module Cat.Instances.Free where
Free categories🔗
Given a graph we construct a strict category in the following manner:
- The objects of are the vertices of
- The morphisms in are given by finite paths in Finite paths are defined by the following indexed-inductive type
data Path-in : G.Vertex → G.Vertex → Type (o ⊔ ℓ) where nil : ∀ {a} → Path-in a a cons : ∀ {a b c} → G.Edge a b → Path-in b c → Path-in a c
That is: a path is either empty, in which case it starts and ends at itself (these are the identity morphisms), or we can form a path from by starting with a path and precomposing with an edge Much of the code below is dedicated to characterising the identity types between paths. Indeed, to construct a category we must show that paths in form a set.
We have a couple of options here:
We can construct paths by recursion, on their length: Defining a “path from to of length ” by recursion on and then defining a path from to as being a pair where and is a path of length
We can define paths by induction, as is done above.
The former approach makes it easy to show that paths form a set: we can directly construct the set of paths, by recursion, then project the underlying type if necessary. But working with these paths is very inconvenient, since we have to deal with explicit identities between the endpoints. The latter approach makes defining functions on paths easy, but showing that they are a set is fairly involved. Let’s see how to do it.
The first thing we’ll need is a predicate expressing that a path really encodes the empty path, and we have an identity of vertices We can do this by recursion: If is nil, then we can take this to be the unit type, otherwise it’s the bottom type.
is-nil : ∀ {a b} → Path-in a b → Type (o ⊔ ℓ) is-nil nil = Lift _ ⊤ is-nil (cons _ _) = Lift _ ⊥
We’d like to define a relation standing for an identification of paths But observe what happens in the case where we’ve built up a path by adding an edge: We know that the edges start at and the inner paths end at but the inner vertex may vary!
We’ll need to package an identification
in the relation for
and so, we’ll have to encode for a path
over some identification of their start points. That’s why we
have path-codep
and not “path-code”. A value in
codes for a path
path-codep : ∀ (a : I → G.Vertex) {c} → Path-in (a i0) c → Path-in (a i1) c → Type (o ⊔ ℓ)
Note that in the case where
Agda refines
to be definitionally
and we can no longer match on the right-hand-side path
That’s where the is-nil
predicate comes in:
We say that
is equal to
if is-nil
holds. Of course, a cons
and a nil
can never be equal.
path-codep a nil ys = is-nil ys path-codep a (cons x xs) nil = Lift _ ⊥
The recursive case constructs an identification of cons
cells as a triple
consisting of an identification between their intermediate vertices, and
over that data, an identification between the added edges, and a code
for an identification between the tails.
path-codep a {c} (cons {b = b} x xs) (cons {b = b'} y ys) = Σ[ bs ∈ (b ≡ b') ] (PathP (λ i → G.Edge (a i) (bs i)) x y × path-codep (λ i → bs i) xs ys)
By recursion on the paths and the code for an equality, we can show
that if we have a code for an identification, we can indeed compute an
identification. The most involved case is actually when the lists are
empty, in which case we must show that is-nil(xs)
implies that
but it must be over an arbitrary identification
2. Fortunately, vertices in a graph
live in a set, so
is reflexivity.
path-encode : ∀ (a : I → G.Vertex) {c} xs ys → path-codep a xs ys → PathP (λ i → Path-in (a i) c) xs ys path-encode a (cons x xs) (cons y ys) (p , q , r) i = cons {a = a i} {b = p i} (q i) $ path-encode (λ i → p i) xs ys r i path-encode a nil ys p = lemma (λ i → a (~ i)) ys p where lemma : ∀ {a b} (p : a ≡ b) (q : Path-in a b) → is-nil q → PathP (λ i → Path-in (p (~ i)) b) nil q lemma {a = a} p nil (lift lower) = to-pathp $ is-set→subst-refl (λ e → Path-in e a) G.Vertex-is-set (sym p) nil lemma _ (cons x p) ()
The next step is to show that codes for identifications between paths live in a proposition; But this is immediate by their construction: in every case, we can show that they are either literally a proposition (the base case) or built out of propositions: this last case is inductive.
path-codep-is-prop : ∀ (a : I → G.Vertex) {b} → (p : Path-in (a i0) b) (q : Path-in (a i1) b) → is-prop (path-codep a p q) path-codep-is-prop a nil xs x y = is-nil-is-prop xs x y where is-nil-is-prop : ∀ {a b} (xs : Path-in a b) → is-prop (is-nil xs) is-nil-is-prop nil x y = refl path-codep-is-prop a (cons h t) (cons h' t') (p , q , r) (p' , q' , r') = Σ-pathp (G.Vertex-is-set _ _ p p') $ Σ-pathp (is-prop→pathp (λ i → PathP-is-hlevel' 1 G.Edge-is-set _ _) q q') (is-prop→pathp (λ i → path-codep-is-prop (λ j → G.Vertex-is-set _ _ p p' i j) t t') r r')
And finally, by proving that there is a code for the reflexivity path, we can show that we have an identity system in the type of paths from to given by their codes. Since these codes are propositions, and identity systems give a characterisation of a type’s identity types, we conclude that paths between a pair of vertices live in a set!
path-codep-refl : ∀ {a b} (p : Path-in a b) → path-codep (λ i → a) p p path-codep-refl nil = lift tt path-codep-refl (cons x p) = refl , refl , path-codep-refl p path-identity-system : ∀ {a b} → is-identity-system {A = Path-in a b} (path-codep (λ i → a)) path-codep-refl path-identity-system = set-identity-system (path-codep-is-prop λ i → _) (path-encode _ _ _) path-is-set : ∀ {a b} → is-set (Path-in a b) path-is-set {a = a} = identity-system→hlevel 1 path-identity-system $ path-codep-is-prop λ i → a
path-decode : ∀ {a b} {xs ys : Path-in a b} → xs ≡ ys → path-codep (λ _ → a) xs ys path-decode = Equiv.from (identity-system-gives-path path-identity-system)
The path category🔗
By comparison, constructing the actual precategory of paths is almost trivial. The composition operation, concatenation, is defined by recursion over the left-hand-side path. This is definitionally unital on the left.
_++_ : ∀ {a b c} → Path-in G a b → Path-in G b c → Path-in G a c nil ++ ys = ys cons x xs ++ ys = cons x (xs ++ ys)
Right unit and associativity are proven by induction.
++-idr : ∀ {a b} (xs : Path-in G a b) → xs ++ nil ≡ xs ++-idr nil = refl ++-idr (cons x xs) = ap (cons x) (++-idr xs) ++-assoc : ∀ {a b c d} (p : Path-in G a b) (q : Path-in G b c) (r : Path-in G c d) → (p ++ q) ++ r ≡ p ++ (q ++ r) ++-assoc nil q r = refl ++-assoc (cons x p) q r = ap (cons x) (++-assoc p q r)
And that’s it! Note that we must compose paths backwards, since the type of the concatenation operation and the type of morphism composition are mismatched (they’re reversed).
open Precategory Path-category : Precategory o (o ⊔ ℓ) Path-category .Ob = G.Vertex Path-category .Hom = Path-in G Path-category .Hom-set _ _ = path-is-set G Path-category .id = nil Path-category ._∘_ xs ys = ys ++ xs Path-category .idr f = refl Path-category .idl f = ++-idr f Path-category .assoc f g h = ++-assoc h g f
Moreover, free categories are always gaunt: they are automatically strict and,
as can be seen with a bit of work, univalent. Univalence follows because
any non-trivial isomorphism would have to arise as a cons
, but cons
can never be nil
— which would be
required for a composition to equal the identity.
While types prevent us from directly stating “if a map is invertible,
it is nil
”, we can nevertheless
pass around some equalities to make this induction acceptable.
Path-category-is-category : is-category Path-category Path-category-is-category = r where module Pc = Cat.Reasoning Path-category rem₁ : ∀ {x y} (j : Pc.Isomorphism x y) → Σ (x ≡ y) λ p → PathP (λ i → Pc.Isomorphism x (p i)) j rem₁ {x = x} im = go im (im refl (path-decode G (im .Pc.invr)) where go : ∀ {y} (im : Pc.Isomorphism x y) (j' : Path-in G x y) → j' ≡ im → path-codep G (λ _ → x) (j' ++ im .Pc.from) nil → Σ (x ≡ y) λ p → PathP (λ i → Pc.Isomorphism x (p i)) im go im nil p q = refl , ext p r : is-category Path-category r .to-path i = rem₁ i .fst r .to-path-over i = rem₁ i .snd Path-category-is-gaunt : is-gaunt Path-category Path-category-is-gaunt = record { has-category = Path-category-is-category ; has-strict = hlevel 2 }
As a free construction🔗
We shall now prove that free categories are, indeed, free. Explicitly, we shall show that they are free objects relative to the underlying graph functor.
Let be a graph, a strict category, and a graph homomorphism between and the underlying graph of We can extend to a function from paths in to morphisms in via induction.
module _ (C : Σ (Precategory o ℓ) is-strict) where private module C = Cat.Reasoning (C .fst) ∣C∣ : Graph o ℓ ∣C∣ = Strict-cats↪Graphs .F₀ C path-fold : (f : Graph-hom G ∣C∣) → ∀ {x y} → Path-in G x y → C.Hom (f .vertex x) (f .vertex y) path-fold f nil = path-fold f (cons e p) = path-fold f p C.∘ f .edge e
is functorial; it definitionally takes the nil
to id
, and we can easily show
that it preserves composites with some easy induction.
path-fold-++ : {f : Graph-hom G ∣C∣} → ∀ {x y z} (p : Path-in G x y) (q : Path-in G y z) → path-fold f (p ++ q) ≡ path-fold f q C.∘ path-fold f p path-fold-++ nil q = sym (C.idr _) path-fold-++ (cons e p) q = C.pushl (path-fold-++ p q) PathF : Graph-hom G ∣C∣ → Functor (Path-category G) (C .fst) PathF f .F₀ = f .vertex PathF f .F₁ = path-fold f PathF f .F-id = refl PathF f .F-∘ p q = path-fold-++ q p
path-fold-unique : ∀ {f : Graph-hom G ∣C∣} → (h : ∀ {x y} → Path-in G x y → C.Hom (f .vertex x) (f .vertex y)) → (∀ {x} → h (nil {a = x}) ≡ → (∀ {x y z} (e : G .Edge x y) (p : Path-in G y z) → h (cons e p) ≡ (h p C.∘ f .edge e)) → ∀ {x y} (p : Path-in G x y) → h p ≡ path-fold f p path-fold-unique h n c nil = n path-fold-unique h n c (cons e p) = c e p ∙ ap₂ C._∘_ (path-fold-unique h n c p) refl path-reduce : ∀ {x y} → Path-in (Strict-cats↪Graphs .F₀ C) x y → C.Hom x y path-reduce = path-fold
We can also give a nice characterisation paths between functors out of path categories. In particular, we only need to check that two functors agree on edges; functoriality takes care of the rest.
Path-category-functor-path : {F F' : Functor (Path-category G) C} → (p0 : ∀ x → F .F₀ x ≡ F' .F₀ x) → (p1 : ∀ {x y} (e : G .Edge x y) → PathP (λ i → C.Hom (p0 x i) (p0 y i)) (F .F₁ (cons e nil)) (F' .F₁ (cons e nil))) → F ≡ F'
The proof involves some cubical yoga, so we will hide it from the innocent reader.
Path-category-functor-path {G = G} {F} {F'} p0 p1 = Functor-path p0 p1-paths where p1-paths : ∀ {x y} → (p : Path-in G x y) → PathP (λ i → C.Hom (p0 x i) (p0 y i)) (F .F₁ p) (F' .F₁ p) p1-paths {x = x} nil i = hcomp (∂ i) λ where j (i = i0) → F .F-id (~ j) j (i = i1) → F' .F-id (~ j) j (j = i0) → p1-paths (cons e p) i = hcomp (∂ i) λ where j (i = i0) → F .F-∘ p (cons e nil) (~ j) j (i = i1) → F' .F-∘ p (cons e nil) (~ j) j (j = i0) → p1-paths p i C.∘ p1 e i
With these lemmas out of the way, we can return to our original goal.
The unit of the free object is given by the graph homomorphism that
takes an edge to a singleton path, the universal morphism is given by
our functor PathF
from earlier, and the universal property follow directly from our
Free-category : ∀ (G : Graph ℓ ℓ) → Free-object Strict-cats↪Graphs G Free-category G = Path-category G , hlevel 2 Free-category G .Free-object.unit .vertex v = v Free-category G .Free-object.unit .edge e = cons e nil Free-category G .Free-object.fold {C} = PathF C Free-category G .Free-object.commute {Y = C} {f = f} = Graph-hom-path (λ _ → refl) (λ _ → idl _) where open Precategory (C .fst) Free-category G .Free-object.unique {Y = C} {f} F p = Path-category-functor-path (λ x i → p i .vertex x) (λ e → to-pathp (from-pathp (λ i → p i .edge e) ∙ sym (idl _))) where open Precategory (C .fst)
Free-categories : Functor (Graphs ℓ ℓ) (Strict-cats ℓ ℓ) Free-categories = free-objects→functor Free-category Free-categories⊣Underlying-graph : Free-categories {ℓ} ⊣ Strict-cats↪Graphs Free-categories⊣Underlying-graph = free-objects→left-adjoint Free-category
-- Defined by hand to be more universe polymorphic. path-map : ∀ {x y} → (f : Graph-hom G H) → Path-in G x y → Path-in H (f · x) (f · y) path-map f nil = nil path-map f (cons e p) = cons (f .edge e) (path-map f p) path-map-id : ∀ {x y} → (p : Path-in G x y) → path-map p ≡ p path-map-id nil = refl path-map-id (cons e p) = ap (cons e) (path-map-id p) path-map-∘ : ∀ {x y} → {f : Graph-hom H K} {g : Graph-hom G H} → (p : Path-in G x y) → path-map (f Graphs.∘ g) p ≡ path-map f (path-map g p) path-map-∘ nil = refl path-map-∘ (cons e p) = ap₂ cons refl (path-map-∘ p) module _ {C D : Σ (Precategory o ℓ) is-strict} (F : Functor (C .fst) (D .fst)) where private module C = Cat.Reasoning (C .fst) module D = Cat.Reasoning (D .fst) module F = Functor F path-reduce-natural : ∀ {x y} → (p : Path-in (Strict-cats↪Graphs .F₀ C) x y) → path-reduce D (path-map (Strict-cats↪Graphs .F₁ F) p) ≡ F.₁ (path-reduce C p) path-reduce-natural nil = sym F.F-id path-reduce-natural (cons e p) = ap₂ D._∘_ (path-reduce-natural p) refl ∙ sym (F.F-∘ _ _) module _ {C : Σ (Precategory o ℓ) is-strict} where private module C = Cat.Reasoning (C .fst) path-reduce-map : ∀ {x y} → {f : Graph-hom G (Strict-cats↪Graphs .F₀ C)} → (p : Path-in G x y) → path-reduce C (path-map f p) ≡ path-fold C f p path-reduce-map nil = refl path-reduce-map (cons e p) = ap₂ C._∘_ (path-reduce-map p) refl