module Cat.Functor.Hom.Coyoneda {o h} (C : Precategory o h) where
The Coyoneda lemma🔗
The Coyoneda lemma is, like its dual, a statement about presheaves. It states that “every presheaf is a colimit of representables”, which, in less abstract terms, means that every presheaf arises as some way of gluing together a bunch of (things isomorphic to) hom functors!
module _ (P : Functor (C ^op) (Sets h)) where private module P = Functor P open Element open Element-hom
We start by fixing some presheaf and constructing a colimit whose coapex is This involves a clever choice of diagram category: specifically, the category of elements of This may seem like a somewhat odd choice, but recall that the data contained in is the same data as just melted into a soup of points. The colimit we construct will then glue all those points back together into
coyoneda : is-colimit (よ F∘ πₚ C P) P _ coyoneda = to-is-colimit colim where
This is done by projecting out of into via the canonical projection, and then embedding into the category of presheaves over via the yoneda embedding. Concretely, what this diagram gives us is a bunch of copies of the hom functor, one for each Then, to construct the injection map, we can just use the (contravariant) functorial action of to take a and a to a This map is natural by functoriality of
open make-is-colimit module ∫ = Precategory (∫ C P) colim : make-is-colimit (よ F∘ πₚ C P) P colim .ψ x .η y f = P.F₁ f (x .section) colim .ψ x .is-natural y z f = funext (λ g → happly (P.F-∘ f g) (x .section)) colim .commutes {x = x} {y = y} f = ext λ z g → P.F₁ (f .hom ∘ g) (y .section) ≡⟨ happly (P.F-∘ g (f .hom)) (y .section) ⟩≡ P.F₁ g (P.F₁ (f .hom) (y .section)) ≡⟨ ap (P.F₁ g) (f .commute) ⟩≡ P.F₁ g (x .section) ∎
Now that we’ve constructed a cocone, all that remains is to see that
this is a colimiting cocone. Intuitively, it makes sense that
should be colimiting:
all we’ve done is taken all the data associated with
and glued it back together. However, proving this does involve futzing
about with various naturality + cocone commuting conditions.
We start by constructing the universal map from into the coapex of some other cocone The components of this natural transformation are obtained in a similar manner to the yoneda lemma; we bundle up the data to construct an object of and then apply the function we construct to the identity morphism. Naturality follows from the fact that is a cocone, and the components of are natural.
colim .universal eta _ .η x px = eta (elem x px) .η x id colim .universal {Q} eta comm .is-natural x y f = funext λ px → eta (elem y (P.F₁ f px)) .η y id ≡˘⟨ (λ i → comm (induce C P f px) i .η y id) ⟩≡˘ eta (elem x px) .η y (f ∘ id) ≡⟨ ap (eta (elem x px) .η y) id-comm ⟩≡ eta (elem x px) .η y (id ∘ f) ≡⟨ happly (eta (elem x px) .is-natural x y f) id ⟩≡ Q .F₁ f (eta (elem x px) .η x id) ∎
Next, we need to show that this morphism factors each of the
components of
The tricky bit of the proof here is that we need to use induce
to regard
as a morphism in the category of elements.
colim .factors {o} eta comm = ext λ x f → eta (elem x (P.F₁ f (o .section))) .η x id ≡˘⟨ (λ i → comm (induce C P f (o .section)) i .η x id) ⟩≡˘ eta o .η x (f ∘ id) ≡⟨ ap (eta o .η x) (idr f) ⟩≡ eta o .η x f ∎
Finally, uniqueness: This just follows by the commuting conditions on
colim .unique eta comm α p = ext λ x px → α .η x px ≡˘⟨ ap (α .η x) (happly P.F-id px) ⟩≡˘ α .η x (P.F₁ id px) ≡⟨ happly (p _ ηₚ x) id ⟩≡ eta (elem x px) .η x id ∎
And that’s it! The important takeaway here is not the shuffling around of natural transformations required to prove this lemma, but rather the idea that, unlike Humpty Dumpty, if a presheaf falls off a wall, we can put it back together again.
An important consequence of being able to disassemble presheaves into colimits of representables is that representables generate , in that if a pair of natural transformations that agrees on all representables, then all along.
module _ {Y} (f : P => Y) where private module Y = Functor Y open Cocone
The first thing we prove is that any map
of presheaves expresses
as a cocone over
The special case Reassemble
is this procedure for the identity map — whence we see that coyoneda
essentially a restatement of the fact that
is initial the coslice category under
Map→cocone-under : Cocone (よ F∘ πₚ C P) Map→cocone-under .coapex = Y Map→cocone-under .ψ (elem ob sect) .η x i = f .η x (P.₁ i sect) Map→cocone-under .ψ (elem ob sect) .is-natural x y h = funext λ a → f .η _ (P.₁ (a ∘ h) sect) ≡⟨ happly (f .is-natural _ _ _) _ ⟩≡ Y.₁ (a ∘ h) (f .η _ sect) ≡⟨ happly (Y.F-∘ _ _) _ ⟩≡ Y.₁ h (Y.₁ a (f .η _ sect)) ≡˘⟨ ap (Y .F₁ h) (happly (f .is-natural _ _ _) _) ⟩≡˘ Y.₁ h (f .η _ (P.₁ a sect)) ∎ Map→cocone-under .commutes {x} {y} o = ext λ i a → ap (f .η _) $ P.₁ (o .hom ∘ a) (y .section) ≡⟨ happly (P.F-∘ _ _) _ ⟩≡ P.₁ a (P.₁ (o .hom) (y .section)) ≡⟨ ap (P.F₁ _) (o .commute) ⟩≡ P.₁ a (x .section) ∎
module _ {X Y : Functor (C ^op) (Sets h)} where private module PSh = Cat.Reasoning (Cat[ C ^op , Sets h ]) module P = Functor X module Y = Functor Y open Cocone-hom open Element open Initial open Cocone
We can now prove that, if are two maps such that, for every map with representable domain then The quantifier structure of this sentence is a bit funky, so watch out for the formalisation below:
Representables-generate-presheaf : {f g : X => Y} → (∀ {A : Ob} (h : よ₀ A => X) → f PSh.∘ h ≡ g PSh.∘ h) → f ≡ g
A map can be seen as a “generalised element” of so that the precondition for can be read as “ and agree for all generalised elements with domain any representable”. The proof is deceptively simple: Since is a colimit, it is an initial object in the category of cocones under
The construction Map→cocone-under
lets us
as a cocone under
in a way that
becomes a cocone homomorphism
The condition that
agrees with
on all generalised elements with representable domains ensures that
is also a cocone homomorphism
is initial, so
Representables-generate-presheaf {f} {g} sep = ap hom $ is-contr→is-prop (is-colimit→is-initial-cocone _ (coyoneda X) (Map→cocone-under X f)) f' g' where f' : Cocone-hom (よ F∘ πₚ C X) _ (Map→cocone-under X f) f' .hom = f f' .commutes o = trivial! g' : Cocone-hom (よ F∘ πₚ C X) _ (Map→cocone-under X f) g' .hom = g g' .commutes o = sym $ ext $ unext $ sep $ NT (λ i a → P.₁ a (o .section)) (λ x y h → ext λ a → P.F-∘ _ _ # o .section)
An immediate consequence is that, since any pair of maps in extend to maps and the functor is fully faithful, two maps in are equal iff. they agree on all generalised elements:
private module _ where private よ-cancelr : ∀ {X Y : Ob} {f g : Hom X Y} → (∀ {Z} (h : Hom Z X) → f ∘ h ≡ g ∘ h) → f ≡ g よ-cancelr sep = ff→faithful {F = よ} よ-is-fully-faithful $ Representables-generate-presheaf λ h → ext λ x a → sep (h .η x a)
However note that we have eliminated a mosquito using a low-orbit ion cannon:
よ-cancelr : ∀ {X Y : Ob} {f g : Hom X Y} → (∀ {Z} (h : Hom Z X) → f ∘ h ≡ g ∘ h) → f ≡ g よ-cancelr sep = sym (idr _) ∙ sep id ∙ idr _