module Cat.Diagram.Initial.Weak where

Weakly initial objects and families🔗

A weakly initial object is like an initial object, but dropping the requirement of uniqueness. Explicitly, an object is weakly initial in if, for every there merely exists an arrow

  is-weak-initial :  C   Type _
  is-weak-initial X =  Y   Hom X Y 

We can weaken this even further, by allowing a family of objects rather than the single object a family is weakly initial if, for every there exists a and a map Note that we don’t (can’t!) impose any compatibility conditions between the choices of indices.

  is-weak-initial-fam :  {ℓ'} {I : Type ℓ'} (F : I   C )  Type _
  is-weak-initial-fam {I = I} F = (Y :  C )  ∃[ i  I ] (Hom (F i) Y)

The connection between these notions is the following: the indexed product of a weakly initial family is a weakly initial object.

    :  {ℓ'} {I : Type ℓ'} (F : I   C ) {ΠF} {πf :  i  Hom ΠF (F i)}
     is-weak-initial-fam F
     is-indexed-product C F πf
     (y :  C )   Hom ΠF y 
  is-wif→is-weak-initial F {πf = πf} wif ip y = do
    (ix , h)  wif y
    pure (h  πf ix)

We can also connect these notions to the non-weak initial objects. Suppose has all equalisers, including joint equalisers for small families. If is a weakly initial object, then the domain of the joint equaliser of all arrows is an initial object.

    :  (X :  C ) {L} {l : Hom L X}
     (∀ y   Hom X y )
     is-joint-equaliser C {I = Hom X X}  x  x) l
     has-equalisers C
     is-initial C L
  is-weak-initial→equaliser X {L} {i} is-wi lim eqs y = contr cen (p' _) where
    open is-joint-equaliser lim

Since, for any the space of maps is inhabited, it will suffice to show that it is a proposition. To this end, given two arrows consider their equaliser First, we have some arrow

    p' : is-prop (Hom L y)
    p' f g = ∥-∥-out! do
        module fg = Equaliser (eqs f g)
        open fg renaming (equ to j) using ()

      k  is-wi fg.apex

Then, we can calculate: as maps we have

        p =
          i               ≡⟨ introl refl 
          id  i          ≡⟨ equal {j = i  j  k} 
          (i  j  k)  i ≡⟨ pullr (pullr refl) 
          i  j  k  i   

Then, since a joint equaliser is a monomorphism, we can cancel from both sides to get

        r : j  k  i  id
        r = is-joint-equaliser→is-monic (j  k  i) id (sym p  intror refl)

Finally, if we have with then we can calculate so is an epimorphism. So, since equalises and by construction, we have

        s : is-epic j
        s g h α = intror r  extendl α  elimr r

      pure (s f g fg.equal)

    cen : Hom L y
    cen = ∥-∥-out p' ((_∘ i) <$> is-wi y)

Putting this together, we can show that, if a complete category has a small weakly initial family indexed by a set, then it has an initial object.

    :  {κ} {I : Type κ} (F : I   C )  _ :  {n}  H-Level I (2 + n) 
     is-complete κ (  κ) C
     is-weak-initial-fam F
     Initial C
  is-complete-weak-initial→initial {κ = κ} F compl wif = record { has⊥ = equal-is-initial } where
The proof is by pasting together the results above.
    open Indexed-product

    prod : Indexed-product C F
    prod = Limit→IP C (hlevel 3) F (is-complete-lower κ  κ κ compl _)

    prod-is-wi : is-weak-initial (prod .ΠF)
    prod-is-wi = is-wif→is-weak-initial F wif (prod .has-is-ip)

    equal : Joint-equaliser C {I = Hom (prod .ΠF) (prod .ΠF)} λ h  h
    equal = Limit→Joint-equaliser C _ id (is-complete-lower κ κ lzero  compl _)
    open Joint-equaliser equal using (has-is-je)

    equal-is-initial = is-weak-initial→equaliser _ prod-is-wi has-is-je λ f g 
      Limit→Equaliser C (is-complete-lower κ (  κ) lzero lzero compl _)