module Cat.Regular.Image
  {o â„“} {C : Precategory o â„“}
  (reg : is-regular C)

Images in regular categories🔗

This module provides tools for working with the image factorisation of morphisms in regular categories, regarded as subobjects of the map’s codomain. We start by defining a Subobject of standing for whenever

Im : ∀ {x y} (f : Hom x y) → Subobject y
Im f .domain = _
Im f .map    = factor f .forget
Im f .monic  = □-out! (factor f .forget∈M)

We may then use this to rephrase the universal property of as the initial subobject through which factors.

  : ∀ {x y} (f : Hom x y)
  → (m : Subobject y) {e : Hom x (m .domain)}
  → f ≡ m .map ∘ e
  → Im f ≤ₘ m
Im-universal f m {e = e} p = r where
  the-lift = □-out! (factor f .mediate∈E) .snd
    record { Subobject m } (sym (factor f .factors) ∙ p)

  r : _ ≤ₘ _
  r .map = the-lift .centre .fst
  r .sq  = idl _ ∙ sym (the-lift .centre .snd .snd)

An important fact that will be used in calculating associativity for relations in regular categories is that precomposing with a strong epimorphism preserves images. Intuitively, this is because a strong epimorphism expresses as a quotient, but this decomposition does not alter the image of a map

  : ∀ {a b c}
  → (f : Hom b c)
  → (g : Hom a b)
  → is-strong-epi C g
  → (Im f) Sub.≅ (Im (f ∘ g))
image-pre-cover {a = a} {b} {c} f g g-covers = Sub-antisym imf≤imfg imfg≤imf where
  imfg≤imf : Im (f ∘ g) ≤ₘ Im f
  imfg≤imf = Im-universal _ _ (pushl (factor f .factors))

  the-lift : Σ (Hom b im[ f ∘ g ]) _
  the-lift = g-covers .snd
    (≤ₘ→mono imfg≤imf)
    {factor (f ∘ g) .mediate}
    {factor f .mediate}
    (□-out! (factor f .forget∈M) _ _ (sym (pulll (sym (imfg≤imf .sq) ∙ idl _) ∙ sym (factor (f ∘ g) .factors) ∙ pushl (factor f .factors)))) .centre

  inverse : is-invertible (imfg≤imf .map)
  inverse = is-strong-epi→is-extremal-epi C (□-out! (factor f .mediate∈E))
    (≤ₘ→mono imfg≤imf) (the-lift .fst) (sym (the-lift .snd .snd))

  imf≤imfg : Im f ≤ₘ Im (f ∘ g)
  imf≤imfg .map = inverse .is-invertible.inv
  imf≤imfg .sq = invertible→epic inverse _ _ $
    pullr (sym (imfg≤imf .sq) ∙ idl _)
    ∙ sym (cancelr (inverse .is-invertible.invr) ∙ introl refl)