module Cat.Site.Instances.Atomic where
Atomic sites🔗
The atomic topology on a small category is the coverage where a sieve covers an object as soon as is inhabited. If is a completely arbitrary category, then the pullback of an inhabited sieve need not be inhabited; a necessary condition is that every pair of maps and can be completed to a commutative square
in which and may be completely arbitrary. Following Johnstone (2002, A2.1.11(h)), we refer to this condition on as the right Ore condition.
module _ {o ℓ} (C : Precategory o ℓ) where open Precategory C Squaring : ∀ {a b c} (f : Hom a c) (g : Hom b c) → Type _ Squaring {a = a} {b} {c} f g = Σ[ d ∈ C ] Σ[ p1 ∈ Hom d a ] Σ[ p2 ∈ Hom d b ] (f ∘ p1 ≡ g ∘ p2) Right-ore : Type _ Right-ore = ∀ {a b c} (f : Hom a c) (g : Hom b c) → ∥ Squaring f g ∥
Note that if this condition is satisfied, the atomic coverage is automatically a Grothendieck coverage.
Atomic-topology : Topology C (o ⊔ ℓ) Atomic-topology .covering U R = ∃[ V ∈ C ] Σ[ f ∈ Hom V U ] f ∈ R Atomic-topology .has-is-prop = hlevel 1 Atomic-topology .stable {U} {V} f {S} = rec! λ W g hg → do (d , p1 , p2 , q) ← square f g pure (d , p1 , subst (_∈ S) (sym q) (S .closed hg p2)) Atomic-topology .maximal r = inc (_ , _ , r) Atomic-topology .local = elim! λ V h pt {S} α → case α h pt of λ U g β → inc (_ , _ , β)
module Atomic = Topology Atomic-topology open Atomic using () renaming (from-topology to Atomic-coverage) public
Sheaves for the atomic topology🔗
We now want to characterise when a functor is a sheaf for the atomic topology. A morphism is said to support a section if maps act identically on as soon as they are equal under precomposition with
is-support : ∀ {V U} (f : Hom V U) (y : A ʻ V) → Type _ is-support {V} f y = ∀ {W} (g h : Hom W V) → f ∘ g ≡ f ∘ h → A ⟪ g ⟫ y ≡ A ⟪ h ⟫ y
The importance of this notion is that, if a sieve is inhabited by some then a patch of over is precisely an element supported by
patch→support : ∀ {U V} {S : Sieve C U} {f : Hom V U} (hf : f ∈ S) (p : Patch A S) → is-support A f (p .part f hf) patch→support {S = S} {f = f} hf p g h β = A ⟪ g ⟫ p .part f hf ≡⟨ p .patch f hf g (S .closed hf _) ⟩≡ p .part (f ∘ g) _ ≡⟨ app p β ⟩≡ p .part (f ∘ h) _ ≡˘⟨ p .patch f hf h (S .closed hf _) ⟩≡˘ A ⟪ h ⟫ p .part f hf ∎
In the other direction, we prefer to say that any supported by can be extended to a patch for the sieve generated by
support→patch : ∀ {U V} {f : Hom V U} {x : A ʻ V} → is-support A f x → Patch {C = C} A (map→sieve f) support→patch {f = f} {x} supp .part g hg = ∥-∥-rec-set! (λ (h , p) → A ⟪ h ⟫ x) (λ (h , α) (h' , β) → supp h h' (α ∙ sym β)) (□-tr hg)
Note that, since we have to produce an inhabitant of given only a truncated factorization of through we must use the support property to show that we always get the same inhabitant.
support→patch {f = f} {x} supp .patch = elim! λ g h p i j sq → A ⟪ i ⟫ (A ⟪ h ⟫ x) ≡⟨ A.collapse refl ⟩≡ A ⟪ h ∘ i ⟫ x ≡⟨ supp (h ∘ i) j (pulll p ∙ sym sq) ⟩≡ A ⟪ j ⟫ x ∎
With this correspondence, we can define a simpler notion of sheaf for the atomic topology: is a sheaf if every supported by admits a unique lifting with
is-atomic-sheaf : ∀ {ℓ'} (A : Functor (C ^op) (Sets ℓ')) → Type _ is-atomic-sheaf A = ∀ {U V : ⌞ C ⌟} (y : A ʻ V) (f : Hom V U) → is-support A f y → is-contr (Σ[ x ∈ A ʻ U ] (y ≡ A ⟪ f ⟫ x))
The easy direction is showing that this is implied by the sheaf condition. Since the sieve generated by any is covering in the atomic topology, and we’ve already shown that supported elements correspond to patches, all we have to do is a bit of algebra.
to-is-atomic-sheaf : ∀ {ℓ'} (P : Functor (C ^op) (Sets ℓ')) → is-sheaf Atomic-coverage P → is-atomic-sheaf P to-is-atomic-sheaf A sheaf {U} {V} y f loc = done where module A = PSh A cov : Atomic-coverage .covers U cov = map→sieve f , inc (V , f , inc (id , elimr refl)) x : Patch A (map→sieve f) x = support→patch A loc rem₁ : y ≡ A ⟪ f ⟫ sheaf .whole cov x rem₁ = sym (sheaf .glues cov x f (inc (id , elimr refl)) ∙ A.elim refl) done : is-contr _ done .centre = record { snd = rem₁ } done .paths (z , q) = Σ-prop-path! $ sheaf .separate cov $ elim! λ g h r → A ⟪ g ⟫ sheaf .whole cov x ≡⟨ A.expand (sym r) ⟩≡ A ⟪ h ⟫ (A ⟪ f ⟫ sheaf .whole cov x) ≡⟨ A.ap (sym rem₁) ⟩≡ A ⟪ h ⟫ y ≡⟨ A.ap q ⟩≡ A ⟪ h ⟫ (A ⟪ f ⟫ z) ≡⟨ A.collapse r ⟩≡ A ⟪ g ⟫ z ∎ from-is-atomic-sheaf : ∀ {ℓ'} (A : Functor (C ^op) (Sets ℓ')) → is-atomic-sheaf A → is-sheaf Atomic-coverage A from-is-atomic-sheaf A at = from-is-sheaf₁ λ {U} → elim! done where module A = PSh A
The converse direction requires slightly more work. We assume that we have a sieve covering inhabited by some and a patch of Since we can extract an element from by the “atomic sheaf” condition we obtain that there is a contractible space of lifts of through
module _ {U} (S : Sieve C U) V (f₀ : Hom V U) (hf₀ : f₀ ∈ S) (p : Patch A S) where p₀ : A ʻ V p₀ = p .part f₀ hf₀ sec : is-contr (Σ[ x ∈ A ʻ U ] (p .part f₀ hf₀ ≡ A ⟪ f₀ ⟫ x)) sec = at p₀ f₀ (patch→support A hf₀ p) open Σ (sec .centre) renaming (fst to e ; snd to q)
We must then show that agrees with at any other To this end, suppose that we have such an and fit it into a commutative square
using that satisfies the right Ore condition.
rem₁' : ∀ {W} (f : Hom W U) (hf : f ∈ S) → Squaring C f₀ f → A ⟪ f ⟫ e ≡ p .part f hf rem₁' {W = W} f hf (X , v , u , sq) = done where
First, a short calculation shows that is supported by which implies that there is exactly one element in on which acts to give
cohy : is-support A u (A ⟪ v ⟫ p₀) cohy g h q = A ⟪ g ⟫ (A ⟪ v ⟫ p₀) ≡⟨ A.collapse refl ⟩≡ A ⟪ v ∘ g ⟫ p₀ ≡⟨ patch→support A hf₀ p _ _ (pulll sq ·· pullr q ·· extendl (sym sq)) ⟩≡ A ⟪ v ∘ h ⟫ p₀ ≡⟨ A.expand refl ⟩≡ A ⟪ h ⟫ (A ⟪ v ⟫ p₀) ∎ y : is-contr (Σ[ x ∈ A ʻ W ] A ⟪ v ⟫ p₀ ≡ A ⟪ u ⟫ x) y = at (A ⟪ v ⟫ p₀) u cohy
But since comes from a patch of and we can also calculate that is which is by commutativity of the square above, and this in turn is
rem₂ : A ⟪ v ⟫ p₀ ≡ A ⟪ u ⟫ p .part f hf rem₂ = A ⟪ v ⟫ p₀ ≡⟨ p .patch f₀ hf₀ v (S .closed hf₀ v) ⟩≡ p .part (f₀ ∘ v) _ ≡⟨ ap₂ (p .part) sq prop! ⟩≡ p .part (f ∘ u) _ ≡˘⟨ p .patch f hf u (S .closed hf u) ⟩≡˘ A ⟪ u ⟫ p .part f hf ∎
On the other hand, we can also calculate that by the definition of and that so we must have Therefore is a section of and we are essentially done.
rem₃ = A ⟪ v ⟫ p₀ ≡⟨ A.ap q ⟩≡ A ⟪ v ⟫ (A ⟪ f₀ ⟫ e) ≡⟨ A.weave sq ⟩≡ A ⟪ u ⟫ (A ⟪ f ⟫ e) ∎ done = ap fst (is-contr→is-prop y (_ , rem₃) (_ , rem₂)) rem₁ : ∀ {W} (f : Hom W U) (hf : f ∈ S) → A ⟪ f ⟫ e ≡ p .part f hf rem₁ f hf = ∥-∥-rec (hlevel 1) (rem₁' f hf) (square f₀ f) done : is-contr (Section A p) done .centre = record { glues = λ g hg → rem₁ g hg } done .paths x = ext $ ap fst $ is-contr→is-prop sec (_ , q) (_ , sym (x .glues f₀ hf₀))
The most immediate consequence of this simplification is that, in the atomic topology, every constant functor is a sheaf.
Const-is-sheaf : ∀ {ℓ'} (X : Set ℓ') → is-sheaf Atomic-coverage (Const X) Const-is-sheaf X = from-is-atomic-sheaf _ (λ _ _ _ → hlevel 0)
Atomic topoi🔗
A characteristic property of topoi of sheaves on atomic sites is that the subobject classifier sheaf is given by the constant object on the usual set of propositions. Because we know that constant presheaves are sheaves in an atomic topos, we do not need to sheafify to obtain this latter sheaf, which simplifies the calculation significantly.
module _ {ℓ} {C : Precategory ℓ ℓ} (sq : Right-ore C) where open Cat.Site.Closure open Cat C open _=>_ private cov = Atomic-coverage C sq module Sh = Cat (Sheaves cov ℓ)
ΩJ' : Sheaf cov ℓ ΩJ' = record { fst = Const (el! (Lift ℓ Ω)) ; snd = Const-is-sheaf C sq _ }
It’s easy to construct this isomorphism by hand. In one direction, we send a closed sieve to the proposition (which is equivalent to In the other direction, we send a proposition to the sieve which contains any iff
private interleaved mutual m1 : ΩJ cov .fst => ΩJ' .fst m1 .η U (S , _) = lift (S .arrows id) m2 : ΩJ' .fst => ΩJ cov .fst m2 .η x P .fst .arrows h = P .lower
m1 .is-natural x y f = ext λ S cl → biimp (λ hf → cl id (inc (pullback id S , inc (y , f , subst (_∈ S) id-comm hf)))) (λ hid → subst (_∈ S) id-comm-sym (S .closed hid f)) m2 .η x P .fst .closed hf _ = hf m2 .η x P .snd h y = case Atomic.unsaturate C sq y of λ _ _ α → α m2 .is-natural x y f = ext λ P → Σ-prop-path! trivial!
Finally, we can show that these maps are inverses. Note that one direction is definitional, and the other is not much more complicated.
ΩJ-is-constant : ΩJ cov Sh.≅ ΩJ' ΩJ-is-constant = let q = ext λ i X cl → Σ-prop-path! $ ext λ x → biimp (λ p → subst (_∈ X) (idl _) (X .closed p _)) (λ p → cl id (inc (_ , inc (_ , _ , subst (_∈ X) id-comm (X .closed p id))))) in Sh.make-iso m1 m2 trivial! q
- Johnstone, Peter T. 2002. Sketches of an Elephant: a Topos Theory Compendium. Oxford Logic Guides. New York, NY: Oxford Univ. Press.