module 1Lab.Univalence.SIP where
Structure Identity Principle🔗
In mathematics in general, it’s often notationally helpful to identify isomorphic structures (e.g.: groups) in a proof. However, when this mathematics is done using material set theory as a foundations, this identification is merely a shorthand — nothing prevents you from distinguishing isomorphic groups in ZFC by, for instance, asking about membership of a particular set in the underlying set of each group.
In univalent mathematics, it’s a theorem that no family of types can distinguish between isomorphic structures. Univalence is this statement, but for types. For structures built out of types, it seems like we would need a bit more power, but in reality, we don’t!
“Structure Identity Principle” is the name for several related theorems in Homotopy Type Theory, which generically say that “paths on a structure are isomorphisms of that structure”.
For instance, the version in the HoTT Book says that if a structure
on the objects of a univalent category S
can be described in a certain way, then the category of
-structured objects of C
is univalent. As a
benefit, the Book version of the SIP characterises the
homomorphisms of S
-structures, not just the
isomorphisms. As a downside, it only applies to set-level
record Structure {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} (ℓ₃ : _) (S : Type ℓ₁ → Type ℓ₂) : Type (lsuc (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₃) ⊔ ℓ₂) where constructor HomT→Str field
The material on this page, especially the definition of is-univalent
and is-transport-str
, is
adapted from Internalizing Representation
Independence with Univalence. The SIP formalised here says,
very generically, that a Structure
is a family of
types S : Type → Type
, and a type with
structure is an
inhabitant of the total space
What sets a Structure
apart from a type
family is a notion of homomorphic equivalence: Given an
equivalence of the underlying types, the predicate
is-hom (A , x) (B , y) eqv
should represent what it means
for eqv
to take the x
-structure on
to the y
-structure on B
is-hom : (A B : Σ _ S) → (A .fst ≃ B .fst) → Type ℓ₃
As a grounding example, consider equipping types with group
structure: If (A , _⋆_)
and (B , _*_)
types with group structure (with many fields omitted!), and
f : A → B
is the underlying map of an equivalence
A ≃ B
, then is-hom
would be
- the “usual” definition of group homomorphism.
open Structure public Type-with : ∀ {ℓ ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {S : Type ℓ → Type ℓ₁} → Structure ℓ₂ S → Type _ Type-with {S = S} _ = Σ _ S
A structure is said to be univalent if a homomorphic
equivalence of structures A
, B
induces a path
of the structures, over the univalence axiom — that is, if is-hom
agrees with what it
means for “S X” and “S Y” to be identified, where this identification is
dependent on one induced by univalence.
is-univalent : Structure ℓ S → Type _ is-univalent {S = S} ι = ∀ {X Y} → (f : X .fst ≃ Y .fst) → ι .is-hom X Y f ≃ PathP (λ i → S (ua f i)) (X .snd) (Y .snd)
The notation A ≃[ σ ] B
stands for the
type of σ-homomorphic equivalences, i.e. those equivalences of the types
underlying A
and B
that σ identifies as being
_≃[_]_ : Σ _ S → Structure ℓ S → Σ _ S → Type _ A ≃[ σ ] B = Σ[ f ∈ A .fst ≃ B .fst ] (σ .is-hom A B f)
The principle🔗
The structure identity principle says that, if
is a univalent structure
, then
the path space of Σ S
is equivalent to the space of
S-homomorphic equivalences of types. Again using groups as a grounding
example: identification of groups is group isomorphism.
SIP : {σ : Structure ℓ S} → is-univalent σ → {X Y : Σ _ S} → (X ≃[ σ ] Y) ≃ (X ≡ Y) SIP {S = S} {σ = σ} is-univ {X} {Y} = X ≃[ σ ] Y ≃⟨⟩ Σ[ e ∈ X .fst ≃ Y .fst ] (σ .is-hom X Y e) ≃⟨ Σ-ap (ua , univalence⁻¹) is-univ ⟩≃ Σ[ p ∈ X .fst ≡ Y .fst ] PathP (λ i → S (p i)) (X .snd) (Y .snd) ≃⟨ Iso→Equiv Σ-pathp-iso ⟩≃ (X ≡ Y) ≃∎
The proof of the SIP
follows essentially
from univalence
, and the fact
that Σ types respect equivalences
In one fell swoop, we convert from the type of homomorphic equivalences
to a dependent pair of paths. By the characterisation of path spaces of Σ types
this latter pair is equivalent to X ≡ Y
sip : {σ : Structure ℓ S} → is-univalent σ → {X Y : Σ _ S} → (X ≃[ σ ] Y) → (X ≡ Y) sip σ = SIP σ .fst
Structure combinators🔗
Univalent structures can be built up in an algebraic manner through
the use of structure combinators. These express closure of
structures under a number of type formers. For instance, if
and T
are univalent structures, then so is
λ X → S X → T X
The simplest case of univalent structure is the constant
structure, which is what you get when you equip a type
with a choice of inhabitant of some other type
, unrelated to X
. Since the given function is
f : A → B
, it can’t act on T
, so the notion of
homomorphism is independent of f
Constant-str : (A : Type ℓ) → Structure {ℓ₁} ℓ (λ X → A) Constant-str T .is-hom (A , x) (B , y) f = x ≡ y Constant-str-univalent : {A : Type ℓ} → is-univalent (Constant-str {ℓ₁ = ℓ₁} A) Constant-str-univalent f = _ , id-equiv
The next simplest case is considering the identity function as a
structure. In that case, the resulting structured type is that of a
pointed type, whence the name Pointed-str
The name Pointed-str
breaks down
when it is used with some of the other combinators: A type equipped with
the product
of two pointed structures
indeed a “bipointed structure”, but a type equipped with maps between
two pointed structures
is a
type equipped with an endomorphism, which does not necessitate a
Pointed-str : Structure ℓ (λ X → X) Pointed-str .is-hom (A , x) (B , y) f = f .fst x ≡ y
This is univalent by ua-pathp≃path
, which says
PathP (ua f) x y
is equivalent to
f .fst x ≡ y
Pointed-str-univalent : is-univalent (Pointed-str {ℓ}) Pointed-str-univalent f = ua-pathp≃path _
If S
and T
are univalent structures, then
so is their pointwise product. The notion of a
S × T
-homomorphism is that of a function homomorphic for
both S
and T
, simultaneously:
Product-str : Structure ℓ S → Structure ℓ₂ T → Structure _ (λ X → S X × T X) Product-str S T .is-hom (A , x , y) (B , x' , y') f = S .is-hom (A , x) (B , x') f × T .is-hom (A , y) (B , y') f Product-str-univalent : {σ : Structure ℓ₁ S} {τ : Structure ℓ₂ T} → is-univalent σ → is-univalent τ → is-univalent (Product-str σ τ) Product-str-univalent {S = S} {T = T} {σ = σ} {τ} θ₁ θ₂ {X , x , y} {Y , x' , y'} f = (σ .is-hom (X , x) (Y , x') _ × τ .is-hom (X , y) (Y , y') _) ≃⟨ Σ-ap (θ₁ f) (λ _ → θ₂ f) ⟩≃ (PathP _ _ _ × PathP _ _ _) ≃⟨ Iso→Equiv Σ-pathp-iso ⟩≃ PathP (λ i → S (ua f i) × T (ua f i)) (x , y) (x' , y') ≃∎
If S
and T
are univalent structures, then
so are the families of functions between them. For reasons we’ll see
below, this is called Str-function-str
(a rather
redundant name!) instead of Function-str
Str-function-str : Structure ℓ₁ S → Structure ℓ₂ T → Structure _ (λ X → S X → T X) Str-function-str {S = S} σ τ .is-hom (A , f) (B , g) h = {s : S A} {t : S B} → σ .is-hom (A , s) (B , t) h → τ .is-hom (A , f s) (B , g t) h Str-function-str-univalent : {σ : Structure ℓ₁ S} {τ : Structure ℓ₂ T} → is-univalent σ → is-univalent τ → is-univalent (Str-function-str σ τ) Str-function-str-univalent {S = S} {T = T} {σ = σ} {τ} θ₁ θ₂ eqv = Π-impl-cod≃ (λ s → Π-impl-cod≃ λ t → function≃ (θ₁ eqv) (θ₂ eqv)) ∙e funext-dep≃
Example: magmas🔗
We provide an example of applying the SIP, and the structure
Recall that a magma is a set equipped with a binary operation, with no
further conditions imposed. In HoTT, we can relax this even further: An
is a Type
- that is, an
- equipped with a binary operation.
private binop : Type → Type binop X = X → X → X
We can impose a Structure
on binop
by applying nested
and Pointed-str
. Since this
structure is built out of structure combinators, it’s automatically
∞-Magma : Structure lzero binop ∞-Magma = Str-function-str Pointed-str (Str-function-str Pointed-str Pointed-str) ∞-Magma-univ : is-univalent ∞-Magma ∞-Magma-univ = Str-function-str-univalent {τ = Str-function-str Pointed-str Pointed-str} Pointed-str-univalent (Str-function-str-univalent {τ = Pointed-str} Pointed-str-univalent Pointed-str-univalent)
The type of ∞-Magma
generated by this equivalence is slightly inconvenient: Instead of
we get something that is parameterised over two paths:
_ : {A B : Type-with ∞-Magma} {f : A .fst ≃ B .fst} → ∞-Magma .is-hom A B f ≡ ( {s : A .fst} {t : B .fst} → f .fst s ≡ t → {x : A .fst} {y : B .fst} → f .fst x ≡ y → f .fst (A .snd s x) ≡ B .snd t y) _ = refl
This condition, although it looks a lot more complicated, is essentially the same as the standard notion:
fixup : {A B : Type-with ∞-Magma} {f : A .fst ≃ B .fst} → ((x y : A .fst) → f .fst (A .snd x y) ≡ B .snd (f .fst x) (f .fst y)) → ∞-Magma .is-hom A B f fixup {A = A} {B} {f} path {s} {t} p {s₁} {t₁} q = f .fst (A .snd s s₁) ≡⟨ path _ _ ⟩≡ B .snd (f .fst s) (f .fst s₁) ≡⟨ ap₂ (B .snd) p q ⟩≡ B .snd t t₁ ∎
As an example, we equip the type of booleans with two ∞-magma
structures, one given by conjunction, one by disjunction, and prove that
identifies them, as
Conj : Type-with ∞-Magma Conj .fst = Bool Conj .snd false false = false Conj .snd false true = false Conj .snd true false = false Conj .snd true true = true
Disj : Type-with ∞-Magma Disj .fst = Bool Disj .snd false false = false Disj .snd false true = true Disj .snd true false = true Disj .snd true true = true
I claim that not≃
is a
isomorphism between Conj
and Disj
not-iso : Conj ≃[ ∞-Magma ] Disj not-iso .fst = not≃ not-iso .snd = fixup {A = Conj} {B = Disj} {f = not≃} λ where false false → refl false true → refl true false → refl true true → refl
It’s not clear that this should be the case, especially since the
case analysis obfuscates the result further. However, writing
for the actions of Conj
and Disj
(as one should!),
then we see that not-iso
says exactly that
From this and the SIP we get that Conj
and Disj
are the same
Conj≡Disj : Conj ≡ Disj Conj≡Disj = sip ∞-Magma-univ not-iso
We have a similar phenomenon that happens with NAND and NOR:
Nand : Type-with ∞-Magma Nand .fst = Bool Nand .snd false false = true Nand .snd false true = true Nand .snd true false = true Nand .snd true true = false
Nor : Type-with ∞-Magma Nor .fst = Bool Nor .snd false false = true Nor .snd false true = false Nor .snd true false = false Nor .snd true true = false
not-iso' : Nand ≃[ ∞-Magma ] Nor not-iso' .fst = not≃ not-iso' .snd = fixup {A = Nand} {B = Nor} {f = not≃} λ where false false → refl false true → refl true false → refl true true → refl
Transport structures🔗
As an alternative to equipping a type family
S : Type → Type
with a notion of S-homomorphism, we can
equip it with a notion of action. Equipping a structure with a
notion of action canonically equips it with a notion of
Equiv-action : (S : Type ℓ → Type ℓ₁) → Type _ Equiv-action {ℓ = ℓ} S = {X Y : Type ℓ} → (X ≃ Y) → (S X ≃ S Y) Action→Structure : {S : Type ℓ → Type ℓ₁} → Equiv-action S → Structure _ S Action→Structure act .is-hom (A , x) (B , y) f = act f .fst x ≡ y
A transport structure is a structure
S : Type → Type
with a choice of equivalence action
α : Equiv-action S
which agrees with the “intrinsic” notion
of equivalence action that is induced by the computation rules for
is-transport-str : {S : Type ℓ → Type ℓ₁} → Equiv-action S → Type _ is-transport-str {ℓ = ℓ} {S = S} act = {X Y : Type ℓ} (e : X ≃ Y) (s : S X) → act e .fst s ≡ subst S (ua e) s
While the above definition of transport structure
is natural, it can
sometimes be unwieldy to work with. Using univalence
, the condition
for being a transport structure can be weakened to “preserves the
identity equivalence”, with no loss of generality:
preserves-id : {S : Type ℓ → Type ℓ} → Equiv-action S → Type _ preserves-id {ℓ = ℓ} {S = S} act = {X : Type ℓ} (s : S X) → act (id , id-equiv) .fst s ≡ s
The proof is by equivalence induction: To show something about all
Y : Type, x : X ≃ Y
(with X fixed), it suffices to cover
the case where Y
is X
and e
the identity equivalence. This case is by the assumption that σ preserves id
preserves-id→is-transport-str : (σ : Equiv-action S) → preserves-id σ → is-transport-str σ preserves-id→is-transport-str {S = S} σ pres-id e s = EquivJ (λ _ e → σ e .fst s ≡ subst S (ua e) s) lemma' e where
Unfortunately we can not directly use the assumption that
preserves id
in the proof, but it
can be used as the final step in an equational proof:
lemma' : σ (id , id-equiv) .fst s ≡ subst S (ua (id , id-equiv)) s lemma' = sym ( subst S (ua (id , id-equiv)) s ≡⟨ ap (λ p → subst S p s) ua-id-equiv ⟩≡ transport refl s ≡⟨ transport-refl _ ⟩≡ s ≡⟨ sym (pres-id s) ⟩≡ σ (id , id-equiv) .fst s ∎ )
sym-transport-str : {S : Type ℓ → Type ℓ₂} (α : Equiv-action S) (τ : is-transport-str α) {X Y : Type ℓ} (e : X ≃ Y) (t : S Y) → equiv→inverse (α e .snd) t ≡ subst S (sym (ua e)) t sym-transport-str {S = S} α τ e t = sym (transport⁻transport (ap S (ua e)) (ae.from t)) ·· sym (ap (subst S (sym (ua e))) (τ e (ae.from t))) ·· ap (subst S (sym (ua e))) (ae.ε t) where module ae = Equiv (α e)
If S
is a transport structure
, then its canonical
equipment as a Structure
is univalent:
is-transport→is-univalent : {S : Type ℓ → Type ℓ₁} (a : Equiv-action S) → is-transport-str a → is-univalent (Action→Structure a) is-transport→is-univalent {S = S} act is-tr {X , s} {Y , t} eqv = act eqv .fst s ≡ t ≃⟨ path→equiv (ap (_≡ t) (is-tr eqv s)) ⟩≃ subst S (ua eqv) s ≡ t ≃⟨ path→equiv (sym (PathP≡Path (λ i → S (ua eqv i)) s t)) ⟩≃ PathP (λ i → S (ua eqv i)) s t ≃∎
We can mix and match these different notions of structure at will. For example, a more convenient definition of function univalent structure uses an equivalence action on the domain:
Function-str : Equiv-action S → Structure ℓ T → Structure _ (λ X → S X → T X) Function-str {S = S} act str .is-hom (A , f) (B , g) e = (s : S A) → str .is-hom (A , f s) (B , g (act e .fst s)) e
This alternative definition of structure is univalent when
is a univalent structure and S
is a
transport structure:
Function-str-univalent : (α : Equiv-action S) → is-transport-str α → (τ : Structure ℓ T) → is-univalent τ → is-univalent (Function-str α τ) Function-str-univalent {S = S} {T = T} α α-tr τ τ-univ {X , f} {Y , g} eqv = ((s : S X) → τ .is-hom (X , f s) (Y , _) eqv) ≃⟨ Π-cod≃ (λ s → τ-univ eqv ∙e path→equiv (ap (PathP (λ i → T (ua eqv i)) (f s) ∘ g) (α-tr _ _))) ⟩≃ ((s : S X) → PathP (λ i → T (ua eqv i)) (f s) _) ≃⟨ (hetero-homotopy≃homotopy e⁻¹) ∙e funext-dep≃ ⟩≃ _ ≃∎
To see why Function-str
is more
convenient than the previous definition
which is why it gets the shorter name - it’s convenient to consider how
the pointed structure
acts on
equivalences: not at all. Recall the definition of ∞-magma
equivalence generated by Str-function-str
private _ : {A B : Type-with ∞-Magma} {f : A .fst ≃ B .fst} → ∞-Magma .is-hom A B f ≡ ( {s : A .fst} {t : B .fst} → f .fst s ≡ t → {x : A .fst} {y : B .fst} → f .fst x ≡ y → f .fst (A .snd s x) ≡ B .snd t y) _ = refl
Let’s rewrite ∞-Magma
using Function-str
to see how it
∞-Magma' : Structure lzero binop ∞-Magma' = Function-str id (Function-str id Pointed-str) _ : {A B : Type-with ∞-Magma} {f : A .fst ≃ B .fst} → ∞-Magma' .is-hom A B f ≡ ( (x y : A .fst) → f .fst (A .snd x y) ≡ B .snd (f .fst x) (f .fst y)) _ = refl
Much better! This gets rid of all those redundant paths that were
previously present, using the fact that λ X → X
not need to act on equivalences.
In general, transport structures are closed under all of the same
operations as univalent structures, which begs the question: Why mention
univalent structures at all? The reason is that a definition of
structure homomorphism is very often needed, and the data of a univalent
structure is perfect to use in the definition of SIP
The closure properties of transport structures are in this
tag to keep the length of the page shorter
Constant-action : (A : Type ℓ) → Equiv-action {ℓ = ℓ₁} (λ X → A) Constant-action A eqv = _ , id-equiv Constant-action-is-transport : {A : Type ℓ} → is-transport-str {ℓ = ℓ₁} (Constant-action A) Constant-action-is-transport f s = sym (transport-refl _) Id-action-is-transport : is-transport-str {ℓ = ℓ} {ℓ₁ = ℓ} id Id-action-is-transport f s = sym (transport-refl _) Product-action : Equiv-action S → Equiv-action T → Equiv-action (λ X → S X × T X) Product-action actx acty eqv = Σ-ap (actx eqv) λ x → acty eqv Product-action-is-transport : {α : Equiv-action S} {β : Equiv-action T} → is-transport-str α → is-transport-str β → is-transport-str (Product-action α β) Product-action-is-transport α-tr β-tr e s = Σ-pathp (α-tr e (s .fst)) (β-tr e (s .snd)) Function-action : Equiv-action S → Equiv-action T → Equiv-action (λ X → S X → T X) Function-action actx acty eqv = function≃ (actx eqv) (acty eqv) Function-action-is-transport : {α : Equiv-action S} {β : Equiv-action T} → is-transport-str α → is-transport-str β → is-transport-str (Function-action α β) Function-action-is-transport {S = S} {α = α} {β = β} α-tr β-tr eqv f = funext λ x → ap (β eqv .fst ∘ f) (sym-transport-str α α-tr eqv x) ∙ β-tr eqv (f (subst S (sym (ua eqv)) x))
Adding axioms🔗
Most mathematical objects of interest aren’t merely sets with
structure. More often, the objects we’re interested in have
stuff (the underlying type), structure (such as a
), and properties - for
instance, equations imposed on the structure. A concrete example may
A pointed is a pointed type equipped with a binary operation;
A monoid is a pointed with additional data witnessing that a) the type is a set; b) the operation is associative; and c) the point acts as a left- and right- identity for the operation.
Fortunately, the SIP again applies here: If you augment a standard notion of structure with axioms, then identification of structures with axioms is still isomorphism of the underlying structures. For this, we require that the axioms are valued in propositions.
module _ (σ : Structure ℓ S) (axioms : (X : _) → S X → Type ℓ₃) where
First, the notion of structure that you get is just a lifting of the
underlying structure σ
to ignore the witnesses for the
Axiom-str : Structure ℓ (λ X → Σ[ s ∈ S X ] (axioms X s)) Axiom-str .is-hom (A , s , a) (B , t , b) f = σ .is-hom (A , s) (B , t) f
Then, if the axioms are propositional, a calculation by equivalence
reasoning concludes what we wanted: Axiom-str
module _ (univ : is-univalent σ) (axioms-prop : ∀ {X} {s} → is-prop (axioms X s)) where Axiom-str-univalent : is-univalent Axiom-str Axiom-str-univalent {X = A , s , a} {Y = B , t , b} f = σ .is-hom (A , s) (B , t) f ≃⟨ univ f ⟩≃ PathP (λ i → S (ua f i)) s t ≃⟨ Σ-contract (λ x → PathP-is-hlevel 0 (contr b (axioms-prop b))) e⁻¹ ⟩≃ Σ[ p ∈ PathP (λ i → S (ua f i)) s t ] PathP (λ i → axioms (ua f i) (p i)) a b ≃⟨ Iso→Equiv Σ-pathp-iso ⟩≃ _ ≃∎
Here, another facet of the trade-offs between transport and univalent structures make themselves clear: It’s possible (albeit less than straightforward) to add axioms to a univalent structure, but without imposing further structure on the axioms themselves, it is not clear how to add axioms to a transport structure.
Regardless, a very useful consequence of the SIP is that axioms can
be lifted from equivalent underlying structures. For instance:
can be defined as both unary numbers (the construction of Nat
), or as binary numbers. If you prove
that Nat
is a monoid, and
Nat ≃ Bin
as pointed ∞-magmas, then Bin
inherits the monoid structure.
transfer-axioms : {σ : Structure ℓ S} {univ : is-univalent σ} {axioms : (X : _) → S X → Type ℓ₃} → (A : Type-with (Axiom-str σ axioms)) (B : Type-with σ) → (A .fst , A .snd .fst) ≃[ σ ] B → axioms (B .fst) (B .snd) transfer-axioms {univ = univ} {axioms = axioms} A B eqv = subst (λ { (x , y) → axioms x y }) (sip univ eqv) (A .snd .snd)
A language for structures🔗
The structure combinators can be abstracted away into a
language for defining structures. A Str-term
describes a
structure, that may be interpreted into a family of types, and defines
both transport and univalent structures.
data Str-term ℓ : (ℓ₁ : Level) → (Type ℓ → Type ℓ₁) → Typeω where s-const : ∀ {ℓ₁} (A : Type ℓ₁) → Str-term ℓ ℓ₁ (λ X → A) s∙ : Str-term ℓ ℓ (λ X → X) _s→_ : ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {S} {T} → Str-term ℓ ℓ₁ S → Str-term ℓ ℓ₂ T → Str-term ℓ (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) (λ X → S X → T X) _s×_ : ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {S} {T} → Str-term ℓ ℓ₁ S → Str-term ℓ ℓ₂ T → Str-term ℓ (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) (λ X → S X × T X) infixr 30 _s→_ _s×_
Since each term of the language corresponds to one of the combinators
for building univalent structures, a pair of mutually recursive
functions lets us derive a Structure
and an action on equivalences
from a term, at the same time.
Term→structure : (s : Str-term ℓ ℓ₁ S) → Structure ℓ₁ S Term→action : (s : Str-term ℓ ℓ₁ S) → Equiv-action S Term→structure (s-const x) = Constant-str x Term→structure s∙ = Pointed-str Term→structure (s s→ s₁) = Function-str (Term→action s) (Term→structure s₁) Term→structure (s s× s₁) = Product-str (Term→structure s) (Term→structure s₁) Term→action (s-const x₁) x = _ , id-equiv Term→action s∙ x = x Term→action (s s→ s₁) = Function-action (Term→action s) (Term→action s₁) Term→action (s s× s₁) = Product-action (Term→action s) (Term→action s₁)
The reason for this mutual recursion is the same reason that
transport structures are considered in the first place: Function-str
gives much
better results for the definition of homomorphism than can be gotten
directly using Str-function-str
. As an
example of using the language, and the generated definition of
homomorphism, consider pointed ∞-magmas:
private Pointed∞Magma : Structure lzero _ Pointed∞Magma = Term→structure (s∙ s× (s∙ s→ (s∙ s→ s∙))) _ : {A B : Type-with Pointed∞Magma} {f : A .fst ≃ B .fst} → Pointed∞Magma .is-hom A B f ≡ ( (f .fst (A .snd .fst) ≡ B .snd .fst) × ((x y : A .fst) → f .fst (A .snd .snd x y) ≡ B .snd .snd (f .fst x) (f .fst y))) _ = refl
A homomorphic equivalence of pointed ∞-magmas is an equivalence of
their underlying types that preserves the basepoint and is homomorphic
over the operation. The use of Term→action
contravariant positions is responsible for making sure the computed
doesn’t have any
redundant paths in argument positions.
A mutually inductive argument proves that Term→action
transport structures, and that Term→structure
univalent structures. At every case, the proof is by appeal to a lemma
that was proved above.
Term→structure-univalent : (s : Str-term ℓ ℓ₁ S) → is-univalent (Term→structure s) Term→action-is-transport : (s : Str-term ℓ ℓ₁ S) → is-transport-str (Term→action s) Term→structure-univalent (s-const x) = Constant-str-univalent Term→structure-univalent s∙ = Pointed-str-univalent Term→structure-univalent (s s→ s₁) = Function-str-univalent (Term→action s) (Term→action-is-transport s) (Term→structure s₁) (Term→structure-univalent s₁) Term→structure-univalent (s s× s₁) = Product-str-univalent {σ = Term→structure s} {τ = Term→structure s₁} (Term→structure-univalent s) (Term→structure-univalent s₁) Term→action-is-transport (s-const x) = Constant-action-is-transport Term→action-is-transport s∙ = Id-action-is-transport Term→action-is-transport (s s→ s₁) = Function-action-is-transport {α = Term→action s} {β = Term→action s₁} (Term→action-is-transport s) (Term→action-is-transport s₁) Term→action-is-transport (s s× s₁) = Product-action-is-transport {α = Term→action s} {β = Term→action s₁} (Term→action-is-transport s) (Term→action-is-transport s₁)
Descriptions of structures🔗
To make convenient descriptions of structures-with-axioms, we
introduce a record type, Str-desc
, which packages
together the structure term and the properties that are imposed:
record Str-desc ℓ ℓ₁ S ax : Typeω where field descriptor : Str-term ℓ ℓ₁ S axioms : ∀ X → S X → Type ax axioms-prop : ∀ X s → is-prop (axioms X s) Desc→Fam : ∀ {ax} → Str-desc ℓ ℓ₁ S ax → Type ℓ → Type (ℓ₁ ⊔ ax) Desc→Fam {S = S} desc X = Σ[ S ∈ S X ] (desc .Str-desc.axioms _ S) Desc→Str : ∀ {ax} → (S : Str-desc ℓ ℓ₁ S ax) → Structure _ (Desc→Fam S) Desc→Str desc = Axiom-str (Term→structure descriptor) axioms where open Str-desc desc Desc→is-univalent : ∀ {ax} → (S : Str-desc ℓ ℓ₁ S ax) → is-univalent (Desc→Str S) Desc→is-univalent desc = Axiom-str-univalent (Term→structure descriptor) axioms (Term→structure-univalent descriptor) (λ {X} {s} → axioms-prop X s) where open Str-desc desc