module 1Lab.Reflection.Deriving.Show where
open import 1Lab.Reflection.Signature
open import 1Lab.Reflection
open import 1Lab.Type
open import Data.Reflection.Term
open import Data.String.Show
open import Data.String.Base
open import Data.Char.Base
open import Data.Fin.Base
open import Data.Vec.Base hiding (map)
open import Data.Nat.Base
open import Data.Int.Base using (Int ; pos ; negsuc)
open import Meta.Foldable
open import Meta.Append
data Name-part : Type where
hole : Precedence → Name-part
name : String → Name-part
name→parts : String → List Name-part
name→parts = go ∘ string→list where
not-under : Char → Bool
not-under '_' = false
not-under _ = true
go : List Char → List Name-part
go [] = []
go ('_' ∷ cs) = hole unrelated ∷ go cs
go (c ∷ cs) =
let (p , r) = span not-under (c ∷ cs)
in name (list→string p) ∷ go r
data Shown : Type where
lits : String → Shown
term : Term → Shown
cons-lits : String → List Shown → List Shown
cons-lits x [] = lits x ∷ []
cons-lits x (lits y ∷ xs) = cons-lits (x <> y) xs
cons-lits x (term t ∷ xs) = lits x ∷ term t ∷ xs
reduce-shown : List Shown → List Shown
reduce-shown (lits x ∷ xs) = cons-lits x (reduce-shown xs)
reduce-shown (term t ∷ xs) = term t ∷ reduce-shown xs
reduce-shown [] = []
quote-prec : Precedence → Term
quote-prec (related x) = it related ##ₙ lit (float x)
quote-prec unrelated = it unrelated
zip-shown : List Name-part → List Term → List Shown
zip-shown (hole p ∷ ps) (t ∷ ts) =
let t = itₙ shows-prec (quote-prec p) t
in term t ∷ zip-shown ps ts
zip-shown (hole p ∷ ps) [] = []
zip-shown (name n ∷ ps) ts = cons-lits n (zip-shown ps ts)
zip-shown [] ts = []
assoc-name-parts : Associativity → Precedence → Precedence → List Name-part → List Name-part
assoc-name-parts left-assoc thisp argp (hole _ ∷ p ∷ hole _ ∷ []) =
hole thisp ∷ p ∷ hole argp ∷ []
assoc-name-parts right-assoc thisp argp (hole _ ∷ p ∷ hole _ ∷ []) =
hole argp ∷ p ∷ hole thisp ∷ []
assoc-name-parts a thisp argp ps = ps
from-shown-list : List Shown → Term
from-shown-list [] = it mempty
from-shown-list (lits x ∷ []) = itₙ from-string (lit (string x))
from-shown-list (term x ∷ []) = x
from-shown-list (lits x ∷ y ∷ xs) = itₙ _<>_
(itₙ from-string (lit (string x)))
(from-shown-list (y ∷ xs))
from-shown-list (term x ∷ y ∷ xs) = itₙ _<>_ x (from-shown-list (y ∷ xs))
show-clause : Constructor → TC Clause
show-clause (conhead conm _ args _) = do
tele = map (λ (s , arg i t) → s , arg i unknown) $
filter (λ { (_ , arg (arginfo visible _) _) → true
; _ → false
ixs = reverse (map-up (λ i _ → i) 0 tele)
con-str ← render-name conm
thisa , thisp , argp ← case name→fixity conm of λ where
(fixity a p) → pure (a , p , suc-precedence p)
shown₀ = map (itₙ shows-prec (it unrelated) ∘ var₀) ixs
parts = assoc-name-parts thisa thisp argp (name→parts con-str)
holes = length (filter (λ { (hole _) → true ; _ → false }) parts)
shown =
ifᵈ holes ≡? length shown₀
then zip-shown parts (var₀ <$> ixs)
else cons-lits con-str (map term shown₀)
inner = from-shown-list (reduce-shown (intercalate (lits " ") shown))
guard = itₙ prec-parens (var₀ (length tele)) (quote-prec thisp)
tm = case shown₀ of λ where
[] → itₙ from-string (lit (string con-str))
_ → itₙ show-parens guard inner
pure $
clause (("prec" , argN (it Precedence)) ∷ tele)
[ argN (var (length tele))
, argN (con conm (map (argN ∘ var) ixs))
derive-show : Name → Name → TC ⊤
derive-show nm dat = do
is-defined nm >>= λ where
false → declare (argI nm) =<< instance-type (it Show ##_) dat
true → pure tt
cons ← get-type-constructors dat
(tel , as) ← instance-telescope (it Show ##_) dat
let ty = unpi-view tel $ itₙ Fun (it Precedence) (itₙ Fun (def dat as) (it ShowS))
work ← helper-function nm "go" ty []
define-function nm $
[ clause [] [] (`constructor Show
##ₙ def₀ work
##ₙ lam visible (abs "x"
(itₙ ShowS.unshowS
(def₀ work ##ₙ quote-prec (related 0) ##ₙ var₀ 0)
(lit (string "")))))
define-function work =<< traverse show-clause cons
unquoteDecl Show-Σ = derive-show Show-Σ (quote Σ)
unquoteDecl Show-List = derive-show Show-List (quote List)
unquoteDecl Show-Maybe = derive-show Show-Maybe (quote Maybe)
unquoteDecl Show-Vec = derive-show Show-Vec (quote Vec)
unquoteDecl Show-Fin = derive-show Show-Fin (quote Fin)
unquoteDecl Show-Literal = derive-show Show-Literal (quote Literal)
unquoteDecl Show-Visibility = derive-show Show-Visibility (quote Visibility)
unquoteDecl Show-Relevance = derive-show Show-Relevance (quote Relevance)
unquoteDecl Show-Quantity = derive-show Show-Quantity (quote Quantity)
unquoteDecl Show-Modality = derive-show Show-Modality (quote Modality)
unquoteDecl Show-ArgInfo = derive-show Show-ArgInfo (quote ArgInfo)
unquoteDecl Show-Abs = derive-show Show-Abs (quote Abs)
unquoteDecl Show-Arg = derive-show Show-Arg (quote Arg)
Show-Clause : Show Clause
Show-Pattern : Show Pattern
Show-Sort : Show Sort
Show-Term : Show Term
unquoteDef Show-Clause = derive-show Show-Clause (quote Clause)
unquoteDef Show-Pattern = derive-show Show-Pattern (quote Pattern)
unquoteDef Show-Sort = derive-show Show-Sort (quote Sort)
unquoteDef Show-Term = derive-show Show-Term (quote Term)