module Order.Lattice.Distributive {o } {P : Poset o } (l : is-lattice P) where

Distributive lattices🔗

A distributive lattice, as the name implies, is a lattice where the operations of meet and join distribute over each other: that is, for any triple of elements

Rather remarkably, it turns out that either equation implies the other. We provide a pair of parametrised modules which quantifies over one of the equations and proves the other. For convenience, these modules also define distributivity on the right, too; this is a consequence of both meets and joins being commutative operators.

  module from-∩ (∩-distribl :  {x y z}  x  (y  z)  (x  y)  (x  z)) where abstract
    ∩-distribr :  {x y z}  (y  z)  x  (y  x)  (z  x)
    ∩-distribr = ∩-comm ·· ∩-distribl ·· ap₂ _∪_ ∩-comm ∩-comm

    ∪-distribl :  {x y z}  x  (y  z)  (x  y)  (x  z)
    ∪-distribl {x} {y} {z} = sym $
      (x  y)  (x  z)             ≡⟨ ∩-distribl 
      ((x  y)  x)  ((x  y)  z) ≡⟨ ap₂ _∪_ ∩-absorbr refl 
      x  ((x  y)  z)             ≡⟨ ap₂ _∪_ refl ∩-distribr 
      x  (x  z  y  z)           ≡⟨ ∪-assoc 
      (x  x  z)  (y  z)         ≡⟨ ap₂ _∪_ ∪-absorbl refl 
      x  (y  z)                   

    ∪-distribr :  {x y z}  (y  z)  x  (y  x)  (z  x)
    ∪-distribr = ∪-comm ·· ∪-distribl ·· ap₂ _∩_ ∪-comm ∪-comm
The construction assuming that join distributes over meet is formally dual.
  module from-∪ (∪-distribl :  {x y z}  x  (y  z)  (x  y)  (x  z)) where abstract
    ∪-distribr :  {x y z}  (y  z)  x  (y  x)  (z  x)
    ∪-distribr = ∪-comm ·· ∪-distribl ·· ap₂ _∩_ ∪-comm ∪-comm

    ∩-distribl :  {x y z}  x  (y  z)  (x  y)  (x  z)
    ∩-distribl {x} {y} {z} = sym $
      (x  y)  (x  z)             ≡⟨ ∪-distribl 
      ((x  y)  x)  ((x  y)  z) ≡⟨ ap₂ _∩_ ∪-absorbr refl 
      x  ((x  y)  z)             ≡⟨ ap₂ _∩_ refl ∪-distribr 
      x  (x  z)  (y  z)         ≡⟨ ∩-assoc 
      (x  (x  z))  (y  z)       ≡⟨ ap₂ _∩_ ∩-absorbl refl 
      x  (y  z)                   

    ∩-distribr :  {x y z}  (y  z)  x  (y  x)  (z  x)
    ∩-distribr = ∩-comm ·· ∩-distribl ·· ap₂ _∪_ ∩-comm ∩-comm

As a further weakening of the preconditions, it turns out that it suffices for distributivity to hold as an inequality, in the direction

since the other direction always holds in a lattice.

  : (∀ {x y z}  x  (y  z)  (x  y)  (x  z))
    {x y z}  x  (y  z)  (x  y)  (x  z)
distrib-le→∩-distribl ∩-∪-distrib≤ = ≤-antisym ∩-∪-distrib≤ ∪-∩-distribl-≤