module Cat.Instances.Karoubi {o h} (C : Precategory o h) where
Karoubi envelopes🔗
We give a construction of the Karoubi envelope of a precategory a formal construction which adds a choice of splittings for every idempotent in Furthermore, the Karoubi envelope is the smallest idempotent-complete category which admits a map from in the sense that any into an idempotent-complete category factors through
Furthermore, the embedding functor
is fully faithful.
The objects
are given by pairs of an object
and an idempotent
A map between
is given by a map
which absorbs
from the left and
from the right:
private KOb : Type (o ⊔ h) KOb = Σ[ c ∈ C ] Σ[ f ∈ C.Hom c c ] (is-idempotent f) KHom : KOb → KOb → Type h KHom (c , f , _) (d , g , _) = Σ[ φ ∈ C.Hom c d ] ((φ C.∘ f ≡ φ) × (g C.∘ φ ≡ φ))
We can see that these data assemble into a precategory. However, note that the identity on in isn’t the identity in it’s the chosen idempotent
Karoubi : Precategory (o ⊔ h) h Karoubi .Ob = KOb Karoubi .Hom = KHom Karoubi .Hom-set _ _ = hlevel 2 Karoubi .id {x = c , e , i} = e , i , i Karoubi ._∘_ (f , fp , fp') (g , gp , gp') = f C.∘ g , C.pullr gp , C.pulll fp' Karoubi .idr {x = _ , _ , i} {_ , _ , j} (f , p , q) = Σ-prop-path! p Karoubi .idl {x = _ , _ , i} {_ , _ , j} (f , p , q) = Σ-prop-path! q Karoubi .assoc {w = _ , _ , i} {z = _ , _ , j} _ _ _ = Σ-prop-path! (C.assoc _ _ _)
We can now define the embedding functor from C to its Karoubi
envelope. It has
object part
The morphism part of the functor has to send
to some
which absorbs
on either side; But this is just
Embed : Functor C Karoubi Embed .F₀ x = x , , id-is-idempotent Embed .F₁ f = f , C.idr _ , C.idl _ Embed .F-id = Σ-prop-path! refl Embed .F-∘ f g = Σ-prop-path! refl
An elementary argument shows that the morphism part of Embed
has an inverse given
by projecting the first component of the pair; Hence, Embed
is fully faithful
Embed-is-fully-faithful : is-fully-faithful Embed Embed-is-fully-faithful = is-iso→is-equiv $ iso fst (λ _ → Σ-prop-path! refl) λ _ → refl
We now show that any idempotent admits a splitting in First, note that since is (by assumption) idempotent, we have an object given by We’ll split as a map
The first map is given by the underlying map of We must show that but we have this by the definition of maps in In the other direction, we can again take which also satisfies
is-idempotent-complete-Karoubi : Karoubi is-idempotent-complete-Karoubi {A = A , e , i} (f , p , q) idem = spl where open f-idem : f C.∘ f ≡ f f-idem i = idem i .fst spl : Karoubi (f , p , q) spl .F = A , f , f-idem spl .project = f , p , f-idem spl .inject = f , f-idem , q
For this to be a splitting of we must show that as a map which we have by assumption; And we must show that as a map But recall that the identity on is so we also have this by assumption!
spl .p∘i = Σ-prop-path! f-idem spl .i∘p = Σ-prop-path! f-idem
Hence is an idempotent-complete category which admits as a full subcategory.
was already idempotent-complete, then Embed
is an equivalence of categories between
Karoubi-is-completion : is-idempotent-complete → is-equivalence Embed Karoubi-is-completion complete = ff+split-eso→is-equivalence Embed-is-fully-faithful eso where eso : is-split-eso Embed eso (c , e , ie) = c' , same where open is-split (complete e ie) renaming (F to c'; inject to i; project to p) module Karoubi = Cat.Morphism Karoubi open Inverses same : (c' , , _) Karoubi.≅ (c , e , ie) same .to = i , C.idr _ , C.rswizzle (sym i∘p) p∘i same .from = p , C.lswizzle (sym i∘p) p∘i , C.idl _ same .inverses .invl = Σ-prop-path! i∘p same .inverses .invr = Σ-prop-path! p∘i
This makes the Karoubi envelope an “idempotent completion” in two different technical senses1!
it is a completion that adds splittings of idempotents, and a completion that is idempotent↩︎