module Cat.Diagram.Equaliser where
module _ {o â„“} (C : Precategory o â„“) where open Cat.Reasoning C private variable A B : Ob f g h : Hom A B
The equaliser of two maps when it exists, represents the largest subobject of where and agree. In this sense, the equaliser is the categorical generalisation of a solution set: The solution set of an equation in one variable is largest subset of the domain (i.e. what the variable ranges over) where the left- and right-hand-sides agree.
record is-equaliser {E} (f g : Hom A B) (equ : Hom E A) : Type (o ⊔ ℓ) where field equal : f ∘ equ ≡ g ∘ equ universal : ∀ {F} {e' : Hom F A} (p : f ∘ e' ≡ g ∘ e') → Hom F E factors : ∀ {F} {e' : Hom F A} {p : f ∘ e' ≡ g ∘ e'} → equ ∘ universal p ≡ e' unique : ∀ {F} {e' : Hom F A} {p : f ∘ e' ≡ g ∘ e'} {other : Hom F E} → equ ∘ other ≡ e' → other ≡ universal p equal-∘ : f ∘ equ ∘ h ≡ g ∘ equ ∘ h equal-∘ {h = h} = f ∘ equ ∘ h ≡⟨ extendl equal ⟩≡ g ∘ equ ∘ h ∎ unique₂ : ∀ {F} {e' : Hom F A} {o1 o2 : Hom F E} → f ∘ e' ≡ g ∘ e' → equ ∘ o1 ≡ e' → equ ∘ o2 ≡ e' → o1 ≡ o2 unique₂ p q r = unique {p = p} q ∙ sym (unique r)
We can visualise the situation using the commutative diagram below:
There is also a convenient bundling of an equalising arrow together with its domain:
record Equaliser (f g : Hom A B) : Type (o ⊔ ℓ) where field {apex} : Ob equ : Hom apex A has-is-eq : is-equaliser f g equ open is-equaliser has-is-eq public
Equalisers are monic🔗
As a small initial application, we prove that equaliser arrows are always monic:
module _ {o â„“} {C : Precategory o â„“} where open Cat.Reasoning C private variable A B : Ob f g h : Hom A B
is-equaliser→is-monic : ∀ {E} (equ : Hom E A) → is-equaliser C f g equ → is-monic equ is-equaliser→is-monic equ equalises g h p = unique₂ (extendl equal) p refl where open is-equaliser equalises
As universal constructions, equalisers are unique up to isomorphism. The proof follows the usual pattern: if both equalise then we can construct maps between and via the universal property of equalisers, and uniqueness ensures that these maps form an isomorphism.
is-equaliser→iso : {E E' : Ob} → {e : Hom E A} {e' : Hom E' A} → is-equaliser C f g e → is-equaliser C f g e' → E ≅ E' is-equaliser→iso {e = e} {e' = e'} eq eq' = make-iso (eq' .universal (eq .equal)) (eq .universal (eq' .equal)) (unique₂ eq' (eq' .equal) (pulll (eq' .factors) ∙ eq .factors) (idr _)) (unique₂ eq (eq .equal) (pulll (eq .factors) ∙ eq' .factors) (idr _)) where open is-equaliser
Properties of equalisers🔗
The equaliser of the pair always exists, and is given by the identity map
id-is-equaliser : is-equaliser C f f id id-is-equaliser .is-equaliser.equal = refl id-is-equaliser .is-equaliser.universal {e' = e'} _ = e' id-is-equaliser .is-equaliser.factors = idl _ id-is-equaliser .is-equaliser.unique p = sym (idl _) ∙ p
If is an equaliser and an epimorphism, then is an iso.
equaliser+epi→invertible : ∀ {E} {e : Hom E A} → is-equaliser C f g e → is-epic e → is-invertible e
Suppose that equalises some pair By definition, this means that however, is an epi, so This in turn means that can be extended into a map via the universal property of and universality ensures that this extension is an isomorphism!
equaliser+epi→invertible {f = f} {g = g} {e = e} e-equaliser e-epi = make-invertible (universal {e' = id} (ap₂ _∘_ f≡g refl)) factors (unique₂ (ap₂ _∘_ f≡g refl) (pulll factors) id-comm) where open is-equaliser e-equaliser f≡g : f ≡ g f≡g = e-epi f g equal
Categories with all equalisers🔗
We also define a helper module for working with categories that have equalisers of all parallel pairs of morphisms.
has-equalisers : ∀ {o ℓ} → Precategory o ℓ → Type _ has-equalisers C = ∀ {a b} (f g : Hom a b) → Equaliser C f g where open Precategory C module Equalisers {o ℓ} (C : Precategory o ℓ) (all-equalisers : has-equalisers C) where open Cat.Reasoning C module equaliser {a b} (f g : Hom a b) = Equaliser (all-equalisers f g) Equ : ∀ {a b} (f g : Hom a b) → Ob Equ = equaliser.apex