module Cat.Diagram.Coend.Formula {o ℓ o' ℓ'} {C : Precategory o ℓ} {D : Precategory o' ℓ'} where
Computing coends🔗
Using the twisted arrow category as a mediating notion, we show how to compute coends as ordinary colimits. The calculation is actually a bit more straightforward than it might seem at first. The first thing we note is that any functor generates a functor from the twisted arrow category of
This is the fundamental part of our theorem: The twisted arrow category, in a sense, “classifies cowedges”, in that cocones under (the composite above) are the same thing as cowedges from The proof is entirely shuffling some data around, but the commutativity/extranaturality conditions need to be massaged a bit. Check it out, it’s not too long:
module _ (F : Functor (C ^op ×ᶜ C) D) where private module C = Cat C module D = Cat D module F = F-r F open _=>_ open Twist open Bifunctor cocone→cowedge : ∀ {x} → twistᵒᵖ F => Const x → Cowedge F cocone→cowedge eta .nadir = _ cocone→cowedge eta .ψ c = eta .η ((c , c) , cocone→cowedge eta .extranatural f = eta .is-natural _ _ (twist _ _ (C.eliml (C.idl _))) ∙ (sym $ eta .is-natural _ _ (twist _ _ (C.cancelr (C.idl _)))) cowedge→cocone : (W : Cowedge F) → twistᵒᵖ F => Const (W .nadir) cowedge→cocone W .η ((c , c') , f) = W .ψ c D.∘ second F f cowedge→cocone W .is-natural ((a , b) , f) ((x , y) , g) h = (W .ψ x D.∘ F.F₁ ( , g)) D.∘ F.F₁ (_ , _) ≡⟨ W .extranatural g D.⟩∘⟨refl ⟩≡ (W .ψ y D.∘ F.F₁ (g , D.∘ F.F₁ (h .before , h .after) ≡⟨ D.pullr (F.weave (C.introl refl ,ₚ refl)) ⟩≡ W .ψ y D.∘ ((F.F₁ (h .before C.∘ g , D.∘ F.F₁ ( , h .after)) ≡⟨ D.extendl (sym (W .extranatural _)) ⟩≡ (W .ψ a D.∘ (F.F₁ ( , h .before C.∘ g) D.∘ F.F₁ ( , h .after))) ≡⟨ D.refl⟩∘⟨ sym (Bifunctor.second∘second F) ∙ ap (Bifunctor.second F) (h .commutes) ⟩≡ W .ψ a D.∘ F.F₁ ( , f) ≡⟨ sym (D.idl _) ⟩≡ D.∘ W .ψ a D.∘ F.F₁ ( , f) ∎
We can now extend that correspondence to calculating coends as certain colimits: has a coend for if it has a colimit for
colimit→coend : Colimit (twistᵒᵖ F) → Coend F colimit→coend colim = coend where open Coend module W = Colimit colim coend : Coend F coend .cowedge = cocone→cowedge W.cocone coend .factor W' = W.universal (cowedge→cocone W' .η) (λ f → cowedge→cocone W' .is-natural _ _ f ∙ D.idl _) coend .commutes {W = W'} = W.factors _ _ ∙ D.elimr (Bifunctor.second-id F) coend .unique {W = W'} comm = W.unique _ _ _ $ λ j → sym $ W' .extranatural _ ·· D.pushl (sym comm) ·· (D.refl⟩∘⟨ (W.commutes (twist _ _ (C.cancelr (C.idl _))))) cocomplete→coend : is-cocomplete (o ⊔ ℓ) ℓ D → Coend F cocomplete→coend colim = colimit→coend (colim _) module cocomplete→∫ (cocomp : is-cocomplete (o ⊔ ℓ) ℓ D) where open Coend (cocomplete→coend cocomp) public