open import 1Lab.Reflection.Subst
open import 1Lab.Reflection
open import 1Lab.Path
open import 1Lab.Type

open import Data.String.Show

open import Meta.Foldable
open import Meta.Append

module 1Lab.Reflection.Signature where

-- Look up a data type definition in the signature.
get-data-type : Name  TC (Nat × List Name)
get-data-type n = get-definition n >>= λ where
  (data-type pars cs)  pure (pars , cs)
  _  typeError [ "get-data-type: definition " , nameErr n , " is not a data type." ]

-- Look up a record type definition in the signature.
get-record-type : Name  TC (Name × List (Arg Name))
get-record-type n = get-definition n >>= λ where
  (record-type conm fields)  pure (conm , fields)
  _  typeError [ "get-record-type: definition " , nameErr n , " is not a record type." ]

-- Look up a constructor's quantity in the signature.
get-con-quantity : Name  TC Quantity
get-con-quantity n = get-definition n >>= λ where
  (data-cons _ q)  pure q
  _  typeError [ "get-con-erasure: definition " , nameErr n , " is not a constructor." ]

-- Representation of a data/record constructor.
record Constructor : Type where
  constructor conhead
    -- Name of the constructor itself:
    con-name      : Name

    -- Name of the data type:
    con-data      : Name

    -- Quantity of the constructor.
    con-quantity  : Quantity

    -- Argument telescope for the constructor, with the datatype's
    -- parameters removed.
    con-arguments : Telescope

    -- Return type of the constructor.
    con-returns   : Term

  -- For the scoping of con-arguments and con-returns, we have
  --    data D Δ : Type ... where
  --      c : Γ → D δ
  --    becoming
  --      c : ∀ {Δ} → Γ → D δ
  --    in the signature. con-arguments is Δ ⊢ Γ, and con-returns is Δ, Γ ⊢ D δ.

get-type-constructors : Name  TC (List Constructor)
get-type-constructors n = datatype <|> recordtype where
  datatype = do
    (npars , cons)  get-data-type n
    for cons λ qn  do
      q  get-con-quantity qn
      (args , ty)  pi-view <$> get-type qn
      pure (conhead qn n q (drop npars args) ty)

  recordtype = do
    (c  , _)     get-record-type n
    (np , _)     pi-view <$> get-type n
    (args , ty)  pi-view <$> get-type c
    pure ((conhead c n quantity-ω (drop (length np) args) ty)  [])

-- Look up a constructor in the signature.
get-constructor : Name  TC Constructor
get-constructor n = get-definition n >>= λ where
  (data-cons t q)  do
    (npars , cons)  get-data-type t
    (args , ty)     pi-view <$> get-type n
    pure (conhead n t q (drop npars args) ty)
  _  typeError [ "get-constructor: " , nameErr n , " is not a data constructor." ]

-- If a term reduces to an application of a record type, return
-- information about that record.
get-record : Term  TC (Name × List (Arg Name))
get-record tm = reduce tm >>= λ where
  (def qn _)  get-record-type qn
  _           typeError [ "get-record: " , termErr tm , " is not a record type." ]

-- Get the argument telescope of something in the signature. NOTE: If
-- the Name refers to a Constructor, the returned telescope *will*
-- include the data/record parameters!
get-argument-tele : Name  TC Telescope
get-argument-tele qn = get-type qn <&> fst  pi-view

record Has-constr {} (A : Type ) : Type  where
  field from-constr : Name  A

record Has-def {} (A : Type ) : Type  where
  field from-def : Name  A

  Has-constr-Pattern : Has-constr Pattern
  Has-constr-Pattern = record { from-constr = con₀ }

  Has-constr-Term : Has-constr Term
  Has-constr-Term = record { from-constr = con₀ }

  Has-def-Term : Has-def Term
  Has-def-Term = record { from-def = def₀ }

  Has-constr-Name : Has-constr Name
  Has-constr-Name = record { from-constr = id }

  Has-def-Name : Has-def Name
  Has-def-Name = record { from-def = id }

  it-worker : Name  TC Term
  it-worker n = get-definition n <&> λ where
    (data-cons _ _) 
      def₀ (quote Has-constr.from-constr) ##ₙ def₀ (quote auto) ##ₙ lit (name n)
      def₀ (quote Has-def.from-def) ##ₙ def₀ (quote auto) ##ₙ lit (name n)

  -- Macro which turns a Name into its quoted Term/Pattern
  -- representation.
  -- If the Name refers to a constructor, it's wrapped in con₀,
  -- otherwise, it's wrapped in def₀.
  -- Since `it` is a macro, you can use this as `it Foo` rather than
  -- `def₀ (quote Foo)`.
  it : Name  Term  TC 
  it n g = unify g =<< it-worker n

_ : Path Term (it Σ) (def (quote Σ) [])
_ = refl

  -- Macro which turns a *record name* into the quoted representation of
  -- its *constructor*, e.g. `constructor Σ` is `con₀ (quote _,_)`.
  `constructor : Name  Term  TC 
  `constructor n g = do
    (c , _)  get-record-type n
    unify g (it Has-constr.from-constr ##ₙ def₀ (quote auto) ##ₙ lit (name c))

_ : Path Term (`constructor Σ) (con₀ (quote _,_))
_ = refl

  -- Like 'it', but the quoted representation is additionally wrapped in
  -- enough lambdas to apply the given definition to all of its visible
  -- arguments.
  itₙ : Name  Term  TC 
  itₙ n g = do
    tm    it-worker n
    args  get-argument-tele n
      args = filter  { (_ , arg (arginfo visible _) _)  true ; _  false }) args

      tm = def (quote applyⁿᵉ) (argN tm  argN (list-term (reverse (map-up  i _  it argN ##ₙ var₀ i) 0 args)))  [])
      tm = foldr  _ y  lam visible (abs "_" y)) tm args

      ty = foldr  _ y  def (quote Fun) (argN (it Term)  argN y  [])) (it Term) args

    check-type g ty
    unify g tm

_ : Path (Term  Term  Term) (itₙ Σ)  x y  def (quote Σ) (argN x  argN y  []))
_ = refl

-- Check whether a name is defined.
is-defined : Name  TC Bool
is-defined nm = (true <$ get-type nm) <|> pure false

-- Render a defined name as it would appear in the current scope.
-- This will be the "least qualified" possible concrete representation
-- for the given name, if one is available.
-- If the name is not defined, return the shown representation, which is
-- fully qualified.
render-name : Name  TC String
render-name def-nm = do
  d  is-defined def-nm
    fancy = get-definition def-nm >>= λ where
      (data-cons _ _)  formatErrorParts [ termErr (con₀ def-nm) ]
      _                formatErrorParts [ termErr (def₀ def-nm) ]
    plain = show def-nm
  if d then fancy else pure plain

-- Generate a fresh name for a "helper function" to the given
-- definition.
-- Example: `helper-function-name (quote f) "foo"` will be `quote
-- f·foo`.
helper-function-name : Name  String  TC Name
helper-function-name def-nm suf = do
  t  render-name def-nm
  freshName $ t <> "·" <> suf

-- Declare and optionally define a helper function for the given
-- definition; returns the generated name.
-- The helper is always defined with default visibility.
-- If the list of clauses is empty, the function will not be declared,
-- so it can be filled in later. This supports generating
-- mutually-recursive helpers.
helper-function : Name  String  Term  List Clause  TC Name
helper-function def-nm suf ty cls = do
  nm  helper-function-name def-nm suf
  declare (argN nm) ty
  case cls of λ where
    []  pure tt
    _   define-function nm cls
  pure nm

-- Given a well-typed `val : ty`, return a definitionally-equal atomic
-- term equal to `val`, potentially by lifting it into the signature.
-- See 'helper-function' for the naming scheme.
define-abbrev : Name  String  Term  Term  TC Term
define-abbrev def-nm suf ty val with is-atomic-tree? val
... | true  = pure val
... | false = do
  let (tel , _) = pi-impl-view ty
  nm  helper-function def-nm suf ty
    [ clause tel (tel→pats 0 tel) (apply-tm* val (tel→args 0 tel)) ]
  pure (def₀ nm)

  make-args : Nat  List (Arg Nat)  List (Arg Term)
  make-args n xs = reverse $ map  (arg ai i)  arg ai (var (n - i - 1) [])) xs

  class-for-param : (Arg Term  Term)  Nat  List (Arg Nat)  Term  Maybe Term
  class-for-param class n xs (agda-sort _) =
    just (class (argN (var n (make-args n xs))))
  class-for-param class n xs (pi a (abs s b)) =
    pi (argH (Arg.unarg a))  abs s <$>
      class-for-param class (suc n) (arg (Arg.arg-info a) n  xs) b
  class-for-param _ _ _ _ = nothing

  compute-telescope : (Arg Term  Term)  Nat  List (Arg Nat)  Telescope  Telescope  Telescope × List (Arg Term)
  compute-telescope d n xs is [] = reverse is , make-args (n + length is) xs
  compute-telescope d n xs is ((x , a)  tel) =
      narg = arg (Arg.arg-info a) n
      is'  = map  (s , arg ai t)  s , arg ai (raise 1 t)) is

      (tele , args) = case class-for-param d 0 [] (raise 1 (Arg.unarg a)) of λ where
        (just i)  compute-telescope d (1 + n) (narg  xs) ((x , argI (raise (length is) i))  is') tel
        nothing   compute-telescope d (1 + n) (narg  xs) is' tel
    in ((x , argH (Arg.unarg a))  tele) , args

-- Given the name of a "class", and the name of a "data type", compute
-- the telescope, and arguments *of the data type*, for a "derived
-- instance" of that class. This is best demonstrated by example:
--   instance-telescope (quote Show) (quote Vec) =
--     ( {ℓ : Level} {A : Type ℓ} ⦃ _ : Show A ⦄ {n : Nat}
--     , [ ℓ , A , n ]
--     )
-- That is, all the parameters of the data type are bound invisibly, and
-- parameters that (end in) a type additionally have corresponding
-- instances of the class available.
instance-telescope : (Arg Term  Term)  Name  TC (Telescope × List (Arg Term))
instance-telescope class dat = do
  (tele , _)  pi-view <$> get-type dat
  pure (compute-telescope class 0 [] [] tele)

-- Like `instance-telescope`, but instead return the complete pi-type of
-- the derived instance.
instance-type : (Arg Term  Term)  Name  TC Term
instance-type class dat = do
  (tel , vs)  instance-telescope class dat
  pure $ unpi-view tel $ class (argN (def dat vs))