module Algebra.Ring.Localisation where

Localisations of commutative rings🔗

The localisation of a commutative ring at a set of elements is the universal solution to forcing the elements of to become invertible, analogously to how localisations of a category universally invert a class of maps in Explicitly, it is a commutative ring equipped with a homomorphism which sends elements to invertible elements and which is initial among these.

The elements of are given by formal fractions, which we will write with and Type-theoretically, such a fraction is really a triple, since we must also consider the witness that the denominator belongs to but, since these proofs do not matter for identity of fractions, we will generally omit them in the prose.

record Fraction { ℓ'} {R : Type } (S : R  Type ℓ') : Type (  ℓ') where
  no-eta-equality ; pattern
  constructor _/_[_]
    num   : R
    denom : R
    has-denom : denom  S

To ensure that we have a well-behaved theory of fractions, we will require that is a multiplicatively closed subset of In particular, the presence of allows us to form the fractions for any thus ensuring we have a map We also require that, if and then also This will be important to define both multiplication and identity of fractions.

  record is-multiplicative {ℓ'} (S :  R   Type ℓ') : Type (  ℓ') where
      has-1 : 1r  S
      has-* :  {x y}  x  S  y  S  (x * y)  S

Under the assumption that is multiplicatively closed, we could attempt to mimic the usual operations on integer-valued fractions on our fractions, for example, defining the sum to be This turns out not to work too well: for example, if we then also define we would have equal to

which is not literally the zero fraction However, we still have so these fractions “represent the same quantity” — they both stand for zero times the formal inverse of something. We could then try to identify fractions and whenever but, in a general ring this relation fails to be transitive, so it can not be equality in a set. Therefore, we allow an “adjustment” by one of our formal denominators: the equivalence relation we will impose on fractions identifies whenever there exists with

  data _≈_ {ℓ'} {S :  R   Type ℓ'} (x y : Fraction S) : Type (  ℓ') where
    inc : (u :  R ) (u∈S : u  S)  u *  x *  y  u *  y *  x  x  y
    squash : is-prop (x  y)

In the literature, this is more commonly phrased as but the equivalence between that and our definition is routine.

  _≈'_ :  {ℓ'} {S :  R   Type ℓ'}  Fraction S  Fraction S  Type _
  _≈'_ {S = S} (x / s) (y / t) = ∃[ u  R ] (u  S × u * (x * t - y * s)  0r)
The calculation can be found in this <details> block.
  ≈→≈' :  {ℓ'} {S :  R   Type ℓ'} {x y : Fraction S}  x  y  x ≈' y
  ≈→≈' {x = x / s} {y = y / t} = elim! λ u u∈S p 
      prf =
        u * (x * t - y * s)   ≡⟨ solve 5  u x t y s  u :* (x :* t :- y :* s)  u :* x :* t :- u :* y :* s) u x t y s refl 
        u * x * t - u * y * s ≡⟨ ap₂ _-_ refl (sym p) 
        u * x * t - u * x * t ≡⟨ solve 1  x  x :- x  0) (u * x * t) refl 
    in inc (u , u∈S , prf)

  ≈'→≈ :  {ℓ'} {S :  R   Type ℓ'} {x y : Fraction S}  x ≈' y  x  y
  ≈'→≈ {x = x / s} {y = y / t} = elim! λ u u∈S p 
      prf =
        u * x * t - u * y * s ≡⟨ solve 5  u x t y s  u :* x :* t :- u :* y :* s  u :* (x :* t :- y :* s)) u x t y s refl 
        u * (x * t - y * s)   ≡⟨ p 
    in inc u u∈S (zero-diff prf)

Our next step is showing that this relation is actually an equivalence relation. The proof of transitivity is the most interesting step: we assume that and with “adjustments” by respectively, but we produce the equation — we must consider the denominator of the middle fraction to relate the two endpoints and

  Fraction-congruence : Congruence (Fraction (_∈ S)) _
  Fraction-congruence ._∼_ = _≈_
  Fraction-congruence .has-is-prop (_ / _) (_ / _) = hlevel 1
  Fraction-congruence .reflᶜ {x / s} = inc 1r has-1 refl
  Fraction-congruence .symᶜ {x / s} {y / t} = rec! λ u u∈S p  inc u u∈S (sym p)
  Fraction-congruence ._∙ᶜ_ {x / s} {y / t [ r ]} {z / u} = elim!
    λ v v∈S p w w∈S q 
        prf =
          w * v * t * x * u     ≡⟨ cring! R 
          w * u * (v * x * t)   ≡⟨ ap (w * u *_) p 
          w * u * (v * y * s)   ≡⟨ cring! R 
          (w * y * u) * (v * s) ≡⟨ ap₂ _*_ q refl 
          (w * z * t) * (v * s) ≡⟨ cring! R 
          w * v * t * z * s     
      inc (w * v * t) (has-* (has-* w∈S v∈S) r) prf

We then define to be the set of fractions identified according to this relation. Since we can immediately cough up the function mapping

  _/1 :  R   Fr.quotient
  x /1 = inc (x / 1r [ has-1 ])

To define the operations of a ring on we first define them at the level of fractions:

As mentioned above, these operations do not satisfy the laws of a ring on the set of fractions. We must therefore prove that they respect the quotient we’ve taken, and then prove that they satisfy the ring laws on the quotient.

  +f : Fraction (_∈ S)  Fraction (_∈ S)  Fraction (_∈ S)
  +f (x / s [ p ]) (y / t [ q ]) = (x * t + y * s) / (s * t) [ has-* p q ]

  -f : Fraction (_∈ S)  Fraction (_∈ S)
  -f (x / s [ p ]) = (- x) / s [ p ]

  *f : Fraction (_∈ S)  Fraction (_∈ S)  Fraction (_∈ S)
  *f (x / s [ p ]) (y / t [ q ]) = (x * y) / (s * t) [ has-* p q ]
Showing that these operations descend to the quotient is entirely routine algebra; However, the calculations do get pretty long, so we’ll leave them in this <details> block.
  -ₗ_ : Fr.quotient  Fr.quotient
  -ₗ_ = Quot-elim  _  hlevel 2)  x  inc (-f x)) -f-resp where abstract
    -f-resp :  x y  x  y  Path Fr.quotient (inc (-f x)) (inc (-f y))
    -f-resp (x / s) (y / t) = elim! λ u u∈S p 
        prf =
          u * (- x) * t ≡⟨ ap (_* t) *-negater  *-negatel 
          - (u * x * t) ≡⟨ ap -_ p 
          - (u * y * s) ≡⟨ sym *-negatel  ap (_* s) (sym *-negater) 
          u * (- y) * s 
      in quot (inc u u∈S prf)

  _+ₗ_ : Fr.quotient  Fr.quotient  Fr.quotient
  _+ₗ_ = Fr.op₂-comm +f  a b  Fr.reflᶜ' (+f-comm a b)) +f-resp where abstract
    +f-comm :  u v  +f u v  +f v u
    +f-comm (x / s) (y / t) = Fraction-path +-commutes *-commutes

    +f-resp :  x u v  u  v  +f x u  +f x v
    +f-resp (x / s) (u / y) (v / z) = rec! λ w w∈S p 
        prf =
          w * (x * y + u * s) * (s * z)             ≡⟨ cring! R 
          w * x * y * s * z + s * s *  w * u * z  ≡⟨ ap! p 
          w * x * y * s * z + s * s *  w * v * y  ≡⟨ cring! R 
          w * (x * z + v * s) * (s * y)             
      in inc w w∈S prf

  _*ₗ_ : Fr.quotient  Fr.quotient  Fr.quotient
  _*ₗ_ = Fr.op₂-comm *f *f-comm *f-resp where abstract
    *f-comm :  u v  *f u v  *f v u
    *f-comm (x / s) (y / t) = inc 1r has-1 (solve 4  x y t s  1 :* (x :* y) :* (t :* s)  1 :* (y :* x) :* (s :* t)) x y t s refl)

    *f-resp :  x u v  u  v  *f x u  *f x v
    *f-resp (x / s) (u / y) (v / z) = rec! λ w w∈S p 
        prf =
          w * (x * u) * (s * z) ≡⟨ cring! R 
          s * x * (w * u * z)   ≡⟨ ap (s * x *_) p 
          s * x * (w * v * y)   ≡⟨ cring! R 
          w * (x * v) * (s * y) 
      in inc w w∈S prf
  infixl 8 _+ₗ_
  infixl 9 _*ₗ_
  infix 10 -ₗ_ _/1

  0ₗ 1ₗ : Fr.quotient
  0ₗ = 0r /1
  1ₗ = 1r /1

We choose the zero and identity elements for so that the localising map preserves them definitionally. We’re almost done with the construction; while there’s quite a bit of algebra left to do to show that we have a ring, this is almost entirely automatic. As a warm-up, we can prove that is inverted by whenever

  /1-inverts :  x (p : x  S)  inc (1r / x [ p ]) *ₗ (x /1)  1ₗ
  /1-inverts x p = quot (inc 1r has-1
    (solve 1  x  1 :* (1 :* x) :* 1  1 :* 1 :* (x :* 1)) x refl))

The actual proof obligation is shown above: we have to establish that which can be shown by a naïve solver. The equations for each of the ring laws are similarly boring:

    +ₗ-idl :  x  0ₗ +ₗ x  x
    +ₗ-idl = elim! λ x s _  /-ap
      (solve 2  s x  0 :* s :+ x :* 1  x) s x refl)

    +ₗ-invr :  x  x +ₗ (-ₗ x)  0ₗ
    +ₗ-invr = elim! λ x s _  quot (inc 1r has-1 (solve 2
       x s  1 :* (x :* s :+ (:- x) :* s) :* 1  1 :* 0 :* (s :* s)) x s refl))

    +ₗ-assoc :  x y z  x +ₗ (y +ₗ z)  (x +ₗ y) +ₗ z
    +ₗ-assoc = elim! λ x s _ y t _ z u _  /-ap
      (solve 6  x y z s t u 
        x :* (t :* u) :+ (y :* u :+ z :* t) :* s
       (x :* t :+ y :* s) :* u :+ z :* (s :* t)) x y z s t u refl)

    +ₗ-comm :  x y  x +ₗ y  y +ₗ x
    +ₗ-comm = elim! λ x s _ y t _  /-ap +-commutes *-commutes

    *ₗ-idl :  x  1ₗ *ₗ x  x
    *ₗ-idl = elim! λ x s s∈S  quot (inc s s∈S (solve 2
       x s  s :* (1 :* x) :* s  s :* x :* (1 :* s)) x s refl))

    *ₗ-comm :  x y  x *ₗ y  y *ₗ x
    *ₗ-comm = elim! λ x s _ y t _  /-ap *-commutes *-commutes

    *ₗ-assoc :  x y z  x *ₗ (y *ₗ z)  (x *ₗ y) *ₗ z
    *ₗ-assoc = elim! λ x s _ y t _ z u _  /-ap *-associative *-associative

    *ₗ-distribl :  x y z  x *ₗ (y +ₗ z)  (x *ₗ y) +ₗ (x *ₗ z)
    *ₗ-distribl = elim! λ x s _ y t _ z u _ 
        prf : 1r * (x * (y * u + z * t)) * (s * t * (s * u))
             1r * (x * y * (s * u) + x * z * (s * t)) * (s * (t * u))
        prf = cring! R
      in quot (inc 1r has-1 prf)

Finally, these fit together to make a commutative ring.

    module mr = make-ring
    open make-ring

    mk-loc : make-ring Fr.quotient
    mk-loc .ring-is-set = hlevel 2
    mk-loc .0R  = 0ₗ
    mk-loc ._+_ = _+ₗ_
    mk-loc .-_  = -ₗ_
    mk-loc .1R  = 1ₗ
    mk-loc ._*_ = _*ₗ_
    mk-loc .+-idl = +ₗ-idl
    mk-loc .+-invr = +ₗ-invr
    mk-loc .+-assoc = +ₗ-assoc
    mk-loc .+-comm = +ₗ-comm
    mk-loc .*-idl = *ₗ-idl
    mk-loc .*-idr x = *ₗ-comm x 1ₗ  *ₗ-idl x
    mk-loc .*-assoc = *ₗ-assoc
    mk-loc .*-distribl = *ₗ-distribl
    mk-loc .*-distribr x y z =
      *ₗ-comm (y +ₗ z) x  *ₗ-distribl x y z  ap₂ _+ₗ_ (*ₗ-comm x y) (*ₗ-comm x z)

  S⁻¹R : CRing 
  S⁻¹R .fst = el! Fr.quotient
  S⁻¹R .snd .CRing-on.has-ring-on = to-ring-on mk-loc
  S⁻¹R .snd .CRing-on.*-commutes {x} {y} = *ₗ-comm x y