ cp.[]∘ι₁ po .universal∘i₂ = pulll cq.factors ∙ cp.[]∘ι₂ po .unique p q = cq.unique ((cp.unique (sym (assoc _ _ _) ∙ p) (sym (assoc _ _ _) ∙ q)))
Thus, if a category has an initial object, binary coproducts, and binary coequalisers, it is finitely cocomplete.
with-coequalisers : Initial C → (∀ A B → Coproduct C A B) → (∀ {A B} (f g : Hom A B) → Coequaliser C f g) → Finitely-cocomplete with-coequalisers init copr coeq .initial = init with-coequalisers init copr coeq .coproducts = copr with-coequalisers init copr coeq .coequalisers = coeq with-coequalisers init copr coeq .pushouts {A} {B} {X} f g = record { has-is-po = coproduct-coequaliser→pushout Copr.has-is-coproduct Coequ.has-is-coeq } where module Copr = Coproduct (copr A B) module Coequ = Coequaliser (coeq (Copr.ι₁ ∘ f) (Copr.ι₂ ∘ g))
With pushouts🔗
A coproduct is a pushout under a span whose vertex is the initial object.
initial-pushout→coproduct : ∀ {P X Y I} {in1 : Hom X P} {in2 : Hom Y P} {f : Hom I X} {g : Hom I Y} → is-initial C I → is-pushout C f in1 g in2 → is-coproduct C in1 in2 initial-pushout→coproduct {in1 = in1} {in2} {f} {g} init po = coprod where module Po = is-pushout po coprod : is-coproduct C in1 in2 coprod .is-coproduct.[_,_] in1' in2' = Po.universal {i₁' = in1'} {i₂' = in2'} (is-contr→is-prop (init _) _ _) coprod .is-coproduct.[]∘ι₁ = Po.universal∘i₁ coprod .is-coproduct.[]∘ι₂ = Po.universal∘i₂ coprod .is-coproduct.unique p q = Po.unique p q with-pushouts : Initial C → (∀ {A B X} (f : Hom X A) (g : Hom X B) → Pushout C f g) → Finitely-cocomplete with-pushouts bot po = fcc where module bot = Initial bot mkcoprod : ∀ A B → Coproduct C A B mkcoprod A B = record { has-is-coproduct = initial-pushout→coproduct bot.has⊥ po' } where po' = po (bot.has⊥ A .centre) (bot.has⊥ B .centre) .Pushout.has-is-po mkcoeq : ∀ {A B} (f g : Hom A B) → Coequaliser C f g mkcoeq {A = A} {B} f g = coequ where
The construction of coequalisers from pushouts follows its dual.
module A+A = Coproduct (mkcoprod A A) [id,id] : Hom A+A.coapex A [id,id] = A+A.[ id , id ] [f,g] : Hom A+A.coapex B [f,g] = A+A.[ f , g ] module Po = Pushout (po [f,g] [id,id]) open is-coequaliser open Coequaliser
coequ : Coequaliser C f g coequ .coapex = Po.coapex coequ .coeq = Po.i₁ coequ .has-is-coeq .coequal = Po.i₁ ∘ f ≡˘⟨ ap (Po.i₁ ∘_) A+A.[]∘ι₁ ⟩≡˘ Po.i₁ ∘ [f,g] ∘ A+A.ι₁ ≡⟨ assoc _ _ _ ∙ ap (_∘ A+A.ι₁) Po.square ⟩≡ (Po.i₂ ∘ [id,id]) ∘ A+A.ι₁ ≡⟨ sym (assoc _ _ _) ∙ pushr (A+A.[]∘ι₁ ∙ sym A+A.[]∘ι₂) ⟩≡ (Po.i₂ ∘ [id,id]) ∘ A+A.ι₂ ≡⟨ ap (_∘ A+A.ι₂) (sym Po.square) ⟩≡ (Po.i₁ ∘ [f,g]) ∘ A+A.ι₂ ≡⟨ sym (assoc _ _ _) ∙ ap (Po.i₁ ∘_) A+A.[]∘ι₂ ⟩≡ Po.i₁ ∘ g ∎ coequ .has-is-coeq .universal {e' = e'} p = Po.universal (A+A.unique₂ refl refl (in1) (in2)) where in1 : ((e' ∘ f) ∘ [id,id]) ∘ A+A.ι₁ ≡ (e' ∘ [f,g]) ∘ A+A.ι₁ in1 = ((e' ∘ f) ∘ [id,id]) ∘ A+A.ι₁ ≡⟨ cancelr A+A.[]∘ι₁ ⟩≡ -- ≡⟨ cancell A+A.[]∘ι₁ ⟩ e' ∘ f ≡˘⟨ pullr A+A.[]∘ι₁ ⟩≡˘ -- ≡˘⟨ pulll A+A.[]∘ι₁ ⟩ (e' ∘ [f,g]) ∘ A+A.ι₁ ∎ in2 : ((e' ∘ f) ∘ [id,id]) ∘ A+A.ι₂ ≡ (e' ∘ [f,g]) ∘ A+A.ι₂ in2 = ((e' ∘ f) ∘ [id,id]) ∘ A+A.ι₂ ≡⟨ cancelr A+A.[]∘ι₂ ⟩≡ e' ∘ f ≡⟨ p ⟩≡ e' ∘ g ≡˘⟨ pullr A+A.[]∘ι₂ ⟩≡˘ (e' ∘ [f,g]) ∘ A+A.ι₂ ∎ coequ .has-is-coeq .factors = Po.universal∘i₁ coequ .has-is-coeq .unique {F} {e' = e'} {colim = colim} e'=col∘i₁ = Po.unique e'=col∘i₁ path where path : colim ∘ Po.i₂ ≡ e' ∘ f path = colim ∘ Po.i₂ ≡⟨ insertr A+A.[]∘ι₁ ⟩≡ ((colim ∘ Po.i₂) ∘ [id,id]) ∘ A+A.ι₁ ≡⟨ ap (_∘ A+A.ι₁) (extendr (sym Po.square)) ⟩≡ ((colim ∘ Po.i₁) ∘ [f,g]) ∘ A+A.ι₁ ≡⟨ ap (_∘ A+A.ι₁) (ap (_∘ [f,g]) e'=col∘i₁) ⟩≡ (e' ∘ [f,g]) ∘ A+A.ι₁ ≡⟨ pullr A+A.[]∘ι₁ ⟩≡ e' ∘ f ∎ fcc : Finitely-cocomplete fcc .initial = bot fcc .coproducts = mkcoprod fcc .coequalisers = mkcoeq fcc .pushouts = po
coproduct→initial-pushout : ∀ {P X Y I} {in1 : Hom X P} {in2 : Hom Y P} {f : Hom I X} {g : Hom I Y} → is-initial C I → is-coproduct C in1 in2 → is-pushout C f in1 g in2 coproduct→initial-pushout i r = po where open is-pushout po : is-pushout C _ _ _ _ po .square = is-contr→is-prop (i _) _ _ po .universal _ = r .is-coproduct.[_,_] _ _ po .universal∘i₁ = r .is-coproduct.[]∘ι₁ po .universal∘i₂ = r .is-coproduct.[]∘ι₂ po .unique p q = r .is-coproduct.unique p q
Rex functors🔗
A right exact, or rex, functor is a functor that preserves finite colimits.
module _ {o ℓ o' ℓ'} {C : Precategory o ℓ} {D : Precategory o' ℓ'} where private module C = Cat C private module D = Cat D
record is-rex (F : Functor C D) : Type (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ o' ⊔ ℓ') where private module F = Functor F field pres-⊥ : ∀ {I} → is-initial C I → is-initial D (F.₀ I) pres-pushout : ∀ {P X Y Z} {in1 : C.Hom X P} {in2 : C.Hom Y P} {f : C.Hom Z X} {g : C.Hom Z Y} → is-pushout C f in1 g in2 → is-pushout D (F.₁ f) (F.₁ in1) (F.₁ g) (F.₁ in2) pres-coproduct : ∀ {P A B I} {in1 : C.Hom A P} {in2 : C.Hom B P} → is-initial C I → is-coproduct C in1 in2 → is-coproduct D (F.₁ in1) (F.₁ in2) pres-coproduct init copr = initial-pushout→coproduct D (pres-⊥ init) (pres-pushout {f = init _ .centre} {g = init _ .centre} (coproduct→initial-pushout C init copr)) pres-epis : ∀ {A B} {f : C.Hom A B} → f → (F.₁ f) pres-epis {f = f} epi = is-pushout→is-epic (subst (λ x → is-pushout D _ x _ x) F.F-id (pres-pushout (is-epic→is-pushout epi)))