module Cat.Functor.Algebra.KnasterTarski where
The Knaster-Tarski fixpoint theorem🔗
The Knaster-Tarski theorem gives a recipe for constructing initial F-algebras in complete categories.
The big idea is that if a category is complete, then we can construct an initial algebra of a functor by taking a limit over the forgetful functor from the category of the universal property of such a limit let us construct an algebra and the projections out of let us establish that is the initial algebra.
Unfortunately, this limit is a bit too ambitious. If we examine the universe levels involved, we will quickly notice that this argument requires to admit limits indexed by the of which in the presence of excluded middle means that must be a preorder.
This problem of overly ambitious limits is similar to the one encountered in the naïve adjoint functor theorem, so we can use a similar technique to repair our proof. In particular, we will impose a variant of the solution set condition on the category of that ensures that the limit we end up computing is determined by a small amount of data, which lets us relax our large-completeness requirement.
More precisely, we will require that the category of has a small weakly initial family of algebras. This means that we need:
- A family of algebras indexed by a small set such that;
- For every there (merely) exists an along with a morphism
module _ {o ℓ} {C : Precategory o ℓ} (F : Functor C C) where open Cat.Reasoning C open Functor F open Total-hom
Once we have a solution set, the theorem pops open like a walnut submerged in water:
- First, is small-complete, so the category of must also be small-complete, as limits of algebras are computed by limits in
- In particular, the category of has all small equalisers, so we can upgrade our weakly initial family to an initial object.
solution-set→initial-algebra : ∀ {κ} {Idx : Type κ} ⦃ _ : ∀ {n} → H-Level Idx (2 + n) ⦄ → (Aᵢ : Idx → FAlg.Ob F) → is-complete κ (ℓ ⊔ κ) C → is-weak-initial-fam (FAlg F) Aᵢ → Initial (FAlg F) solution-set→initial-algebra Aᵢ complete soln-set = is-complete-weak-initial→initial (FAlg F) Aᵢ (FAlg-is-complete complete F) soln-set
We can obtain the more familiar form of the Knaster-Tarski theorem by applying Lambek’s lemma to the resulting initial algebra.
solution-set→fixpoint : ∀ {κ} {Idx : Type κ} ⦃ _ : ∀ {n} → H-Level Idx (2 + n) ⦄ → (Aᵢ : Idx → FAlg.Ob F) → is-complete κ (ℓ ⊔ κ) C → is-weak-initial-fam (FAlg F) Aᵢ → Σ[ Fix ∈ Ob ] (F₀ Fix ≅ Fix) solution-set→fixpoint Aᵢ complete soln-set = bot .fst , invertible→iso (bot .snd) (lambek F (bot .snd) has⊥) where open Initial (solution-set→initial-algebra Aᵢ complete soln-set)
Knaster-Tarski for sup-lattices🔗
The “traditional” Knaster-Tarski theorem states that every monotone endomap on a poset with all greatest lower bounds has a least fixpoint. In the presence of propositional resizing, this theorem follows as a corollary of our previous theorem.
complete→least-fixpoint : (∀ {I : Type o} → (k : I → Ob) → Glb P k) → Least-fixpoint P f complete→least-fixpoint glbs = least-fixpoint where
open Cat.Reasoning (poset→category P) using (_≅_; to; from) open is-least-fixpoint open Least-fixpoint
The key is that resizing lets us prove the solution set condition with respect to the size of the underlying set of as we can resize away the proofs that
Idx : Type o Idx = Σ[ x ∈ Ob ] (□ (f # x ≤ x)) soln : Idx → Σ[ x ∈ Ob ] (f # x ≤ x) soln (x , lt) = x , (□-out! lt) is-soln-set : is-weak-initial-fam (FAlg (monotone→functor f)) soln is-soln-set (x , lt) = inc ((x , inc lt) , total-hom ≤-refl prop!)
has all greatest lower bounds, so it is
complete as a category
This lets us invoke the general Knaster-Tarski theorem to get an initial
initial : Initial (FAlg (monotone→functor f)) initial = solution-set→initial-algebra (monotone→functor f) soln (glbs→complete glbs) is-soln-set
Finally, we can inline the proof of Lambek’s lemma to show that this initial algebra gives the least fixpoint of
open Initial initial least-fixpoint : Least-fixpoint P f least-fixpoint .fixpoint = bot .fst least-fixpoint .has-least-fixpoint .fixed = ≤-antisym (bot .snd) (¡ {x = f .hom (bot .fst) , f .pres-≤ (bot .snd)} .hom) least-fixpoint .has-least-fixpoint .least x fx=x = ¡ {x = x , ≤-refl' fx=x} .hom