module Cat.Diagram.Limit.Product {o h} (C : Precategory o h) where

Products are limits🔗

We establish the correspondence between binary products and limits over the functor out of the two-object category which maps to and to

The two-way correspondence between products and terminal cones is simple enough to establish by appropriately shuffling the data.

  :  {x} {F : Functor 2-object-category C} {eps : Const x => F}
   is-product C (eps .η true) (eps .η false)
   is-limit {C = C} F x eps
is-product→is-limit {x = x} {F} {eps} is-prod =
  to-is-limitp ml λ where
    {true}  refl
    {false}  refl
    module is-prod = is-product is-prod
    open make-is-limit

    ml : make-is-limit F x
    ml .ψ j = eps .η j
    ml .commutes f = sym (eps .is-natural _ _ _)  idr _
    ml .universal eps _ = is-prod.⟨ eps true , eps false is-prod.
    ml .factors {true} eps _ = is-prod.π₁∘⟨⟩
    ml .factors {false} eps _ = is-prod.π₂∘⟨⟩
    ml .unique eps p other q = is-prod.unique (q true) (q false)

  :  {a b} {K : Functor ⊤Cat C}
   {eps : K F∘ !F => 2-object-diagram a b}
   is-ran !F (2-object-diagram a b) K eps
   is-product C (eps .η true) (eps .η false)
is-limit→is-product {a} {b} {K} {eps} lim = prod where
  module lim = is-limit lim

  D : Functor 2-object-category C
  D = 2-object-diagram a b

    :  {y}  Hom y a  Hom y b
      (j : Bool)  Hom y (D .F₀ j)
  pair p1 p2 true = p1
  pair p1 p2 false = p2

    :  {y} {p1 : Hom y a} {p2 : Hom y b}
     {i j : Bool}
     (p : i  j)
     D .F₁ p  pair p1 p2 i  pair p1 p2 j
  pair-commutes {p1 = p1} {p2 = p2} =
      J  _ p  D .F₁ p  pair p1 p2 _  pair p1 p2 _)
        (eliml (D .F-id))

  prod : is-product C (eps .η true) (eps .η false)
  prod .⟨_,_⟩ f g = lim.universal (pair f g) pair-commutes
  prod .π₁∘⟨⟩ {_} {p1'} {p2'} = lim.factors (pair p1' p2') pair-commutes
  prod .π₂∘⟨⟩ {_} {p1'} {p2'} = lim.factors (pair p1' p2') pair-commutes
  prod .unique {other = other} p q = lim.unique _ _ other λ where
    true  p
    false  q

Product→Limit :  {F : Functor 2-object-category C}  Product C (F # true) (F # false)  Limit F
Product→Limit prod = to-limit (is-product→is-limit {eps = 2-object-nat-trans _ _} (has-is-product prod))

Limit→Product :  {a b}  Limit (2-object-diagram a b)  Product C a b
Limit→Product lim .apex = Limit.apex lim
Limit→Product lim .π₁ = Limit.cone lim .η true
Limit→Product lim .π₂ = Limit.cone lim .η false
Limit→Product lim .has-is-product =
  is-limit→is-product (Limit.has-limit lim)

Indexed products as limits🔗

In the particular case where is a groupoid, e.g. because it arises as the space of objects of a univalent category, an indexed product for is the same thing as a limit over considered as a functor We can not lift this restriction: If is not a groupoid, then its path spaces are not necessarily sets, and so the Disc construction does not apply to it.

module _ {} {I : Type } (i-is-grpd : is-groupoid I) (F : I  Ob) where
  open _=>_

  Proj→Cone :  {x}  (∀ i  Hom x (F i))
             Const x => Disc-adjunct {C = C} {iss = i-is-grpd} F
  Proj→Cone π .η i = π i
  Proj→Cone π .is-natural i j p =
    J  j p   π j  id  subst (Hom (F i)  F) p id  π i)
      (idr _  introl (transport-refl id))

    :  {x} {π :  i  Hom x (F i)}
     is-indexed-product C F π
     is-limit (Disc-adjunct F) x (Proj→Cone π)
  is-indexed-product→is-limit {x = x} {π} ip =
    to-is-limitp ml refl
      module ip = is-indexed-product ip
      open make-is-limit

      ml : make-is-limit (Disc-adjunct F) x
      ml .ψ j = π j
      ml .commutes {i} {j} p =
        J  j p  subst (Hom (F i)  F) p id  π i  π j)
          (eliml (transport-refl _))
      ml .universal eps p = ip.tuple eps
      ml .factors eps p = ip.commute
      ml .unique eps p other q = ip.unique eps q

    :  {K : Functor ⊤Cat C}
     {eps : K F∘ !F => Disc-adjunct {iss = i-is-grpd} F}
     is-ran !F (Disc-adjunct F) K eps
     is-indexed-product C F (eps .η)
  is-limit→is-indexed-product {K = K} {eps} lim = ip where
    module lim = is-limit lim
    open is-indexed-product

    ip : is-indexed-product C F (eps .η)
    ip .tuple k =
      lim.universal k
        (J  j p  subst (Hom (F _)  F) p id  k _  k j)
           (eliml (transport-refl _)))
    ip .commute =
      lim.factors _ _
    ip .unique k comm =
      lim.unique _ _ _ comm

  IP→Limit : Indexed-product C F  Limit {C = C} (Disc-adjunct {iss = i-is-grpd} F)
  IP→Limit ip =
    to-limit (is-indexed-product→is-limit has-is-ip)
    where open Indexed-product ip

  Limit→IP : Limit {C = C} (Disc-adjunct {iss = i-is-grpd} F)  Indexed-product C F
  Limit→IP lim .Indexed-product.ΠF = _
  Limit→IP lim .Indexed-product.π = _
  Limit→IP lim .Indexed-product.has-is-ip =
    is-limit→is-indexed-product (Limit.has-limit lim)