module Data.Maybe.Properties where
Properties of Maybe🔗
Path space🔗
We can use these lemmas to characterise the path space of
Maybe A
in terms of the path space of A
. This
involves a standard encode-decode argument: for a more in-depth
explanation, see Data.List
module MaybePath {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} where Code : Maybe A → Maybe A → Type _ Code (just x) (just y) = x ≡ y Code (just x) nothing = Lift _ ⊥ Code nothing (just y) = Lift _ ⊥ Code nothing nothing = Lift _ ⊤
The rest of this argument is standard, so we omit it.
refl-code : ∀ x → Code x x refl-code (just x) = refl refl-code nothing = lift tt decode : ∀ x y → Code x y → x ≡ y decode (just x) (just y) p = ap just p decode nothing nothing _ = refl encode : ∀ x y → x ≡ y → Code x y encode (just x) (just y) p = just-inj p encode (just x) nothing p = absurd (just≠nothing p) encode nothing (just x) p = absurd (nothing≠just p) encode nothing nothing p = lift tt encode-refl : ∀ {x} → encode x x refl ≡ refl-code x encode-refl {x = just x} = refl encode-refl {x = nothing} = refl decode-refl : ∀ {x} → decode x x (refl-code x) ≡ refl decode-refl {x = just x} = refl decode-refl {x = nothing} = refl decode-encode : ∀ {x y} → (p : x ≡ y) → decode x y (encode x y p) ≡ p decode-encode {x = x} = J (λ y' p → decode x y' (encode x y' p) ≡ p) (ap (decode x x) encode-refl ∙ decode-refl) encode-decode : ∀ {x y} → (p : Code x y) → encode x y (decode x y p) ≡ p encode-decode {just x} {just y} p = refl encode-decode {nothing} {nothing} p = refl Path≃Code : ∀ x y → (x ≡ y) ≃ Code x y Path≃Code x y = Iso→Equiv (encode x y , iso (decode x y) encode-decode decode-encode) Code-is-hlevel : {x y : Maybe A} (n : Nat) → is-hlevel A (2 + n) → is-hlevel (Code x y) (1 + n) Code-is-hlevel {x = just x} {y = just y} n ahl = ahl x y Code-is-hlevel {x = just x} {y = nothing} n ahl = hlevel (1 + n) Code-is-hlevel {x = nothing} {y = just x} n ahl = hlevel (1 + n) Code-is-hlevel {x = nothing} {y = nothing} n ahl = hlevel (1 + n)
Now that we’ve characterised the path space, we can determine the
h-level of Maybe
Maybe-is-hlevel : (n : Nat) → is-hlevel A (2 + n) → is-hlevel (Maybe A) (2 + n) Maybe-is-hlevel n ahl x y = Equiv→is-hlevel (1 + n) (MaybePath.Path≃Code x y) (MaybePath.Code-is-hlevel n ahl)
instance H-Level-Maybe : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} {n} ⦃ _ : 2 ≤ n ⦄ ⦃ _ : H-Level A n ⦄ → H-Level (Maybe A) n H-Level-Maybe {n = suc (suc n)} ⦃ s≤s (s≤s p) ⦄ = hlevel-instance $ Maybe-is-hlevel n (hlevel (2 + n))
We also note that just
is an embedding; this follows immediately from
the characterisation of the path space.
just-cancellable : ∀ {x y : A} → (just x ≡ just y) ≃ (x ≡ y) just-cancellable {x = x} {y = y} = MaybePath.Path≃Code (just x) (just y) just-is-embedding : is-embedding (just {A = A}) just-is-embedding = cancellable→embedding just-cancellable
This lets us show that Maybe
reflects h-levels.
Maybe-reflect-hlevel : (n : Nat) → is-hlevel (Maybe A) (2 + n) → is-hlevel A (2 + n) Maybe-reflect-hlevel n mhl = embedding→is-hlevel {f = just} (1 + n) just-is-embedding mhl
If Maybe A
is discrete, then A
must also be
discrete. This follows from the fact that just
Maybe-reflect-discrete : Discrete (Maybe A) → Discrete A Maybe-reflect-discrete eq? = Discrete-inj just just-inj eq?
Misc. properties🔗
If A
is empty, then a Maybe A
must be nothing
refute-just : ¬ A → (x : Maybe A) → x ≡ nothing refute-just ¬a (just a) = absurd (¬a a) refute-just ¬a nothing = refl
As a corollary, if A
is empty, then Maybe A
is contractible.
empty→maybe-is-contr : ¬ A → is-contr (Maybe A) empty→maybe-is-contr ¬a .centre = nothing empty→maybe-is-contr ¬a .paths x = sym $ refute-just ¬a x
Next, note that map
map-id : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (x : Maybe A) → map id x ≡ x map-id (just x) = refl map-id nothing = refl map-∘ : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' ℓ''} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'} {C : Type ℓ''} {f : B → C} {g : A → B} → (x : Maybe A) → map (f ∘ g) x ≡ map f (map g x) map-∘ (just x) = refl map-∘ nothing = refl
Furthermore, <|>
is left and right unital,
associative, and is preserved by map
<|>-idl : ∀ {A : Type ℓ} → (x : Maybe A) → (nothing <|> x) ≡ x <|>-idl x = refl <|>-idr : ∀ {A : Type ℓ} → (x : Maybe A) → (x <|> nothing) ≡ x <|>-idr (just x) = refl <|>-idr nothing = refl <|>-assoc : ∀ {A : Type ℓ} → (x y z : Maybe A) → (x <|> (y <|> z)) ≡ ((x <|> y) <|> z) <|>-assoc (just x) y z = refl <|>-assoc nothing y z = refl map-<|> : ∀ {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'} {f : A → B} → (x y : Maybe A) → map f (x <|> y) ≡ (map f x <|> map f y) map-<|> (just x) y = refl map-<|> nothing y = refl
We can prove that the Maybe
type constructor,
considered as a function from a universe to itself, is injective.
Maybe-injective : Maybe A ≃ Maybe B → A ≃ B Maybe-injective e = Iso→Equiv (a→b , iso b→a (lemma e) il) where a→b = maybe-injective e b→a = maybe-injective (Equiv.inverse e) module _ (e : Maybe A ≃ Maybe B) where abstract private module e = Equiv e module e⁻¹ = Equiv e.inverse lemma : is-right-inverse (maybe-injective (Equiv.inverse e)) (maybe-injective e) lemma x with inspect (e.from (just x)) lemma x | just y , p with inspect ( (just y)) lemma x | just y , p | just z , q = just-inj (sym q ∙ ap (sym p) ∙ e.ε _) lemma x | just y , p | nothing , q with inspect ( nothing) lemma x | just y , p | nothing , q | nothing , r = absurd (just≠nothing (e.injective₂ q r)) lemma x | just y , p | nothing , q | just z , r = absurd (nothing≠just (sym q ∙ ap (sym p) ∙ e.ε _)) lemma x | nothing , p with inspect (e.from nothing) lemma x | nothing , p | nothing , q = absurd (just≠nothing (e⁻¹.injective₂ p q)) lemma x | nothing , p | just y , q with inspect ( (just y)) lemma x | nothing , p | just y , q | just z , r = absurd (just≠nothing (sym r ∙ ap (sym q) ∙ e.ε _)) lemma x | nothing , p | just y , q | nothing , r with inspect ( nothing) lemma x | nothing , p | just y , q | nothing , r | nothing , s = absurd (just≠nothing (e.injective₂ r s)) lemma x | nothing , p | just y , q | nothing , r | just z , s = just-inj (sym s ∙ ap (sym p) ∙ e.ε _) abstract il : is-left-inverse b→a a→b il = p' where p : is-right-inverse (maybe-injective (Equiv.inverse (Equiv.inverse e))) (maybe-injective (Equiv.inverse e)) p = lemma (Equiv.inverse e) p' : is-right-inverse (maybe-injective e) (maybe-injective (Equiv.inverse e)) p' = subst (λ e' → is-right-inverse (maybe-injective e') (maybe-injective (Equiv.inverse e))) {Equiv.inverse (Equiv.inverse e)} {e} trivial! p
Maybe-is-sum : Maybe A ≃ (⊤ ⊎ A) Maybe-is-sum {A = A} = Iso→Equiv (to , iso from ir il) where to : Maybe A → ⊤ ⊎ A to (just x) = inr x to nothing = inl tt from : ⊤ ⊎ A → Maybe A from (inr x) = just x from (inl _) = nothing ir : is-right-inverse from to ir (inl x) = refl ir (inr x) = refl il : is-right-inverse to from il nothing = refl il (just x) = refl