module Cat.Displayed.Cocartesian.Discrete where

Discrete cocartesian fibrations🔗

A discrete cocartesian fibration or discrete opfibration is a displayed category that satisfies the dual lifting property of a discrete cartesian fibration. Explicitly, a displayed category is a discrete cocartesian fibration if:

  • Every type of displayed objects is a set.
  • For each left corner

there is a contractible space of objects equipped with maps

  record is-discrete-cocartesian-fibration : Type (o    o'  ℓ') where
      fibre-set :  x  is-set E.Ob[ x ]
        :  {x y} (f : B.Hom x y) (x' : E.Ob[ x ])
         is-contr (Σ[ y'  E.Ob[ y ] ] E.Hom[ f ] x' y')

We will denote the canonical lift of to as

    module _ {x y} (f : B.Hom x y) (x' : E.Ob[ x ]) where
      open Σ (cocart-lift f x' .centre) renaming (fst to _^!_ ; snd to ι!) public

Basic properties of discrete cocartesian fibrations🔗

Discrete cocartesian fibrations are formally dual to discrete cartesian fibrations, so they enjoy many of the same basic properties. Many of the proofs are functionally identical, so we will only provide brief commentary, and direct interested readers to the corresponding section in the page for discrete cartesian fibrations for details.

First, note that the type of morphisms in a discrete cocartesian fibration is always a proposition.

    Hom[]-is-prop :  {x y x' y'} {f : B.Hom x y}  is-prop (Hom[ f ] x' y')
    Hom[]-is-prop {x' = x'} {y' = y'} {f = f} f' f'' =
      Σ-inj-set (fibre-set _) $
      is-contr→is-prop (cocart-lift f x') (y' , f') (y' , f'')

Additionally, morphisms in a discrete cocartesian fibration are equivalent to proofs that

        :  {x y x' y'}
         (f : B.Hom x y)
         Hom[ f ] x' y'
         f ^! x'  y'

        :  {x y x' y'}
         (f : B.Hom x y)
         f ^! x'  y'
         Hom[ f ] x' y'

        :  {x y x' y'}
         (f : B.Hom x y)
         is-equiv (^!-hom {x' = x'} {y' = y'} f)
The proofs are formally dual to the cartesian case, so we omit the details.
      ^!-lift {x' = x'} {y' = y'} f f' =
        ap fst $ cocart-lift f x' .paths (y' , f')

      ^!-hom {x' = x'} {y' = y'} f p =
        hom[ B.idl f ] $
          subst  x'  Hom[ ] x' y') (sym p) id' ∘' ι! f x'

      ^!-hom-is-equiv f =
        is-iso→is-equiv $
        iso (^!-lift f)
           _  Hom[]-is-prop _ _)
           _  fibre-set _ _ _ _ _)

Functoriality of lifts🔗

The (necessarily unique) choice of lifts in a discrete cocartesian fibration are functorial. Unlike the cartesian case, discrete cartesian fibrations are covariantly functorial; this asymmetry is an artifact of duality.

      :  {x} (x' : Ob[ x ]) ^! x'  x'
    ^!-id x' = ^!-lift id'

      :  {x y z}
       (f : B.Hom y z) (g : B.Hom x y) (x' : Ob[ x ])
       (f B.∘ g) ^! x'  f ^! (g ^! x')
    ^!-∘ f g x' = ^!-lift (f B.∘ g) (ι! f (g ^! x') ∘' ι! g x')

Invertible maps in discrete cocartesian fibrations🔗

Let be an invertible morphism of If is a discrete cocartesian fibration, then every morphism displayed over is also invertible.

      :  {x y x' y'} {f : B.Hom x y}
       (f' : Hom[ f ] x' y')
       (f⁻¹ : f)
       is-invertible[ f⁻¹ ] f'
The proof is essentially identical to the cartesian case, so we omit the details.
    all-invertible[] {x' = x'} {y' = y'} {f = f} f' f⁻¹ = f'⁻¹ where
      module f⁻¹ = f⁻¹
      open is-invertible[_]

      f'⁻¹ : is-invertible[ f⁻¹ ] f'
      f'⁻¹ .inv' =
        ^!-hom f⁻¹.inv $
          f⁻¹.inv ^! y'         ≡˘⟨ ap (f⁻¹.inv ^!_) (^!-lift f f') ≡˘
          f⁻¹.inv ^! (f ^! x')  ≡˘⟨ ^!-∘ f⁻¹.inv f x' ≡˘
          (f⁻¹.inv B.∘ f) ^! x' ≡⟨ ap (_^! x') f⁻¹.invr 
 ^! x'            ≡⟨ ^!-id x' 
      f'⁻¹ .inverses' .Inverses[_].invl' =
        is-prop→pathp  _  Hom[]-is-prop) _ _
      f'⁻¹ .inverses' .Inverses[_].invr' =
        is-prop→pathp  _  Hom[]-is-prop) _ _

As an easy corollary, we get that all vertical maps in a discrete fibration are invertible.

      :  {x x' y'}
       (f' : Hom[ {x} ] x' y')
       is-invertible↓ f'
    all-invertible↓ f' = all-invertible[] f'

Cocartesian maps in discrete cocartesian fibrations🔗

As the name suggests, every morphism in a discrete cocartesian fibration is cocartesian. Note that as every hom set in a discrete cocartesian fibration is propositional, so we just need to establish the existence portion of the universal property.

      :  {x y x' y'} {f : B.Hom x y}
       (f' : Hom[ f ] x' y')
       is-cocartesian E f f'
    all-cocartesian f' .commutes _ _ = Hom[]-is-prop _ _
    all-cocartesian f' .unique _ _ = Hom[]-is-prop _ _
The argument is almost identical to the proof that all morphisms in discrete cartesian fibrations are cartesian, so we suppress the details.
    all-cocartesian {x' = x'} {y' = y'} {f = f} f' .universal {u' = u'} g h' =
      ^!-hom g $
        g ^! y'         ≡˘⟨ ap (g ^!_) (^!-lift f f') ≡˘
        g ^! (f ^! x')  ≡˘⟨ ^!-∘ g f x' ≡˘
        (g B.∘ f) ^! x' ≡⟨ ^!-lift (g B.∘ f) h' 

Discrete cocartesian fibrations are cocartesian🔗

To prove that discrete cocartesian fibrations deserve the name fibration, we prove that any discrete fibration is a cocartesian fibration. Luckily, we already have all the pieces at hand: every morphism in is cocartesian, so all we need to is to exhibit a lift, and by our assumption, all such lifts exist!

    : is-discrete-cocartesian-fibration
     Cocartesian-fibration E
  discrete→cocartesian dfib = cocart-fib where
    open is-discrete-cocartesian-fibration dfib

    cocart-fib : Cocartesian-fibration E
    cocart-fib f x' .y' = f ^! x'
    cocart-fib f x' .lifting = ι! f x'
    cocart-fib f x' .cocartesian = all-cocartesian (ι! f x')