module Cat.Instances.Coalgebras where
Coalgebras over a comonad🔗
A coalgebra for a comonad is a pair of an object and morphism that satisfy the dual axioms of a monad algebra.
module _ {o ℓ} {C : Precategory o ℓ} {W : Functor C C} (cm : Comonad-on W) where open Cat.Reasoning C private module W = Comonad-on cm open W
record Coalgebra-on (A : Ob) : Type (o ⊔ ℓ) where no-eta-equality field ρ : Hom A (W₀ A) ρ-counit : W.ε A ∘ ρ ≡ id ρ-comult : W₁ ρ ∘ ρ ≡ δ A ∘ ρ
This definition is rather abstract, but has a nice intuition in terms of computational processes. First, recall that a monad can be thought of as a categorical representation of an abstract syntax tree for some algebraic theory, with the unit serving as the inclusion of “variables” into syntax trees, and the join encoding substitution. From this perspective, a monad algebra describes how to evaluate syntax trees that contain variables of type In other words, a monad describes some class of inert computations that requires an environment to be evaluated, and a monad algebra describes the objects of that can function as environments1.
Dually, a comonad can be interpreted as an inert environment that is waiting for a computation to perform, with the counit discarding the environment, and the comultiplication map reifying the environment as a value2. Similarly, a comonad coalgebra describes the objects of that can function as computations. More explicitly, the map can be thought of as a way of taking an and situating it in an environment the counit compatibility ensures that the underlying does not change when we include it in an environment, and the comultiplication condition ensures that the environments reified by align with those produced by
The Eilenberg-Moore category of a comonad🔗
If we view a comonad as a specification of an environment, and a comonad coalgebra as a computational process that produces environments, then a homomorphism of ought to be a map that allows us to “simulate” the computation via We can neatly formalize this intuition by requiring that the following square commute:
is-coalgebra-hom : ∀ {x y} (h : Hom x y) → Coalgebra-on x → Coalgebra-on y → Type _ is-coalgebra-hom f α β = W₁ f ∘ α .ρ ≡ β .ρ ∘ f
We can then assemble and their homomorphisms into a displayed category over the type of displayed objects over some consists of all possible structures on and the type of morphisms over are proofs that is a homomorphism.
Coalgebras-over : Displayed C (o ⊔ ℓ) ℓ Coalgebras-over .Ob[_] = Coalgebra-on Coalgebras-over .Hom[_] = is-coalgebra-hom Coalgebras-over .Hom[_]-set f α β = hlevel 2 Coalgebras-over .id' = eliml W-id ∙ intror refl Coalgebras-over ._∘'_ p q = pushl (W-∘ _ _) ·· ap (W₁ _ ∘_) q ·· extendl p Coalgebras-over .idr' f' = prop! Coalgebras-over .idl' f' = prop! Coalgebras-over .assoc' f' g' h' = prop!
The total category of this displayed category is referred to as the Eilenberg Moore category of
Coalgebras : Precategory (o ⊔ ℓ) ℓ Coalgebras = ∫ Coalgebras-over
module Coalgebras = Cat.Reasoning Coalgebras module _ {o ℓ} {C : Precategory o ℓ} {F : Functor C C} {W : Comonad-on F} where instance Extensional-coalgebra-hom : ∀ {ℓr} {x y} ⦃ _ : Extensional (C .Precategory.Hom (x .fst) (y .fst)) ℓr ⦄ → Extensional (Coalgebras.Hom W x y) ℓr Extensional-coalgebra-hom ⦃ e ⦄ = injection→extensional! (λ p → total-hom-path (Coalgebras-over W) p prop!) e module _ {o ℓ} {C : Precategory o ℓ} {F : Functor C C} (W : Comonad-on F) where open Cat.Reasoning C private module W = Comonad-on W open Coalgebra-on open W
Cofree coalgebras🔗
Recall that for a monad the forgetful functor from the Eilenberg-Moore category has a left adjoint that sends an object to the free algebra We can completely dualize this construction to comonads, which gives us cofree coalgebras.
Cofree-coalgebra : Ob → Coalgebras.Ob W Cofree-coalgebra A .fst = W₀ A Cofree-coalgebra A .snd .ρ = δ _ Cofree-coalgebra A .snd .ρ-counit = δ-idr Cofree-coalgebra A .snd .ρ-comult = δ-assoc Cofree : Functor C (Coalgebras W) Cofree .F₀ = Cofree-coalgebra Cofree .F₁ h .hom = W₁ h Cofree .F₁ h .preserves = sym ( _ _ h) Cofree .F-id = ext W-id Cofree .F-∘ f g = ext (W-∘ _ _)
However, there is a slight twist: instead of obtaining a left adjoint to the forgetful functor, we get a right adjoint!
Forget⊣Cofree : πᶠ (Coalgebras-over W) ⊣ Cofree Forget⊣Cofree .unit .η (x , α) .hom = α .ρ Forget⊣Cofree .unit .η (x , α) .preserves = α .ρ-comult Forget⊣Cofree .unit .is-natural x y f = ext (sym (f .preserves)) Forget⊣Cofree .counit .η x = W.ε x Forget⊣Cofree .counit .is-natural x y f = _ _ _ Forget⊣Cofree .zig {A , α} = α .ρ-counit Forget⊣Cofree .zag = ext δ-idl
to-cofree-hom : ∀ {X Y} → Hom (X .fst) Y → Coalgebras.Hom W X (Cofree-coalgebra Y) to-cofree-hom f = L-adjunct Forget⊣Cofree f
This becomes even more clear when we consider relative extension algebras.↩︎
This analogy of comonads-as-contexts shows up quite often; see comprehension comonad for an example.↩︎