open import 1Lab.Reflection.Variables
open import 1Lab.Reflection hiding (absurd)
open import 1Lab.Prelude

open import Algebra.Ring.Cat.Initial
open import Algebra.Ring.Commutative
open import Algebra.Ring.Solver renaming (module Impl to RImpl)
open import Algebra.Ring

open import Cat.Displayed.Total

open import Data.Rational.Properties
open import Data.Set.Coequaliser
open import Data.Rational.Base
open import Data.Fin.Base
open import Data.Nat.Base

import Data.Int.Properties as 
import Data.Rational.Base as Rat renaming (-ℚ_ to neg)
import Data.Int.Base as 

module Data.Rational.Solver where

  module R = RImpl (ℚ-ring .snd)
  module Re = Explicit ℚ-ring
  module ℤs = Explicit ℤ-comm

open is-ring-hom

Equational solver for expressions over the rational numbers. The
strategy is as follows:

- First, we reflect (accurately) a pair of rational expressions into a
  value of 'Exp', defined below, which contains constructors for all the
  basic operations on ℚ. Note that, since _/ℚ_ and _-ℚ_ are neutral on
  neutral values (i.e. they don't compute to x *ℚ invℚ y or x +ℚ (-ℚ y)
  until x and y are actual fractions --- in which case they'll also
  compute further, anyway), we have to reflect them, too.

  Note that the 'Exp' type can represent possibly ill-formed
  expressions, since it can have free variables in denominators. E.g.,
  the expression var 1 :/ var 0, by itself, does not carry enough
  information to be evaluated back into ℚ.

  Therefore, we define, by mutual recursion, a procedure for evaluating
  expressions back into ℚ, and a well-formedness predicate, relative to
  an environment, which records proof that every denominator is

- We can then use the definitions of arithmetic operations over
  fractions to split an expression over ℚ to a pair of polynomials
  (nominally over ℤ, but we stay over ℚ so we don't have to split the
  environment), representing a formal quotient.

  E.g., if e1 splits into x / u and e2 splits into y / v, then
    (e1 :+ e2) splits into (x * v + y * u) / (u * v).

  Then, we can re-use the existing ring solver: To show ⟦ e1 ⟧ = ⟦ e2 ⟧,
  it suffices to split e1 = x / u and e2 = y / v, then ask the ring
  solver to show x * v ≡ y * u.

However, the law of preservation of frustration applies: to invoke the
ring solver, we have to show that the procedure for splitting an
expression into polynomials is sound. We do this by recursion-recursion.
Assuming e is well-formed in Γ, the two theorems are

* split-denom-nz shows that the denominator of e is nonzero in ℚ
* split-sound shows that (numerator e / denominator e) is ⟦ e ⟧ in ℚ

Note that, to state split-sound, we need split-denom-nz, since otherwise
there would be no evidence that (denominator e) is something we can
divide by.

module Impl where
  data Exp (n : Nat) : Type where
    var : Fin n  Exp n
    con : Fraction  Exp n
    _:+_ _:*_ _:-_ _:/_ : Exp n  Exp n  Exp n
    neg inv : Exp n  Exp n

  Wf :  {n} (e : Exp n) (env : Vec  n)  Type
  embed :  {n} (e : Exp n) (env : Vec  n)  Wf e env  

  Wf (var x) env  = 
  Wf (con x) env  = 
  Wf (x :+ y) env = Wf x env × Wf y env
  Wf (x :* y) env = Wf x env × Wf y env
  Wf (x :- y) env = Wf x env × Wf y env
  Wf (x :/ y) env = Wf x env × Σ[ y'  Wf y env ] Nonzero (embed y env y')
  Wf (neg x) env  = Wf x env
  Wf (inv x) env  = Σ[ x'  Wf x env ] Nonzero (embed x env x')

  embed (var x)  env tt              = lookup env x
  embed (con x)  env tt              = toℚ x
  embed (x :+ y) env (wx , wy)       = embed x env wx +ℚ embed y env wy
  embed (x :* y) env (wx , wy)       = embed x env wx *ℚ embed y env wy
  embed (x :- y) env (wx , wy)       = embed x env wx -ℚ embed y env wy
  embed (x :/ y) env (wx , wy , nzy) = (embed x env wx /ℚ embed y env wy)  nzy 
  embed (neg x)  env wf              = -ℚ (embed x env wf)
  embed (inv x)  env (wf , nz)       = invℚ (embed x env wf)  nz 

  split :  {n}  Exp n  R.Polynomial n × R.Polynomial n
  split (var x) = R.var x , 1
  split (con (n / d [ p ])) = R.con n , R.con d
  split (x :+ y) with (xn , xd)split x | (yn , yd)split y = xn R.:* yd R.:+ yn R.:* xd , xd R.:* yd
  split (x :* y) with (xn , xd)split x | (yn , yd)split y = xn R.:* yn , xd R.:* yd
  split (x :- y) with (xn , xd)split x | (yn , yd)split y = xn R.:* yd R.:- yn R.:* xd , xd R.:* yd
  split (x :/ y) with (xn , xd)split x | (yn , yd)split y = xn R.:* yd , xd R.:* yn
  split (neg x) with (xn , xd)split x = R.:- xn , xd
  split (inv x) with (xn , xd)split x = xd , xn

  rem₁ :  d  R.embed-coe d  d Rat./ 1
  rem₁ = R.embed-lemma λ where
    .pres-id  refl
    .pres-+ (lift x) (lift y)  quotℚ (to-same-rational (ℤs.solve 2  x y  (x ℤs.:+ y) ℤs.:* 1 ℤs.≔ (x ℤs.:* 1 ℤs.:+ y ℤs.:* 1) ℤs.:* 1) x y refl))
    .pres-* (lift x) (lift y)  refl

  module _ {n} (env : Vec  n) where
    ↑e : Exp n  
    ↑e e =  split e .fst  env

    ↓e : Exp n  
    ↓e e =  split e .snd  env

    split-denom-nz :  e  Wf e env  Nonzero (↓e e)
      :  (e : Exp n) (ewf : Wf e env)
       _/ℚ_ (↑e e) (↓e e)  split-denom-nz e ewf   embed e env ewf

    split-denom-nz (var x) wf = auto
    split-denom-nz (con (n / d [ p ])) wf =
      subst Nonzero (sym (rem₁ d))
        (inc λ q  ℤ.positive→nonzero p (sym (ℤ.*ℤ-oner d)  from-same-rational (unquotℚ q)))
    split-denom-nz (x :+ y) (wx , wy) = *ℚ-nonzero (split-denom-nz x wx) (split-denom-nz y wy)
    split-denom-nz (x :* y) (wx , wy) = *ℚ-nonzero (split-denom-nz x wx) (split-denom-nz y wy)
    split-denom-nz (x :- y) (wx , wy) = *ℚ-nonzero (split-denom-nz x wx) (split-denom-nz y wy)
    split-denom-nz (x :/ y) (wx , wy , wnz) = *ℚ-nonzero (split-denom-nz x wx)
        (subst Nonzero (sym (split-sound y wy)) wnz))
      where instance nz1 = split-denom-nz y wy
    split-denom-nz (neg e) we = split-denom-nz e we
    split-denom-nz (inv e) (we , wnz) = /ℚ-nonzero-num (subst Nonzero (sym (split-sound e we)) wnz)
      where instance nz1 = split-denom-nz e we

    split-sound (var x) ewf = /ℚ-oner (lookup env x)
    split-sound (con (n / d [ p ])) ewf =
        /ℚ-ap {q = to-nonzero-frac (ℤ.positive→nonzero p)} (rem₁ n) (rem₁ d)
       /ℚ-frac {n} {d}  p 

    split-sound (x :+ y) (xw , yw) =
      (↑e x *ℚ ↓e y +ℚ ↑e y *ℚ ↓e x) /ℚ (↓e x *ℚ ↓e y) ≡˘⟨ /ℚ-def-+ℚ 
      (↑e x /ℚ ↓e x) +ℚ (↑e y /ℚ ↓e y)                 ≡⟨ ap₂ _+ℚ_ (split-sound x xw) (split-sound y yw) 
      embed x env xw +ℚ embed y env yw                 
      where instance
        nz1 = split-denom-nz x xw
        nz2 = split-denom-nz y yw

    split-sound (x :* y) (xw , yw) =
      (↑e x *ℚ ↑e y) /ℚ (↓e x *ℚ ↓e y) ≡˘⟨ /ℚ-def-*ℚ 
      (↑e x /ℚ ↓e x) *ℚ (↑e y /ℚ ↓e y) ≡⟨ ap₂ _*ℚ_ (split-sound x xw) (split-sound y yw) 
      embed x env xw *ℚ embed y env yw                 
      where instance
        nz2 = split-denom-nz y yw
        nz3 = split-denom-nz x xw

    split-sound (x :- y) (xw , yw) =
      (↑e x *ℚ ↓e y +ℚ -ℚ (↑e y *ℚ ↓e x)) /ℚ (↓e x *ℚ ↓e y) ≡⟨ /ℚ-ap (-ℚ-def _ _) refl 
      (↑e x *ℚ ↓e y -ℚ ↑e y *ℚ ↓e x) /ℚ (↓e x *ℚ ↓e y)      ≡˘⟨ /ℚ-def-subℚ 
      (↑e x /ℚ ↓e x) -ℚ (↑e y /ℚ ↓e y)                      ≡⟨ ap₂ _-ℚ_ (split-sound x xw) (split-sound y yw) 
      embed x env xw -ℚ embed y env yw                      
      where instance
        nz1 = split-denom-nz y yw
        nz2 = split-denom-nz x xw

    split-sound (x :/ y) (xw , yw , ynz) =
          nz1 = split-denom-nz x xw
          nz2 = split-denom-nz y yw
          nz3 = ynz
          nz4 = subst Nonzero (sym (split-sound y yw)) ynz
          nz5 = /ℚ-nonzero-num {↑e y} {↓e y} auto
        (↑e x *ℚ ↓e y) /ℚ (↓e x *ℚ ↑e y)               ≡⟨ /ℚ-def 
        (↑e x *ℚ ↓e y) *ℚ invℚ (↓e x *ℚ ↑e y)          ≡⟨ ap₂ _*ℚ_  i  ↑e x *ℚ ↓e y) invℚ-*ℚ 
        (↑e x *ℚ ↓e y) *ℚ (invℚ (↓e x) *ℚ invℚ (↑e y)) ≡⟨ Re.solve 4  x y u v  (x Re.:* y) Re.:* (u Re.:* v) Re.≔ (x Re.:* u) Re.:* (y Re.:* v)) (↑e x) (↓e y) (invℚ (↓e x)) (invℚ (↑e y)) refl 
        (↑e x *ℚ invℚ (↓e x)) *ℚ (↓e y *ℚ invℚ (↑e y)) ≡˘⟨ ap₂ _*ℚ_ /ℚ-def refl 
        (↑e x /ℚ ↓e x) *ℚ (↓e y *ℚ invℚ (↑e y))        ≡˘⟨ ap₂ _*ℚ_ refl (invℚ-*ℚ  *ℚ-commutative _ _  ap₂ _*ℚ_ invℚ-invℚ refl) 
        (↑e x /ℚ ↓e x) *ℚ invℚ (↑e y *ℚ invℚ (↓e y))   ≡˘⟨ ap₂ _*ℚ_ refl (ap₂  e p  invℚ e  p ⦄) /ℚ-def prop!) 
        (↑e x /ℚ ↓e x) *ℚ invℚ (↑e y /ℚ ↓e y)          ≡⟨ sym /ℚ-def 
        (↑e x /ℚ ↓e x) /ℚ (↑e y /ℚ ↓e y)               ≡⟨ /ℚ-ap (split-sound x xw) (split-sound y yw) 
        embed x env xw /ℚ embed y env yw               

    split-sound (neg e) ewf =
      (-ℚ (↑e e)) /ℚ ↓e e  ≡˘⟨ /ℚ-negatel 
      -ℚ (↑e e /ℚ ↓e e)    ≡⟨ ap -ℚ_ (split-sound e ewf) 
      -ℚ embed e env ewf   
      where instance nz1 = split-denom-nz e ewf

    split-sound (inv e) (ewf , enz) =
      ↓e e /ℚ ↑e e                 ≡˘⟨ invℚ-/ℚ  _   _  
      invℚ (↑e e /ℚ ↓e e)          ≡⟨ ap₂  e p  invℚ e  p ⦄) (split-sound e ewf) (to-pathp refl) 
      invℚ (embed e env ewf)  _  
      where instance
        nz1 = split-denom-nz e ewf
        nz2 = /ℚ-nonzero-num {↑e e} {↓e e} (subst Nonzero (sym (split-sound e ewf)) enz)

  module _ {n} (x y : Exp n) (env : Vec  n) where abstract
    open Σ (split x) renaming (fst to ↑x ; snd to ↓x)
    open Σ (split y) renaming (fst to ↑y ; snd to ↓y)

      : R.En (R.normal (↑x R.:* ↓y)) env  R.En (R.normal (↑y R.:* ↓x)) env
        wfx wfy  embed x env wfx  embed y env wfy
    solve p wfx wfy =
      embed x env wfx                ≡˘⟨ split-sound env x wfx 
      R.eval ↑x env /ℚ R.eval ↓x env ≡⟨ /ℚ-same (R.solve (↑x R.:* ↓y) (↑y R.:* ↓x) env p) 
      ↑e env y /ℚ ↓e env y           ≡⟨ split-sound env y wfy 
      embed y env wfy                
      where instance
        nz1 : Nonzero (↓e env x)
        nz1 = split-denom-nz env x wfx

        nz2 : Nonzero (↓e env y)
        nz2 = split-denom-nz env y wfy

build : Variables   Term  TC (Term × Variables )
build vars (con (quote ℚ.inc)
  (con (quote (_ h∷ _ h∷ _ h∷ _ h∷ _ h∷ _ h∷ f v∷ []) v∷ [])) =
  pure (con (quote Impl.con) (f v∷ []) , vars)

build vars (def (quote _+ℚ_) (x v∷ y v∷ [])) = do
  (x , vars)  build vars x
  (y , vars)  build vars y
  pure (con (quote Impl._:+_) (x v∷ y v∷ []) , vars)

build vars (def (quote _*ℚ_) (x v∷ y v∷ [])) = do
  (x , vars)  build vars x
  (y , vars)  build vars y
  pure (con (quote Impl._:*_) (x v∷ y v∷ []) , vars)

build vars (def (quote _-ℚ_) (x v∷ y v∷ [])) = do
  (x , vars)  build vars x
  (y , vars)  build vars y
  pure (con (quote Impl._:-_) (x v∷ y v∷ []) , vars)

build vars (def (quote Rat.neg) (x v∷ [])) = do
  (x , vars)  build vars x
  pure (con (quote Impl.neg) (x v∷ []) , vars)

build vars (def (quote invℚ) (x v∷ arg _ y  [])) = do
  (x , vars)  build vars x
  pure (con (quote Impl.inv) (x v∷ []) , vars)

build vars (def (quote _/ℚ_) (x v∷ y v∷ arg _ i  [])) = do
  (x , vars)  build vars x
  (y , vars)  build vars y
  pure (con (quote Impl._:/_) (x v∷ y v∷ []) , vars)

build vars tm = do
  (v , vars)  bind-var vars tm
  pure (con (quote Impl.var) (argN v  []) , vars)

  dr : List Name
  dr = [ quote _+ℚ_ , quote _*ℚ_ , quote Rat.neg , quote _-ℚ_ , quote _/ℚ_ , quote invℚ  ]

rational!-worker : Term  TC 
rational!-worker hole = withNormalisation false $ withReduceDefs (false , dr) $ do
  goal  infer-type hole >>= wait-for-type
  just (lhs , rhs)  get-boundary goal
    where nothing  typeError $ strErr "Can't determine boundary: " 
                                termErr goal  []
  elhs , vs  normalise lhs >>= build empty-vars
  erhs , vs  normalise rhs >>= build vs
  size , env  environment vs

  withReduceDefs (false , []) do
    -- Note: it's important that we allow the operators over ℚ to
    -- compute, but only after we've already built the expression. This
    -- lets us take advantage of the definitional equalities of _+ℚ_
    -- etc.
    done  check-type (def (quote Impl.solve) (elhs v∷ erhs v∷ env v∷ def₀ (quote refl) v∷ unknown v∷ unknown v∷ [])) goal
    unify hole done

  rational! : Term  TC 
  rational! = rational!-worker

module _ (a b c : )  pa : Nonzero a   pb : Nonzero b   pc : Nonzero c  where
  _ : (a /ℚ 3) +ℚ (a /ℚ 3)  ((a *ℚ 2) /ℚ 3)
  _ = rational!

  _ : ((a +ℚ b) *ℚ c)  (a *ℚ c) +ℚ (c *ℚ b)
  _ = rational!

  _ : ((a *ℚ b) /ℚ c)  ((a *ℚ c) /ℚ c) *ℚ (b /ℚ c)
  _ = rational!

  _ : ((a *ℚ c) /ℚ c)  a
  _ = rational!

  _ : (a /ℚ 3) +ℚ (b /ℚ 2)  ((a *ℚ 2) +ℚ (b *ℚ 3)) /ℚ 6
  _ = rational!

  _ :  {pc' : Nonzero c}  invℚ c  pc   invℚ c  pc' 
  _ = rational!