module 1Lab.Reflection.Deriving.Show where

open import 1Lab.Reflection.Signature
open import 1Lab.Reflection
open import 1Lab.Type

open import Data.Reflection.Term
open import Data.String.Show
open import Data.String.Base
open import Data.Char.Base
open import Data.Fin.Base
open import Data.Vec.Base hiding (map)
open import Data.Nat.Base

open import Meta.Foldable
open import Meta.Append

-- Deriving of Show instances.

  -- Parts of a mixfix name.
  data Name-part : Type where
    -- An underscore.
    hole : Precedence  Name-part

    -- An identifier part.
    name : String      Name-part


  -- Parse a name to a list of its parts.
  name→parts : String  List Name-part
  name→parts = go  string→list where
    not-under : Char  Bool
    not-under '_' = false
    not-under _   = true

    go : List Char  List Name-part
    go []         = []
    go ('_'  cs) = hole unrelated  go cs
    go (c    cs) =
      let (p , r) = span not-under (c  cs)
       in name (list→string p)  go r

  -- Intermediate representation for the values to be concatenated when
  -- generating a clause for the Show instance.
  data Shown : Type where
    lits : String  Shown
    term : Term    Shown

  -- Cons a 'lits' onto the list, but reduce adjacent 'lits'.
  cons-lits : String  List Shown  List Shown
  cons-lits x []            = lits x  []
  cons-lits x (lits y  xs) = cons-lits (x <> y) xs
  cons-lits x (term t  xs) = lits x  term t  xs

  -- Reduce any adjacent 'lits' the given list.
  reduce-shown : List Shown  List Shown
  reduce-shown (lits x  xs) = cons-lits x (reduce-shown xs)
  reduce-shown (term t  xs) = term t  reduce-shown xs
  reduce-shown []            = []

  quote-prec : Precedence  Term
  quote-prec (related x) = it related ##ₙ lit (float x)
  quote-prec unrelated   = it unrelated

  -- Given a list of name parts, and a list of terms standing for the
  -- arguments to that name, return a list of 'Shown' values in which
  -- the arguments are properly interspersed the parts of the name.
  zip-shown : List Name-part  List Term  List Shown
  zip-shown (hole p  ps) (t  ts) =
    let t = itₙ shows-prec (quote-prec p) t
     in term t  zip-shown ps ts
  zip-shown (hole p  ps) [] = []
  zip-shown (name n  ps) ts = cons-lits n (zip-shown ps ts)
  zip-shown []            ts = []

  -- Given the precedence to be used for the context and for the
  -- arguments of the constructor under consideration, propagate the
  -- context's precedence to the hole which corresponds to the direction
  -- of associativity.
  -- This ensures that e.g. `show (1 , 2 , 3)` will be `(1 , 2 , 3)`,
  -- rather than `(1 , (2 , 3))`, since the second argument of `_,_`
  -- will be rendered with the same precedence as the overall
  -- expression.
  assoc-name-parts : Associativity  Precedence  Precedence  List Name-part  List Name-part
  assoc-name-parts left-assoc thisp argp (hole _  p  hole _  []) =
    hole thisp  p  hole argp  []
  assoc-name-parts right-assoc thisp argp (hole _  p  hole _  []) =
    hole argp  p  hole thisp  []
  assoc-name-parts a thisp argp ps = ps

  -- Convert a list of 'Shown' values to the Term standing for their
  -- concatenation.
  from-shown-list : List Shown  Term
  from-shown-list []                = it mempty
  from-shown-list (lits x  [])     = itₙ from-string (lit (string x))
  from-shown-list (term x  [])     = x
  from-shown-list (lits x  y  xs) = itₙ _<>_
    (itₙ from-string (lit (string x)))
    (from-shown-list (y  xs))
  from-shown-list (term x  y  xs) = itₙ _<>_ x (from-shown-list (y  xs))

  -- Create the clause of shows-prec for a constructor.
  show-clause : Constructor  TC Clause
  show-clause (conhead conm _ args _) = do
      -- We'll only show the visible arguments to the constructor.
      -- Moreover, since Agda can infer the types in the telescope
      -- better than we can specify them here, we replace everything
      -- with `unknown`.
      tele = map  (s , arg i t)  s , arg i unknown) $
        filter  { (_ , arg (arginfo visible _) _)  true
                  ; _  false
      ixs  = reverse (map-up  i _  i) 0 tele)

    -- The constructor should be rendered as a concrete name in scope,
    -- rather than a fully-qualified name.
    con-str  render-name conm

    thisa , thisp , argp  case name→fixity conm of λ where
      (fixity a p)  pure (a , p , suc-precedence p)

      shown₀ = map (itₙ shows-prec (it unrelated)  var₀) ixs
      parts  = assoc-name-parts thisa thisp argp (name→parts con-str)

      holes  = length (filter  { (hole _)  true ; _  false }) parts)

      -- The strategy for the generated clause is as follows: if we have
      -- a mixfix name with as many holes as the constructor has visible
      -- arguments, then we'll show the constructor infix, using
      -- `zip-shown` above. Otherwise, we'll display it prefix.

      shown =
        ifᵈ holes ≡? length shown₀
          then zip-shown parts (var₀ <$> ixs)
          else cons-lits con-str (map term shown₀)

      inner = from-shown-list (reduce-shown (intercalate (lits " ") shown))

      -- But that's not the complete clause: we must also wrap the shown
      -- value in parentheses, according to the precedence of the
      -- context, *unless* the constructor is nullary. Parentheses are
      -- shown if the precedence of the context is greater than the
      -- precedence of the constructor name, as returned by name→fixity.

      guard = itₙ prec-parens (var₀ (length tele)) (quote-prec thisp)

      tm = case shown₀ of λ where
        []  itₙ from-string (lit (string con-str))
        _   itₙ show-parens guard inner

    pure $
      clause (("prec" , argN (it Precedence))  tele)
        [ argN (var (length tele))
        , argN (con conm (map (argN  var) ixs))

-- Derives an instance of 'Show' for a datatype or record. This function
-- works whether or not the instance has previously been defined.

derive-show : Name  Name  TC 
derive-show nm dat = do
  is-defined nm >>= λ where
    false  declare (argI nm) =<< instance-type (it Show ##_) dat
    true   pure tt

  cons  get-type-constructors dat
  (tel , as)  instance-telescope (it Show ##_) dat
  let ty = unpi-view tel $ itₙ Fun (it Precedence) (itₙ Fun (def dat as) (it ShowS))
  work  helper-function nm "go" ty []

  define-function nm $
    [ clause [] [] (`constructor Show
      ##ₙ def₀ work
      ##ₙ lam visible (abs "x"
        (itₙ ShowS.unshowS
          (def₀ work ##ₙ quote-prec (related 0) ##ₙ var₀ 0)
          (lit (string "")))))

  define-function work =<< traverse show-clause cons

-- Other than the types which have primitive Show instances, these are
-- all the types in scope for which we can derive them:
  unquoteDecl Show-Σ     = derive-show Show-Σ     (quote Σ)
  unquoteDecl Show-List  = derive-show Show-List  (quote List)
  unquoteDecl Show-Maybe = derive-show Show-Maybe (quote Maybe)
  unquoteDecl Show-Vec   = derive-show Show-Vec   (quote Vec)
  unquoteDecl Show-Fin   = derive-show Show-Fin   (quote Fin)

  unquoteDecl Show-Literal    = derive-show Show-Literal    (quote Literal)
  unquoteDecl Show-Visibility = derive-show Show-Visibility (quote Visibility)
  unquoteDecl Show-Relevance  = derive-show Show-Relevance  (quote Relevance)
  unquoteDecl Show-Quantity   = derive-show Show-Quantity   (quote Quantity)
  unquoteDecl Show-Modality   = derive-show Show-Modality   (quote Modality)
  unquoteDecl Show-ArgInfo    = derive-show Show-ArgInfo    (quote ArgInfo)
  unquoteDecl Show-Abs        = derive-show Show-Abs        (quote Abs)
  unquoteDecl Show-Arg        = derive-show Show-Arg        (quote Arg)

  Show-Clause  : Show Clause
  Show-Pattern : Show Pattern
  Show-Sort    : Show Sort
  Show-Term    : Show Term

  unquoteDef Show-Clause  = derive-show Show-Clause (quote Clause)
  unquoteDef Show-Pattern = derive-show Show-Pattern (quote Pattern)
  unquoteDef Show-Sort    = derive-show Show-Sort (quote Sort)
  unquoteDef Show-Term    = derive-show Show-Term (quote Term)