module Order.Diagram.Join.Reasoning
  {o } {P : Poset o } {_∪_ :  P    P    P }
  (∪-joins :  x y  is-join P x y (x  y))

Reasoning about joins🔗

This module provides syntax and reasoning combinators for working with partial orders that have all joins.

joins :  x y  Join P x y
joins x y .lub      = x  y
joins x y .has-join = ∪-joins x y

module joins {x} {y} = Join (joins x y)
open joins renaming
  ( l≤join to l≤∪
  ; r≤join to r≤∪
  ; least to ∪-universal)

The join operation is idempotent and commutative.

  ∪-idem :  {x}  x  x  x
  ∪-idem = ≤-antisym (∪-universal _ ≤-refl ≤-refl) l≤∪

  ∪-comm :  {x y}  x  y  y  x
  ∪-comm =
      (∪-universal _ r≤∪ l≤∪)
      (∪-universal _ r≤∪ l≤∪)

Furthermore, it is associative, and thus forms a semigroup.

  ∪-assoc :  {x y z}  x  (y  z)  (x  y)  z
  ∪-assoc =
      (∪-universal _
        (≤-trans l≤∪ l≤∪)
        (∪-universal _ (≤-trans r≤∪ l≤∪) r≤∪))
      (∪-universal _
        (∪-universal _ l≤∪ (≤-trans l≤∪ r≤∪))
        (≤-trans r≤∪ r≤∪))

  ∪-is-semigroup : is-semigroup _∪_
  ∪-is-semigroup =
    to-is-semigroup λ where
      .semigroup-is-set  hlevel 2
      ._⋆_  _∪_
      .⋆-assoc _ _ _  ∪-assoc
    where open make-semigroup

Additionally, it respects the ordering on in each variable.

    :  {x y x' y'}
     x  x'
     y  y'
     (x  y)  (x'  y')
  ∪≤∪ p q = ∪-universal _ (≤-trans p l≤∪) (≤-trans q r≤∪)

Finally, we note that the join operation determines the order on as witnessed by the following equivalence.

  ∪→order :  {x y}  x  y  y  x  y
  ∪→order {x} {y} p =
    x       ≤⟨ l≤∪ 
    (x  y) =⟨ p =
    y       ≤∎

  order→∪ :  {x y}  x  y  x  y  y
  order→∪ p = ≤-antisym (∪-universal _ p ≤-refl) r≤∪

  ∪≃order :  {x y}  (x  y  y)  (x  y)
  ∪≃order = prop-ext! ∪→order order→∪