module Algebra.Ring where
The ring is one of the basic objects of study in algebra, which abstracts the best bits of the common algebraic structures: The integers the rationals the reals and the complex numbers are all rings, as are the collections of polynomials with coefficients in any of those. Less familiar examples of rings include square matrices (with values in a ring) and the integral cohomology ring of a topological space: that these are so far from being βnumber-likeβ indicates the incredible generality of rings.
A ring is an abelian group (which we call the additive group of together with the data of a monoid on (the multiplicative monoid), where the multiplication of the monoid distributes over the addition. Weβll see why this compatibility condition is required afterwards. Check out what it means for a triple to be a ring structure on a type:
record is-ring {β} {R : Type β} (1r : R) (_*_ _+_ : R β R β R) : Type β where no-eta-equality field *-monoid : is-monoid 1r _*_ +-group : is-abelian-group _+_ *-distribl : β {x y z} β x * (y + z) β‘ (x * y) + (x * z) *-distribr : β {x y z} β (y + z) * x β‘ (y * x) + (z * x)
open is-monoid *-monoid renaming ( idl to *-idl ; idr to *-idr ; associative to *-associative ) hiding (has-is-set ; magma-hlevel ; underlying-set) public open is-abelian-group +-group renaming ( _β_ to _-_ ; inverse to -_ ; 1g to 0r ; inversel to +-invl ; inverser to +-invr ; associative to +-associative ; idl to +-idl ; idr to +-idr ; commutes to +-commutes ) public additive-group : Ξ£ (Set β) (Ξ» x β Group-on β x β) β£ additive-group .fst β£ = R additive-group .fst .is-tr = is-abelian-group.has-is-set +-group additive-group .snd .Group-on._β_ = _+_ additive-group .snd .Group-on.has-is-group = is-abelian-group.has-is-group +-group group : Abelian-group β β£ group .fst β£ = R group .fst .is-tr = is-abelian-group.has-is-set +-group group .snd .Abelian-group-on._*_ = _+_ group .snd .Abelian-group-on.has-is-ab = +-group multiplicative-monoid : Monoid β multiplicative-monoid .fst = R multiplicative-monoid .snd = record { has-is-monoid = *-monoid } module m = Mon multiplicative-monoid module a = Abelian-group-on record { has-is-ab = +-group } hiding (_*_ ; 1g ; _β»ΒΉ) record Ring-on {β} (R : Type β) : Type β where field 1r : R _*_ _+_ : R β R β R has-is-ring : is-ring 1r _*_ _+_ open is-ring has-is-ring public infixl 25 _*_ infixl 20 _+_ instance H-Level-is-ring : β {β} {R : Type β} {1r : R} {_*_ _+_ : R β R β R} {n} β H-Level (is-ring 1r _*_ _+_) (suc n) H-Level-is-ring {1r = 1r} {_*_} {_+_} = prop-instance {T = is-ring 1r _*_ _+_} $ Ξ» where x y i .*-monoid β hlevel 1 (x .*-monoid) (y .*-monoid) i x y i .+-group β hlevel 1 (x .+-group) (y .+-group) i x y i .*-distribl β x .+-group .is-abelian-group.has-is-set _ _ (x .*-distribl) (y .*-distribl) i x y i .*-distribr β x .+-group .is-abelian-group.has-is-set _ _ (x .*-distribr) (y .*-distribr) i where open is-ring
There is a natural notion of ring homomorphism, which we get by smashing together that of a monoid homomorphism (for the multiplicative part) and of group homomorphism; Every map of rings has an underlying map of groups which preserves the addition operation, and it must also preserve the multiplication. This encodes the view of a ring as an βabelian group with a monoid structureβ.
record is-ring-hom {β β'} {A : Type β} {B : Type β'} (R : Ring-on A) (S : Ring-on B) (f : A β B) : Type (β β β') where private module A = Ring-on R module B = Ring-on S field pres-id : f A.1r β‘ B.1r pres-+ : β x y β f (x A.+ y) β‘ f x B.+ f y pres-* : β x y β f (x A.* y) β‘ f x B.* f y
ring-homβgroup-hom : is-group-hom (A.additive-group .snd) (B.additive-group .snd) f ring-homβgroup-hom = record { pres-β = pres-+ } module gh = is-group-hom ring-homβgroup-hom renaming (pres-id to pres-0 ; pres-inv to pres-neg) open gh using (pres-0 ; pres-neg ; pres-diff) public private unquoteDecl eqv = declare-record-iso eqv (quote is-ring-hom) module _ {β β'} {A : Type β} {B : Type β'} {R : Ring-on A} {S : Ring-on B} where open Ring-on R using (magma-hlevel) open Ring-on S using (magma-hlevel) instance abstract H-Level-ring-hom : β {f n} β H-Level (is-ring-hom R S f) (suc n) H-Level-ring-hom = prop-instance Ξ» x y β Isoβis-hlevel 1 eqv (hlevel 1) x y open is-ring-hom
It follows, by standard equational nonsense, that rings and ring homomorphisms form a precategory β for instance, we have
Ring-structure : β β β Thin-structure β Ring-on Ring-structure β .is-hom f x y = el! (is-ring-hom x y f) Ring-structure β .id-is-hom .pres-id = refl Ring-structure β .id-is-hom .pres-+ x y = refl Ring-structure β .id-is-hom .pres-* x y = refl Ring-structure β .β-is-hom f g Ξ± Ξ² .pres-id = ap f (Ξ² .pres-id) β Ξ± .pres-id Ring-structure β .β-is-hom f g Ξ± Ξ² .pres-+ x y = ap f (Ξ² .pres-+ x y) β Ξ± .pres-+ _ _ Ring-structure β .β-is-hom f g Ξ± Ξ² .pres-* x y = ap f (Ξ² .pres-* x y) β Ξ± .pres-* _ _ Ring-structure β .id-hom-unique Ξ± Ξ² i .Ring-on.1r = Ξ± .pres-id i Ring-structure β .id-hom-unique Ξ± Ξ² i .Ring-on._*_ x y = Ξ± .pres-* x y i Ring-structure β .id-hom-unique Ξ± Ξ² i .Ring-on._+_ x y = Ξ± .pres-+ x y i Ring-structure β .id-hom-unique {s = s} {t} Ξ± Ξ² i .Ring-on.has-is-ring = is-propβpathp (Ξ» i β hlevel {T = is-ring (Ξ± .pres-id i) (Ξ» x y β Ξ± .pres-* x y i) (Ξ» x y β Ξ± .pres-+ x y i)} 1) (s .Ring-on.has-is-ring) (t .Ring-on.has-is-ring) i Rings : β β β Precategory (lsuc β) β Rings _ = Structured-objects (Ring-structure _) module Rings {β} = Cat.Reasoning (Rings β) Ring : β β β Type (lsuc β) Ring β = Rings.Ob
In componentsπ
We give a more elementary description of rings, which is suitable for
constructing values of the record type Ring
above. This
re-expresses the data included in the definition of a ring with the
least amount of redundancy possible, in the most direct terms possible:
A ring is a set, equipped with two binary operations
such that
distributes over
on either side;
is an abelian group; and
is a monoid.
record make-ring {β} (R : Type β) : Type β where no-eta-equality field ring-is-set : is-set R -- R is an abelian group: 0R : R _+_ : R β R β R -_ : R β R +-idl : β x β 0R + x β‘ x +-invr : β x β x + (- x) β‘ 0R +-assoc : β x y z β x + (y + z) β‘ (x + y) + z +-comm : β x y β x + y β‘ y + x -- R is a commutative monoid: 1R : R _*_ : R β R β R *-idl : β x β 1R * x β‘ x *-idr : β x β x * 1R β‘ x *-assoc : β x y z β x * (y * z) β‘ (x * y) * z -- Multiplication is bilinear: *-distribl : β x y z β x * (y + z) β‘ (x * y) + (x * z) *-distribr : β x y z β (y + z) * x β‘ (y * x) + (z * x)
-- All in copatterns to prevent the unfolding from exploding on you to-is-ring : is-ring 1R _*_ _+_ to-is-ring .is-ring.*-monoid .is-monoid.has-is-semigroup .is-semigroup.has-is-magma = record { has-is-set = ring-is-set } to-is-ring .is-ring.*-monoid .is-monoid.has-is-semigroup .is-semigroup.associative = *-assoc _ _ _ to-is-ring .is-ring.*-monoid .is-monoid.idl = *-idl _ to-is-ring .is-ring.*-monoid .is-monoid.idr = *-idr _ to-is-ring .is-ring.+-group .is-abelian-group.has-is-group .is-group.unit = 0R to-is-ring .is-ring.+-group .is-abelian-group.has-is-group .is-group.inverse = -_ to-is-ring .is-ring.+-group .is-abelian-group.has-is-group .is-group.has-is-monoid .is-monoid.has-is-semigroup .is-semigroup.has-is-magma = record { has-is-set = ring-is-set } to-is-ring .is-ring.+-group .is-abelian-group.has-is-group .is-group.has-is-monoid .is-monoid.has-is-semigroup .is-semigroup.associative = +-assoc _ _ _ to-is-ring .is-ring.+-group .is-abelian-group.has-is-group .is-group.has-is-monoid .is-monoid.idl = +-idl _ to-is-ring .is-ring.+-group .is-abelian-group.has-is-group .is-group.has-is-monoid .is-monoid.idr = +-comm _ _ β +-idl _ to-is-ring .is-ring.+-group .is-abelian-group.has-is-group .is-group.inversel = +-comm _ _ β +-invr _ to-is-ring .is-ring.+-group .is-abelian-group.has-is-group .is-group.inverser = +-invr _ to-is-ring .is-ring.+-group .is-abelian-group.commutes = +-comm _ _ to-is-ring .is-ring.*-distribl = *-distribl _ _ _ to-is-ring .is-ring.*-distribr = *-distribr _ _ _ to-ring-on : Ring-on R to-ring-on .Ring-on.1r = 1R to-ring-on .Ring-on._*_ = _*_ to-ring-on .Ring-on._+_ = _+_ to-ring-on .Ring-on.has-is-ring = to-is-ring to-ring : Ring β to-ring .fst = el R ring-is-set to-ring .snd = to-ring-on open make-ring using (to-is-ring; to-ring-on; to-ring) public
This data is missing (by design, actually!) one condition which we
would expect:
We exploit this to give our first example of a ring, the zero
ring, which has carrier set the unit
β the type with one
Despite the name, the zero ring is not the zero object in the category of rings: it is the terminal object. In the category of rings, the initial object is the ring which is very far (infinitely far!) from having a single element. Itβs called the βzero ringβ because it has one element which must be the additive identity, hence we call it But itβs also the multiplicative identity, so we might also call the ring the One Ring, which would be objectively cooler.
Zero-ring : Ring lzero Zero-ring = to-ring {R = β€} Ξ» where .make-ring.ring-is-set _ _ _ _ _ _ β tt .make-ring.0R β tt .make-ring._+_ _ _ β tt .make-ring.-_ _ β tt .make-ring.+-idl _ _ β tt .make-ring.+-invr _ _ β tt .make-ring.+-assoc _ _ _ _ β tt .make-ring.+-comm _ _ _ β tt .make-ring.1R β tt .make-ring._*_ _ _ β tt .make-ring.*-idl _ _ β tt .make-ring.*-idr _ _ β tt .make-ring.*-assoc _ _ _ _ β tt .make-ring.*-distribl _ _ _ _ β tt .make-ring.*-distribr _ _ _ _ β tt
Rings, unlike other categories of algebraic structures (like that of groups or abelian groups), are structured enough to differentiate between the initial and terminal objects. As mentioned above, the initial object is the ring and the terminal ring is the zero ring. As for why this happens, consider that, since ring homomorphisms must preserve the unit1, it is impossible to have a ring homomorphism unless in
β€ : Ring lzero β€ = to-ring {R = Int} Ξ» where .make-ring.ring-is-set β hlevel 2 .make-ring.1R β 1 .make-ring.0R β 0 .make-ring._+_ β _+β€_ .make-ring.-_ β negβ€ .make-ring._*_ β _*β€_ .make-ring.+-idl β +β€-zerol .make-ring.+-invr β +β€-invr .make-ring.+-assoc β +β€-assoc .make-ring.+-comm β +β€-commutative .make-ring.*-idl β *β€-onel .make-ring.*-idr β *β€-oner .make-ring.*-assoc β *β€-associative .make-ring.*-distribl β *β€-distribl .make-ring.*-distribr β *β€-distribr
being homomorphisms for the additive group, they automatically preserve zeroβ©οΈ