  {o  o' ℓ'} {C : Precategory o } {D : Precategory o' ℓ'}
  (F : Functor C D) (ff : is-fully-faithful F)

Reasoning for ff functors🔗

This module contains a few short combinators for reasoning about the actions of fully faithful functors on morphisms and isomorphisms.

from-id : w  from w
from-id p = injective₂ (ε _  p) F-id

from-∘ : from (w D.∘ x)  from w C.∘ from x
from-∘ = injective (ε _  sym (F-∘ _ _  ap₂ D._∘_ (ε _) (ε _)))

ipushr : x D.∘ F₁ g  x'  from (w D.∘ x) C.∘ g  from (w D.∘ x')
ipushr p = injective (F-∘ _ _ ·· ap₂ D._∘_ (ε _) refl ·· D.pullr p  sym (ε _))

ε-lswizzle : w D.∘ x  w D.∘ F₁ (from (x D.∘ y))  y
ε-lswizzle = D.lswizzle (ε _)

ε-expand : w D.∘ x  y  F₁ (from w C.∘ from x)  y
ε-expand p = F-∘ _ _ ·· ap₂ D._∘_ (ε _) (ε _) ·· p

ε-twist : F₁ f D.∘ x  y D.∘ F₁ g  f C.∘ from x  from y C.∘ g
ε-twist {f = f} {g = g} p = injective $ swap $
  ap (F₁ f D.∘_) (ε _) ·· p ·· ap (D._∘ F₁ g) (sym (ε _))

inv∘l : x D.∘ F₁ f  y  from x C.∘ f  from y
inv∘l x = sym (ε-twist (D.eliml F-id  sym x))  C.idl _

whackl : x D.∘ F₁ f  F₁ g  from x C.∘ f  g
whackl p = sym (ε-twist (D.idr _  sym p))  C.elimr (from-id refl)

whackr : F₁ f D.∘ x  F₁ g  f C.∘ from x  g
whackr p = ε-twist (p  sym (D.idl _))  C.eliml (from-id refl)