module Cat.Functor.Kan.Representable where
Representability of Kan extensions🔗
Like most constructions with a universal property, we can phrase the definition of Kan extensions in terms of an equivalence of functors. This rephrasing lets us construct extensions in terms of chains of natural isomorphisms, which can be very handy!
module _ {o ℓ o' ℓ'} {C : Precategory o ℓ} {C' : Precategory o ℓ} {D : Precategory o' ℓ'} {p : Functor C C'} {F : Functor C D} {G : Functor C' D} where private module C = Cat.Reasoning C module C' = Cat.Reasoning C' module D = Cat.Reasoning D module [C',D] = Cat.Reasoning Cat[ C' , D ] module [C,D] = Cat.Reasoning Cat[ C , D ] open Functor open _=>_ open is-lan open Corepresentation open Isoⁿ
Let and and be a candidate for a left extension, as in the following diagram.
Any such pair induces a natural transformation
Hom-from-precompose : F => G F∘ p → Hom-from Cat[ C' , D ] G => Hom-from Cat[ C , D ] F F∘ precompose p Hom-from-precompose eta .η H α = (α ◂ p) ∘nt eta Hom-from-precompose eta .is-natural H K α = funext λ β → [C,D].pushl ◂-distribl
If this natural transformation is an isomorphism, then is a left Kan extension of along
represents→is-lan : (eta : F => G F∘ p) → is-invertibleⁿ (Hom-from-precompose eta) → is-lan p F G eta represents→is-lan eta nat-inv = lan where
This may seem somewhat difficult to prove at first glance, but it
ends up being an exercise in shuffling data around. We can use the
inverse to Hom-from-precompose eta
to obtain the universal
map of the extension, and factorisation/uniqueness follow directly from
the fact that we have a natural isomorphism.
module nat-inv = is-invertibleⁿ nat-inv lan : is-lan p F G eta lan .σ {M} α = nat-inv.inv .η M α lan .σ-comm {M} {α} = nat-inv.invl ηₚ M $ₚ α lan .σ-uniq {M} {α} {σ'} q = ap (nat-inv.inv .η M) q ∙ nat-inv.invr ηₚ M $ₚ σ'
Furthermore, if
is a left extension, then we can show that
Hom-from-precompose eta
is a natural isomorphism. The proof
is yet another exercise in moving data around.
is-lan→represents : {eta : F => G F∘ p} → is-lan p F G eta → is-invertibleⁿ (Hom-from-precompose eta) is-lan→represents {eta} lan = to-is-invertibleⁿ inv (λ M → funext λ α → lan .σ-comm) (λ M → funext λ α → lan .σ-uniq refl) where inv : Hom-from Cat[ C , D ] F F∘ precompose p => Hom-from Cat[ C' , D ] G inv .η M α = lan .σ α inv .is-natural M N α = funext λ β → lan .σ-uniq (ext λ _ → D.pushr (sym $ lan .σ-comm ηₚ _))
module _ {o ℓ o' ℓ'} {C : Precategory o ℓ} {C' : Precategory o ℓ} {D : Precategory o' ℓ'} {p : Functor C C'} {F : Functor C D} where private module C = Cat.Reasoning C module C' = Cat.Reasoning C' module D = Cat.Reasoning D module [C',D] = Cat.Reasoning Cat[ C' , D ] module [C,D] = Cat.Reasoning Cat[ C , D ] open Functor open _=>_ open Lan open is-lan open Corepresentation open Isoⁿ
lan→represents : Lan p F → Corepresentation (Hom-from Cat[ C , D ] F F∘ precompose p) lan→represents lan .corep = lan .Ext lan→represents lan .corepresents = (is-invertibleⁿ→isoⁿ (is-lan→represents (lan .has-lan))) ni⁻¹ represents→lan : Corepresentation (Hom-from Cat[ C , D ] F F∘ precompose p) → Lan p F represents→lan has-corep .Ext = has-corep .corep represents→lan has-corep .eta = has-corep .corepresents .from .η _ idnt represents→lan has-corep .has-lan = represents→is-lan ( has-corep idnt) $ to-is-invertibleⁿ (has-corep .corepresents .to) (λ M → funext λ α → (Corep.from has-corep α ◂ p) ∘nt has-corep idnt ≡˘⟨ has-corep .corepresents .from .is-natural _ _ _ $ₚ idnt ⟩≡˘ has-corep (Corep.from has-corep α ∘nt idnt) ≡⟨ ap ( has-corep) ([C',D].idr _) ⟩≡ has-corep (Corep.from has-corep α) ≡⟨ Corep.ε has-corep α ⟩≡ α ∎) (λ M → funext λ α → Corep.from has-corep ((α ◂ p) ∘nt has-corep idnt) ≡⟨ has-corep .corepresents .to .is-natural _ _ _ $ₚ _ ⟩≡ α ∘nt Corep.from has-corep ( has-corep idnt) ≡⟨ [C',D].elimr (Corep.η has-corep idnt) ⟩≡ α ∎)