module Algebra.Quasigroup where
Traditionally, groups are defined as monoids where every element has a (necessarily unique) inverse. However, there is another path to the theory of groups that emphasizes division/subtraction over inverses. This perspective is especially interesting when generalizing groups to non-associative settings; axioms of the form are rather ill-behaved without associativity, as inverses are no longer necessarily unique!
private variable β β' : Level A B : Type β open Cat.Displayed.Univalence.Thin using (Extensional-Hom) public
Right quasigroupsπ
For the sake of maximum generality, we will build up to the definition of quasigroups in stages, starting with right quasigroups.
Let be a binary operator. is a right quasigroup if is a magma, and there is some binary operator subject to the following axioms:
- For all
- For all
record is-right-quasigroup {β} {A : Type β} (_β_ : A β A β A) : Type β where no-eta-equality field _/_ : A β A β A /-invl : β x y β (x / y) β y β‘ x /-invr : β x y β (x β y) / y β‘ x has-is-magma : is-magma _β_ open is-magma has-is-magma public
Intuitively, the operation acts like a sort of right-biased division. This is further cemented by noting that the existence of such an operation implies that every the action is an equivalence.
β-equivr : β x β is-equiv (_β x) β-equivr x .is-eqv y .centre = y / x , /-invl y x β-equivr x .is-eqv y .paths (l , lx=y) = Ξ£-prop-path (Ξ» l β has-is-set (l β x) y) $ y / x β‘Λβ¨ ap (_/ x) lx=y β©β‘Λ (l β x) / x β‘β¨ /-invr l x β©β‘ l β
This in turn implies that is an equivalence.
/-equivr : β x β is-equiv (_/ x) /-equivr x = inverse-is-equiv (β-equivr x)
As easy corollaries, we get that multiplication and division in are right-cancellative.
opaque β-cancelr : β {x y} (z : A) β x β z β‘ y β z β x β‘ y β-cancelr z = Equiv.injective (_β z , β-equivr z) /-cancelr : β {x y} (z : A) β x / z β‘ y / z β x β‘ y /-cancelr z = Equiv.injective (_/ z , /-equivr z)
It turns out that being an equivalence is a sufficient condition for a to be a right quasigroup, provided that is a set.
β-equivrβis-right-quasigroup : β {_β_ : A β A β A} β is-set A β (β x β is-equiv (_β x)) β is-right-quasigroup _β_
The proof is an exercise in unrolling definitions. If is an equivalence, then serves as a perfectly valid definition of both axioms follow directly from the unit and counit of the equivalence.
β-equivrβis-right-quasigroup {_β_ = _β_} A-set β-eqv = β-right-quasi where open is-right-quasigroup module β-eqv x = Equiv (_β x , β-eqv x) β-right-quasi : is-right-quasigroup _β_ β-right-quasi ._/_ x y = β-eqv.from y x β-right-quasi ./-invl x y = β-eqv.Ξ΅ y x β-right-quasi ./-invr x y = β-eqv.Ξ· y x β-right-quasi .has-is-magma .is-magma.has-is-set = A-set
We can upgrade this correspondence to an equivalence, as we definitionally get back the same division operation we started with after round-tripping.
is-right-quasigroupββ-equivr : β {_β_ : A β A β A} β is-right-quasigroup _β_ β (is-set A Γ (β x β is-equiv (_β x))) is-right-quasigroupββ-equivr {_β_ = _β_} = IsoβEquiv $ β¨ has-is-set , β-equivr β© , iso (uncurry β-equivrβis-right-quasigroup) (Ξ» _ β prop!) (Ξ» β-right-quasi β let open is-right-quasigroup β-right-quasi in Iso.injective eqv (refl ,β prop!)) where open is-right-quasigroup unquoteDecl eqv = declare-record-iso eqv (quote is-right-quasigroup)
Crucially, this means that the division operation
is actually a property rather than structure, as both
and is-set
is-right-quasigroup-is-prop : β {_β_ : A β A β A} β is-prop (is-right-quasigroup _β_) is-right-quasigroup-is-prop {A = A} = Equivβis-hlevel 1 is-right-quasigroupββ-equivr (hlevel 1)
instance H-Level-is-right-quasigroup : β {_β_ : A β A β A} {n} β H-Level (is-right-quasigroup _β_) (suc n) H-Level-is-right-quasigroup = prop-instance is-right-quasigroup-is-prop
Right quasigroup homomorphismsπ
In the previous section, we proved that the existence of a right division operation was actually a property of a magma, rather than structure. We shall now see that right division is automatically preserved by magma homomorphisms.
We start by defining the corresponding notion of structure for right quasigroups.
A right quasigroup structure on a type is a binary operation such that is a right quasigroup.
record Right-quasigroup-on {β} (A : Type β) : Type β where no-eta-equality field _β_ : A β A β A has-is-right-quasigroup : is-right-quasigroup _β_ open is-right-quasigroup has-is-right-quasigroup public
A right quasigroup homomorphism between two right quasigroups is a function such that
record is-right-quasigroup-hom {β β'} {A : Type β} {B : Type β'} (f : A β B) (S : Right-quasigroup-on A) (T : Right-quasigroup-on B) : Type (β β β') where no-eta-equality private module A = Right-quasigroup-on S module B = Right-quasigroup-on T field pres-β : β x y β f (x A.β y) β‘ f x B.β f y
Preservation of right division follows almost immediately from right-cancellativity.
pres-/ : β x y β f (x A./ y) β‘ f x B./ f y pres-/ x y = B.β-cancelr (f y) $ f (x A./ y) B.β f y β‘Λβ¨ pres-β (x A./ y) y β©β‘Λ f ((x A./ y) A.β y) β‘β¨ ap f (A./-invl x y) β©β‘ f x β‘Λβ¨ B./-invl (f x) (f y) β©β‘Λ (f x B./ f y) B.β f y β
is-right-quasigroup-hom-is-prop : {f : A β B} β {S : Right-quasigroup-on A} {T : Right-quasigroup-on B} β is-prop (is-right-quasigroup-hom f S T) is-right-quasigroup-hom-is-prop {T = T} = Isoβis-hlevel! 1 eqv where open Right-quasigroup-on T private unquoteDecl eqv = declare-record-iso eqv (quote is-right-quasigroup-hom) instance H-Level-is-right-quasigroup-hom : {f : A β B} β {S : Right-quasigroup-on A} {T : Right-quasigroup-on B} β β {n} β H-Level (is-right-quasigroup-hom f S T) (suc n) H-Level-is-right-quasigroup-hom = prop-instance is-right-quasigroup-hom-is-prop
module _ where open is-right-quasigroup-hom open Right-quasigroup-on Right-quasigroup-on-pathp : β {A : I β Type β} β {S : Right-quasigroup-on (A i0)} {T : Right-quasigroup-on (A i1)} β PathP (Ξ» i β β (x y : A i) β A i) (S ._β_) (T ._β_) β PathP (Ξ» i β Right-quasigroup-on (A i)) S T Right-quasigroup-on-pathp {S = S} {T = T} p i ._β_ x y = p i x y Right-quasigroup-on-pathp {S = S} {T = T} p i .has-is-right-quasigroup = is-propβpathp (Ξ» i β is-right-quasigroup-is-prop {_β_ = p i}) (S .has-is-right-quasigroup) (T .has-is-right-quasigroup) i
Right quasigroups are algebraic structures, so they form a thin structure over
Right-quasigroup-structure : β β β Thin-structure β Right-quasigroup-on Right-quasigroup-structure β .is-hom f A B .β£_β£ = is-right-quasigroup-hom f A B Right-quasigroup-structure β .is-hom f A B .is-tr = is-right-quasigroup-hom-is-prop Right-quasigroup-structure β .id-is-hom .pres-β x y = refl Right-quasigroup-structure β .β-is-hom f g f-hom g-hom .pres-β x y = ap f (g-hom .pres-β x y) β f-hom .pres-β (g x) (g y) Right-quasigroup-structure β .id-hom-unique {A} {S} {T} p q = Right-quasigroup-on-pathp (ext (p .pres-β))
This observation lets us neatly organize right quasigroups into a category.
Right-quasigroups : β β β Precategory (lsuc β) β Right-quasigroups β = Structured-objects (Right-quasigroup-structure β) module Right-quasigroups {β} = Cat.Reasoning (Right-quasigroups β) Right-quasigroup : (β : Level) β Type (lsuc β) Right-quasigroup β = Right-quasigroups.Ob {β}
module Right-quasigroup {β} (A : Right-quasigroup β) where open Right-quasigroup-on (A .snd) public
Left quasigroupsπ
We can dualise the definition of right quasigroups to arrive at the notion of a left quasigroup.
Let be a binary operator. is a left quasigroup if is a magma, and there is some binary operator subject to the following axioms:
- For all
- For all
record is-left-quasigroup {β} {A : Type β} (_β_ : A β A β A) : Type β where no-eta-equality field _⧡_ : A β A β A ⧡-invr : β x y β x β (x ⧡ y) β‘ y ⧡-invl : β x y β x ⧡ (x β y) β‘ y has-is-magma : is-magma _β_ open is-magma has-is-magma public
Intuitively, we should think of as β divided by β or β over β. This is reinforced by the fact that for every the action is an equivalence.
β-equivl : β x β is-equiv (x β_) β-equivl x .is-eqv y .centre = x ⧡ y , ⧡-invr x y β-equivl x .is-eqv y .paths (r , xr=y) = Ξ£-prop-path (Ξ» r β has-is-set (x β r) y) $ x ⧡ y β‘Λβ¨ ap (x ⧡_) xr=y β©β‘Λ x ⧡ (x β r) β‘⨠⧡-invl x r β©β‘ r β ⧡-equivl : β x β is-equiv (x ⧡_) ⧡-equivl x = inverse-is-equiv (β-equivl x)
This implies that that multiplication and division in is left-cancellative.
opaque β-cancell : β (x : A) {y z} β x β y β‘ x β z β y β‘ z β-cancell x = Equiv.injective (x β_ , β-equivl x) ⧡-cancell : β (x : A) {y z} β x ⧡ y β‘ x ⧡ z β y β‘ z ⧡-cancell x = Equiv.injective (x ⧡_ , ⧡-equivl x)
Next, we shall show that left quasigroups are formally dual to right quasigroups.
is-left-quasigroupβop-is-right-quasigroup : β {_β_ : A β A β A} β is-left-quasigroup _β_ β is-right-quasigroup (Ξ» x y β y β x)
The proof of this fact is rather tedious, so we will omit the details.
is-left-quasigroupβop-is-right-quasigroup : β {_β_ : A β A β A} β is-left-quasigroup _β_ β is-right-quasigroup (Ξ» x y β y β x) is-right-quasigroupβop-is-left-quasigroup : β {_β_ : A β A β A} β is-right-quasigroup _β_ β is-left-quasigroup (Ξ» x y β y β x) is-left-quasigroupβop-is-right-quasigroup {_β_ = _β_} A-quasi = A-op-quasi where open is-left-quasigroup A-quasi open is-right-quasigroup A-op-quasi : is-right-quasigroup (Ξ» x y β y β x) A-op-quasi ._/_ x y = y ⧡ x A-op-quasi ./-invr = flip ⧡-invl A-op-quasi ./-invl = flip ⧡-invr A-op-quasi .has-is-magma .is-magma.has-is-set = hlevel 2 is-right-quasigroupβop-is-left-quasigroup {_β_ = _β_} A-quasi = A-op-quasi where open is-right-quasigroup A-quasi open is-left-quasigroup A-op-quasi : is-left-quasigroup (Ξ» x y β y β x) A-op-quasi ._⧡_ x y = y / x A-op-quasi .⧡-invr = flip /-invl A-op-quasi .⧡-invl = flip /-invr A-op-quasi .has-is-magma .is-magma.has-is-set = hlevel 2 is-left-quasigroupβop-is-right-quasigroup = IsoβEquiv $ is-left-quasigroupβop-is-right-quasigroup , iso is-right-quasigroupβop-is-left-quasigroup (Ξ» _ β prop!) (Ξ» β-left-quasi β let open is-left-quasigroup β-left-quasi in Iso.injective eqv (refl ,β prop!)) where private unquoteDecl eqv = declare-record-iso eqv (quote is-left-quasigroup)
This in turn means that being a left quasigroup is a property of a binary operation.
is-left-quasigroup-is-prop : β {_β_ : A β A β A} β is-prop (is-left-quasigroup _β_) is-left-quasigroup-is-prop {A = A} = Equivβis-hlevel 1 (is-left-quasigroupβop-is-right-quasigroup) (hlevel 1)
instance H-Level-is-left-quasigroup : β {_β_ : A β A β A} {n} β H-Level (is-left-quasigroup _β_) (suc n) H-Level-is-left-quasigroup = prop-instance is-left-quasigroup-is-prop
β-equivlβis-left-quasigroup : β {_β_ : A β A β A} β is-set A β (β x β is-equiv (x β_)) β is-left-quasigroup _β_ β-equivlβis-left-quasigroup A-set eqv = is-right-quasigroupβop-is-left-quasigroup $ β-equivrβis-right-quasigroup A-set eqv is-left-quasigroupββ-equivl : β {_β_ : A β A β A} β is-left-quasigroup _β_ β (is-set A Γ (β x β is-equiv (x β_))) is-left-quasigroupββ-equivl = is-left-quasigroupβop-is-right-quasigroup βe is-right-quasigroupββ-equivr
Left quasigroup homomorphismsπ
We can continue dualizing to define a notion of homomorphism for left quasigroups, though we shall be much more terse in our development. Following the pattern of right quasigroups, we begin by defining left quasigroup structures.
A left quasigroup structure on a type is a binary operation such that is a left quasigroup.
record Left-quasigroup-on {β} (A : Type β) : Type β where no-eta-equality field _β_ : A β A β A has-is-left-quasigroup : is-left-quasigroup _β_ open is-left-quasigroup has-is-left-quasigroup public
A left quasigroup homomorphism between two left quasigroups is a function such that
record is-left-quasigroup-hom {β β'} {A : Type β} {B : Type β'} (f : A β B) (S : Left-quasigroup-on A) (T : Left-quasigroup-on B) : Type (β β β') where no-eta-equality private module A = Left-quasigroup-on S module B = Left-quasigroup-on T field pres-β : β x y β f (x A.β y) β‘ f x B.β f y
Dual to right quasigroups, preservation of left division follows from left-cancellativity.
pres-⧡ : β x y β f (x A.⧡ y) β‘ f x B.⧡ f y pres-⧡ x y = B.β-cancell (f x) $ f x B.β f (x A.⧡ y) β‘Λβ¨ pres-β x (x A.⧡ y) β©β‘Λ f (x A.β (x A.⧡ y)) β‘β¨ ap f (A.⧡-invr x y) β©β‘ f y β‘Λβ¨ B.⧡-invr (f x) (f y) β©β‘Λ f x B.β (f x B.⧡ f y) β
is-left-quasigroup-hom-is-prop : {f : A β B} β {S : Left-quasigroup-on A} {T : Left-quasigroup-on B} β is-prop (is-left-quasigroup-hom f S T) is-left-quasigroup-hom-is-prop {T = T} = Isoβis-hlevel! 1 eqv where open Left-quasigroup-on T private unquoteDecl eqv = declare-record-iso eqv (quote is-left-quasigroup-hom) instance H-Level-is-left-quasigroup-hom : {f : A β B} β {S : Left-quasigroup-on A} {T : Left-quasigroup-on B} β β {n} β H-Level (is-left-quasigroup-hom f S T) (suc n) H-Level-is-left-quasigroup-hom = prop-instance is-left-quasigroup-hom-is-prop
Left quasigroups are algebraic structures, so they form a thin structure over
module _ where open is-left-quasigroup-hom open Left-quasigroup-on Left-quasigroup-on-pathp : β {A : I β Type β} β {S : Left-quasigroup-on (A i0)} {T : Left-quasigroup-on (A i1)} β PathP (Ξ» i β β (x y : A i) β A i) (S ._β_) (T ._β_) β PathP (Ξ» i β Left-quasigroup-on (A i)) S T Left-quasigroup-on-pathp {S = S} {T = T} p i ._β_ x y = p i x y Left-quasigroup-on-pathp {S = S} {T = T} p i .has-is-left-quasigroup = is-propβpathp (Ξ» i β is-left-quasigroup-is-prop {_β_ = p i}) (S .has-is-left-quasigroup) (T .has-is-left-quasigroup) i
Left-quasigroup-structure : β β β Thin-structure β Left-quasigroup-on Left-quasigroup-structure β .is-hom f A B .β£_β£ = is-left-quasigroup-hom f A B Left-quasigroup-structure β .is-hom f A B .is-tr = is-left-quasigroup-hom-is-prop Left-quasigroup-structure β .id-is-hom .pres-β x y = refl Left-quasigroup-structure β .β-is-hom f g f-hom g-hom .pres-β x y = ap f (g-hom .pres-β x y) β f-hom .pres-β (g x) (g y) Left-quasigroup-structure β .id-hom-unique p q = Left-quasigroup-on-pathp (ext (p .pres-β))
This observation lets us assemble left quasigroups into a category.
Left-quasigroups : β β β Precategory (lsuc β) β Left-quasigroups β = Structured-objects (Left-quasigroup-structure β) module Left-quasigroups {β} = Cat.Reasoning (Left-quasigroups β) Left-quasigroup : (β : Level) β Type (lsuc β) Left-quasigroup β = Left-quasigroups.Ob {β}
module Left-quasigroup {β} (A : Left-quasigroup β) where open Left-quasigroup-on (A .snd) public
A type equipped with a binary operation is a quasigroup if it is a left quasigroup and a right quasigroup.
record is-quasigroup {β} {A : Type β} (_β_ : A β A β A) : Type β where no-eta-equality field has-is-left-quasigroup : is-left-quasigroup _β_ has-is-right-quasigroup : is-right-quasigroup _β_
open is-left-quasigroup has-is-left-quasigroup public open is-right-quasigroup has-is-right-quasigroup hiding (has-is-magma; underlying-set; magma-hlevel; has-is-set) public
Quasigroups obey the latin square property: for every there exists a unique pair such that and
β-latin : β x y β is-contr (Ξ£[ l β A ] Ξ£[ r β A ] (l β x β‘ y Γ x β r β‘ y))
The proof is an exercise in equivalence yoga: by definition, a quasigroup is both a left and right quasigroup, so multiplication on the left and right is an equivalence, so the types and are both contractible. Moreover, is equivalent to so the latter must also be contractible.
β-latin x y = Equivβis-hlevel 0 latin-eqv (Γ-is-hlevel 0 (β-equivr x .is-eqv y) (β-equivl x .is-eqv y)) where latin-eqv : (Ξ£[ l β A ] Ξ£[ r β A ] (l β x β‘ y Γ x β r β‘ y)) β ((Ξ£[ l β A ] l β x β‘ y) Γ (Ξ£[ r β A ] x β r β‘ y)) latin-eqv = Ξ£[ l β A ] Ξ£[ r β A ] (l β x β‘ y Γ x β r β‘ y) ββ¨ Ξ£-ap idβ (Ξ» l β Ξ£-swapβ) β©β Ξ£[ l β A ] (l β x β‘ y Γ (Ξ£[ r β A ] (x β r) β‘ y)) ββ¨ Ξ£-assoc β©β (Ξ£[ l β A ] l β x β‘ y) Γ (Ξ£[ r β A ] x β r β‘ y) ββ
We also have the following pair of useful identities that relate left and right division.
/-⧡-cancelr : β x y β x / (y ⧡ x) β‘ y /-⧡-cancelr x y = x / (y ⧡ x) β‘Λβ¨ ap (_/ (y ⧡ x)) (⧡-invr y x) β©β‘Λ (y β (y ⧡ x)) / (y ⧡ x) β‘β¨ /-invr y (y ⧡ x) β©β‘ y β /-⧡-cancell : β x y β (x / y) ⧡ x β‘ y /-⧡-cancell x y = (x / y) ⧡ x β‘Λβ¨ ap ((x / y) ⧡_) (/-invl x y) β©β‘Λ (x / y) ⧡ ((x / y) β y) β‘⨠⧡-invl (x / y) y β©β‘ y β
unquoteDecl H-Level-is-quasigroup = declare-record-hlevel 1 H-Level-is-quasigroup (quote is-quasigroup) is-quasigroup-is-prop : β {_β_ : A β A β A} β is-prop (is-quasigroup _β_) is-quasigroup-is-prop = hlevel 1
Quasigroup homomorphismsπ
A quasigroup structure on a type is a binary operation such that is a quasigroup.
record Quasigroup-on {β} (A : Type β) : Type β where no-eta-equality field _β_ : A β A β A has-is-quasigroup : is-quasigroup _β_ open is-quasigroup has-is-quasigroup public
left-quasigroup-on : Left-quasigroup-on A left-quasigroup-on .Left-quasigroup-on._β_ = _β_ left-quasigroup-on .Left-quasigroup-on.has-is-left-quasigroup = has-is-left-quasigroup right-quasigroup-on : Right-quasigroup-on A right-quasigroup-on .Right-quasigroup-on._β_ = _β_ right-quasigroup-on .Right-quasigroup-on.has-is-right-quasigroup = has-is-right-quasigroup
A quasigroup homomorphism between two quasigroups is a function such that
record is-quasigroup-hom {β β'} {A : Type β} {B : Type β'} (f : A β B) (S : Quasigroup-on A) (T : Quasigroup-on B) : Type (β β β') where no-eta-equality private module A = Quasigroup-on S module B = Quasigroup-on T field pres-β : β x y β f (x A.β y) β‘ f x B.β f y
has-is-left-quasigroup-hom : is-left-quasigroup-hom f A.left-quasigroup-on B.left-quasigroup-on has-is-left-quasigroup-hom .is-left-quasigroup-hom.pres-β = pres-β has-is-right-quasigroup-hom : is-right-quasigroup-hom f A.right-quasigroup-on B.right-quasigroup-on has-is-right-quasigroup-hom .is-right-quasigroup-hom.pres-β = pres-β open is-left-quasigroup-hom has-is-left-quasigroup-hom hiding (pres-β) public open is-right-quasigroup-hom has-is-right-quasigroup-hom hiding (pres-β) public
is-quasigroup-hom-is-prop : {f : A β B} β {S : Quasigroup-on A} {T : Quasigroup-on B} β is-prop (is-quasigroup-hom f S T) is-quasigroup-hom-is-prop {T = T} = Isoβis-hlevel! 1 eqv where open Quasigroup-on T private unquoteDecl eqv = declare-record-iso eqv (quote is-quasigroup-hom) instance H-Level-is-quasigroup-hom : {f : A β B} β {S : Quasigroup-on A} {T : Quasigroup-on B} β β {n} β H-Level (is-quasigroup-hom f S T) (suc n) H-Level-is-quasigroup-hom = prop-instance is-quasigroup-hom-is-prop
module _ where open is-quasigroup-hom open Quasigroup-on Quasigroup-on-pathp : β {A : I β Type β} β {S : Quasigroup-on (A i0)} {T : Quasigroup-on (A i1)} β PathP (Ξ» i β β (x y : A i) β A i) (S ._β_) (T ._β_) β PathP (Ξ» i β Quasigroup-on (A i)) S T Quasigroup-on-pathp {S = S} {T = T} p i ._β_ x y = p i x y Quasigroup-on-pathp {S = S} {T = T} p i .has-is-quasigroup = is-propβpathp (Ξ» i β is-quasigroup-is-prop {_β_ = p i}) (S .has-is-quasigroup) (T .has-is-quasigroup) i
Quasigroups and quasigroup homomorphisms form a thin structure.
Quasigroup-structure : β β β Thin-structure β Quasigroup-on
Quasigroup-structure β .is-hom f A B .β£_β£ = is-quasigroup-hom f A B Quasigroup-structure β .is-hom f A B .is-tr = is-quasigroup-hom-is-prop Quasigroup-structure β .id-is-hom .pres-β x y = refl Quasigroup-structure β .β-is-hom f g f-hom g-hom .pres-β x y = ap f (g-hom .pres-β x y) β f-hom .pres-β (g x) (g y) Quasigroup-structure β .id-hom-unique p q = Quasigroup-on-pathp (ext (p .pres-β))
This gives us a tidy way to construct the category of quasigroups.
Quasigroups : β β β Precategory (lsuc β) β Quasigroups β = Structured-objects (Quasigroup-structure β) module Quasigroups {β} = Cat.Reasoning (Quasigroups β) Quasigroup : (β : Level) β Type (lsuc β) Quasigroup β = Quasigroups.Ob {β}
module Quasigroup {β} (A : Quasigroup β) where open Quasigroup-on (A .snd) public left-quasigroup : Left-quasigroup β left-quasigroup = A .fst , left-quasigroup-on right-quasigroup : Right-quasigroup β right-quasigroup = A .fst , right-quasigroup-on
Constructing quasigroupsπ
The interfaces for is-quasigroup
and Quasigroup-on
are deeply
nested and contain some duplication, so we introduce some helper
functions for constructing them.
record make-quasigroup {β} (A : Type β) : Type β where field quasigroup-is-set : is-set A _β_ : A β A β A _⧡_ : A β A β A _/_ : A β A β A /-invl : β x y β (x / y) β y β‘ x /-invr : β x y β (x β y) / y β‘ x ⧡-invr : β x y β x β (x ⧡ y) β‘ y ⧡-invl : β x y β x ⧡ (x β y) β‘ y
to-is-quasigroup : is-quasigroup _β_ to-is-quasigroup .is-quasigroup.has-is-left-quasigroup .is-left-quasigroup._⧡_ = _⧡_ to-is-quasigroup .is-quasigroup.has-is-left-quasigroup .is-left-quasigroup.⧡-invr = ⧡-invr to-is-quasigroup .is-quasigroup.has-is-left-quasigroup .is-left-quasigroup.⧡-invl = ⧡-invl to-is-quasigroup .is-quasigroup.has-is-left-quasigroup .is-left-quasigroup.has-is-magma .is-magma.has-is-set = quasigroup-is-set to-is-quasigroup .is-quasigroup.has-is-right-quasigroup .is-right-quasigroup._/_ = _/_ to-is-quasigroup .is-quasigroup.has-is-right-quasigroup .is-right-quasigroup./-invl = /-invl to-is-quasigroup .is-quasigroup.has-is-right-quasigroup .is-right-quasigroup./-invr = /-invr to-is-quasigroup .is-quasigroup.has-is-right-quasigroup .is-right-quasigroup.has-is-magma .is-magma.has-is-set = quasigroup-is-set to-quasigroup-on : Quasigroup-on A to-quasigroup-on .Quasigroup-on._β_ = _β_ to-quasigroup-on .Quasigroup-on.has-is-quasigroup = to-is-quasigroup to-quasigroup : Quasigroup β to-quasigroup .fst .β£_β£ = A to-quasigroup .fst .is-tr = quasigroup-is-set to-quasigroup .snd = to-quasigroup-on open make-quasigroup using (to-is-quasigroup; to-quasigroup-on; to-quasigroup) public