module Cat.Instances.Slice.Limit where
Arbitrary limits in slices🔗
Suppose we have some really weird diagram in a slice category, like the one below. Well, alright, it’s not that weird, but it’s not a pullback or a terminal object, so we don’t a priori know how to compute its limit in the slice.
The observation that will let us compute a limit for this diagram is inspecting the computation of products in a slice. To compute the product of and we had to pass to a pullback of in — which we had assumed exists. But! Take a look at what that diagram looks like:
We “exploded” a diagram of shape to one of shape This process can be described in a way easier to generalise: We “exploded” our diagram to one indexed by a category which contains contains an extra point, and has a unique map between each object of — the join of these categories.
module _ {o ℓ o' ℓ'} {C : Precategory o ℓ} {J : Precategory o' ℓ'} {o : ⌞ C ⌟} (F : Functor J (Slice C o)) where open Terminal open /-Obj open /-Hom private module C = Cat.Reasoning C module J = Cat.Reasoning J module C/o = Cat.Reasoning (Slice C o) module F = Functor F
Generically, if we have a diagram we can “explode” this into a diagram compute the limit in then pass back to the slice category.
F' : Functor (J ⋆ ⊤Cat) C F' .F₀ (inl x) = F.₀ x .domain F' .F₀ (inr x) = o F' .F₁ {inl x} {inl y} (lift f) = F.₁ f .map F' .F₁ {inl x} {inr y} _ = F.₀ x .map F' .F₁ {inr x} {inr y} (lift h) = F' .F-id {inl x} = ap map F.F-id F' .F-id {inr x} = refl F' .F-∘ {inl x} {inl y} {inl z} (lift f) (lift g) = ap map (F.F-∘ f g) F' .F-∘ {inl x} {inl y} {inr z} (lift f) (lift g) = sym (F.F₁ g .commutes) F' .F-∘ {inl x} {inr y} {inr z} (lift f) (lift g) = C.introl refl F' .F-∘ {inr x} {inr y} {inr z} (lift f) (lift g) = C.introl refl limit-above→limit-in-slice : Limit F' → Limit F limit-above→limit-in-slice lims = to-limit (to-is-limit lim) where module lims = Limit lims open make-is-limit apex : C/o.Ob apex = cut (lims.ψ (inr tt)) nadir : (j : J.Ob) → /-Hom apex (F .F₀ j) nadir j .map = lims.ψ (inl j) nadir j .commutes = lims.commutes (lift tt) module Cone {x : C/o.Ob} (eps : (j : J.Ob) → C/o.Hom x (F .F₀ j)) (p : ∀ {i j : J.Ob} → (f : J.Hom i j) → F .F₁ f C/o.∘ eps i ≡ eps j) where ϕ : (j : J.Ob ⊎ ⊤) → C.Hom (x .domain) (F' .F₀ j) ϕ (inl j) = eps j .map ϕ (inr _) = x .map ϕ-commutes : ∀ {i j : J.Ob ⊎ ⊤} → (f : ⋆Hom J ⊤Cat i j) → F' .F₁ f C.∘ ϕ i ≡ ϕ j ϕ-commutes {inl i} {inl j} (lift f) = ap map (p f) ϕ-commutes {inl i} {inr j} (lift f) = eps i .commutes ϕ-commutes {inr i} {inr x} (lift f) = C.idl _ ϕ-factor : ∀ (other : /-Hom x apex) → (∀ j → nadir j C/o.∘ other ≡ eps j) → (j : J.Ob ⊎ ⊤) → lims.ψ j C.∘ other .map ≡ ϕ j ϕ-factor other q (inl j) = ap map (q j) ϕ-factor other q (inr tt) = other .commutes lim : make-is-limit F apex lim .ψ = nadir lim .commutes f = ext (lims.commutes (lift f)) lim .universal {x} eps p .map = lims.universal (Cone.ϕ eps p) (Cone.ϕ-commutes eps p) lim .universal eps p .commutes = lims.factors _ _ lim .factors eps p = ext (lims.factors _ _) lim .unique eps p other q = ext $ lims.unique _ _ (other .map) (Cone.ϕ-factor eps p other q)
In particular, if a category is complete, then so are its slices:
is-complete→slice-is-complete : ∀ {ℓ o o' ℓ'} {C : Precategory o ℓ} {c : ⌞ C ⌟} → is-complete o' ℓ' C → is-complete o' ℓ' (Slice C c) is-complete→slice-is-complete lims F = limit-above→limit-in-slice F (lims _)