module Cat.Instances.Twisted where
Twisted arrow categories🔗
The category of arrows of is the category which has objects given by morphisms 1, and morphisms given by pairs as indicated making the diagram below commute.
Now, add a twist. Literally! Invert the direction of the morphism in the definition above. The resulting category is the twisted arrow category of written You can think of a morphism in as a factorisation of through
module _ {o ℓ} (C : Precategory o ℓ) where open Precategory C open Cat.Functor.Hom C record Twist {a₀ a₁ b₀ b₁} (f : Hom a₀ a₁) (g : Hom b₀ b₁) : Type ℓ where constructor twist no-eta-equality field before : Hom b₀ a₀ after : Hom a₁ b₁ commutes : after ∘ f ∘ before ≡ g
open Twist Twist-path : ∀ {a₀ a₁ b₀ b₁} {f : Hom a₀ a₁} {g : Hom b₀ b₁} {h1 h2 : Twist f g} → Twist.before h1 ≡ Twist.before h2 → Twist.after h1 ≡ Twist.after h2 → h1 ≡ h2 Twist-path {h1 = h1} {h2} p q i .Twist.before = p i Twist-path {h1 = h1} {h2} p q i .Twist.after = q i Twist-path {h1 = h1} {h2} p q i .Twist.commutes = is-prop→pathp (λ i → Hom-set _ _ (q i ∘ _ ∘ p i) _) (h1 .Twist.commutes) (h2 .Twist.commutes) i open Functor private unquoteDecl eqv = declare-record-iso eqv (quote Twist)
Twisted : Precategory (o ⊔ ℓ) ℓ Twisted .Precategory.Ob = Σ[ (a , b) ∈ Ob × Ob ] Hom a b Twisted .Precategory.Hom (_ , f) (_ , g) = Twist f g Twisted .Precategory.Hom-set (_ , f) (_ , g) = Iso→is-hlevel! 2 eqv Twisted = record { before = id ; after = id ; commutes = idl _ ∙ idr _ } Twisted .Precategory._∘_ t1 t2 .Twist.before = t2 .Twist.before ∘ t1 .Twist.before Twisted .Precategory._∘_ t1 t2 .Twist.after = t1 .Twist.after ∘ t2 .Twist.after
Twisted .Precategory._∘_ {_ , f} {_ , g} {_ , h} t1 t2 .Twist.commutes = (t1.a ∘ t2.a) ∘ f ∘ t2.b ∘ t1.b ≡⟨ cat! C ⟩≡ t1.a ∘ (t2.a ∘ f ∘ t2.b) ∘ t1.b ≡⟨ (λ i → t1.a ∘ t2.commutes i ∘ t1.b) ⟩≡ t1.a ∘ g ∘ t1.b ≡⟨ t1.commutes ⟩≡ h ∎ where module t1 = Twist t1 renaming (after to a ; before to b) module t2 = Twist t2 renaming (after to a ; before to b) Twisted .Precategory.idr f = Twist-path (idl _) (idr _) Twisted .Precategory.idl f = Twist-path (idr _) (idl _) Twisted .Precategory.assoc f g h = Twist-path (sym (assoc _ _ _)) (assoc _ _ _)
Note that the twisted arrow category is equivalently the covariant category of elements of the Hom functor:
Twisted≡∫Hom : Twisted ≡ ∫ Hom[-,-] Twisted≡∫Hom = Precategory-path F F-precat-iso where open Element open Element-hom open is-precat-iso F : Functor Twisted (∫ Hom[-,-]) F .F₀ a = elem (a .fst) (a .snd) F .F₁ f = elem-hom (f .before , f .after) (f .commutes) F .F-id = trivial! F .F-∘ f g = trivial! F-precat-iso : is-precat-iso F F-precat-iso .has-is-ff = injective-surjective→is-equiv! (λ p → Twist-path (ap (fst ⊙ hom) p) (ap (snd ⊙ hom) p)) λ f → inc (twist (f .hom .fst) (f .hom .snd) (f .commute) , trivial!) F-precat-iso .has-is-iso = is-iso→is-equiv (iso (λ e → e .ob , e .section) (λ e → refl) λ e → refl)
The twisted arrow category admits a forgetful functor which sends each arrow to the pair and forgets the commutativity datum for the diagram. Since commutativity of diagrams is a property (rather than structure), this inclusion functor is faithful, though it is not full.
πₜ : Functor Twisted (C ^op ×ᶜ C) πₜ .F₀ = fst πₜ .F₁ f = Twist.before f , Twist.after f πₜ .F-id = refl πₜ .F-∘ f g = refl module _ {o ℓ o' ℓ'} {C : Precategory o ℓ} {D : Precategory o' ℓ'} where open Functor open Twist twistᵒᵖ : Functor (C ^op ×ᶜ C) D → Functor (Twisted (C ^op) ^op) D twistᵒᵖ F .F₀ ((a , b) , _) = F .F₀ (a , b) twistᵒᵖ F .F₁ arr = F .F₁ (arr .before , arr .after) twistᵒᵖ F .F-id = F .F-id twistᵒᵖ F .F-∘ f g = F .F-∘ _ _
We will metonymically refer to the triple using simply ↩︎