module Cat.Instances.Shape.Terminal where

The terminal category is the category with a single object, and only trivial morphisms.

⊤Cat : Precategory lzero lzero
⊤Cat .Ob = 
⊤Cat .Hom _ _ = 
⊤Cat .Hom-set _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = tt
⊤Cat = tt
⊤Cat .Precategory._∘_ _ _ = tt
⊤Cat .idr _ _ = tt
⊤Cat .idl _ _ = tt
⊤Cat .assoc _ _ _ _ = tt

⊤Cat-is-pregroupoid : is-pregroupoid ⊤Cat
⊤Cat-is-pregroupoid _ = id-invertible ⊤Cat

module _ {o h} {A : Precategory o h} where
  private module A = Precategory A
  open Functor

  const! : Ob A  Functor ⊤Cat A
  const! = Const

  !F : Functor A ⊤Cat
  !F .F₀ _ = tt
  !F .F₁ _ = tt
  !F .F-id = refl
  !F .F-∘ _ _ = refl

  const-η :  (F G : Functor ⊤Cat A)  F .F₀ tt  G .F₀ tt  F  G
  const-η F G p =
       _  p)
       _ i  hcomp ( i) λ where
        j (i = i0)  F .F-id (~ j)
        j (i = i1)  G .F-id (~ j)
        j (j = i0)

Natural isomorphisms between functors correspond to isomorphisms in

module _ {o } {𝒞 : Precategory o } {F G : Functor ⊤Cat 𝒞} where
    module 𝒞 = Cat.Reasoning 𝒞
    open Functor
    open _=>_

  hom→⊤-natural-trans : 𝒞.Hom (F .F₀ tt) (G .F₀ tt)  F => G
  hom→⊤-natural-trans f .η _ = f
  hom→⊤-natural-trans f .is-natural _ _ _ = 𝒞.elimr (F .F-id)  𝒞.introl (G .F-id)

  iso→⊤-natural-iso : F .F₀ tt 𝒞.≅ G .F₀ tt  F ≅ⁿ G
  iso→⊤-natural-iso i = iso→isoⁿ  _  i) λ _  𝒞.eliml (G .F-id)  𝒞.intror (F .F-id)