module Order.Instances.Pointwise.Diagrams where

Pointwise joins and meets🔗

This module establishes that joins and meets are a pointwise construction, in the following sense: Suppose that and are families of elements with a poset, such that, for all we have 1, then when is given the pointwise ordering.

module _ {ℓₒ ℓᵣ ℓᵢ} {I : Type ℓᵢ} {P : I  Poset ℓₒ ℓᵣ} where
  private module P {i} = Poset (P i)

    :  {t} (pt :  i  is-top (P i) (t i))
     is-top (Pointwise I P) t
  is-top-pointwise pt fam i = pt i (fam i)

    : (∀ i  Top (P i))
     Top (Pointwise I P)
  has-top-pointwise pt i = pt i
  has-top-pointwise pt .Top.has-top = is-top-pointwise λ i  pt i .Top.has-top

    :  {b} (pt :  i  is-bottom (P i) (b i))
     is-bottom (Pointwise I P) b
  is-bottom-pointwise pb fam i = pb i (fam i)

    : (∀ i  Bottom (P i))
     Bottom (Pointwise I P)
  has-bottom-pointwise pt i = pt i
  has-bottom-pointwise pt .Bottom.has-bottom =
    is-bottom-pointwise λ i  pt i .Bottom.has-bottom

    :  {f g h} (pms :  i  is-meet (P i) (f i) (g i) (h i))
     is-meet (Pointwise I P) f g h
  is-meet-pointwise pwise≤l i = pwise i≤l
  is-meet-pointwise pwise≤r i = pwise i≤r
  is-meet-pointwise pwise .is-meet.greatest lb' lb'<f lb'<g i =
    pwise i .is-meet.greatest (lb' i) (lb'<f i) (lb'<g i)

    :  {f g h} (pjs :  i  is-join (P i) (f i) (g i) (h i))
     is-join (Pointwise I P) f g h
  is-join-pointwise pwise .is-join.l≤join i = pwise i .is-join.l≤join
  is-join-pointwise pwise .is-join.r≤join i = pwise i .is-join.r≤join
  is-join-pointwise pwise .is-join.least lb' lb'<f lb'<g i =
    pwise i .is-join.least (lb' i) (lb'<f i) (lb'<g i)

With a couple more variables, we see that the results above are a special case of both arbitrary lubs and glbs being pointwise:

  _ {ℓₒ ℓᵣ ℓᵢ ℓⱼ} {I : Type ℓᵢ} {J : Type ℓⱼ} {P : J  Poset ℓₒ ℓᵣ}
    (F : I  (j : J)   P j )
    (m : (j : J)   P j )

    : (∀ j  is-lub (P j)  i  F i j) (m j))
     is-lub (Pointwise J P) F m
  is-lub-pointwise pwise .is-lub.fam≤lub i j = pwise j .is-lub.fam≤lub i
  is-lub-pointwise pwise .is-lub.least ub' fi<ub' j =
    pwise j .is-lub.least (ub' j) λ i  fi<ub' i j

    : (∀ j  is-glb (P j)  i  F i j) (m j))
     is-glb (Pointwise J P) F m
  is-glb-pointwise pwise .is-glb.glb≤fam i j = pwise j .is-glb.glb≤fam i
  is-glb-pointwise pwise .is-glb.greatest ub' fi<ub' j =
    pwise j .is-glb.greatest (ub' j) λ i  fi<ub' i j

Every subset is a least upper bound of singleton sets.

  :  {} {A : Type } (P : A  Ω)
   is-lub (Subsets A) {I = ∫ₚ P} (singleton  fst) P
subset-singleton-lub P .is-lub.fam≤lub (x , x∈P) y = rec! λ x=y  subst (_∈ P) x=y x∈P
subset-singleton-lub P .is-lub.least ub sing≤ub x x∈P =
  sing≤ub (x , x∈P) x (inc refl)

  1. In the code, this means that is-meet holds, but we will abuse this “functional” notation for clarity.↩︎